pagi row. THl DAILY AEWB. Saturday Mar ;, g riWrJuWiiiiHi(y:iiy!!iiinij;i6tiiiwi8iw&i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu. -" ''Pl Ik 1 ttirt EVv of iu Develop iU Nrmnnllv DRY s rHURLBUTi L cushion-sole. Shoes Chi!drenJ T.iiffliuiaiiinaiBnii!ii;iDainiii!i:Bim!iiai'jauH Family Shoe Store Third Avenue Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that glimmer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticketj, Rates ami Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread IJread is your best food. Hal rnre of l. Kept by the leading jrrocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 5S0. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Jistribuling. Team or Motor. Service, Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Btetnn Healed Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month' P.O. Box 75. Phone 669. TOO iNOW StXJ HAVE. TO nrzz. r Fund Is Benefitted Sub stantlally Tim iaikrtbaU pamo ;but failed In malerlaliie. The commitlee from Ihe lyro Club in charge of Ihe entertainment rrtn--Uled ? of K. A. Mann, A. R. ;.iclioU, 5. v. Taylor and LeoJ Waugli. , i ! The result of 'the frames were as follows: ! I nlfrmili:ij f! rnl lii 35; llitrh School, 29. Ladies' Lea?ue--Teaclier., 35; Adanacs, 10. Senior League (exhihitiori) Sons or Canada, 5t; Colls, 29. Club gam Rotary 3, lyro 2. The (irollo got away from the High School early in the Intermediate League match and al half time Ihe score wa 2C lo IK. The High School boys slajred a beri more effective. The firotlo placed Ihe ball consistently in Ihe hands of their forward man, V. Wralliall, who .made many fine shots. Ladies' League . TJie Adanacs, their cuslouiary simply not fjiowins "' sli, were nowed jinder. liy, Ihe iTeacbers. Karly Jnstlie first Quarter, the former-MMired four points but from then on, while Hie Teachers were steadily add a sland-still. Finally,. In, I he last quarter, the Adanacs were able to add six more o their score bill they were beaten 35 lo 10. Caroline Milcliell proved an ef fective scorer for the Ihe combination medicine and basketball game belween Rotary and iyro was a mirth-provoking exhibition even If it did not pro duce much display of science. anylhing else when pun of life veteran athletes would envelope ihe ball while Ihe. other scramb. led pell-mell over him. llaskel- liall was resorled lo In Hie second half and, while yro S. K. Campbell was I lie only player to place the sphere wiililii ine CO TO THE. hWOR" E UbCD TQCjC A. Fr-eho or toot- HE1.L. SOREUY I a fft VOO WE ME Ak InT? 1 11 is RASKFTRAII DrtJIVLlD.HLLrtllU AND Idyspepsia was so Din minn HARniV mfth nc ui inr ti.rfti.rfV 1 MHkl tiftrtll tat anjihlnr. and trry fin bad palm Urier tnriU. I had uwd dlffrrint mrdl-Iclne. tul they didn't ii K do any mill At 11 11 ' hrTr'Mi V run "n l . tnrk ut Burdock Bkaal Bilirro. ind arirr ,aV ulnr it fur bort tim I rni a tai niplil m I lie Klk' Hump ilnv n uxur. I rrmtinurd n g until I large allrnilaiirc anl llii Oyro Vi4ilr ii'Ht and now I am r-ady Cliili'.- playground fuml lenifit- 'wn'"" ' inr-oe-inijibw a i Icl nialrrially thorH.y. Tlic vrry Hlork Bklftd .,. n,..,.,...,, program roni.lei of I wo re-jonij by Tlx- t. Miiburn ca, umiiJ. gularly fclieduleil league lia- jToniu. oot kflMII malrliPs, a Mnmr rsliilii-j" " ' ' lion gaiiii". a fiiree. conlpsl lie-1 1 rick of figure, ly 3 In 2. Ac iwren Hie Hillary ami (Syrn ('lull jronlinply I lie viclor-t were pre-alnl a hayoiirl duel. Oilier "nleil wild a I in cup an a events had lieen arraiiif'il for'lronliy of their prowe-s. I.. W. Paimore made- Hie presentation iiml llolarian tlaptain llennre STOMACH SUFFERING lisappears as If by magic when For those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or' who -roll their own MACDONALD'S Fine Cut Down to the jml t-L TELEPHONE, "em to pot noo on Is VAT ,M .. . . ' O ll OTHER MATCHES. eat anything " i )ln. C. Sinn?, Sin'tnAe. OnL. write: Playground Nlofu Was Well -k4iie time in I tud frj mtkxm Patronized and Gyro Club's attars or dysT'. and also tnM.i.ii BILLIARD LEAGUE T P.R.B.P. Won Over Elks Last Night by Score of 839 to tU The Prince lluperl Itilllanl I'arlnr woo over Hie KU In lnl niglil'ii leu'gue billiard loiiriia-rnenl by an apjrrraip. ore of 93!) to XH, the Iteinc li follows: C. Italuviio Klko I KG; d. Mr-llirmyl (MHIIanl Parlor) iOO. Kred HfrtMW -emi; W. VL lutrliinntT.tlH). ' A. A. K'a-on. H0; 5. Tliomp-miii, I5U. - W. Milcliell. Urt; V. Aldridae, soo. A. MriMleriek. I5n; It. Jelieh. oil. jasue flnndintr l dale: O.W.V.l. Ortdlo .. I'.U.II.J. llorie ieeeived Hie tinware niak;). hip a very Uiioiiliir reply. la ilt l- oiud i.ine-ups iS, Andrew Hie leaiu- liMik the field, as fnlliiws: Itolnry Jack XichoU, Ueorvo llorie, Ueores WofMlland, i'lieo. ("ollarl and Waller Vance. r.yro Charlie Mills. K. Campbell, l.orne Macl.aren, Leo Wauli ami Hoy Nichols. The Senior League Paitkelball Kame wu a one-idci alTair and the Sons of Canada, flames. Total. Aver. BILLIARD AVERAGES The following averaces have been made to dale by players in Ihe Prince Hupert City Hillianl League competition for the HuU per A Cameron Cup: never very hard pressed. Slamtna j" jpWf p. of the team generally and the y ' j Xcon rO.) '! effective shooting o lialfnur and 0 ij"j.'Re cit rally in the second half bill noljilarry Meiuie proved loo mucli i, MonraM ((It,'- nuiliuil'lll llfillll writ llltfUiT tijiiui iiir fill!9. III.- Tiuir at iiaii-tt lt. ,l.,nn lilin mil overcome the lead and Hie final lime wa 28 to 12 and al fulr ... ... ,. whille marked their defeat by lime, 5 1 to 28. jj.. yp (' ', v, 35 lo 29. The High School wa'l-i K- Mann was referee of all it n,in Ml i ed loo much energy on long Ihe baskelhall game-. . j jny y.- shots where passes might have The fifth item on the program, w.ijh V wan a five-round bayonet f""-jv. Mitchell, K.1 lel I. el ween It. II. Skinner aml'p rt.i J , n i . Serjreaii! Major Iiavie. The lal- (m.yie (M.V. (fames. iMs. slarllnjrt,;, MoMt.rilie (V.' 7 H0 ler wjiw oeciarni whiiiit ij uni- j. j4pihens ;v,' pire J. W. Nichols. ' 'c' llalagno K?; .'. I'he basketball standing to r. Wminh t C, r date as a. resiui oi iai nigui s u siineklev games is as follows: . League standings lo dale follow: Senior League ing lo their eounl, they were attills II Teachers I 15 2 'Two poiuls deducted by Association for fielding player in "League game. Intermediate League Colls High School 12 8 (initio . 5 KIks 2 Ladles' League Maple Leafs 10 AdapuVs 9 Referee Joe Scotl's cowbell was iTeacbers v.. 7 much in use but its aulliorily'Kaiens 1 12 went prelly well unheeded. Medi- . Junior League t 21 r, 9 H cine ball, played during ihe first High School 8 2 half, looked more like a riol than Colls 8 .2 Stars 5 7 nine' Hirds 0 10 ir. 10 4 20 18 I I o I, ; Dr. West S.l:.j J. Smith (1UM. It. Howe 'H.I-:. w L- Vf- C. Tliomii.on It.P.i Sons of Canada It 3 2m. M. McLaehlan S.A.. It. itrown (l. ... M. Andrews (S.A.i K.. Fenelon ' V. , . S. L. Warrior V Judge ((!., .. ,, 755rt 7375 7217 n0o5 Chr (i:,f,r, H 1570 rt IIH 1 789 2 393 7 1370 1 5 00 I535 150K 1.TI3 910 1 II I 1107 not 1093 A lllKK 1139 1250 355 mi 881 HOI 1208 859 079 170 0 1012 J. Howe (S.F.. ... 7 Andrews S.A.; . 8 1310 A. A. Cas-on iK... . 8 1305 W. Halasrrin 'H.1 ,.5 8 If. Hen Self (M.p.) .. 1 05 1 A. Ilroderick C.) .3 188 O. I. tinker (5?.li) 8 1288 S. I). Macdonald - 'S.Aj r .. 8 1278 J, Hrown 'S.A.i ., 7 1120 lo It. Davie fS.A.i 3 159 16 S..J. Hvmis fH.l'.i 2 270 10 T.Hilverside ( K.I' i 30 0 As. McLean 'S.A.l.. I 133 I). Ilalfour S.K 1 110 C. Halsdon II.P.) , I 93 K. KIks: Il.P, Hlllinr.l Jo-To is used. Cas pains, acid lor: V. War Veterans; 911 922 lion 871 850 821 Av 200 Va Lb. -15 I9J IU1 197 197 190 193 192 189 I8H 188 187 185 183 182 181 181 ISO 17 178 177 17 175 173 172 170 17 109 K.7 105 10.1 103 103 103 (fit lf.0 If ir.o 153 138 130 133 110 93 Pur. 0. sloniach, sour stomach, ImriiiniM.rolto; fi.K. Sons pf Knglnnd; anil all arier-ealing illsiress re- b.A. M. Andrew s. hoop, the Rolarians. were an-jicved in two miniiles. All DniKl iiounced winners, llirougli some Stores. Jnbrrlhe fnr Ihe Dallv News. MACDONALD'S Elite Cut t-icD hclloi".aj-s- yW6 COM'rV orr? ai II 9 OH! THAT'S JOVTK CUARO THAT vA SHOW-CARD WIUTLNil.- Ouirk method correspondence course. Kay lirms. You run earn inniiey while learning. Write tihlay. Paragon Studios. 7 Victoria lllock. ' Vancouver. lit1. one bath. Hox WH. FOR SALE demotislrale. 17500 Two Sterling engines. 25. and 30 h p. IMseh ignilion. force feed oilers, complete lo and including coupling, 9750 each. 30 fool cruiser, 20 h.p. overhauled. 11.000.00. 5 h.p. Adams marine engine 130.00. 1.000 cash. MAPLE LEAFS GOING Will Wind up on Mon- P.O. Crtl FOR SALKSlxleen room board ing house- and store, furnish ed. Apply 929 Ambrose FOR SAI.K. New and used machinery. llnals and engines. Northern Kxchange. FOR SAI.K. UI 7. block 38, sec tion 5. 115(1.00 rnsh. M. M. Steoheiis A Co.. Lid. 09 BOARD, HOARD. The Inlander. 830 .Second Avenue. Phone 137. II LOST TO ANYOX WEDNESDAY Al a nieeling.of the Prince. Itu- pert Hasketlmli Asoclallon hehll last evening il was decided to send the Maple Leafs of Ibis city to Anyix next seek lo defend Ibel hnlies" championship of Norlhern I. Mill. I II lull. Ill nil, ti.' made Wednesday on Ilio steamer Prinre (ieorge ami Miss S. A. Mill will accompany (he team as chap eron. I'he final games of the oily lea goes will luke place next Monday ft was decided. They will consist of an Intermediate game between ID ttOT1E T MPPErs 01M4 T Iktx FfTuc Cikvki, Inc. 37 WANT K I OOtVEH? n VMM" KIHD J OO TOO 11AHHF.R COLLEOF. wants men and women to learn the Ilarber Trade.- Paid I white learning. Hits Is youri floods AUCTION SALES. Ilought, Sold Kxchanged or H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. llrilish l-.duml.ia which they H'.wj,,,, ltnck 30 ani, lr(, nj. TAXI Tail 87 Phone. (Call Oeorga or Oust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Dy or Night Stand: Boston Orlll Third Avenue the Colts and High School and two THE ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP Ladies' League games: Kaiens vsl OF PRINCE RUPERT Adanacs and Teachers vs. M'aple Leafs. The Sons of Canada ami I Notice Is hereby given that Colls have now won Ihe Senior nnd Kmil Marie Ilunnt. Roman Cnlhn- IntrrmedhilR championships ami lie Hlshop of Prince. Rupert. i tin .Maple i;ears nave virtually County of Prince Rupert. Pro cinched Ladies' League honor. vlnce of Hrillsli Columbia, Can il Is the intpntloil or Hie league ada. wi annlv lo Hip Pnrlili lo stage an evening of Jienefil menl of Canada, at the) nexl ses-games on March 21 lo de.fray sev- slon thereof, f1)r n prlvale ,11111 ernl doctors' and .deiillsls .bill to incornomle '-fl.n Itoinun (that have been Incurred during Catholic Hlsliop of Prince Ru- ll lift Season. ' - '. nnrl " .........!.... ...I.. Dill I'll at lliii r.lli nf Prince C.P.R. sleamer Prluce.s ItenU Rupert. Count v ..r Prlncn ttui.orl. rice, Capl. Thomas Cllffe, arrived Province of llrilish Ciduiiibia, front Mm xiiilli nl IO i.'nl,...f hi. ...... " " -isimip ums nil nay. or retirunry, ivsi o.orning ami neare.i on ner re wililniiis, Manson it OonJialos, mm io Vancouver m t oc nek. Rovnl iim.t iinii.ti... ...r wssci nun a lew passengers prillPn nIM.ri. nc. rtrkinlli i.ri.l ..At.... I . i . ....... ma B.j.iiK. No C or Tor I'.nil Mnr i tlnnnl GUT BCit Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advartlecmant Token for Lea thn 80c HELP WANTED. FOU SAI.K. Launeli -rrilon WANTED 30is: IO-:n Hunaio. H'lWAXTKn. Man familiar wllh BASKETBALL SCHEDULE HAS BEEN REVISED opportunity lo learn a trade 'Changes Made Owing to inuc and get inlo steady employ. j medial Ttsm Oreoelno ... i r. . I " MCllk. uiuuuilirs CJIJI 1 1 Kill , rtiil of - -"K''iign Ham ... onnn I. Write for free catalogue. 50 1 Hastings K. Vancouver. general country store business, lo manage and share in pro M. M. 8TKIMIKXS. WAXTKII. FOR SAI.K. Power boats of every description including pleasure, trolling and work fits. Mood wages. Must able lo invest $ 1,600. Money Is secure. This Is an exceptional opportunity. Address in instance lo Dot 1 03 Daily News olllre. Young lady a - ccmun UAICnD llant in dental ofllee lliiv 101. Dally News. FOR RENT If Doais, at reasoname prices. F(m nKXT tkimforUble fur Apply .vi. ,MCi.ean. uiw nay,; m,iir,. i,wnM,m. ImrlMr view. i .. .... FOR SAI.K. Four monil house un iuine..niMii. rnuia im- and level lot. m.iinoio. Term '""" tl"' nw- 350.oo cash. Iwlance s 1 7.00 M werJ f()Ur roora n,t for nnU per monlh. M. M. Meptien & Al.0 ofne. win, ,n(Mjfrn jv ''til. I inir nunrtera. Wfternliaver I'mi 4U I' Knnn I .tl IT. I.lrtfhl lirOS. II l liiill fi uilll Iwil lllllsl. I ...... ' run jir.v i . r urnisoco nousr- keeping room. 110 Sixth Ave. Fast; Phono ltluc 217. If FIHXISIIKD struck for rent. Alo Ourney Oxford range for sale. Phone Red 02.1. tf I8TF.AM Healed Flat for rent. liesner apartments. M. M. Btcphens. . LOST L03T One gold drop earring between 018 Fifth Avenue Fast and hospital. Finder please. reutrn to Dally News Office. Reward. If M KIks' Dance, Tuesday night, light fawn llrork hat. Return to I ire Hall. MR. TRAPPER STOP I You can make more money here lhan elsewhere wilh your furs. Ladles' League Team Will Defend See me first and lasL II will pay District Honors Season W,,' ... W. UULUDLUUSI, The Trapper's Friend. dy I Second Avenue. Owing In the I ale team drt;j.r league Ihe Prim-. I ball Association Men rei a ' March 10- i Wnt OLlvUIlU IlrlLT Uf Sstunlny .. -4 C.P.R I vv ScImmiI. Tea. li' y , 1" March l. ' Kaieris vs. Al vs. S.O.C. BILLIARD SERIES 10 Sons nf y.if , It ii perl- llillim 12 St. Andrew r(lmUn vs efHt. 17 St. Andrew land. 19--KIks V nr. tft-Oreat 'Wr PrWce ft 1 1 .. MAIL SCHEDULE Far lh EasU- MifruJays, We ? r j t iJfTyn, cloes ft ! J. From i the East-Mondays. TImrs.Myj 1 urdnys. .3q p.m. From. Vancoutsr Sundays J Wednesdays J A-1 Fridays -... yt C.P.R. Marel. 7 ? i 1 To Vancousr Tuesdays. Mail d l-Vi.tnv u J . . ..- . ... . .1. a. ..Yd . .Man ii To Anyox, Alice Arm Premier UVIn..,Uvl From Anyo. Alice Arm, SU. -r B r- tlmn.ntl At $uv .111 r- t.i a Ilea . u i wi i , . . . r , i.. Anyon. Sley.rt snd rr.-- nuilli.ln From Port Slnipion, Alto Anyoi, Stewart and rrr..- Tuesdays To Alaska Points- March 7. Il u" From Alaska rom. March II and . M" po,nM To Queen Chrlott. March I? mid " Oh.rfeU. Po , u From Queen March 10 ai. ,.H To Naas River Pomu Simpson nj". ThiirSdavs 1 From Naas 'r Point- Hsiuruays PRINCE PRINCE nur-".i RUPERT T'O" Saturday, Wrn 0 High' a I- 15 -'0 ("H Low 0 .26 ft m ?i m n " . Sunday, Mrch 9. High 3 'Oft'" 10:07 P "' Low I aAt on 10 n m 1 1 " in t.t ' 1.5 :ns fi. 1 8.8 i, . Monday, March 10 1(1:17 I'."' Low I:tl " ,i 22:13 P"1' '. Tuesday. March 11 iiigi. rt;n, .V . 17:31 P.H' Low 11:53 n.w. , ..3 j p ill