ursday, June 12, 1921. tr ArPOINTMtNT PURVEVOM TO . ,'ti WJJ HIS MAJESTY U YA KING CEORGE V. llj Imported whiskies may be of any age. The Canadian law in that respect does rpt apply to them. But the law requires that Canadian whis kies shall not be marketed under two years old. "IadiaN Qt r-and ) WHISKY are considerably older than the law requires. They are bottled in Bond and are of the age stated on the Government Stamp over the capsule of every bottle. Read It. That is what it is therefor. DISTILLED AND 80TTLED BY Hiram Walker tr Sons. Limited WAUERVtLLE . ONTARIO Dlttilltr$ Flnt WhUklti tine I8S8 Montreal. Out London, Ent, Nw Y. U S A. Thw dverti.ment U not pullUM of displayed by the Lkjuot (,'qaLrol Hoard or by the Government ol HritWi Columbia. w t Wfiat John Nelson Said in me World' ' Feb. 23rd, 1918, re P.G.E. Railroad Settlement "WORLD," Vancouver, FehnJaiy 23, 191& World" t this time controlled by John Nclton The P.G.E.R. Settlement The settlement of the P.G.E. railway imbroglio is, probably, in view of all the tangled circumstances of the case, the best that could be achieved. To the Hon. John Oliver the credit of securing the best terms possible for the province is due. He has been unremitting in his endeavors to compel the promoters to return to the province at least some of the public's money. That he has not been able to make better terms is not his fault, but is due to the astonishing tangle in which the company's affairs stand. The only alternative to Mr. Oliver is a long vista of costly litigation, heavy depreciation in the valuo of the railway itself, and great delay irr the opening up of a rich, productive area of theinterior. OTE LIBERAL STRAW HATS Light Underwear: Boys' Sweaters . Reaionable Prices STEVE KING Third A venae Phone Green 85 NOTHING BETTER TliO Aiilncral of the. Camly World. PURDY'S CANDY at'fiMillisome Delight in n ltomi ti fill Hx. PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Local and Personal j Il.C. Undertakers. Hayners. Undertaker. 351., Pattullo's Committee Rooms Empress Theatre Phone 135. Open from 2 to 10 p.m. dally, tf W. S. Henry, mayor of ir'mith- cr. in in Mie cily on IiUNinex!'. He arrived on lat night's train. -- - Mooeheart Legion Tea ha been m)i"-(jiih from Saturday June II, to tfuturday, June' SI. - Mri. F. Kcliuaiiii relumed from I he !otitb yesterday on the I'l l nee (ieorge. Mlx F.en, nure at the Prince Ituprrl (icucral llnM'Hal, return ed yeidcrday frorii a holiday trip in Hie KOiitli. - - Halloon, lee cream. After noon lea with eolcli .-eoiie. leliclou . home rooked supper, Dew Drop Inn Frolic. J a iiiiv II. Illake, engineer for Hie Forest Branch with head quarters ai Victoria, is vicitin? Hie city on ollicial duties. llev. J. V. Allen who is to take charge or Hie Mclhodisi Mission at Porl Simpson, arrived from ine fouiii yesieniay. Me was formerly located at Skldegale. Mrs. Wilson of Hie II. S. Wal lace Co.' slalT, sails tonight for Vancouver to alteud the (iosard training school, for filling an general instructions relating I I his iopular line of corseln. Mow aril I'rlngle wlio is now associated with the Prince Itu perl Logging Co. at Francois Lnke. arrived In town on last uighl's train. Ilr expects lo return to (he interior tonight. J. M. Hockin, northern repre sentative of. McLennan A Me-Feely. Vancouver hardware wholesalers, arrived from Hie oulh yestenlay. He is accompanied An this trip by Mrs. Ilockiu, who will -poml the summer here. A letter received from Ollawa stales that owing to delay in making the returns it has been found Impossible to reach a de cision in regard lo the grand prixe winner in Hie recent fores Iry essay competition. It .ales Dial no time will be lot as soon as all lhe osay are to hand and lhe name of llm winner will be wired lo nil papers taking pari. Just as jooii as Ibis wire ar rives lhe prize will V dislribul- ed. - - The case of (). T. Limlland vs II. D. (iaznnoir, in which an ac counting is oui;lil Willi respect to a bidet partnership at Siuilh- ers. Is proceeding before Mr liisilce (iregliry in the Supreme l.otirl assizes, llefore the ac counling jiiay be ordered I lie partnership must lie proved and Uhis promises to take up the most of lh,. day. Millou (iou-zalcs appears for the plaintiff land L, S. Metiill for the defend ant. AT 80 YEARS OF AGE WAS TROUBLED WITH SHORTNESS OF BREATH PALPITATION OF THE HEART AND FAINTING SPELLS Mr. M. O'Connor, WliUetlonn, Onl..l writes: hive tern troubled, mon otiTWO Dy my lire, with thorniest of breath, pal pi UtUiti or 'the heart anil filming tpelK I was advUiHl by a rrirml to try Miihurn't Heart ami .Nerve Milt, which I did. and al once found relief, and J have never had rcany bad I rpell rpell since, since. THE DAILY NEWS. PAH1 THREE Phone 41.1 I AssstT I fjl. Andrew' Society regular iiionllily meeting Friday, June 13, it 8 ii. in. hwaunon wu4 a nuenger northbound on the Prince (ieorge ytileiilay. Mooc Picnic, Sunday, June 'Zi t fiijjby IMmiiiI. (icnllciiicii $1.00. I.udifx und children free. Pboue tf a. s m Tonight- Tomorrow Alright NR Tablet stop sick headache, relieve billows attaeke, ten rtfulate the ellmiaaUv erga, make yen ImI fine. "latter Than Pins rsr Uvsr Us" Pattullo's Committee Rooms EMPRESS THEATRE, tf For quality and preparation, el Hunters' Coal, Phone Green or lilue SI5. tf In connection with the forestry reports given yesterday the num ber of ties scaled in the district luring May should have read read 170,101. V. F. Jago, provincial organ izer of the Orange Lodge, is in Hie city. He will visit lhe local lodge (oniglit before sailing for Vancouver. Mrs. C. II. SawJe and Mrs. II K. Thornton arrived in the cily from llazeltoti on last night's train and are registered ul the Prince liupert Hotel. V. A. Itishop has left the city ami O. K. Lord has been elected to succeed him a secretary of lhe local branch of the (ileal War Veterans' Association. Charles Leslie and Jaim Doyle, each found guilty of drunkenness, were fined '-'5 each by Magistrate MrClymont in the cily police court Ibis morning. .1. W. ItobinsotUiIudiau, charg td with drunkenness, was found guilly in the city police court this morning and fined I0 with lhe option of i-cvc"ri days in jail. David Whileslde; who has bet' lading as croWn "prosecutor at lhe Supreme Court nsizes t It i week, is returning lo- New West minster on the Prince (ieorge tonight. .The remains of the lale T. M. Orwlg were sent yesterday by the ll.C. Undertaker!, to Port Ks-singion' where interment will take place on Friday. Accom-panying the liody was lhe widow and Mrs. J. C. Macduuald of this cily. the trial of Hugh McMillan of Sinilhers, who is charged with a serious statutory olTence, will lake place on June 1H before Judge Itoberlson jiT Prince (ieorge who will come lo the cily from die interior on account of the absence of Judge F. Mcll. Young in At 1 i it. VOTE ON PROPOSAL TO SELL BEER BY GLASS ON JUNE 20 VANCOUVKIl. June 13. The electors will decide an important issia at the polls on June 20 when lhe beer by the glass measure vill bt voted on. 't he measure is sponsored by the Modem lion League of Ilrilisb Columbia, and its passage is designed lo reduce Ilie consumption of distilled spirits in fnuir of lhe lighter brewed beverage? Oovernmenl has promised thai if the measure is favorably re ceived by the electors lhe sale of draught beer by the glass will be permilled in (iovernmenl licensed and regulateil premises without a bar. If (he measure is defeated the law will continue. INFANT BURIED Old Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marshall Died In Hospital Mil ran ret. llm lu-o nl.l mm iiiu neip or your run i expect w see ,. , :, Moany jesrs yet. m alwilyt recommond "'"eruooii irom tno n.u. Ultder- them to any one who i tufferint from inkers' t.hapel to Falrview Onie. heart trouble." lvvw llev. O. fl llnel,... ..fni..i Miiburn's Hean and Nerve IMtt are 0e M ,,... 7,.l " a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on """""'i uiiuer, is roceii-i of price, by The T. Nllburn Co...nl present al Sstcwyrl on the kov- uruited, Toro)io, Ont. - jeriunent felegnipb line. MACHINERY FOR UPPERSTIKINE Drap Line Scraper Qolrig Dease Lake and Other Outfits to District PROSPECTORS OOINO IN to Newly Completed Government! Road Proves Great Convenience to Miners '.Special to Daily News) TF.LF.GItAPH CllF.F.K, June 12 The winler of ISJ.'a.'.'l will be put down as the mildest yet ex perienced in the Cassiar, and al I hough the snow fall had been over the average, wily on two or three" occasions had the ther momeler registered below the .ero mark. The fur caleh did not come up lo expectations, and was rather small but with the interior posts yet lo hear from, the annual average may yet be maintained The fir.sl boats of the season, lhe Hazel It II. and III. of (he Harrington Transport Co., ar rived up river from Wrangell on May 10, with the usual quota ot prospector for the Interior, iimnizsl I hem being Julia J Wilms ami Arthur Theis. of the 'endlelou Cold Mining Co., who ire taking in 12 Ions of supplies, ;ilo an Oxygen welding outfit, to the bead of Dease Lake, where lhe Pendleton Company have leen busy during the winter. building large scows, in order lo transport their heavy machinery lown Hip Dease Hiver to Mc Dames creek, on which creek the oiupany'K oropcrty is situated; 'his machinery, 15 tons in all, tad been hauled in to the lake, over the newly completed gov erntiienl road, by Iractor power which greatly supersedes the old pack-horse, and it is now pos. sible lo make lhe trip from Tele graph Creek to the bead of Dease Lake in a day and a half, when previously it look six days by lhe old method. Take In Scraper The Dickinson Mining Com pany of .Seattle who controls the placer leases al the mouth of Dease creek, after extensive drill les' , are contemplating bringing in during the coining summer, a Sauerman Drag Line scraper, of one and u half ton bucket cap acuy. me kinu mat lias given good satisfaction in the Dawson and Norn.' camp. With this in operation the company is confi dent of good returns. Mrs. A. Saint relumed from lhe soullt on the Prince George yesterday. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. J. Ilinns, L. .S. Hawkins, F. (. I.auclere, Mr. and Mrs. J. M Hockin, John W. Allen, Mrs. A Lewis, Mr. and Mis. K. Port and J. S. Appenzellar. Vancouver; S A. F.hy and W. S." Henry. Smith- ers; T. .. McLellan, Haysport; W. T. Jago. Coiuillam; J. Will man, Usk; W. II. Larmer and K. Todd, llazellon; II. H. Ilushton, l iji; Mrs. Sawle and Mrs. 11. Iv Thornton, New llazellon; (ieorge Lillle. Terrace; It. C, Spooner, Sacramento, Cal.; Dr. and Mrs. (. II. Shcltim. Detroit: Jmnes II Illake, Victoria; II. N. Delmonico, Shawallans. Central O. Miller. Sinilhers; M. Lawler. cily; A. Mcluuis, Vancouver. SALT LAKES SERVICE lhe Launch '23" will leave I hi' .Swunsoil'j Flout mi Tlm,.....ra caiutuay ami Sunday uflernoous every half hour from 1 tun. un til 0.30 p.m. and tin other week days al 2, I and 6.15 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave the Salt. Lakes float sitarp ul 7 p.m. unuay and holiday picnio panics speclnlly arranged for. Launches, rowbouls and canoes tor sale and hire. Prince Rupert Itoatliouse. The ANNOUNCEMENTS Dew-Drop Inn '.T""' .V: " w,uIKIt. n... .. I am mo vo.m f .iu.v. An uaugnier n .miuiiu airs. nr..i.i n tneiu in in house, and when I feel any .iaisuail OI IIUS CH.v died Tues-l ijniptoms or my old trouble cominr on day morning iii the (ieiietal Hos all I liave lo do Is tn take a few doaei. .,ii,b l.llfll i,,i..,.,..i I 1, I ....... n.. I 1. ..... ....... I t ...I... .1 .. - ..... . . I'.ft.t. 11111.-1 llll'IIL Illlirit Illltt Frolic, Dr. Martel'i Fmalt Pills iva asaUu4 nature tliMMa4icui tut half enturr. eormtlni mum. kulMlna; op a4 .inuiminr vrvKni, rpiwviliar UKUaYEDL iwi.Ml.ai. tt. mducmoi drwa-i. Sold la 8wM Uiw Mtmt TIN BUX With Hfrintfm. rw..l... TwdU, Cm. CtTCT'wmlMia mMt. I OGDEN'S CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN ALWAYS THE SAME am aem N. KI W OWEN'S W W LIVERPOOL yzib.TiN yzlb.TIN y YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, ''noose "liupert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in the pantry are always handy. Stuck a supply on your boat that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Restmore Walnut Bedroom Suite Including CHIFFONIER, DRESSER, DRESSING TABLE and BENCH, ROUND STEEL BED, COMPLETE WITH SPRING, MATTRESS and PILLOWS. Our Special Price is $150.00 Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. The House of Quality. Phone 123. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc., ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. "' Our'plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 388. .