JLli twaawvaaVBaatas.. bbmbptv mm -.BBBflra Sealed Package I JTt (uhiclt kvtpi the iobitcco 1 A J ? 7a origlrutl condition ) also in .tins St Patrick's Day March 17 Tin i tin- iii'iiniiil l-Vlnl l.i crfebniled IhriMiKln'iil (;iirilfiii'im l till Irishmen ami others in Hampirl, Dance iiml Song. On siich occasions I lit individuals express lhiMiielvi' lliriHifrlt Iheir i-ifliiinf. Iheir tulilt mid hall decurnlioiis. litre i where we are aide In give you splendid service in .Shamrocks, Paper Hals, ..Napkins, Crepe Paper, firucliiiK (iiinl. AliJ if yon desin- a cotume we have the T. iiiotitt Don u i t til Crepe Paper and Hook of Instruction on iitukiiij u.-ltimi,'S tjerorii.ling' hallsk tables, etc, , MAM VACUUM Bottles J; Useful Every Day in the Year Price 75 cents ORMES LTD. The Rexall 8tore. Tho Pioneer Druggist. DAILY SALE BULLETIN, No. 6 There Is nothing too good for that Babe of yours. ' 1 It would ho "tickled pink." willi u ACT Caniaee 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. J (Mpiilo range of H;iy (Janiiigos, (iu-cnrls am tilde. wnlk .Sulkies tin display forour .Vleclioii. BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS FUNERAL OF INFANT i- GIRL THIS MORNING Remains of Little Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sunberg Interred In Falrvlew Cemetery The funeral of Florence Lillian, eiylil mondi tdd daughter of Mr. and Mr. Charles Sunberfr, Sun-berjr Apartments, who died on Thursday, took place litis morn iiiK at V o'i-loek from Ihe IJ.C Undertakers" parlors lo Fairview Ociuetery. Itev. Dr.. II. It. (irant officiating. There were floral liicces from Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilailey. Mrs. J. W. F.xley, Mrs. iJNon. Mr. and Mrs. II. Lou&, arah Pliillipson. Iklith I.eek. city firemen. Mr. and Mrs. .V. MussaL lem uud Capt. and Mrs. II. A. Ormi'ton. INCREASED SAILINGS TO THE OLD COUNTRY In order to take care of in creased travel expected from. Can. ada to Ihe Old Country this sum mer. Ihe While Star. Cunard and . . I a. a. .tiiruor-i'oiiaiiison l.lnps an nounce additional sailings from Montreal and Quebec. It j also siijrKesled lhat lliose ttoiup to tin' Old Country should make reserva tions ami secure passports as early as possible. Wide or call Canadian National Itailvvavs, 5iH Ihird Avenue. Prince Ituperl. II.C. Phone l'C(l. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. A. Allan, .1. lllaekbtirn, W A. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. .1. ! Oideriueou and .1. M. Iloekin. Vancouver; . II. I.ngnn ami .1 Cameron, victoria; C. A. Pro- eunier. Sunnyside Central .Mr. and Mrs. .1. I'. fSblerinpon, aneouver; I.. Klliolt, INDIGESTION relieved in two minutes wjh JO-TO (as. acid, sour. Iniruim; stonu nei all ulckly relieved willi'.l.i lo. All Urtiir Stores. ANNOUNCEMENTS Methodist Kasler Sale. Tea. sevvinif. home cooking. Hod Cros Hut. April 5. 4. .. . Iloyal Puride Kaslur and Sale of Homo CookhiK, April o. Hill 00 Chapter. I.O.I .K. Ainn- (eur Thua'ricals, April 11. Klks' Minstrel Trouno. First show Mav I. Dr. Martel'i Female Fills Rbv Uu4 tatur thousand eM Uit half cvntury currvclltiff eau, pulhlinf up ana sdAINrUL MENSTRUATION. NEK. V0U3NESS. BiCKACUB. DIZZINESS, .to, Multnwrmil Aruam. fi.ilfl Anl In IU.M tl I.h. Covtr tl N BOX with our ilirnttutv. Drunrl.l. vtrywhara, or dlrart by mall. rlln rc TwotL. Cat. Clrciltr U. J ntMtt. j Local and Persoaai 1J.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. furniture and all 'useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 662. if Southbound from Skeena ami Xaas llivrr ports to Vancouver. Union slamer Camosun, Capt. .J. A. I'imJIay, was in port at noon today. A' .proposal made by Sam labour that Ihe I'o'lmasler be asked to use a cancelling stamji on letters adverlisinx this cily was passed on to the publicity committee for report to the next meeting, by the .Hoard of Trade last night. At Ihe sujrgeslion of H. F, I'ullen it was decided by Hie Hoard of Trade last night to in. vile Ihe Canadian Press Assoeia-lion party which lyecl in convention in Vancouver early in June lo visit this-city either coin? or couiHig. - At n meeting of Ihe Ladies Auxiliary of the General llospilid held yeslerday afternoon in the cily council chamber it was announced that 353? hud been cleared as a rt'siill of the play staseil for Hi Auxiliary last Monday evening. The Hoard of Trade at lis re. znlar meeting last uijlit passed a resolution of thanks to F. fi Dawsnii and Fred Slork for their valuable publicity work done in Ldmnulnu in regard lo securing co-operalion in Ihe campaign for an elevator here,. 4 - - At the meeting of the Hoard of Trade luf night it was reporled by Ihe rioyernineut agent that he had inlcrviewed Hon. T. I). I'aiuino during His recent visit in regard to bavin? Hie grounds improved at the Oovernnient Huildinys and hud been assured (hat the work would be done as far a possible this season. A request received by the Hoard of Trade for literature to distribute at .the F.mpiru Inhibition will be complied with as soon as possible. A new booklet with up-to-date statistics in re gard to this city and district is being- compiled and will be reudv for Hie press in a few weeks. Copies of Ibis will be forwarded to the agent general when ready. rtie West hulnie Theatre has been secured ii!jaiu for St. Pal. riek's hay Conrorl, The coni- millt'c in charge p'romises omc uiprisej. with local talent in a hill which bids fair lo rival former effort. Holders of tic kets may have Hie pick of any reserved seal in the house by pxchanging at ( trine, Monday next, Mnuli Id. First come. first served will be the tinier this year as in the past. 'o extra charge for exchanging." On Tuesday night at eiglil o' clock llyt Oencnil F.lcclric station K ..(). at Oakland will broadcast a comedy drama "The Intimate Stranger" by I tool f. Tarkinglon ami from ten lo one Hi ve wl!! b dance music. Iladio fans will easily pick up Ibis. A mixed program will be given on Thins. day at eight ami on Miltinlay at Ihe same lime the faculty of the Conservatory of Music at San lose will idvc a wo hour con. cerl wilh dance music following until one. Church Notices Presbyterian Church .Morning- worship ut "II o' clock. Subject: ."Vexulton of Spirit." .Sunday School at 12.- 30. livening service at uhject: "Observations oil Citi- xensliip." Preacher, ltev. II. 11. (iraul, D.I). St. Pauls Lutheran Church Melropole Hall, Sunday School at 2,30 p.m. Service tomorrow ut 7,30 p.m. conducted by H, C. Fraer. Itev. P, K, Haisler, 11.0., nasitir. Saturday, Murcli 8, 1024. THE DAILY NEWS. PAOB THRKB. 1 Smoke OLD CHUN The Tobacco ol Quality DON'T DOSE A COLD -USE YICKS External Treatment With Vapor izing Salve Is Best Mr. 1". Mitchell, of 131 ICth f-jlrecl, Ilnuiijou, Manitoba, writes; "I decided lo kIvc Vicks Vapo.ltub m trial. My head 'was m bad thai I wax not- able (o work MOinelinu't', and my nose was ,o badly stuffed up thai brrulliiiig wan pretty nearly im possible, IIiioiibIi that orjntn. Ni I rubbed ihe inside of my nostril wan Mck apoiluu ami since I lien .my colds in the head have been few. Jly uin Vicks I re-ecivc Immediate relief." YickVapoltub come in salve form and for bead colds you just melt -a little in a spoon uud inlmle Hie vapor. Then insert nine Vick in Ihe noslrils' and snuff well back. ,Yiiu will be dc-Hidilcd to sec how it clears the head. Vicks I j,'ood for both bead ami chest cold, sore throat, bronrliilis, eatarrb, eronji, tonsil- lll, uripne and all iiiflammalious of life nose, throat, ami lungs. Kipially effective for nits, burns, bruises, sore ami skin At all dm? stores, 5(1- a jar. Kor a free Icsl si.c nat-kae wrile Vlck Chemical Co.. 311 St. Paul St., V Montreal, P.O. Though Vieks is new in Can ada ii has a remarkable sale in the Stales, (her I? million jars used yearly. Hayners, Ondei takers. 351. Phoue If Moose Concert, Empress Iheatre, Thursday, March 13, 28 - I.. (). I.arsen, painter, was last iiiithl elected a member gf the Prince Ilupert Hoard of Trade! We buy, sell and exchange AMAZING RESULTS IN GOOD HEALTH FROM THE FRUIT TREATMENT Will Knewn Resident ef PertUnd, Maine Mr. Oti M. Bryant, of it Anderson Street, ii mot rothosiastic about tbii f&mous fruit meditipe. He write "I was troubled with Constipation ever iinre I can remember; ai a result, I ktve suffered from distressing headaches and pain in my lrf side. I tried many and various remedies for the Headaches and Constipation, without receiving relief. About four months ago, I began the use of " Fruit-a-tivei." Since then, -l bn re been free of Headaches,-. bowels regular, no pain in my side. After the use of eereral boxes of '" Fruit-vtives," I feel justified in pronouncing them s remedy of true and exceptional merit." Joe Henl has been admitted to the VSeneral Hospital, suffering, with rheumatism. - i A concert Is being held at Ptirt ' Siinpson this evening under the auspices of the Ivy Guild. , ; Herring are running at Port Simpson and spring salmon arej also being caught iu ttiat neigh-! borhood. Martha Kelly, Indian, ehargred with iuloxieutiou, appeared this morning in the police court and j was remanded for eight day. Mrs. 11. O. CrevvtV will ttivo a children's euurse of ten daii'iiigt lessoils ;tliis .season; corniireiicihg next Salurday, March 15. Private lessons in new ballroom dancing j by appointment. Special terms for class of leii or inore. Phy sical culture class for ladies. Phone 5(1. At the meeting of .the Honrd of Trade lasl night co-operation was promised I lie London, On. lario. Hoaid of Trade in connection with an excursion of businessmen from that cily pro posing lo come through Prince Ituperl. II was dcciditl lo refer: the mallei- lo Ihe -entertainment i omiiiillee of Ihe Hnanl with the uggestiou lhat .they try lo secure a longer slay for Ihe visitors in this cily. The parly expects lo be here June 1 1. AT 80 YEARS OF AGE WAS TROUBLED WITH SHORTNESS OF BREATH PALPITATION OF THE HEART AND FAINTING SPELLS Mrs, M, O'Connor, Whlteilone, Out. writes: I luve tx-en troubled, must of my lite, with shortness of breath. rll- tail- o ut the tieart and fainting spell. I was advised by a friend lo try MUburn's Heart and .Vrve Pills, which I did, and at once found relief, and 1 have never bad a really bad rpell since.- I am SO yein of ate and always keep llietn In the house, snd when I feet any sjmptoins of my old trouble cumins on all I have to Jo la to. take a few doses. With the Help of your Pills I expect to see many years yet. I always recommend them to any one who Is suffering from heart trouble." Mllbtirn's Heart and Nerve rills are 50c a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price, by The T. M.llburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont. w - Ea.Holdirtf Saws' rast-Easy-Cuttinf SIMONDS SAWS imoitDS cmtA uv cctm NONTfttal VtKcouvm .IT.Jum, N.S. VS4 Intensified Fruit Juices in the Form of ''Fruit-a-tives" Promptly Relieves Many Diseases You hare rlways known that Fruit is healthful. Doctors say ''eat more fruit." Experts on food and diet urge the eating of fruit. But fresh fruit is expensive and there is only a very small quantity of the medicinal or healing principle In fruit. V Now, a 50c. box of "Fruit-a-tives" contains alt the medicinal principle of dozens of oranges and apples and pounds of figs and prunes. J By the wonderful discovery of a well known physician, it Is possible to obtain the medicinal properties of tho fresh juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes concentrated and intensified in a small tablet, with tonics added. This is "Fruit-a-tives" the Fruit Treatment the quick, pleasant, inexpensive way to make you well and keep you welL Seems Almost a Mlracls Just read this letter from Mrs. Clara Sloat, Perth Junction, X.B. "For many years I was a great sufferer from Indigestion, -Constipation and Chrome Rheumatism. My stomach was weakjind gave me constant distress, while the Rheumatism in my joint s made me almost a cripple- Fhyricians and their medicines did me no good. Finally, I was induced to try "Fruit-a-tives" and at once this wonderful fruit medicine seemed to help me. Soon the Constipation and Indigestion were relieved and the Rheumatism began, to go away and, la few months, entirely disappeared." Thanks Te "Frult-e-tlvts," Am Once Mere Will Mrs. Konore Valiquette, 1133 Notre Dame St. Wert, Montreal, is deeply grateful to this famous fruit medicine. She says, "I wish I could tell every sufferer in the world what "Fruit-a-tives" have done for me. For three years, I was much troubled by Bad Headaches, Nervous Dyspepsia and Liver Trouble. Then I commenced taking "Fruit-stives." Very soon my condition improved, and now, thanks tojhese wonderful tablets, I am once more entirely well." Take "Fniit-a-tlves" and get well. 25c and 50c a box, at all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives limited, Ottawa, OnU QM0KED FIS U kJ AT ITS REST A There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Utiles are i 1 -Buy "Rupert Brand." Huperl Brand is always tie- liveretl to ihe stores In clean new boxes clearly . . stumped "Ilupert Brand." 2 Wrap in cooking' paper, cook in modem le over for 20 to :1U minutes, remove paper and serve at once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. Al all Fish and .Meat Markets, and Grocers. Canadian Fish & (VI Storage Co., Ltd. PR INC it RUPERT COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Salle from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX .... Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, March 12, 26 PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Lesve Prince Ilupert . pjn, for riUXCE GEORGE, EDMONTON, win-Ml'fcU. sll points Eastern Canada. United Stales. AOINCV ALL OCtAN STEAMSHIP LINKS. City Tlckst Offlc. S2S Thtr AfV Prince Russet. Prions 2 SO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 8kagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 28 t.t. PRINCESS BEATRICE, For Butsdale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ooea . Falls, Namu, AUK Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agenoy for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings rrom Prince Rupert, fee VANOOUVKR, VICTORIA, Ocsan Vails, an4 Swanson lay, Tuesday, & P4S. foe VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alsrt Bar, and Swanson Bay, Saturday Mo. ft ANYOX, ALICK ARM, STEWART, Wsloa Island. Sunday PJsf. s-oe PORT SIMPSON snd Nsas Rlvse Caniitrlot, Friday A.M. 6tl lnl Avenus, J. Baenslfy, AionC Prince Rupsrt. S.C