i Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Hales and Information, fee us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone S80. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLtS. Ager for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our slock of Oarden and Field Seeds, Onion sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Phone 58. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Dlack 216. P.O. Box 835. M. S. SING TAILOR, CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone 774. 820 Third Avenue Laundry Office P.O. Hox 88. Prince flupert, H.C. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerton Blook, PRNCE RUPERT, . O. Office Hours, te . Phone M. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. - JTH1 DAILT IW&, Friday Tui.i 1 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan I'M to Ct-Mi OiO too y, I IM RlCHTCNEDTO MQTCE HE CUXNCX LET XOU H0 DIMMER- ' Hl' &Zrr V DEXTH WO 4 f " HAVE. rsO PEW -J tmeke'uu kno more k.Vy SA MCE AROUND WHIUE. CUMCVtj Ooc lt HERE WILL DISCUSS LOCAL SCHOOLS Schoolboard to Have Special Meetinn; Miss McLeod Resigns: Number of Applications Two weeks from now I hew will be a special meeting of lh schoolyard at which all questions connected with cliatfk'rs in the leaching staff will he discussed. At I he tuff tins lasl nighl il was suggested ftnt Ibe position of supervising principal might possibly be abolished and this will In taken up further at ihal lime. At last nighl's meeting the resignation of .Miss .Margaret .iri.eo.i rrom tne stair was re ceived. .Miss Mel. cod Is 'going l live in Calgary. Her resignation was rereiv'ed with expression of regrol at losing Ibe servWs of a faithful teacher who had been with them a Ions time. High School Class The queslion of a new teacher for the high school was set forward two weeks when Principal Ilraily will be in a better position lo. recommend. He aid last night Ihej- expeeled to lake in 55 new pupils at the opening of the next term but what courses Hjey would lake had not ,yel ten arerlain- ed. Another room would have to he filled Up for Ihem probably and another teacher secured. Secretary Vance reported having received applications from several local young people including Kolh Oordnn, Lee Oordon anil Miss Cross. Miss lllvel, who was formerly here and did good work has also applied anil it was intimated would probably be SCHOOL DRILLS ARE DISCUSSED Teachers at Hljh School Com-. pllmented on Excellent ' Showing, Made S. K. Parker, chairman of the j schoolboard. last nighl at the j schoolboard meeling slated Ihal he had walched an inspeclinn of he pchool radel by Major John son at the High School anil hail been much impressed with the excellent showing the Ixiys had made. The physical drill and muscular movements he thought were particularly valuable. Much credit was due to the teacher. and especially Mr. Woodworfh for the work done. ' Trustee Casey asked regarding Hie shooting of Hie cadets ami was told by the principal Dial as the outdoor life had a wide ap Ieal to young boys here, the oh- The best Tobacco for the pipe A NEW FLAVOR The double richness of SL Charles, as compared with ordinary milk, gives a new ahd delicious flavor not only to cakes but Id all recipes and dishes that call for milk. Write for free Redoe Book. VANCOUVER $TCHARL5 it is slafeil thai the driver roul TAKE. Hit) OOC, AnO fM 50RR- I vV& NEAkN AND OiOKT VNT TOO TO i a drills they jravc divebiped inile-li"idence, power and the alili to take order promptly Anyone who saw the drills would support idem in the school. BOWSER SUFFERING FROM HAY FEVER AND SNEEZES AT OLIYER VICTOItlA. June Vi. W. J Howser, leader of the Conserva-live Party in Hrilish Columbia, has been suffering from an attack of hay fever. This Iws bn bothering him all through the campaign. He says iu his political speeches thai he lias not cold feel bul it is noticed (hat he sneezes whenever Uie name of ! John Oliver or lower freight rale are mentioned. Mr. Howser say he is pleased with the outlook but lie doc not look Ihal way. In fact (here is a general depression throughout the Conservative ranks. Two weeks ago they hail high hopes of winning, hifl today they know that they are fighting a losing game. JACK HILDITCH JR. BROKE HIS LEG ON BEING HIT BY CAk Jack Iliblitch. son of Mr and Mrs. J. II. Iliblitch. Third Avenue, had his leg broken above the knee at noon yesterday on Mc- Hride SJreel when hn ran In front of a taxi car driven by Joe Hniwn. The boy was imm.edialev removeil lo the (leneral Hospital. While full reports of the accident have not been made to the police. OOtT LOOKAS' FPP, MCE HE WOULOKT --j csv r ' s. r 1 J BEST BASEBALL GAME OF YEAR Sons of Canada Won by Score of Two to Nothing Over Columbus Club The City League taeball game last aigh, won by (be Sou of (Canada over I he Columbus Club by a .-core of two nothing, was easily the nsl inau-li so far thW season. Th pitchers were not allowing much ami were hacked up with almost airtight upiorl in the field. Krmr wrre few and il was a rnuple of unt imely ones nu fhe part "I Hie (ktlum-luis Club. Iliat. lol them Hie game. I lie. Gnnuok making their two runs in the third and fifth innings. Otherwise, play wn veil thniigb the on had I he lo eak of Hie lurk. The game was featured with exeral pretly i.fnys. Hie inot -P'Tlai'iilar Iwinv a slop in the fifth iiininys by Kudderhain. I hi .alholic left fielder, of a sizzling line drive froit Perry which would have been good for two or three bases hail Hie fielder nol hung onto it tenaciously. Tills he did. however, despite llm rocky ground be was obliged lo rover to grt in front of it. In Hie siAth inning, with Iwo' men on liases and tW4 om, the liolum tu Club seemed, close to lying up the score when a low gouuder was sent out towards first hae. Vic Meuzies was righl I here, however, and. fielding nicely, he shattered the Catholic's hojies of HERO OF GAME VAUGH! The rock did nol hinder Hud-derham in making his spec-... lacular ft field slop. putting the ball to first in lime lo gel the bailer out and the side down. Ted llalversoit on I bird for Hi;' Coluinlui Club did his share by making nice ealches of Iwo or Hirer fnuls, TTie miMii-bers of IhMIi leant "for Hie mo of the game wen mi I heir Iocs ptfiyimr good Imseball. II was n -even itiniMg game. J. Mi-Alei'iiHii umpired anil Hie teams were a follows Sons of Camilla- I . Hat four, c; D. Lidstone. p.; V. Meuzies, lb. V. Mllehell. j .; II. Perry, :ih. Jecl was lo leach them lo use not be held responsible because Jack Hairhfonl. cf firearms carefully and also louhe lad come in front jf him iujrf I .nu Sherman. K. Clapp. If.; ; Jack Kelly, train Hie eye. lie was opposed jSUrli a tiKinner as to make Hi" ('.oluuibtis Ciuli C. McKeown, to llie term mililary drill. 1 lie imparl unavoidable. J. A.-iorm. ..; H.'Frizzell, lb CUT PLUG GRMllOU'i- i Sport Chat j the last game of the eily fuolliall rliampionship series for I Iu Mobley Cup. ownership for Hie season of which is already cinched by the Sons of Canada, will lake place lonighl nl Acin. polis Hill grounds bet wren (he Sons of P.ngland and the Urrat War Veleratis' Asocialion. The learns will line up as follows: Sons of I'.naland Art l.ahe; Dick l.anibe and Dick Howe Percy Cameron, Oeorue Kelscy and II. s. Hum; (leorge Hill Dickens, Perry .Tinker, Fran! Ilodgklnsiiii and Cole; reserve,'! Woollon and (iarrelt. Orcal War Veterans W. Knoxt O. K. Lord and vv . Harion; X, CnriM-y, W. Murray and F. Iluul er; llobiiison, Dido (iiirvirli, J, Johnson, Willie Mitchell and V, Conway: reserves, O. Findlay, Don ("orker'unil Charlie Whul- nian. The Dominion Day "relebraliiui Ibis year will once again be In I he hands of the Sons of Canada. Ollicial permission has been oh lained from the rily council for Hie use of Acropolis Kill grounds and Hie native sons' sociely in already gelling its plans under way for an observance of Con federal ion Day Ihal will equal if nol surpass any such celebration ever singed In the city. Another allrat'lifin for Dominion Day may be I lie opening of the fiyrn Club playground in MfiClymonl Park. That dale is now tentatively e by Ihe frviee club for the pur poe. The dry dock will have completed the equipment in a few days and liien it will liave to bo erected. ItANCII at Prunral Lake for Sale. 1 IS aerers, all feneetl; 7 acre in limoHiy; remainder very light clearing. House 10 by JO. with stable. Hi is ( one big bargain for tl.Sflu ch1i. Apply In Finest Profit, (ieneral delivery. Prince Hupert, H.C. . 'Oil SALK. Slxieen roflin room ing bouse and ilore; at) fnr nished. Full siiml bumcnl with new hot air furnace. Term arranged. This buihllpg .is right in front of the Dry Dock, 880 Ambrose Aenue. ' tf Foil SALK. Three hoasae. oat of town clients have instructed us to dttpvsQ o( well loeat-ed residence. &fe us for ile-laiU, McCjilTery X ftihbon. Ltd. U IfHl SALK. Ten-twelve Ion grade A while potatoes, cheap. Prices on application. Arthur T. timpbell. Moricelnwn. H.C. "OH SALK. New ami ueJ Machinery, lloats and Engines. Northern Kichange. tf FOH SALK. McClary range in per feci condition. Plnwtr lle Sit. I( FnilNTTITtK for Sale; small bouse lo rent Phone lied 0?3. BOARD AND ROOM HILL FAIt.M, TKIlltACK. -Hoard and residence for Ihe summer holidays. .Not a convalescent home, but where anyone out of sorts will convalesce, llouie rooking. Home grown vegetables ami fruits in season Fresh milk and home made butter. Tennis. Splendid accommodation for children, with playing fields, cle.. Fnllie charge of children when desired. To save disappointment make your reservations early. For-terms, elc. write Lnnfear and Freneli, Hill Farm. Terrace, H.C. HOAHD and llooin at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Onice. 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If MISCELLANEOUS FOH DIIKSSMAKINU and plain sewing, phone 127. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Slore. We liny. Sell and Kx- chauge New and Secondhand Coods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 8.TJ Third Ave. Phone CIO BEAUTY PARLOR. Complete up-to-date Iteauty Parlor. Hobblng fl upeclalily. HairdreMng, Hair (loodi made up, Skin and Scalp Treatments, Violet Hay. Prices Reasonable. MRS. LOVE, lloom C, Stephen Hldg., over Denny Allen Co. Phone, 30, AUQTION SALES. Goods Hoiighl, Sold or Kxchanged H. H. HEMMINQ8, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. I'hones Hlack 130 and Itcd 442. Low OMII Uri. Fitvt Svt, Imc C Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvrtlMmant Takan for Le than Boe WANTED WANTKD. Furniture of every description. Highest prices puid. Prince Hupert Hxchange. Auctioneers. Phone CS2. lilitL fur Housework wantrd' knowledge of cooking not necessary." Phone I At. I3tt CHAM 1 1 HH MAI I Wauled. Apply Kiio Hotel. Ifj EXCHANGE U'OIT.D Omsider Farhange of new cabiiiel Singer Sewing machine, e.l 1 20.00. for ncriiiul hand phonogrnpli and rrcord. Apply Hot IHtt Daily .cw ofllce. 1 13 FOR RENT FOIt II FAT. -Five riwimed flat. II. Lelourneau. Siilh Avetnw WeL Phone Hlaek 35. U FOIt ItKNT Four room, modern. healed apartments. Apply Smith k Mallett, Ltd. tf U'FIGK FOH ItKNT. with modern living quartern. Weslenhavcr llrou. tf FOIt IlK.NT.--Paluier House for cheap rates and home comforts, tf FOUND FOUND. An I.O.t!. Owner ear have same at Daily News office by proving ownership and prying lor (his advertisement, t.f. I.. Astoria. Sb.: II. Windle, s.; Ted llaherson, 3b.; Oeorge Hud- derham. If.: Frest llenning. cf,; H. Myers, rf. Invue slanding to date: W. L. s. of t:. I o C. C I 3 wr n 2 Pie. 101)11 tin noo FOR SALE FOIt SALK Speed IkmU "Fho." Length iH feet. team & feel, wind shield, canopy lop atid curtain. Iwo auto al wild eatiny eapaeity ror eivht or len persons, powered "'Willi tH h p. Wiulon Six engine, Ho.eh ignition, stornve battery. Ha Paragon reverse gear, (Minn. Ida prenr. (1 I.. Ilaindc). Cttld Storage. tf TAXI Taxi 87 Phon. , fCall Oeori.iv I- , Prompt Servii e a : ,.t Day or N Slan.l ROSS DROS. POOU R00 Meeker Blot I, Acros from 1 i , PRINCE nUPCHTTIOEl Friday, June 13. High i - Saturds. June 11. Ilia 1 1 Ir- ., i. i; r, MM-len at Mr I UMI I MML r Hey. i m LIQUOR-CONTROL PLfCUCITES ACT eeocutviATiOK or rrwT ducts enovmci or s:ts couimi. M tat(N I t V PL -i TO WIT- ei sue wti' i ... e-o i. n. ibimii mi u" e' It ' n se-ettMUMl (ir tat Geri terOksr. Ami m ! ' l lU MUM Ir- - rarwiiwa tne fcsii ' U'rluck is Iter fi" or jaar, it i-- Um ml IHe M"i im MvtaMM r roLLiwa oiviios iMra1 re (llenltMit " ' ' IMmII IUM4I (1 " - Kttr . 1 -'. Klttnui kMowskilum ktffHnt I Arm- rrr of whirs all tmri 1. :t ' 1. LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBlSaTl ACT, PROCLAMATION Or rttTURN"0 offtt enovmcc or "'V,.H1.fPl.Ui"p,'i'4 " iiti.' in in rmncc auefRT TO WIT ., ' l-llilli: Mni'K ' '' , t.lHiir f Hi" ", : Mia urn "':",. il Writ lo Hi ilirt-lfl ' I Olh .lay f M. in rim the f..ll-. "i ;'," ,f Do u .ppi-ei ';;!" V"" "'""""..s'lrei . rt.iw lo lie lubiniimt '' 1 - , :lrrbr qmlirh-i' ' ' 1 f i netMtMr f " 1 ' , for llie neriiiri UMi toil alull I" ''' o'Clork lo ll fimti'" " totti .lir of iinji-. I" 'J; . i rsiflvlnx II"- vole- ..r t. , III rirn r-'"n1,,!; ,'; r. Miewinti -0LLIN0 BiviaiOR. Rink) Itland luirkley Hay taimli Ioki ll.rlull llayljrl liiyernrM Ifdwajr l.iMn inn , inkcrM.rt Miaiirii Oceanic I .,,-1 .,.ri iPH'l l't Mr ' llUM (I Sanilir' Skiilrt -.il b II of wlilrh lit r-n- '., -I M 4 1 diilreU in lake tM.tM e an" , wlvf. erM.rclinzl.v. , nJ .1 rMJ'