in a hurry Phone 99 I CaM anI IauI In the City, Rates Reasonable VOL, .XIV., NO, 5H, FIRPO KNOCKED OUT ERIWIN10 SPALLA IN ' FOURTEENTH ROUND 111 I-NO AYHKS. March H. - IRELAND BEAT WALES i SEEMS LIKELY Man Went on Strike During Progress of Negotiations and '4 Employers Slop ',4 I'lils l-'irpo knocked out Knuinlo) I'llla in the fourteenth round of n fifteen round boat. The knockout blow vvs his famous rigid to the jaw. IN RUGBY FOOTBALL AlllFI March. H defeated Wtle in an international rugby game here today by i score of in points lo lo. The "'nrc til Imlr lime slood Ireland Wales 3. 'hi at. 444444444444444444 VANCOUVER WILL CONTEST SERIES FOR STANLEY CUP VANCOl VEU, Marh M. -Playing overtime Van-couvcr won front Seattle 2 lo 1 al hockey, cliiicliltiir the I'ariflc Coast championship ami (hi; rip lit lo coitliisl the Stanley ('up. MJNM)X, March H. general 4 4 f litcVout lit' the ulilpliutliimg in- iliflry t threalene.1. Hie trouhlc niie RIIDiPn WITH iicKan hy u strike' of flilpyanl moil at Soullinmplon fur u larpc ,.;rene ui wage nfler iwRolia- inns hud heen beKiiu on the i io dm of higher pay. The emplyeri decliinl lo i.!'eci with the discussion while Ii Sonthuittplnu men rnilaiiutl : strike and a rclnlinloiy pM-kout may rustic GRANT APPEAL IN BANK CASE Decision of Appeal Court of On tarlo Will be Argued Colore Pr(vy Council l.llMKl.V. March H Ihe al-! ipy general of Oulnio wns Brniiled hy the Jiidirinl uf Ihe V"'vy council Icnvc I i iiimuviI in Hie malic prieeuUun of the llor.. ii nu wutiiuiy iiiiii MILITARY HONORS Interment of Late Q. I .Simpson Took Place this Afternoon, Archdeacon RU cccmc. haviiii: served ilur-Ihk Ihe Orent War In France wllh Ihe Imperial forces, the laic (I. I. -Simpson. ho paused away litis week ut Hie hospital, was urrm-ded inililary honors at his i funeral which look place this , uflfi ii unler Hie auspices of Mic local hratich of Hie (irenl Wnr Veterans Association. 'There was a large attendance at Ihe B.C. . Undertaker' Chapel wien Ihe sen ice was held. Archdeacon . A. Mix nllielaling. The pallhearers were Sgt. S. I Wnrrior, II.C..M.P.. Sgl. Jepnui, H.C.M.P.. l. Wallace, I. Piper, of tho NV. Mrl.ean and A. J. Ulsiiop. Bank The Pol was soivided over illie lors. The peiilion was rnrjlhe grave leave lit appeal again! the de- hy Bugler ruiini of Ihe appellate division of the supreme court of Ontario upholding th mandatory order Hint Deceased came of a prominent rm.illv in Ivliuhurk'h. his father having heen city archilect there licensed Home Bank directors and. for many years. officnils mo entitled lo a s-pcedy trial wilhoul u jury. The appeal will likely he heard in Juno. In I'nirview Lemelery 1'red Hardy. , REMOVE RESTRICTIONS Board of Trade Asks For a Com mission Under the Authority of Last Years Legislation 'Hint the government be asked lo lake action lo have a conunis- 'sioli appointed lo Consider vari ous matters in connection wiiu Ihe halibut fisheries Mini panic IliA ll 1 111! tll f 11 lltllPHll lltl. the meeting 'last night. II was pointed out Hint under Ihe Act for Ihe protection of the Inland. Norlliern Pacific Halibut l lshery there was power to appoint a commission and the resolution i-crlieil Ihe handicaps under which local people suffer and (he Canadian regulations which are nbjeelloniihte to American i n m i r ..ii1.11 ' hunts nui asueu uiai ine wnoie Volunteer Is due In pml oulinntlcr be Invesllgaled and re. March nf coinniendiitloiis made wllh n view-"nlbltf 15, to load 500 Ions mine 010 for Selby, Call-.lo bavlng all restrictions entirely ' r: It , ej BE INSTALLED Board of Trade Considers Reso lution Regarding Telegraph Situation In B.C. At the regular monthly meet ing of the board of trade held in lliu council vliainlicrstast night, S. Mcl.cod presiding, a resolution (J call iii? wllh the substitution .of .telegraphs hy wireless stations as introduced and held oerfor furlher consideration.1 I'lic reMilutlon real as, follows: "A Kereas the liondnioit Hu'v- eminent nperalcs telegraph .lines belWeen Fort Fra-cr, B.C., and Prince lluperl, B.C.. and between lloielloli, B.C., and Telcgniih Creek, BjC.;; And whereas ln.itli Ihese lele. grupl) lines are operated al a very greul os lo Ihe iMiniutou, Ihe rccelpl on Ihe lliitelton Tele graph 'Creek lino in some jears being' only a ipiarter of one- per cent uf Ihe expenditures. "A nil. whereas Ihe tort Fraer- Prinec. Ililpert lelegrapli is par-, l .1 J I ... II... II.... V..11 aiicieii-ny uu iaiiiuuiiiii iiiiimmiii Teleirrapli line, "Bell resolved, that this be brought to the attention of thn iMtuiniou (overnmeul, ami dial lliis board of Bade recoin-j incut that the Fort Fraser-Prinee1 ItupeH section lie abandoned uiul thai the Canadian. National Hail. Way telegraph line alone serve this section, and thai also the tluzcl-lon-Telegragh' Creek, section ;bc abandoned, and thai in order to ..... I ..I uTlt .l,llllll tllll VL'illl lllfl HALIBUT FISHERIES! uu w.iw. stations Fori Fruser, B.C., PltlN.CK HUPKHTi U.O., 8ATI, HDAY, MAltCJ I 8, 1.)21. insiaiico, mm ut:n.-s5 ,u:L'eiiiili i... i....i...i ,.i It, ..,.11,,,. Ill' . ' 41 ' . PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PBV M t aH S iMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBK BBBBBBBBBBBBBH BwiidBV .BBBBBBBbIbBBBBV y)MB "IIIIIIIIIIIIBa!!! .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI iLcN to Might -Count IUnscy do Sale.-, Prince Viggo of Denmark, Colonel.Cliarles Kulfowes,, and Count Leon de .MoiilIke lluilfeldl, who acted as usher" at The-wed-ding of Miss Luis Booth, the Canadian heirer. lo Prince Krik. WIRELESS MAY Poincati Thinks Reparations Settlement Soon but says will iTMuilinr savlnir of nnnrbx -ir ' . ... . 'r"ll' 10 x- " .Mllt'l'lll I1IIU ..i i as t :.. n..:.... 111,111 "-"V' I""'.' Ul on Canadian bonis in disposing on""" their catches was the subject L--iminij mailer of a resolulion passed by SCOTTISH AND ,m ENGLISH rurilCII local boanl or trade at us ASSOCIATION CUP GAMES I.ONOON, March 8. Itesiills in tluv fouilli round of tho Asso clulltijl Cui football series fol-lovv: f, Manchesler City 0, Cardiff 0. WeU Broinwich 0, Aslou Villa 2. Swlinjiin I, Burnley I. . Newcastle I. Liverpool 0, Scottish Cup Alnlreonlans I, Ayr 1. Aberdeen' 3, St, Bcrnurds 0.. Hibernians 2, Partick 2. Urofi- t ralliirk TOKONTO, March ... ..,i i.,w i....... LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE B.C. BAR ASSOCIATION IN C.N.R. CABLE RATES Will Take Effect Today Accord Inn to Announoeemnt from Toronto 8.- An- to bo Forwarded to Gov ernment fttUrdijr't ClrciUtlo 1651 Not Give Up Pledges Until Paid i PAltiy, March 8. Premier Poincure staled in .the chamber 1 T UepiiHes yeslerJay that Ihere was- every prospect of a .-ellle-Inienl of the reiarutions"iueslioii before the Frencli elecliinis in May. lie declared that-the experts had faithfully executed their mission, which was to impure into (icrniany financial, capacity ami how Ihe budget might be balanced ralher Ihan (o consider Ihe reduclion of Ihe (ieniiun debt. Poiucare slulcif emphutically Hint the French woulif not give lip the pledges they had seized in the .industrial renins until reparation had been made in its entirety. 44 444 4 4 444444444 IMPERIAL FAMILY ORDERED TO LEAVE CONSTANTINOPLE CONSTANTINO PI. K, 'March H. All male member of tht (uierial family left here yesterday M nceordiiuce with instructions received from the Angora Oovernmenl. Only a few- women remain and I hey have heen ordered lo leave before Monday. : DAILY MAIL IS 4 ASKED FOR CITY f Board of Trade Passes Resolution 1. At the. board of trade meeting last night a resolution was pass. 4. ed reuuesliiig Hie goveriimetit lo 'granl a daily mail service to Ibis . cily and lo arrange for nuill' ilis- 4 lrilulion makiug'lhis' city Ihe (distributing ioinl for Ihe dis. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS lermiuus of a (rauscdntinental tlrttt S!m 44. ROUGH WEMHER ON railway ,u,d is the natural point Mll t r,,,,,,,,,,, tm ,on he Pacific coast fronv w M County I. - o d str.bute mail on the Nor '""j,,, ,at.kliuril 0. iPacific. Canadian coasl north ofi m-i.i n ueen Charlolle Sound: 'namsley I. Kerby County 3. j "It is hereby resolved lhal Ihe ir,irri Cily 0, Blackpool 2. Pi'ineit llniiei-1 lloiinl -of Trade re- .... . it..n i:i.. 'n iii, ,l,i l,v . '. ' . . 7. :" . .. x. : -e. : w:1 1 ie "rnl j?.. ,iuKe on-.i . novctry city o. ......... prince u inert sucn a iiisiriuuiiiii: 1 i'..n...i -i ,,ii,-,...i,,i. a ..r ....nii. tii.i l,,iw ... .. .... .. ...uu.- ... .-...,.....,.... ... . ..v. ....... ....... ...,,. ..... nnii s ami 111:11 man ear 01 I, 1.1 i.,a 1,. 1 1 ii,.ii.,i and the ottierf , ,.,T,.,i. .n.i. , MIIUI - ------ III HIIMI - VlUVIItt: a lli-T s ii i. 11 H......1...1" al rnie.grapn licck, n.w;, "cix..y, ,s ......ii,,.,!.!., . . . Itllllii iloba. Saskalc!ievan, n4KIlII'MI UII. III .Uitlll- rying cmiiraels De eniereil into Manchesler U. 0, Nelson 1. Willi lioats operaling throughout the west . s UMl, ,a, , tion for mihUter, Ih ler the e Hu uon, lr in. Wng King, n raiiui and . nAirin Pacific coasl .iiAiriris. districts. . . . .. .. i, ....... . . IS MILTON GONZALES, NEARLY A QUARTER New Organization Formed with F .Q. T. Lucas of Vancouver as President VANCOl'VF.H, March 8.- The British Columbia Bar .ssoeialion a 'new organization for members of Ihe legal profession, was liuiu. guraled here yesterday with F, C. T. Lucas of Vancouver, president. The representative on llje executive fur Ihe Judicial district of Prluee lluvcrl h Milton .'on-ate W. & F.. a,500 pounds; . tor'en, ,:,500 pounds, and I it gred II.. (i.l)OO pounds, at IH.Oc and 8c. lo Ihe Boolh Canadian (k. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE. Division I. Nolls Forest I, Sunderland 2. Preston N. F. t, Birmingham 0. Leicester Cyy 5, Bristol Cily I. uul- or,Olilham I. Crystal Palace 0. vurious porl Vale 3. Fulhiun I. ma.ejy seventy-five thousand Ool-! ,,; a',j he;1'0!, ,,, , f ' 1111 iiMiiurw I'lirii vnar 111 hip iiii .u 1 .. n..:.. it .. 1 iv. .11 islet- uf public works, and Alfred MILLION DOLLARS -SUCCESSION DUTIES Morion I Division Clyde warded lo Ihe Honorable W. I., si. Mlrren u. Clvdebank 2. Celtic 2, Kilmarnock 1. Dundee I, Motherwell 1. PORT SIMPSON RADIO 0. Mnekenzie King, prime 'minister, Third Lanark t, Itailh Hovers .1. ami Honorable Charles Murphy, ipostmusler general." HAS HAD GOOD SUCCESS POUT SIMPSON,, March 8. It. Boyd Youflg who recently iti- VANCOL'VF.H, Mureh. 8 The slulied a radio set is having estate of the late W illiam Baird, good success. Among the slu ancouver merchanl, who did, (Ions heard distluclly have been recently leaving real personal, Vancouver, Calagry, Nonaimo, properly ainounllng to 1(830,000, will have to pay in succession piobule duties to the provincial government 2t5,000. tiie lur- c-e.s stitu pihl ui many years Portland and Los Angeles. HOCKEY SCORES alarv 2; IlcjiMa. 0 Wtofl Ym Want A The Latest In Restaurant. TAXI BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Boxes for Party Use. "Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. MINE EXPLOSION IN UTAH IMPRISONS 175 GOVERNMENT COUNSEL. IN P.GI INQUIRY SAYS READY MEET ALL CHARGES Explosion Imprisons Miners in Castlegate Smoke and Dust Pours from Mouth with 175 Men who were on the shift Trapped Below CiANTI.KliATK. t 'liits. Miin li X. - One Jiiiudred and m-wiiIj-Iim! men emploved !' "l"ft "f t-T t Fuel lni iituyV (111111' Nil. 2 ur: entombed 1 all explosion which took place till moriiing. HUtl illicit it is thought whs mused by uii ucciiuiulaliuii nf dul. Siimke ami dust ure iMMiriiig fmni Ihf iiumi Hi nf tin1 mine lint it lia not el been determined whether the mine is uu fire or not. . LOCKOUT IN . SHIPBUILDING Government Counsel in P.G.E. Inquiry Declares Mare's Nest is Found by Provincial Party VICTOIlfA, .March 8. Before adjournment of the P.O.K. inqiiii j yesterday until Monday morning, counsel for the government declared that A. M. McNeill, K.IL, counsel fop the Prpr vfiicial Party, had discovered a mare' nest and that .the government 'would suliJfv the commission in regard to all its deal ings with the contractors when the lime came to present its ea& in minimi. I Mutters connected -with the administration of (he P.G.E. were mostly taken up hy Hie commission yesterday. Mr. McNeill 'examining K. J, llossiler, formerly --rcg. P.O.K. construction accountant IlfPII TADICD for Hie government, McNeill said nlUll 1llUJVl ii was nopeu u i now ny. nosai-ler's '' evidence that Hie monthly account of the Norlliern ;Cnn-,. "l rOd inn f!finirianv iviri. i.fiil liv RESOLUTION , i--" i '! - the government without evidence that Ihe company had Itself set- Conservative Member fop South tied ilsVblipatioiis. j Oxford Objects to Reduction . Premier Oliver was present all ' duties day and ieneral Mcitae a'nl W. 'J, Bowser were present for a short litne. OTTAWA, March 8. Donafd Sutherland, Conservative member Tor couth Oxford moved an -Jaiuendment to Hie address In re- -'ply 10 the speech from the throne FIRM RANIfQ I ATPIY ub",illinfr lhal l,ie ,,ole of rwn DrtllrVO LAiLLI .Commons views wjlh deep regret ;lhe depression existing in agrli . . . . ' Pkl. I M i I r s I ncuan mr uom rars euiiire ami me all too serious -Lately Six Boats Sold 70,500 Pounds this Morning 'exodus from Ihe country jtenerally and expresV TT.i '-.Uisappurnlmenl llhat the speech from the tllrohfl while eniVidylng a disllnet threat Bad weather on ihe halibut 0 an important section of indus-banks -is Hie reason why fares try. contains no promise of legis- have been light or the past Tew ai0 t laamt will lend to retain and days. This morning six boals enarge Hie home marketjor Can-markeleil 70.500 poundsi-threc adian producers, such legislation Americans having 57,500 pounds being manifestly necessary in and a similar uumlier of- Uuna- Idians. 13,000- imunds. Arrivals atnl sales: American Atlas, 12.000 pounds, al 18.2c and !c, lo the Hoyal Fish (U. Taloosh, 10.000 pounds and Iteliaiice, 5,500 pounds, at 18.5c and He,. to the Canadian Fish & Cold torai?e Co. Canadian view of the increased tariff of other countries. GREEK CABINET HAS RESIGNED ATI I F.N S, March 8. -Anolher Creek government has resigned as a result of the utisellled slate of public opinion here, following Fisheries on Ihe. expulsion of the king iiud efforts to prevent any reversion to Ihe monarchy. Premier Kuf-a'ndaris handed in Ihs resignation today and his cabinet goes out with him. SURVEY MADE OF DAMAGE TO SHIP Specifications Prepared and Ten ders to be Called For Work on Canadian Scottish Following nu examlinilioii made yesterday afterifoon by, NV. A.. .Wallace, classification surveyor, and Cad. Logan, surveyor for the underwriters, specifications have been prepared for the repairs to the' Canadian Scottish following her stranding early In Ihe week and lenders will be called for the work. The damage. is confined to the hull and sev eral philes will have lo be re moved and repaired. Tho engines are not damaged as wus. re ported. PRESIDENT INCREASES THE TARIFF ON WHEAT WASHINGTON, Marph H An Increase of twelve cents a bushel in the Tariff rate 011 wheal Was ordered today by Prestdeul.Cool. Idge, Increasing the rale to 12 cents. BASEBALL PILOT DIES OIll(ANl)0, Florida, Mn ich 8 Pal Moran, veteran pilot of the Cincinnati National Iruseball team died here yeslerdy. J