Friday, Jun 13, 1924. Success Begins With Saving A Savings Account with the Union Bank of Canada will give you the right start. systematic saving you can lay the foundation a ' 5 stpne of future success. Do not wait until you have $25.00 or $50.00. A .Savings Account can be opened with.$l.00. , UNiBn BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A, T. Broderick, Manager BEER- A B.C. Product Lurge siiui- of money have been expended by trade develop inenl agencie in spreading the gopel of bujing pro ' ' duel. t U.V' llrewerfes in the wl ji'nr have paid nearly $700,000 ill wage lo 11.(1. worker, not to mention vail miiii iihm11 Willi 11.11. farmer for barley and liop. Tiie parage of the lff r liy Ihe glnW plebirile will r dure the i-oionniiliou of importer! spirit in favor of light. wholi'Miiiii', cheaper beer mailt, liy II. (L workers from materials produced on 11.(1 farm. VOTE "YES" on the Draught Beer Plebiscite I tfjr drinker art tod drunkard. Added farililie for curing draught l.eer by Ihe gla will diMourage the drinking of strong liquor. MODERATION LEAGUE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. ' Gordon Ross, Sec'y. if v. What Highways Chief Says About Oliver Government Roads V. Campbell. Chief of Canadian High way. Comiiiivioiif, write lo lion. V II. .Stilher-leiid: ".Section of your roads arc among Ihe fiue.t 1 base een in Canada or elsewhere. ? "1 bad an opporlunily of niecliiig nil your ' IhMricl Kngincjer and of t;eing Mime tif Iltfir tnol difficult work. They appear lo f. j be t'lilbio-iastieally interested in and attached i , lo Ihe work in which Ihey are engaged; and, . ,f as far a 1 could ee, Ihe work being inider- takou vh carefully laid out, carefully and oiibtaulially c(iiitniclcil, and full value being received." , llrilMi Columliia has 1 7, (Mill miles of road tiiid'K.MKl miles of trails; placed end to end Uiey would circle Ihe world; Keep Up the Good Work VOTE LIBERAL t v Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. - Manners, Undertaker. Pbonr 361. tf Pattullo's Committee Rooms Empress Theatre Phone 135 Open from 2 to 10 p.m.dally. tf .Mr. O. V. Kvitt in xpendini; a holiday vipiting willi Mr. and Mr. A. I.. Kvill at tilentaiuia near Kin it hern. I'AliKANT "The Striking of ilanada'x Hour." fifty in cant Auditorium, tonight at 8.30. Adult 50c. Children 20c. Tender are lo le called for the n-Mli irtgliu of I lie King Kd ward or I tool, the hoard derided at it h meeting laxl night. It wui not derided whether lo remove the old uhliiRleH or to put the new one out the other. - - The mailer of . entertaining visilinx teachers here early in uful wa ttixeuMffi Jiy Hie M'lo.Hilhoard lad night on the ugi;etioii of liiiiria) Hrady. II wa decided to ask the co operation of ol her puldic boilie Iiuriiifc- the nutnmcr holiday the local crliool building will undrrpo a stood deal of overhaul and repair. The mailer wan di-ciiKed at nonie length hod niglil and the work will he taken in hand an mnjii a the rhiei close. The new method of writ in;; and oilier matter icrtuiniiifr lo -chcid work wt-re dieu.rtl at the meeting of the -cliool hoard la night. There eemed to he a uitrcrenee or opinion among trustees a to Ihe value of Hie lem. Mr. II. F. f!laMy, honored royal laily of the local lodse, Mr. Krnl (lilliuly ami Mr. Iteu Self leave on toatslit' train for Win nlpejr where Ihey will attend ihe Dominion Convention of the l.adie of Ihe Ituyal Purple on June 18 and ID.- l'rraralory lo liir rriotiutK of WVflview-ecltcxd nexllerin th1 eeivtiiry of- lh selmolboard will al for the names nf all tho-e wtOilnsr lo semi oupils there during (he eoiaitnr term. Tins wa dci.le.1 at Ihe meet ins of the chool hoard last night. The imiroeiiient of the school crounUo is srohijr on. aerordin? i' I lie report of lrulec ltoche. i it lo 'he sehoolhoard last iiibt A rimh ileal of work has (Mn lone al eal Cove ami (his is lo be completed and work is com niencing at Hootli school. A. J. Ilishop, until m-enlly ecrelary of tlie ireal War Vet- erans Aocialiou. has not l-fi Ihe city but is a pajienl in the Prince lluperl Cenrral Hospital. luforiiiatlon lo the elfeel that Mr. Ilishop hail left Ihe cilv was obtained at I lie (i.W.V.A. Iiead-itiarlers yesterday. This he lenirs. Clollies sense accordmi; U iKiinty Dorothy is a com-hinnlimi of style sense and roimiioii yeiise. Dorothy purchase! a new irown or sail when she knows she needs it mid the price is riKlit.' Hut she never loses siphl of Hie redeeming ipial. Hie of a thorouuli cleansing. She talks to the men occasionally about clothes extravagance and as n result we are doing the sleaming and pressing of many male iranneiils worn in this town. If you phone we'll call. PHONE 8 V&lisry BOX392 THE DAILY IfKWB. PAai Times. MADE IN CANADA SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE Pattullo's Committee Roomi EMPRESS THEATRE. tf Football Imnylit, Acropolis Hill al 0.15. S.O.K. v. (i.W.V.A For quality and preparation el Hunter Coal. Phone Green OSS or Itlue 515. If Mrs. J. Vlgcr and Mrs. II. It Wilson safled for Victoria on Ihe Prince George last night. Constable W. J. Service, pro viiteial jioliec, relumed Smithers oil last night's train to Valhalla meeting tonight ha bei cancel I e I on account of St Paul's Lutheran Church Pageant J. II. lllake, forestry engineer of Victoria, left the ell) on the Prince George-last night fi Ocean Kails'. ' J. it. Turner, district manager of the J. P. Dulliie mining inter esis, relurneil to Miuilier last night after having spent several days in town. W. S. Henry and S. A. Kby re turtle! to Smilhers last night af ler Having newi in Hie rily a couple of day on business in connection with the Assizes. L. S. Hawkins, Vancouver man aaer of the Marconi Wireless Co lefl for Ocean Falls on the Prince George last night afler having spent a couple of days in Ihe city on business. Mrs. ,1. ltohiiisou and Mrs. George llibbanl sailed last night for Vancouver on Ihe Prince George. The former is on her way lo St. John. N.H. and the latter Is ging to Philadelphia. lame Weir, charged with an infraction of the. city trattic bylaw by driving a I ruck, on the wrong sole if a sileiil policeman, wa dismissed willi a warning in Hie city police court litis - Major P. F. Seharsuiidt of Vancouver, who has been In the city for Ihe past few ilay rirtilurliiig organization work on behalf of Wilhmi Larm.r and llobert Todd, of Ihe government tele graph line north of llazellon, ar rived in the city on last night's train and proceeded lo Vancouver on Hie steamer Prince George. They are on their way lo the Obi Country to allend the Umpire Inhibition. The sehoolhoard last nighl discussed plan 'submitted l.v Arthur Cox for the proposed new' Hie plan would be too expensive and a committee consisting of W. K. Williams' and II. 0. Hochesler was appointed lo take Ihe. mailer up further with the architect vith,a view lo having the plans revised.' J. M. firosart, J. Macdonald. 0. Cuddy and J. II, McAVilliams, who have been in the city for the past week In connection with, a case that Massed Timber Cp.'Wa prosecuting al the Supreme'Court assize, returned south- on, the Prince George last night. The American halibut schooner Wave, which went ashore and sank in Metbukalla Passage last eek, wa taken olf this mornin and brought to the dry dock where an examination of- the lamajie will be made. It is likely repair will be effected here. There was a surprise party last night at the home of Mr. and Mr. I.. II. Parry, C32 Sixth Ave. West, when something like thirty people dropped in wjthoul uotic: and spent the evening most en joyahly al dancing, games and ingiiig, lleiresiiuieiUs were served and the party broke U about I. 'JO. DIPLOMATIC REASON CANADA HOLDS BACK Dally Mall Says Another Allied Power was to Claim Equal Rights I.OMKI.V, June 13. It i at matter of common knowledge in well informed circle, the Daily! Mail says, that it was a "special liplomalic reason," which Pre mier King of Canada alleges weighed with the llrilish Government in withholding Dominion representation at Lausanne Con ference. It was Ihe apparent iuteiilou of another allied power lo claim Ihe right if Dominion delegate were admitted lo t lie conference, of Introducing dele pales from this allied power's own colonial empire. POSTAL CLERKS WILL TAKE A STRIKE VOTE TOIIONTO, June 13. -A mas meeting Of postal clerks decided early this mornin? lo take a strike vole on the new wage schedule announced this week. BASEBALL SCHEDULE June 20. Son of Canada vs. Gil's. July L Gil's vs. Knights of Columbus. city. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert William J. Vvvceney and Wil- Ham lllackstock. Smitber: ft Myers, D. r. Davidson and X. A. Klliolt. Vancouver; It. G. Cun uingham, Port Kssiugton; Alex, MacJueeu, Silver Creek, Xebras ka; J. Sallhouse ami .Sam Stral slinin, Francois Lake: Lee Lay. Ilaysporl; Mr. and Mr. J. F. Clokc and family, Anyox. Central W. S. Mitchell. Toronto; J. Knowles, W. It. Hudson and W. It. Graham, C.X.It.; M. I.awler. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Laupch "23" will leave Swanson Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoon every half hour from p.m. un til 6.30 p.m and on other week- lays ut 2, t and 6.15 p.m. flic last boat home each dav will leave the Salt Lakes tloal Ihe passage of the beer plebiseitcisharp al 7 p.m ai i ii lortncoiiilng election, re turned lo Vancouver on the Prince George last night. June . 1". Gil's vs. Sona of Canada. June -0. Knight uf Colum bus vs. Gil. June ?3. Sons of Canada vs Knights of Columbus. Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowboal and canoe for sale and hire. Prince Itupert Hoathouse.. dvrM In' iikIIt Sw TOO LATE TO CLIRltlVV WAXTF.D. Woman to do bouse- work oy i ne nay. Apply I W. Pal more. ANNOUNCEMENTS p.aysneu ai noruen SI. School. The Dew-Drop Inn Member of the board seemed lo Elks' Home. Juno U. iuiuk uie nullum?', according to, FCZEMA I mrnt tot Bcitm and Frolic, Ton m not wbn tou Dr. Ctiane'a Olnt- Skin irma CoiM'l OlnUiient trc it you aitotton thlt puper and tvai to. itamp for ut(e. 0o. boi i all dtalert or Klnuuin. nU J & Ctv. UautH. Toiunf If 1 - I Reports on i rW a Canada's fL- At frequent intervals throughout the season the Bank of Montreal issues reports on the progress of the crops in Canada. These reports, telegraphed to headquarters from the Managers of the Bank's 550 Branches, cover every Prov-ince and form a reliable index of crop conditions. The reports are furnished free. Upon request at any Branch of the Bank your name will be placed on our mailing list. BANK OF MONTREAL m Total Assets in Excess of 650,000,000.00 Restmore Walnut Bedroom Suite Including CHIFFONIER, DRESSER, DRESSING TABLE and BENCH, ROUND STEEL BED, COMPLETE WITH SPRING, MATTRESS and PILLOWS. Our Special Price is j $150.00 Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. phone 123. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOitiSF For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle June 14, 21, 25; July 2, 5, 12, 16, 23, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway June 0, 16, 20, 27, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 28 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai rails, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van. souver, every Saturday, 11 a.m: Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C ORCHARD, General AgenL Comer of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Princa Rupert. B.C. fill ytiiiAiiiimza Underwood London Dry Gin Sj (3.25 per Bottle. J If liiiiiiiiiii This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia... ... , , .y., .v ,,