PAGE MX. End of Season Clearance Heather Hose We have them in 1Mb uiul Plain Weaves', in a large of colors as Hrowns, Greens, Greys, etc. Values to, $1.50. Special 95c pair We stuck Pictorial Heview and Ladies"1 Hume Journal Patterns. NIail Onlers Prumplly Kxeculed. We Prepay helivery Charges, H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. Cor. Fulton and Third Ave. Wc will convince you that our PRICES are llic Lowest in Town J I ere an- a few Hem for this weeX'ciul only: Slriclly Fresh Kggs. per doz. 35c; 3 doz. . . $1.00 Swiri's I. a til, 3 II). pail 50c Swift's Lard, 5 lb. pail 95o Swift's Lard. 10 lb. pail $1.85 Creamery Butler, per lb. 45c E CONQMY STOR 417 Fifth Ave. East. E FiveRoses FLOUR Vhen Huying Flour ask your firoecr for "FIVE ROSES," The World's Uest John L Christie Agent. DELICIOUS! The fine creamery flavor of pure Woodland BUTTER is distinctive. He sure to try II. Ask Your Qrocer For WOODLAND," "The Dest Butter." Spring Coats from $2000 "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. m CANCELLATION Of MIERVL LAND ACT. Notice of Intantlon to Apptf to Laaaa Land.' Ill Coul Land ln-trnt. herordiiir District uf skreiia. atil situate ami beliia- Ua.r Inland, on the imrth branrb ot ttte Skrfim lover, uear Oceanic tannery. iaa entire mat i, Tinaa w lllliin Tliarkef, Of Prince; U 11 pert. B.C., cicrualiill Kuriiieer, Intend tu apply rr periml".Q In lcae I lie lullunlnr tleorrltml lauiti, Coimiii iirlnir at a l""t planted at lira iimi ,. col CAPTAIN FREEMAN OBSTRUCTS SHERIFF Prevents Seizure of NarbethonpJ i-or Taxes and Demands .notice is iikiikbt" givk.n mat us.- Suciel' 1,11 Wednesday rne cilitliiK orr Lot ill. Oueen Uur. week one imiuuj uisinci, i caneriieu. 0. I. .YVUK.N. Deputy Mluliler of Lauds Mml.4 Iieparlinent Victoria. B.C. S8tli January, 19f I. Captain lloomcs K. Freeman svriles to say dial on Thursday last an attempt was made by the sheriff to seize the Narbethonw am this was resisted and the seizure prevented. The caidain claims that the only court hav ing jurisdiction is the admiralty court through which a lieu mav he placed. The captain refuses lo pay laxes until lie is granted an investigation into alleged grievances. QUARANTINE SAVES CROSBY GIRLS FROM MEASLES INFECTION POUT SIMPSON. March . Afler being uuder a slriel itiaranlinc for over two months against measles (be Cro-diy (iirls home was opened lo a meeting of the Women's Missionary of thlst During Ibe period when it was shut olT from the rest of Ibe villug , I here have been many cases here and a number of young children succumbed. NOTICE. MTH t H hereby riven tlitt Irixler. lll ernoea iana: umfiienrinir at a iol'V : V ' i"' .. . ,. . . planted at the north"-! crnr of Lpt 3t ,?2? u ,,.M'"., t"f, Jrore une 30th tKirth roaM of Graham lland; Iheme Ui'"; '"1 ii1. lT, T i'n. lf' ""I ehaln wenerly: thenre five rhaln nor therly, to lo water mark, thenre l rhain enMerlv alonir low tvaier mark; Ihrnce five rhaln aontherly to point of rommenrenient, rontalntor forty arrea, more or le?. Loraied January 1th. I9j. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. iCORp'oRATION OF THE CIT OF PRINCE BIIPffBT i Tender will be rer..ved by the r.t of I iPrlnr. Rupert for the leaning of Uie'r.ltyl E. F. JO.AKS. City Clerk. Week End Specials B.C. Fresh Pullet Extras 35o 3 doz. for ... .... $1.00 Dairy Butter in bulk, 'i lbs. for 75c CANNED VEGETABLE SPECIAL, 6 tins for 95c Your choice of Tomato, Corn, Peas, Wa or Green Means. CANNED FRUIT SPECIAL. 4 tins for 95c Your ehoice of following lines: Pratt low iced Peaches I s; lilobo Pears, 2; Mal-kiu's Uest Apricots, Is; lloal 1) Sliced Pineapple. 2's: Yellow Kgg Plum, 2V4'sr Oieengage Plum, 2's; Crab-apple, 2 Vi 'a. QREEN STUFF. Arriving Saturday ltoat. Fresh Tomalos, per lb. 40o Fresh Spinach, per lb... 20c Cauliflower .. 35c, 40c, 50c California Celery, 25c ti 35c Head Lettuce . 15c and 20c llrussel Sprouts, per lb, 30o Parsley, large hunches 15o Oreen Onions, 2 for ... 25c Leeks, 3 for ...... ... 25c Fresh Hhubarh, per lb. . 25o (ileen Peppers, per lb. 60c Florida drape Fruit, 3 for 35c; per doz $1.30 COMBINATION VEGETABLE SPECIAL. "20 hs. Terrace Turnips. 10 lbs. Terrace Carrots . 5 lbs. 1U. Onions. I lbs. Parsnips nr Heels. 39 lbs. for 85c. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 2 1 2, 211 and all ejravatl'ins to lie rilled In. The hlaheit or any lender not necea- larlly aerepled. THOMAS XV. IIF.ItNF.. novemment Arenl. Prlnre Bnrert." It C 'Market. Fraer Slivet. .for a term of rive; NOTICE, yeart; term or ald, leae lu be obtained . - iruro the Clly Clerk. I .Notice l lierrb altru that 1-iider will : Tender lo lr In the offlrf of the Cllv be rert-lved at the offire of the um1erlaued Clerk nril laler than 5 imh. Monday.Marrh .up lu noon the Twenty m-ruml day of i..i. iniru iriHirra lur Mrasina Marco, ivzi. lor ine reniai or ine ihiiiu (City Market" Ilia; ilualed on lot III. Blork tl. Srrltoii I. aim ikiw known a Hie net Care. Tlie rental la lo be on a monthly bal and payable in adtanre. A leae for on year could be (riven If required. All lender liin-l tale rental lo Im alil. nature of bulne il I tirooimed to rarrt oil, or Uv In which pninlw are In be hiI. i ue uiriwi or auy lenaer win ul hereditarily lie acicill. 1 im is. w iitini;, Ooveniineut Arenl, Prince HiitI. II TIMBER SALE X 6003. Sealed Temh-r will lie received liv tlie PUlrlit Forester, not later than noon mi the nth day of March. t, for the pur rln-e of Licence X r.uux. near Steamer l'aaire, uth ldc of Somervllle I. land. in rui zvu.iiun r.iijii. or Mirucr. leuar. Hemlock and Ualnaiu sawlrnr. line M year will le allowed for 're moval of tlmlier. HirOier iiartlriilar of tlie Ch ef Fore- lr. Vlrioria, "e tlm IHnlrlrl Foreater, rrinre nuieri, u.c Bacon Al last we have secured an Old Country Home Cured Huron. This llacon is of Hie finest grade, r tired by an Old Country lOcpcrl. Money back if iiof satisfied. By the slab, per lb. ' 41c liargaiu in Packing House Hams, per lb 25c SAVE MONEY AT FARMERS Marke Phone Blue 428. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 te 0. Phone 616. Open Evenings Only For Sptolal Appointment. TUB DAILY NftrVB. Saturlay Mar I, 8. t9j, I if Aew Dishes k I ' faf IJ.'vV' HVnfi ! St. In II Mil, at compared with U Tt.j Oordca C. Dmitri MM I VANCOUVEH fc (f.wM-K 5r iEDMONTON EGGS ARE DOWN TO 20C A DOZEN ouineny piiim i.n nay Inland; llienre nor- mnim up u. irum on uw iiiieniiui , , , Iherly and elerly.i thenre nmtlierly and ay of Mareli. til. at the offlie of theacconllllgly sltllilpcil again. rnieri, IK chants were buying (his week borne and that of just oer two weeks ago, which wns 10 cents per Mls A SMITHERS Sk months extension of time lias been given J. F. Hullile by J A Id rich for Iho nuking of the final payment on the Mamie and other mineral claims on llud on Hay .Mountain. County Court will be In ses sion here on March 18. Important till Hilt lint llf la Mm 'acllon of l. Prllchard vs. V. . lawoli. Lid., of Prince Jluperl In which accounting sought for a shipment if polaloc. - I he home of F. T. Fontaine jou Hutkley Hill was completely destroyed lat week as u result jof a coat oil lamp ephisfot(. Tin' lamp wa upei ny playing children. ' Tin Sinflhcr town hall had n narrow erape from ilelnieliiui htl week when 'a cigarette stub rarclesy I brown in a box of refuse started ' ii blaze which scorched I be walls of I tic second 'floor. The conflagration wan jdicoerei by )r. Iladgcru. 1 ,Mo- Ixabella Short and T i hum. v wll kniiwn reoideut of ' Siititlicr . wen married lul wrek by Itev. W. .Mpi llluer J.ees Mi Marjorie Campbell Iff' Lh.MO.VTO.V. MaiVh 7. IU;g la-l week for Prince lieorge markets throughout Ibe conlliu where hr has taken a piitton enl struck a big decline during on the hospital start", the past ten days, owing to mild - weather conditions mid heavy Ceorge W. Wright has reproduction, turned from a vilt Lo St. I'aur IMnioiilon price being paid to Mr. Wright will le buck later, producers by wholesalers' me . uiul II. J. Kelly. C.N. II. denu,rher lerlr; fulluwlnr the-tinimrltles n'f the. undernamed, lu the City of Piinre lluKri.,i.r i4 ilirririfin In liere tins fl-mii lii ",,r' is a ver--'rinl erj HUH r tu e III inn, ua re-iiert'il irrtiertu trout ill Kire fine to point .( eoiiunenrniieiit. and ITovlnre of Brlilnh Columhla. tor tlie pur- -real ntalnlnr ll arre. more or le. .rliae of the bulldinit ltuatel on Ul fTlthe price Of 20 cents per dozen operillioll III .Mayo ClllllC. TlloMS W. TUACkF.n. "I"k "F." Clly or prlnee nuirt,;, , .1... i, i m i iii i ppllcant. B.C., ami known at Kller't Planliia Mill. lo-l'Or extras lit which price lllcr- HocllCsler. M III II.. and will lif tlafol Haled February I'lJiMi..,. 14 li.l. Il.i irlhp retbrr tilth with u whaterrr ha l.m, iiialertil maiAt.l t there h.i. mar . . . ... . . ... 1 th. 1 991. SXEENA LAND DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. I be on the premium. Karh lender mut be arroinpaiileit by a rheque fur the annum of the tender, the cheque of the unurreful tenderer villi Take Xolfre that I. Arthur floberton. of 'Jf ',,u,r"1 "oniedlalely the bulldlna; If J0)!Pn " ,V"" irl l 1'lAllll.nt. IIMII.h Ilnil.h i'nl,,J.j. I...ahvI. . .a' dtIled Of. Pl.rl lapply for a leae over the follow Inr e-, ' ",.lh.r',h'" n, ' " ' in the near future. Hoberlson Crombh and Hubert were married here Firsts are being bought nt IH this morning, cents per dozen, seconds at to, - cents and erark at to rents, all' J. S. (Irtiy lef nt Ibe first of f.o.h. Kdmoutqn, and dealers re. the week for Vnneomer where port 'the market will lie unset- Mrs. Orny underwent a serious tied i until pricjU arrlw nt a slur-'operation. nge' basis. 1 This is not likely to I - Lake place until the witrm weather Mr. nod Mrs. I). A. Mrlmiignll is urneral, forjtlie present cold have armed from Prince Ituperl nights cause egs to chill, and lo lake no Itieir restdeure here, they are thus useless, for storage! purposes, so It is not surprising1 Prusperuu sdvMKing iimhii- Ihat merchant will not take the risk. Sedtoday Fuaeral of Late Mrs. Thomas Ryan Took Place This Afternoon. Rev. O Q Harkxp wtllsr etinlinnnoa sryrtainw . ,, 1 SFAIF.O TFMil.llS adlre.vd to the UlllCiailng uiidemrtN-il and rinlorml Ti-n.-r fur 'public Innliliiia, kamkMi, . will I re cciveil until 12 a'cleta nean, Thura4at, The funeral of Hie late Mrs. Karen IS, 124, for llw r Mi.truciiiMi uf a ,. public buiMioa at kamfcioi. H i; I liomas llyaii. who tiled in Ibe plan and siwiricalHia ran be aeeii al lienerul Itii.i.ilnl t'l..,ru.l.. fiiMiw of leiHler MiUiim.I al Ilie ..fflcea uimrai iio.-pinii on Ilitirsilay, f n chief Ari'hiiei't, iieiiartinent of iub took lilace Ibis nfleriiiiiiii nl I :m Woik, Vlrioria. U.c . tlm lrk of .,',. ,. . , Wutk. Iiepartmenl of Publie Work. from llayuer llros. chapel Fairview lineery, Itev. (5. Hacker official ing. JACK nENAULT WINS ' .MINNF.APOI.tS, Muirh H. Jark Iteiiaull. Caiunliau lieavy WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. nifilJY ISLAM). Iri.zlinsr. calm; barometer, 30.11; temperature, 10; sea smooth. JKAI) TltHC POINT. Clear. calm: barometer. 29.80: lein. peralure 30; sea smoolh. Jit'LI. HAUm'ilt, - llaiiiing, moderale soulbenst wind; haro-meler, 30.02; ti'inperalure. tO; light swell; 5.3(' a.m. spoke 4leaiiier Prince (Si-orgc off Sunny Islaml southbound. Noon lUHIIY. ISLAM). - Cloudy. ralm; barome'ler, 3'J.IU; IfiiifXpiv. n I ii re. J5; sea shiooth. DLAI) TIlKi: POINT.- Clear. calm; barome'ler, 30.11); temper ature, J& M-n smooth. HULL HAHIIOH. Overrasl, light southeast wind; barometer. 30.0 J: liiiwrnurc, I"; moderale fwell, , A REASONABLE REQUEST Judge Have you anything further lo sa? Prisoner -I should like to ask that the time occupied by ijie counsel' speech for the defence be deducted from my term of iniprisonment. Tit-Hit. A NEW WHJSPER "Hetty, have you been doing anything to this Ink?" "I've only put-sonic water In It mummy, to ninke It write weak. I've been writlnir lo daddy land I wanled lo whisper some-jlhiny to u m Pearson's. Ill MinHHer. H i . ami tlie Mrrlaker, l'ol , . orrire liuildiiir, kamloop. It i: " Tender will not be .Mi.ldereil onle imaile on the fortu eiipplled by the l"-art 'incut and In accordance wllh (lie roielilliriii e rorlli llierrln. Fach leiHler mil.! be acmhitmnlrd by an aeceided rlmpie (Hi a charieml bank par able lu tlie orih-r of the MlliMrr of Public Work, etpjal In III p.r. of Ilie aiiHiuul of I lie leiwler. War Ijhu HoihI of tlie thi llMliUm will alMi be arrrpleil aa rrtirllv. or war lesel ami elmpira. If riulred I i weigbl. kuoirked out Cliff Kramer nuko up an ihM amount. of SI Paul in II,.. foueil. i ny oruer. is wmi'i I of a ten round nodecisiou lioul L. ii. ; Secretary. iH-partioent of Publie Work, nitawa, iruruary v, ivn EPSON COAL We can now Supply qur FAMOUS EDSON COAL In any qjantlty. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phon: 5S. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally, Oirect from iho farm lo Iho home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Boi 895. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. , Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Hon Drinks, We have a pleasant back room. Comon and- make yourself ,at homo, W. M. Whiting, Prop. Phone 376 The House Phone 375 of Quality Tred-Rite Shoes for Boys and Girls We do not haw In lell the public ahum , ipialilies of three hnrs-hr already know h in ing shoes w ithout Ibnt lieuv), i-luiia), uppe.n n . . in fit ami long wearing ipiulilie Unit t. wli . g (heir reputation. And don't forge Die )n i, . . the reach of all. Collie in and try a pair oi the are mv ( i Inld ami parent. Prices' $3.65 to $6.00 V. I UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Shoe Department WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 HAROLD LLOYD III Ills lulesl . et llflHltg l .!" illg miJc j I shaking, six reel iihurdfv "Why Worry" All hilarious laoglilir maker will ) '! I -Harold ns n pill-ealer. seeking benefit lo Ii ' 1 iiting n soiilhern republic, Iriiiisformed mi ' :r busily engaged in routing a I mm I of desperate " during which lime he diroers that he i a t ii l icpl for i heart trouble whn h the girl lie Ihm"- lr curable. .See him poll the gnuifs tooth and u !i s-tu? a tpiake with Innghler Juhyua ILdston ami f :- f , porting ciist. SPECIAL MUSIC, OVERTUnE, "WILLIAM TELL." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 50c and 25c Win Her Affections A BOX OF Purdys Candy WILL DO IT The Autocrat of the Candy World rRt IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATH A Toollivmib Delight in a llcaliliful IhiX" All Hizes. All Prices. Hole Agents: Prince CIGAR STORE . . . . Rupert A . CHEQUE -urnllEJ" Third Avenue. WE CASH