Kergln of AUIn, Pattullo of Prince Rupert, Manson of Omineca, Perry of Prince George and Yortton of Cariboo by co-operation and unity of action were able to accomplish a great deal for Northern and Central British Columbia. In the next House the North will be stronger by two teats, namely Skeena am! Mackenzie, while Ulloet, adjoining Cariboo, seems certain to go over to the Liberal column. These eight seats cover three quarters of the area of British Columbia. By standing together, the representatives of these eight ridings can put up a strong front in the House. As matters stand, the only way this can be accomplished is by the people electing eight Liberals, which titer Is every indication they are going to do. The slogan for the North should be "A Solid North." CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. The Daily News PIMKCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. ' H. F. PULLKN, Maaaging Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 9t Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising .hould lie in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval: Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday. June 12. 1921. Only A Week To Make Up Minds. There is only week now in which elector: may consider the pro and con o( the election rarujuiign and decrrto who they will chnoe to represent them at Victoria during the next four year.. While the election is o cloe only one public meeting ha hevn held finer nomination -day and that wa. in the interest of lion. T. D. Pattullo. The liiwer candidate ha not yt announced a public meeting nor ha the .Mrltae standard bearer done o. 11 is to be presumed, however, that the.e men Will arrange to place, their view before the electorate in urue public maimer. Absence Of Anything Constructive ' In regard to the candidacy of Mayor Newton! it i notice able that there is an absence of anything constructive in connec tion with hi, ..campaign. ,He ha not yet announced what he land for or what his leader, W. J, Bower, will do if he i re turned lo power. II I the duty of any candidate asking to re place ome other to tell the electorate jut what he intend to do. Me ha a perfect right to -criticize the silling member, but mat i not enough. People demand to know what he stand for. What big province-wide policy ha he in mind? 'Has he a poljcy covering local condition? On none of these subject ha he e.xpreed himself in public. Of course there i time yet, but it U an unusual situation for a man lo come to the people and aK lo be elected in opposition to a party with a known policy and nut state what he will do if elected. The same is true in a leser degree of the Provincial Party candidate. He says he ha forty planks in hi platform but people do not know what they-ft're and which ones in particular have influenced him in offering hi service. to the people. . Let us have a show down. What do the opposition candidate stand for? Why Give City Another Black Eye? We are all here to try to improve our condition financially. AVe all wish to make progress. .Supporter of each partv and each candidate doubtless are anxious to get ahead. Possibly il has not occurred lo them that the way they vote will have an influence on the future of the city. II is all very well to nk for a change, but it i desirable lo see that il i not a change or the worse. Can any reaonable person imagine that electing either the Bowser or McRae candidates to-the LegMaiure jit now would tend to improve .our condition. We are optimi-t but we could not make ourselves believe thai such a thing could be. Things are just'begiriniiig to move here and il would be suicidal to vole lo slop them. Thi wa done ten years ago at the advice of the Bowser candidate and for leu years we have been in the doldrums as a ..result, if we are going to put the city back another ten year a-number of people will have, to leave and let the knocker run, the citv themselves. Then they cap have a contiiiiiaUove feast. Prince Rupert's Opportunity. Jlus o, I'nnce Iliiporl' opportunity. It is announced that ii nior wui i.e erecie.l here. It js known thalthe steamship .... ..- ,usiv uiiue w, ,)mu nerei pnttidlo and the men with whom he has been associated have been lnnrelv intrnmen. tal in getting these things. What is needed I to hack them up ..... ......... nine uiiu.iei ine worm know that we are wilh them. His Mirror Told Him of Exhausted Condition Mr. R. Paulin, Tovtes Aides, Man., writes t "1 became so run down sad weak that my heart became atfectd, and 1 would sometime, have to remain In bed for several days. Some one advised sne to uie Dr. Qiaie's Nerve Food, so I did. and soon began to gain in weight and feel better. I have taken a great many boxes of thi wonderful pills, and am feeling tea years younger. Dr. Chase's Medicines, as well as his Receipt Book, arc s great help to us, for we live 40 miles front docters and railroads. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 0 cu. a boa of SO pttli, EdassuMon. Hale A Cx., UA., Toronto iIrailwaymen STAND UP FOR R. H. M. TEMPLE Take Strang Exception to Attacks j Made on Him In Senate WI.MPK, June 12. Cm-fidi'iiec in the honor ami inlrtr-rilr of It. II. M. Temple, regional roti ii -.el of the lanadian Xalional hallway -who wa attacked in I lie enar in connection wilh hi report on the investlcalinn which he recently concluded in Canadian National and Canadian Government Merchant Marine operation at the Pacific Coast, waV voiced by regional official of the Canadian National Hallway meeting in Winnipeg. At the clote of the rneeliiifr, which was attend.! l.y all oflieers of the western n-jrion, the following siaiernenl to the pre wa sued, rmhodyinsr the resolution which was carried iinaniuioiily. M lfi regular quarterly meet. ingr of I lie nflirers of western region of the Canadian National Hailway held in Winnipeg on Jim 10, considerable dirumn enue rejrardinjr the press re-lirU of lalemenl made in the enate a lo the integrity of Mr. Temple, who was appointed dis- Irict chairman and president to investigate rhary made hy a' memher of the -enate wilh re ference, to alle?e. irregularities ;n the Pacific Coast. Resolution "Knowing Mr. Temple f..r o many year we feel we cannot Ift the oeraion a without le.lifyinjr to Mr. Temple's splendid rc.rd as an upright, honest gentleman impartial in alt his dealings." The concensus of opinion of Ihe meeting was that these statement were a "relleelon i'n the integrity of all Ihe ..Hirer of Ihe railway and may seriously affect the morale of uch officer ami employees, therefore the fnl-niwitig' resolution wa unanimously adonled. X "Whereas charges' of a eri.ii nature have heen made again! certain officials of the Canadian National Hailway and Canadian Onvernment Merchant Marine, and whereas lhee charge hav. been iueligale.t hy a responsible official of this railway. de.jznaled hy Ihe chairman and president. "Ami whereas, attack has bn made on the floor of the Senate reflecting- on Ihe honor and integrity of the investigating offi cial prior to his-finding hat dig been tabled: M.Now he it resolved that this meeting of regional officer of Ihe Canadian National Ibnlway thi day assembled goes on record as strongly resenting the unfair attack made cigainst the gentle. Man who ronducled the invest!. nation .which attack not only re. fleets on his honesty and integ rity, hill likewise on the honesty arid integrity of every officer entrusted with responsibility In the operation of this railway. "And also it is felt ouch and similar unfair attacks must seriously affect the morale of Ihe officer and ejirplnyee who nre each and all honestly endeavoring lo administer and make a success of Ihe Canadian National hailway in which Ihe peo ple or this country are vitally MAY GET OIL FROM SHALES IN JAPAN SIMILAR TO ISLANDS Tnese Interested In Queen Char lottes Will Get Inspiration from Nippon Those who. have Interested themselves in Ihe nil nhnles of Queen Charlotte Islands will find inspiration from Ihe work being done on Ihe simitar shale in Japan. Tor several yenr Ihe South Manchurian railway has been conducting experiments in Ihe product inn of oil from oil shales laken out in Ihe ordinary course Of the company's mining of coal at lis I ushiin mine, In Fotith Manchuria, Th experiments It Is claimed, have proved liiat Mils shale is of especially fine quality for oil production by dry-dis'llllallon process' thai fuel ran be produced by this method at a ct which will permit com. petition wilh present market prices in japan, and thai If pro. perly exploited Ihe Fushun shales .THE DAILY NKAVB. PLAYER'S alone should yield 700jmmi inj wtthoist dangHr of annulment of of oil annually, which I alru..) jlhe- Marriage. In Ihe eily he I e.ual to Ihe entire present e.n-( find work- a a tatirah driver sumption of the empir. aud plenty of romance and ad. f Takeji Kaw-umura, president enture. Tberv i ajniwerful' of Ihe South Manchuria Hailway : . denouement wlsrn Julian hiiiIwiI i Company, ha lieen in Tokn. Si ihe (dot of a jrang of automobile confer wilh Ihe navy and home it hie-. f to rob hi father, and for, depart ments in an effort l obtain, sotisnlie I. ''ailing S-'.!0l.-000 f..r Ihe evidoilalioo of these shale reouree. BARTHELMESS HERE IN DELIGHTFUL STORY Twenty-One Is Adaptation of "Wild Aooles" a Tale or Romance and Love llicjiard llarlhelmess, return- ing to Ihe screen In a modern! Ins trouble the boy Is nlaldwd, but Ihi witund serves to bring a most happy rojuonalion to the-lory. The photoplay, well directed and enacted, is rrnmmed full or action and up'ne. and I here are many inlere-nnv a well a rotor fill sit nations. Including a; 'Cieelio-Sloviikian dance with the idancer in Iheir piclnreiMjue native eosluine. It affnnls Ihe pie. ;luregoing puhlie wome of Ihe best ' -entertainment that has been of- ferr.-d Mo season. story after deriMuislraimg lii!n II I VIMP TA HI IVITD ersaJil4 talents in two ,h.m jftALLI lilll 1U ULIltfV coiume drama, adds another RFrAlIQF AC Pflf IPV In hi i-nll-li,,n ..r ULWnUUL US 1 VUVI malic successes., with "Twenlv. One." which is to W shown her",Mon UTr reijini naus Brings tomorrow. ' 1 otronq Support to Oovem- Twenly-rtne" is a delightful; mtnl story of Ihe present .lay. betngi VlirroltlA. Ju"i7e' ii-The mo.l an adaptation of Ihe novel Wild lllllfr.,nloii. election In il.e hi.. Apples." wriilea ,y (Jrnee Me-lflr; of rlli.,, (,,utnl..a will 1 liliuan l.ok .-. ll 1 1 Alirn Mi-OiiM'rin .. ... Never was ISfirtheltne belter. over in anollier week or ten daye. and with Ihe campaign warmed ra! man i.e is u, .use prouue-ul, , ruP,r, Hon a Julian Mrfiullough. 19-. -,,,- llM,r lfI,,i ,nr ai.,,!,.,, w" yo,1!h W'H' reM ' !.. Ihe issue, at .lake. Never .e-molher" social ambition andlf,lr ' , .....,....,. her misguided efforts lo make n,,wu in f(,,j motlyroddle of him and find pwlier Oliver has rallied pleasure in the -company of r nill2v ,UI,IMM.i fttr i.u i,.Ii.M lillle factory girl, l.ynnie Willis In Disgrace Julian and l.ynnie find themselves in digracet wJiVn. rrwJnj lo Hie breakdown of the ear in which thev ar riditlj home from a dance. 'they an' forced to epend Ihe high! al a country inn..liis. covery of gift of" silk lockings, dancing slfpper ami .oilier hits of wearing apparel that Julian nail maile la l.ynnie only serve lo strengthen Ihe evidence again! Iheui. Hut when l.ynnie' father demands that Julian marry the girl and Julian hnws an' eager read iness to do so. then Ihe real trouble begins. Julian's wealthy parents object . Happy Culmination To get away from their influence Jie leaves fna New York, it being his determination In keep in hiding until be is of age policy, Ihe freight rale i.sue taking first place. Kven prominent oppositionists in Vancouver and Victoria have pledged him their support, purely Jiernue of Ihe freight rale fight. The comment i heard on Conservative 'and Provincial party platform thai (he Oliver government bu done nothing. It is perhaps only fair in point lo the.. comprehensive plans now in Ihe Jiun'd of Iho administration. Included are: highway extensions, including the Iransprnvincial: educational survey. tinierlly consiriicJiou, freight rales, comprehensive, social lciiialion, eigh-hour law, colonization, nid lo miuiuv development. HmU n program, already partly carried out. appeal strongly lo the pub. lie. so strongly lhal there np. pears lillle doubt but 'thai the government will be sent hack lo so lhal In' may wed 'lie g rl office wilh a clean-cut majority. 'Sx-1. iTBlSSSSSSSSV saSS B-v BSaSBBBBBBH SLsssflSBaV W'-m sSSSBmcsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSaSSSSSSSSSSSi aSBSsasPsBBslsS SSaMsSSBSSSSBjBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSKH Wchttrd. Btrthelirjus Dorothy MtcKaiUM'TwcntAt-on Westliolrne Theatre, Friday and Saturday 'HMtiMk Jfiof j a. .... NAVY CUT CIGARETTES eeeeeaea see sosssee aasass The superb quality, purity and excellence of Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes have made them the world's leading brand. e ewe e To ktep your prints, a Kodak Album You'll enjoy all over ajaitt tin? wivk-cnI trip, the summer vacation and the fun you have? just around the Iioum. as well w hen your prii.taare storitl, safe, clean, and it; order, in a Kodak album. I'reciouii now, your Kodak album will be priceless later. At our Kodak countrr you're Mire to find an albcm you w ill like. We have orn and clctl Jack stvlrs-nvost of them hanok-af vr additional lin-rcrtisl in a -ark-ty of attractive cuvtr deitn. A complete atock. Kodak stltuint, 20c. up Ormes Ltd. SUMMER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will ail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VIC TORIA, 8EATTLE mill inlermedinte miiiI each Monoaj. Thursday and Saturday al 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Vrdneday. umj FOR STEWART Friday. I0.0 p.m S.8. PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via Oitfcn piri'lf Islands, June 21. PASSCNOtvR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. u priiwt iiiiKri (.00 iun. fur iiunck nconnE. i.hmoT' HirEO, sll poiots Etittrn Csnsd, Huitrd sui, aoinov ait. ocean stmmship lines. 01t Ttakst OHks, S2S TMr Sis, Prints Rurl. HJffllj f M IS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Ceait Servicet Sailini7sf rom Prince Rupert . Asnsir PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS Luuia For Vancouver. Victoria, and Seattle ' June 14, 21, 25) July 2, 5, 12, 10, ?i For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, 8kagway . 29 June 0, 16, 20, 27, 0 July 7, Hi 1 z, S.S. PRINCESS SEATRICE. , Far luUdale, Swanson Bay, East Bella '.TiL Falls, Namu, Alert y, Campbell River, oouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Pull Information from W. c. ORCHARD, tjenerai . o. Corner of 4th Street and r4 Avenue, nuntn,