PAOI TWO. Mustard table. kutitmustbeColmans The Daily News imuncr nupERT - immsii Columbia. Published F.v'ry Afternoon, exc;pt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLKN, .Managing Alitor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 11.00 By mail to ull parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year . . ?7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . . .$M0 per inch per insertion Transient Advertisinp on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion..... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion Ific per agate line Contract Rales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION CORN FLAKES Ovn-frth mlumyi Friday. June 13, 1921. Serious Thinking Need Of Times. In these day?, when candidates. for public office are trifling over petty things uml making a laughing stock of the constituency, it is time for people who value the good name of Prince Rupert and of the North to think seriously of the mnlter of voting. .Should a candidate of that calibre be sent to Victoria be would be a cause for merriment 'there and Prince Rupert would suffer. This would be fatal to the future pnipects of the city. v '-f A people who live in, Prince Itupert are working people. nere are very few drones venture lujive here. .Men and women who go north are men and women who take life seriously. They are among (he finest men and women in the world. Tu Ihern we believe it is safe, to leave the reputation of the city, Big Man Needed V To Do Big Things. ' A big man is needed just now at Victoria at a time when there will be big things to do. To send a man who deals iii all sorts of pettiness would be to exped lo be used in a petty manner. The minister of lands is a man who commands the respect; of the whole country. He is a man such as many constituencies! would like to have to represent thent That is the sort of, man to elect at a time like this. Pattullo Is Fighter For Rights Of North. Because of bis position as a member of the cabinet, Hod. T. D. Pattullo is unable to get up in the, House and tear looe like some of the opwtsition members do. Re holds. a responsible po-ilion. Where he Is able lo do bis work is in the caucus of the party and in the cabinet councils. There he is always listened U with respect ami his advice is invariably followed. He is the man we need there again and doubtless th people of Prince Rupert riding will fee lo it that be is the man cho-en. Is Called Away To Help Another. t. .. ,'i,,cra,!' wm regrel that Jheir candidate, Hon. T. D. lallol o has Ui leave the consit.,e, just at A critical-lime to V. .? ..' ' n' 'h" f '" U,e nPal with appendicitis. .Mr. I atliilln s confident that the people here wjll elect him lhal lie ha left U,e matter in their bands. He would have gone anv-way. he sa, as he raniiol resist a call ,,f ,nl kind. JrieB( B The golden brown of Kellogg's turns to rosy hues on kiddies' cheeks. How children ltve with milk or cream, or topped with fruit CORN If 1 SITUATION OF THIS PORT IN REGARD DUTIES Official SUUnwnt Secured From United IUUi Consul on Sup- . plying Boats The. followlni; eoTTepoinlenre in rejranl to the handicap on local supply houses in regard lo fishing boats will proe of In-lere.t lo the people of prince Itupert: . V. Wakefield, llu I'niletl States Consul, Prince li u pert, H.O. Sir: In the local newsimper. Hie Daily News." of May 31st the writer noticed an item- head ed "JleCinntion are Removed," referring to liie 50 per cent duty charged by the Tailed Stale customs mi purrhae of anchors, buoys, hooks and lines used on the trawls to replace those lost on. the banks, and to get oilier supplier, such as food, fuel, bail and ice made al Canadian ports, are now. lo he allowed "Free Kn-try" into Ihe United States. As you are aware. Ihi firm ii inlereer in the outfitting of all fishing veep al lhi port. We would, appreciate a copy of the I'niletl slate Treasury Iejarl-menl ruling on the nlioxe stated articles. The latest ruling we have . bad from Ihe United Slates Treaniry Department was that 50 jer cent would be rharged on all replace, merits. of a fishing vessel" gear, hut Ihe master of the United States fishing vessel could file an application for a refund of the ditties and Ihe same would be entertained. This of eour-e doe not rontitule a "Free F.nlry" a referred lo in Ihe above quoted news item of the 311 May Iat. Thanking ynn in advance for a copy of the Treasury Depart ment Tilling, we remain Your very truly, Lip-ell-Gunninghani, A Co. Ltd. II. P. I.lpett, , Manager. Mr. Wakefield's Reply Lfpoeti'-Cumiiiigham .V (Vi.J Prince Itupert, B.C. Md- Oenllemen Till will acknow ledge receipt of your letter of the nih instant, mentioning an aril cle in. the "Daily News" of Prince Itupert dated .May 31st, in which was printed an -item headed "lie striclion are Ilemnel." h.ivins reierenre 10 ine duly or .ill per cent charged under the Tariff Act of 1952 on ship'. gear, re pairs, etc. and inferring that Ihi duly had been removed nnd lhal uch gear, repairs, supplies, ?Cm were to he allowed, a slated in your leller; "Free Knlry" into Uniled Stale. If such a statement appeared in Hie paper mentioned it wa incorrecl. The Tariff Act of 1922 Jias not been changed in any detail concerning the duly aeed ongear, supplies, ete., purchased abroad by American vee and alo on repair whjeh. were made abroad which were ,nnt necessarily marie in order to innire the safely of ship, with possible cargo and passengers. A coriimuniealinn received al lhi office presumably s responsible.: for the misunderstanding whirlrhas been occasioned by Ihe article puhlished by the "Daily Xews," This eoriimunicalion i a follows: Treasury Order March 20, 1921. Section tf.6 make dutiable the article men tioned in your Despatch 901. a Hie ere considered fishing es- e equipment. However, anv duly assessed on Hie cool of re placement would be remitted up. on production of evidence that anchors arid buoy were actually lost on fishing trips, and lhal they were replaced 4ind paid for by the crew, such losses being eonidered casualties within the meaning of Section 4 fill." 'Signed llughen. and was sunnlemenled hv IU following memorandum: . Another Memorandum "'Articles referred to In mv despatch No. 9ni: Huoys, either canvas oir filled. or ordinary wnoden kegs, used lo now up the eml of a tie attarhed Jo fishing trawl. Small anchors from 15 pounds lo 2!i pounds, ued on Hie em of fishing trawls lo hold""!! on Ihe bottom. Hook and lines used to mnU up the trawl"; which was aHnchd to Hiq com munication received from II. n Consul. General al Vancouter. A interpreted al this office, this I is: UslJ Fiirtber Imiury i heing made ind If information covering Him matter i reeeivel a further reply to this Mter will tie sent. Very reeefiilly ytmr. K. A. WAKKFli'.LD. American iVmsul. The Man in the Moon SAYS- I UK latel Liberal rallying cry I'atlullo. Palullo, flali' Huh! Ilah! .VewllHi, Newton. IUh! I Itali? MackKy. Mackay. Ha! Ha! Ha! i itiere any pleasure sweeter Thsn Jusj .lyjng in. llj sun While around are elfin voice Spreading elieerfuliie-s and fun -4- WHAT I lite a)Mut an eerlMin f is reailing Ihe liutnornu slutT onie of lu edUbrs publish. THK Hishop l.ondftn ay. he feels iki a boy of .sivly six years f ag; kiu.i have been playing al politic liVe some "3r our local politician, Hut would make him a ery young boy. A SCOTSMAN 1in asked what hrand of lohaero he- whs smoking, replied that he did not ak him. YOF may h lie.ini ..f jrirl who when akrd Tf she Mil out the daitee replied thai Ti wh i no tir.d and would rnlher danre TUFY say Hint a vair. wa hroiiyht hefnre Maiittrale Mc-i i inoit recently and when III Yv stun aked what wn the ha ge w told "Fi'agrancy vunr Worship " URGE SUPPRESSION" OF DRUG TRAFFIC School Board Endorses Resolution Seat Them Regarding Big Convention A Ihe meeting of the school hoard an inghl Ihe following t ' mi ton was pansel: AVhe'-ea the- tlipprefoi - of he dr.ig iraffie ran only he ac- Miiiplisliril hy Ihe united and ro. action of all nalion: And wherenft-Caiutda, in coin. 'jinon with other countries'. Im telegram and memY randum refers jvilal inieresi in the Mippreion strictly In articles .f gear which may be purchased in a foreign port after having heen lost al sea Ihroiigh stress of weather and which could not have heen obtained t an American port with out iiieonveniehrlUg Hie master and crew of Ihe vessel for whleh Ihe ptirehaA (fs made. of such Iraffie as it alreudy cau- tttnte a seriou and Insidious meanre in our iialMtunl welfare: 'Therefon be it reoled lhal we humbly petition Ihe iivern-menl of Canada ty lake step to have direct repre.enlalfon al the opium ewference lo be held in Fajrope ItU fall, and that such representation should itirlude a minister of Ibe Dominion eabiuel and also a lay repreentalie. He it further respectfully .uh mitlnl that the name of Judge F.mily Murptiy. aulliore and iMiliee HKiKislrale nf IVlmonlor should be Minsialered a a lay i preventative a her close stud) nf and writing on the question together with her wide experience in court work place her in i IMi.ition to render valuable er vice to the eonfereny; ami fur. Ihermore there could lw no more suitable delegate rlin.en to teak for the people of finada. ar Hcularly Ihe women, wild whose viewpoint on Ihi seriou pro Idem she j fully rogniianl. TEA AND SALE Held by Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Church at Home of Mrs. Plllsbury A ucceful tea and sale of home cooking wa held by the Women' Auxiliary of SI. An drew's Anglican Church al the home of Mrs. J. II. PitUbiiry. Fourth Avenue Vet. ycslerd.iv afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Mclennan poured and was nsiled by Mr lleginald llraumont and Mr. A. II. Nichols. Mr. M. M. Stephen anil Mr. A. K. Har et-Jone were in charge of the home conking kind Mrs. O. A. Woodland was Hie c;i shier Snowy Table Linen Tkt purt Ulktr t Sumlifkl Sp ll'iilil tkt tllke$ (r. tUj.NOTckem. Uiltj.TkttSM0 Gmarmntft Purity It ittmt ti tvtrj lab-Ill Sm.tmt S4f. OV all things, table cloths and napkins benefit most from the mild, cleansing Sunlight bath.- An ordinary wuahinf wears table linen out even more than table use. How different the Sunlight wayl Just soak the clothes, after rubbing lightly with Sunlight Soap, and all dirt is lootencd, all grease dissolved and this without any grinding rub on the wash board. Then you rinve and the dirt just runs away. Result: freshness, purity and snowy cleanliness. Li'.VKR BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO stu 0 . The Delicious Flavor N drawn from the leaves of SALADS" GREEN TEA has won it millions of users. Sold by all grocers. Buy a pucku(u today mt SAMPLE ol tiKiM TU UPO hFgiltST. "SiUD Iita' Oliver Government Increases Workmen's Compensation Allowance John 01ier's fioterumenl iiKrened tiien'v Omipenoalioii from 55 per cent to 62 per cent of wage loss. John Oliver' Uoterumeiil raie Hie I . t - i ion of n workinau' willow from $20 to $35 pr month. John f)ier' (Soveriimenl raiie Ibe .ill ;. for en i h ehild from $5.00 to $7.50 per month. Hiwers AH provided for only ten children; Ihe Other tiini rtimeiil amendment inrlut I. ehiblreii. Hndrr Ihe Art a widow w.n rhlldren got $40 per month; under H-nnieudnienl be gel $65.00 per month. VOTE LIBERAL YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "RuprtBrand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For pieiites, e,ooe "Hupert Hrand" Salmon, A few litis, in the pantry are alwav handy Hloek a supply oil ycnir boal that a kimhI afeX SOLO EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Princo Rupert, B.C. SUMMER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Ruoert or Prince George w. ii anit M bDiiirar niiorDT r, UANCOU VERa VIC t i j i nnii iiuiji rninvit nwf-fct wr-.-w - TORIA, SEATTLE and iiilermediale j-imU ea h Monosj. Thursday and 8aturday at 11.00 p.m. iix , FOR ANYOX . Wednesday. 10.00 p.n. FOR STEWART Friday. S.S. PRINCE JOHN tof VANCOUVER via Queen IJiarl Iolniiils, June SI. PA83INQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, l-rhwe Hii.rl t.0 pin. hr rKHf.K n.oH0K. MM"?tTt. niPEG, U polAli Eaiurn Cnd(, t'liltad 1Ule. aatNov att ocaaii iTfSMie links. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.G,TD' 84ilmr fri I'Nnm Rupert.'r-or VAN00UVIR, VICTORIA, Swintan Br, AUrt Br. ,"y,i 10 . foe VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt Btf, sntf wsrswi air. ' for ANVOX, ALICI ARM, STEWART, Wtlsi lilantf, Sur. r "' , PORT MMPSON M NlM Rlf Clrll, ttH1 A.M. , e. S2 Ens Aitnus. 4. rntlty, Advertise in "The Daily New THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK REbUM 1