urday August 9, 1924. THE DATT.Y NEWS PAGE FIVE L. ft . AfauW Swrfp with u lirnom Uumi li a iiai'wi swooper. Hip floor Umks tui-lly clcitii. mivv use up"i 't ,ft llonvoi Suction Sweeper ami it will L quickly tliMUoiistralpd Ut Lur )ionkcp)iii(,' inlclli- j.,.iice 'dial flioroiifch clean- lines ami s.iniiiiunn can I . 1 X... 1 ... I Illliy I".' M-l'H I ' ll "i IIHMJfJIl nn'lliO'Jst. Such a labor saver. Ion, , Let Us demons I rale one in Lour lionic. SoM ns low as p:,7& per liVmlli. aien Hardware Co. The';lYnrirl? Andy Slore. 808 3rd I'houo 3 Hardware, and Sporting Goods Wolcprcof ffasicry Pure Silk. bcHer Hose at the old luce $1.85 per pair. penis LS.Wa!laceCo.Ltd third Ave. & Fulton Street. resh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. frompt Farly Morning De livery. rALENTIN'S Dairy hone 657. McBrlde Street. I uhsnrjh for the Dally Naw ri o't ice. L I llir.liEAa milder tli provision of the III' Art. lh:i,lcr 715 Statutes ISM. iru.illy uu timber to lie collected lit '': It ! f businesses of service to I be fleet ,are getting all Ihe work they can handle. The machine shops report business heller (ban last jyear and they are making Ihe jhesl of it in anticipation of quiet winter conditions that us- ually prevail. While halibut t boat s will be tied up for three months after Xovember 15 and loftiness will be practically suspended al (he fish houses, it is expected dial Ihe halibut boal owners' will Inke the opportunity of giving their vessels .complete overhauling. The close season should make Utile difference lo general business conditions in the city. Jlesides actually pulling into etTecl Ihe long desired move for Ihe conservation of Ihe fisheries, the moral effect on the families of the fisher folk in having their nlen home safe and sound instead of laboring on the deep al the most dangerous period of. Ihe year will mean a great deal. Auainsl die period when operations will perforce he suspended, Ihe intrepid toilers of Ihe sea are working with increased! energy now and, .by Ihe lime November 15 arrives, die exche- quers will in most cases, he comfortably lined. The salmon fish, ermen also seem tn be doing well and belter catches are more Until making up for Ihe lower prices being paid for sockeye. II is expected that more trappers than ever will ba oul this winter and several of Ihe halibut fishermen, not relishing Ihe thought of nit January isL IW.'. will, from' In-,., :.ii...,JJ i.,. k.m,..v n..u." .iii,i.. I, nu.ra than "-i- uiuimi- nii. ii.-n-, mm IIiiipi tlm ruMlll nnW 1)6 UK lot - Mi W'HKHEAS urp-nt representation I liccn made thai IhU Increase in Ply is much, heivler than (tin Industry lliesr, ?n WIIKIiEAs the representation liavn irone mi far if to nay tli.il any I'H lo rnllei't tills royalty liexlnnlnir ir' Ut 'iiMi. upon tlie nala iir-llH! f ui itoyauy Act would iiiiincaisiciyiroi in a f4)tiidiivt or the entire Industry P' I'rovlncf, i!jnerruy fiven inai a jmnuc f'lii.e upon tlil4 question will be lield In le-uilve Clminlier, I'nrlUment HiiUJ- k M -torla,; tierore the Kierutlve C un-'f ucn Jlemberi ttierrof as mayt lie Present, beirlmilr.ir at 10. oclorlt ''-Jav Seuleinlier 3rd next. 1 !Ji who li.n any evldenre to lob .if renreSrnUttniM tn make on tlie ptiim or timber lloyaltlea will be riven ""iniir 10 ne nnarn inn ine iiudiic 19 pested to take notlre aceordlimly. T. I. I Al l I I.I. I), Minister or Lands. Take advantago of these Fruit Specials ''aches, per crale .. $1.C5 jl'luins. per basket .... SGo "''illicit Jiears, per do.. 50c f'iravenslein Apples, lbs. . ... ... ... ... 25o looking Apples, 3 lbs. for . .... 25o "ananas, per lb 15o ''berries, -per lb 20o I watermelon, per lb. ... 8c Oranges, 3 tlozen for ?1.00 fiive us your order for Ifjesorving Fruit. EGQMl y STORE 417 Fifth Avonue East. Phone 84. ready ex-pressed Ihe intention of occupying themselves al Ibis game during the winter months. Ilaliliul arrivals for Ihe seven days ending August 8, came In the unusually .hiA't total of 929.-500 pounds. In point of receipt, Ibis has been one of (lie highest if not Ihe highest week in the year. In any case lasl Monday when 3S2.U0O pounds was mar- keled was the heaviest day so far in I ll 2 1 . On Thursday, arrivals were again high and Ihe total or 202,000 pounds caused a glut on the market which did not work lo the benefit of Ihe fishermen who marketed their calche I hat day. Canadian boats have, been doing well and, besides gelling Ihe highest second-class prices every day, got the best first class prices on four of those days. In addition to this by far the high est prico of tho week 18.Cc and 0c went to Ihe Uauadian schooner Scrub which marketed 15,200 pounds, of specially fine quality on Tuesday; The following Ihlrly-five -American boats marketed 770.300 pounds since and Including last Saturday up to and including Friday of Ibis week : Reliance, Anna J., Diver, De fence, lleouhlic. Pioneer, iumsk .Superior, Oonn, Allen, Tyee, Ile- Uance, Sentinel, Daly, Ilelinnco i., (Inny. Augusta, Orescent, Julie. Atlantic, Star, Young America, Glacier, Orient, Orayling, Hoald Ainund9eiT. Sumner. Lincoln, -r . j W&J Do5n8 of the Moiqulto Fleet which U the 5.fiq chief unurcK rr rrin u. .. - - - - uor& s prosperity. IF IT'S' ON OR UNDER THE WATER WE DO IT. Divinjr, Dredging, I.igljl-niinsr, dialing Ships, Heavy 1, if ling, Oncrul Salvage Work. I'uinping a Speciality. VANCOUVER DREDGING AND SALVAGE CO. LTD. COW BAY. Phones: Green 259. Green 487. . Willi a, record salmon run in progress and halibut fishing gel-ting a decided impetus through the approach of Ihe first close mm Yukon, (Irolh, Teddy J., Radio, Heligoland, Harding and Tlie following Milrinone Canadian boats sold 153200 pounds. Alii, (ijhxon, Cayg'eon, Hose Spi', Selina, Minnie 'v Alub, N. & Fanny F., Reveille, Tramp, Hintr-leader, v Kaien, Alliance, Knkej Uirdie Scrub, Annie May, May, Marguerite, Tertian, Sherman, Pair of Jacks, I).S.T.vThel-ma, uMuirneag, PJop, Hranl, Viola, Cape Swain, Tilly S. and ningo. Tle I'rince Huperl Rowing and Yacht Club is soon going to be up against the necessity of providing itself with a new club-bouse. The old steamer HaoHon has long since outlived its usefulness and today is of little season, the waterfront presents a,vamp' I be question of replacing very busy appearance Ihese days I H will have lo be considered be an,r those engaged in die various. fore long. Nothing definite has tieen done by die executive of Ihe. club as yet bill the matter is being informally discussed by the members. A two-storey pavilion filled out with ample capacity for the storing of smaller boals on the lower floor and a dance hall and living quarters above finds favor with some. Whether Ihe new club house will be hiiil on piles or on a float is a question that will have lo lie thoroughly discussed.- ; A revival of speed boal racing is being talked of along Ihe waterfront. Thel.abor Day chal lenge cup is now held by George Frizzell who stales that the boat that captured 41 Miss Rupert- is ready lo defend' the trophy at short notice. It. E. Ilenson's I'oiuseitia. afler new engine in stallation this spring, has been running more smoothly than it ever did before and Oordon Bulger's new speedboat will be hi the water in the course of tlm next few days. The owner of die Hit ler crafl nt Douglas Frizzell are planning a trial trip toAnynx as snort as he box of (ricks is ready for action. Hill Knight, formerly cashier; for Ibe Hoolb Fisheries here and now engaged similarly at Sitka, has made his debut on I lie stage according to word reaching his old pals. here. He look an active part as a vocalist in a concert that was staged in the northern port recently. It all goes lo show that Bill's associates here, though I hey might have, good opinions of themselves, did not know everything for it look the people of Sitka to find out that Ibe noises be is in the habit of making were singing. Waterfront radio fans hope tp hear his voice coming through the still night air one of these; evenings. Tlie tourist Iraftlc may be a fine thing for Prince Rupert but certain wives and sweethearts around town are beginning In fear that it may have a demoralizing effect on their hubbies and promised ones.. Strangely enough, a more prompt arid close perusal of the columns of I tic Daily Xews has been prescribed for the wives as un effective Antidote for this. fearsome summer complaint. Now lei us explain. A few tiighls before the school teach ers' excursion parly reacl.ed town last week it was announced in this sheet dial Mie fair visitors out of Ihe east wen: coming ami that Ihe services of local boat owners would be welcomed, 'litis set a number of gas boat owning men folks lo thinking and the married ones to deep conlenipla-lion as to strategic measure.. Al Ibis poiul it jnight he explained dial it is mighty hard for a mat ried man lo steal off on a jli lary voyage these bright aid beautiful evenings. However, u brain wave hit somebody. How about having some repairs lo make that evening? The only thing thai wa more surprising than, Ihe number of men who had to repair their bonis on Monday night wa the cl6thes they wore to make, said repairs. Unsuspecting wive, though remarking on the Sunday suits, shined shoes, stiff cll.trs, etc., that wero worn, did not fall at once And Ihe various friend hubbies got away with it. The next day jhe Daily News let the cat out .of the bag. Ap plication of third degree melhod. on hubbies by wlfies elicited that the repairs had. not been so vitally necessary but that there had been some joy riding trial trips. I'lieii Ihere was longue-lashing and hair-pulling and il wasn't bobbed hair, either. And, afler all; the evening wasn't so enjoyable as it might have been lo 'most of the volunteers. Some of them didn't even gel a load. Others fbuiid tlie .women folks Ihey had weren't all of the blush, ing beauly type and still others made Ihe discovery dial there were as many school masters as marms in the parly. , The moral is as follows: Wives, read (lie Daily News; husbands, you may kid Ihe kids but you can't kid your wives. Al least they wnn'l.slay kidded." If I.ieul. Macleod knew of the alarm that he caused a lol of the peopje around this burg last Tuesday night, he-might desist in taking further 'flights into the fog. It was wit.h a feeling of something like consternation that a good many folks beard the buzz of the motor overhead and die frantic blowing of the Cold Storage siren on Ihe evening in question. Stories of terrible happenings were running wild immediately afle'rwards and they extended into the next day. Nor were the fears altogether put al rest when it was announced in print, next afternoon dial the flight had merely been made for Hie purpose or tesiing out tlie wireless equipment and that a safe landing had been 'made with nobody hurt. Even yesterday il wa4 said dial Lieut. Macleod had taken a flier into (lie. fog to see if )ie couldn'J jfei lost but the cold storage whistle had made his effort a dismal failure. In cidentally the man who-blew that whistle may be advised that he se up an alarm that several people have not yel recovered front. .' It it with ;nrg;tlit;l) ve are called, "upon to notify Capl. Neil McLean of the steamer Prince John and Capt. .!. I). 'McPliee of the steamer Ohilknot that if they persist in blowing their whistles as; Ihey come inlo port while the former Victorians of this city are sleepingjhat the city council of the Iloard of Trade is lo be called upon lo,-pass la vote of censure on them. If they make such a terrible noise n order to have some one come out to lie the boal up, it is recommended that, in future, Ihey heave to, send a couple of deckles ashore and do the jobvtheiuselves without disturbing the sercie slum bers of this community. Otherwise, Ihey had better arrange lo ai-five here at more respectable ln.uii Minn lliov li:ivf tioon ito- ing" lately Oliier skippers will please govern iiiemseives accord ingly.- Sydney Hunter has replaced Ihe ) h.p. Holliday engine in his pleasure boat with , a 12 h.p. Roberts. Byd. is going lo gel more speed or rattle his boat lo pieces doing it. Ve always knew dial Manager Pillshury of Ihe dry dock was out lo get all he new ships lo build and repair contracts that he could possibly beg, borrow, steal or get legitimately hut it look. Sir Henry Thornton lo I oil us that lie was manufacturing a choice brand of clnm chowder and proposed selling up a fish and chips factory al Ihe three million dollar plant. . . The maiden voyage of the new halibut schooner Lysekil, owijed by Ted Shruhsall nnd Pete Jen sen, will contiitenco e-arly next week, it is, now expected. Holh owners will make the trip and will be jointly in command. FMt-EMKuttiryr 'SIMON ds: SAWS JMOHUS UKlti tlW CO. LTD. MONTRtAL VMCWVM ST. John, N.I. V4 Yours truly, John Smith A LL the world despises an anonymous letter. We like a man to sign his name to what he writes. But did you ever think that unknown mer- chandise is anonymous? Nobody to vouch for it. No name signed. Notice the advertisements in this paper. There in bold print are the names of those who stake their reputations stake your good-will towards them on the truth of what they have written. The maker of advertised goods realizes that he might fool you once but never . the second time. His success is dependent upon your continued confidence in what he says in the advertisements. Read the advertisements with confidence. They tell truths that you should know. .i at The , measure of satisfaction is larger in advertised products Bargains Summer Dresses "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Sterling Furnace GOAL 0llrd In Bulk. At. $10.00 per ton. This U a very superior rurnice coal. It 'Rives a clean Dot rire ami Is entirely Tret) from soot, clinker?, alack and dirt. Some or the lrget heating plants In the city are now ustnir It with entirely saturattory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sack. ' At S12.S0 per ton. We are also Agents for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Of Neat Natal Oantral. Phon 15 LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantion to AddIv to Leai Land In Oueen Charlotte Island Land District,. Recording' District of Prince Rupert, ll.C, and situate near Tow II lit. flruliam Island. TAKE NOTICE that I, tleorge W. -Dow-ling, or 3S8I Cambridge Street, .Vancouver, ll.C, occupation iiiinuracluier Intends to apply for permission to lease tho follow ing described lands: Commencing at ' a .pest planted near the root .of Tow Hill, east side, thence northerly to low water mark;, thence westerly rullowlng' low water Itnark SO chains: thence southerly three chains: thence easterly 80 chains to point of commencement and containing 15 acres. .. ' nEonoE v.. nowuNii. , Applicant. DAVE: nUTTEN, Agent. Date, June e, tat. . CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert .A STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE mul inlermeiliale points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART. Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. , For Skldegale and all ports s'oulh every Wednesday al 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert &.00 pjn. for PRINCE CEOnQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada. United States. AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clt Tlekat Offlea, C2S Third At, rXnea Ruptrt. Phon 280. PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle August 2, 6, 13, 16, 23, 27 For Ketchikan, Wrangejl, Juneau, Skagway August V 8, 11, 18, 22, 20 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from Prince Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Taaaday, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Atart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANVOlt, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walaa Island, Sunday, 8 P.M. Por PORT SIMPSON and Naaa River Cannerlee, Friday A.M. 623 2nd Avenue. J. Ba'rnaley, Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 t