LONDON. June 12 I.ndy Mary Fox .Striingeways, daughter of the Karl of Leicester, was married Wednesday to Captain J. A. Her belt of the lloyal Horse Ouards In the ltronipbm t)ratory. The King and Oiiccn ami the Duke and Duchess of York, Viscount Las cello mid Princess Mary sent gifts. Tim bride was one. of the bridesmaids at tlio wedding of Ouecii Mary. TEA DAN8ANT Tea Dansiuil, Saturday ufternoou, Faliey dancing by the children. Elks' Home. I At. . production for bolli, Uiere should be i ilililie? of developing hipping between this purl mid nji. i roni wiiai I nave seen, i annul help hut think that there is going to be u tremendous future for Prime llupert from a commercial standpoint an J I sincerely hope that it may meun trade between Fiji and Prince Itupert." Kurh a statement was made litis morning by Hon. II. II. CURIOUS CROWD GATHERED HEAR MURDER TRIAL Many Women Try to Catch Glimpse of Loeb and Leopold Who Pleaded Not Guilty . Hushton. colonial treasurer for 1 1 tip rolony of Fiji, who in In the Nly in I he course of a trade dc-vi'iiinul mf oniun to (Xanadu. Mr. Hushlon arrived here by by train last night after veiling Ottawa and Montreal and will go south to Vancouver tonight later returning east. Increased Trade Sr-raking of the general ohjccls of his trip. Mr. Huililon slated that he hud hern sent by Id government to see If arrangement rool'.l not he nude for an lei crease of trade between Canada Wfnrt ai4audniJiLMUaaada.ficrUea.uiaii' Impetuous crowd which hnike the- articles (hat Fiji .nduccd such hinges off lb court door. Nathan ax banana, citrus fruits, canned Leopold and Hlclmrd Loeb lodayjpinrapples hiu hardwoods and 1n pleaded not guilty lo the charges (turn Fiji needed such thing of kidnapping for ransom mid j from Canada a softwood, can inunler of Hoherl Frank. The .tied salmon, wheat flour, agri- trial ilatc was fixed for August 4. The youths were' apparently unabashed by the hundreds of curious people, mostly women, who scrambled and pushed. try-In to rulvU a glimpse of them. VANCOUVER MAN CUTS HIS THROAT William Parker, Aged 65, Committed 8ulclde After Struggle with Wife and Son YANCOt VEH. June 1?. -William Parker, aped (55, after a terrific strusule wilh his wife, and fourteen year old son who af-lempled to frustrate hi intention of taking his own life, drank n quantity Of carbolic acid ami then slashed his tlmml with n raor dyfng almost Immediately. According lo Ine story told the notice by Mrs Parker her hus band had been brooding over his runlinned Illness FASHIONABLE WEDDING IN BROMPTON ORATORY Daunhter of Earl of Leicester Marries Captain In Horse Guards cultural implement and other manufaelured articles. Exports 110,000,000 Mr. Ilushtou went on to explain that, at the present lime, the exports of the Fiji group amounted lo sonic f lo.omi.odd per year and the imports, $5.- HMI.OOUO. Fiji was the cenlre of distribution fur I lie Western Pacific groups, the Import of which amounted to some ;'(), InOO.OOO. Canada was only gel mg I '4 per cent of that business and it was felt that it should gel more. The Idea was to estab lish trade credits between the two colonics. F.xnlaitiing the reason for his isil lo Prince lluporl, Mr. Hush-Ion slitled that he. had come this way on the express invitation of Fred Slork, M.l'., whom he had met at Ottawa at a luncheon given by Hon. Dr. King, minister of public works, which he (Mr. lUlsliloni addressed and which was Attended by all the IMS. members of parliament. Mr. Ilushtou expressed bis delight at the unsurpassed scenic beauties-between here and Jasper Park along the line of the Canadian National Hallways. Line of Steamers Mr. Hushlon staled that he was arranging for a line of sleamers lo ply between Canada and lijl. Whether these ships will come to Prince Huperl would depend on whether or not there was trade for theiii. He hoped to In terest lumbering ami canning: Interest!! here with a view lo developing an exchange of trade through llii-s port. Mr. Ilushtou also staled Ihal the Fiji government being in a strong financial comlitloil, was prepared lo Invest money llself in any industry Ihal was likely lo prove profitable, lie did not come emply handed as Ids government was willing to put up it portion of Hie capital In assured commercial, enterprises. FIJIans Not Cannibals Mr. Hushlon, who Is an ex. eculivo official of the, FIJI govern ment appointed by the Imperial government, makes his head-iiiailers at Suva, FIJI. He stated that the population of FIJI cou-; continued on pau dx Death Occurred Early This Morn- Inn of John Myhlll-Jones, Manager of Family Shoe Store The death occurred early this morning at the family residence, 505 Seventh Ave. F.asl, of John Myliill-Jone. a well-known and highly respected citizen of Prince Huperl at (he early age of 38. Only recently he hail undertaken the management of the Family Shoe Store, when he was taken ill and died and the end rain after a struggle agaiiisl the dread icarl disease. He leaves a Aidow ami two children, three and two-year old rrspcrlitnlr.. -'Mr: TiMSiwlSWrtl known athlete in his youth, lie was born In F.iigland and lived at Cambridge and was the champion sculler there from 100(5 lo 1000. He represented Hie town In all rowing events. Coin? first to (he United Stales he soon turned lo Canada ami arrived in Vancouver about t'JIS, reaching Prince Huperl in 1018, where he managed the shoe department id, II. S. Wallace. I.ld. Since that he has been better known as the kipper and owner of passenger launches plying out of this port and more recently manager of the shoe store. Four years ajo Mr. Myhill-Jones was married to Miss llerlha Macdonald of this cily who with her two children mourn the loss uf good husband and eitlien. Funeral arrangements are be ing made in accordance with the rites of the Anglican Church and il is exoected Archdeacon His Wilt otllciate. MINISTER IS amendment finding Ihal llio charges against Hon. James Murdock. minister of labor, were "not only not proved lAil were entirely disproved." The Inuuiry by the commill followed charges made in the House by K. Ous Porter, Conservative, accusing Murdock of having Used information obtained lis a cabinet minister to withdraw !!0r0 from the Home Hank a few days before it failed. LEAGUEBASEBALL American League Philadelphia "2, Chicago 10. Itoslou , Cleveland 5. Washington 12, SI. Louis I. New York 2, Detroit 7. National League Plilsburg t, New York 2. Si. Louis 7, Iktslon 3.' Chicago 7, Hrooklyn 2. 'imiiMiati (3, Philadelphia 7 EXONERATED Privileges and Elections Commit tee Finds Charges Against Murdock Disproved OTTAWA, June 12. My a vole of It lo 8, the privileges and elections committee of the House of Commons adopted a Liberal PIONEER OF STIKINE RR0KR THROUGH ICF. James Wilson of Clearwater, Stlklne, Went on Visit and Failed to Arrive (Special lo Daily News) TEI.EOHAPH CHEEK, June 12. In the passing of James Wilson of the Clearwater, Stikine, the North loses another of its pioneers; lr. Wilson left his cabin on the Clearwater on or about April 12, to visit another old limer, Lewis. Kirk, whose cabin was on the opposite side of the Stikine, no (race of him has been seen since, and II Is pre sumed, that with the poor state of the ice at that' period, he and his dog broke through while crossing. Mr. Wilson was 75 years of age, and was born in known in Edmonton during the early days of that town,, from wliich place he joined the rush of 08, over the Edmonton trail to Dawson, he vvas also on the construction of Ihe Yukon Tele- Prince Rupert Th Latest In Restaurants. Fish, and Meat mm BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Poultry Best of Food Good Service. PRINCE RUPERT Private Boies for Party Us?. I Market Phone 671 "Take Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XIV.. NO, 138. PIUNCE HUl'EHT, H.C., TIIUHSDAY, Jl'NE 12, 1021. ritin'i ClrtuUtlon 101 Strut ttn S3, PRICE FIVE GENTS. " it r y IS GIVEN STRONG ENDORSATION TRADE EMISSARY FROM FIJI ISLANDS IS VISITING PRINCE RUPERT TODAY This Port Possesses Necessary Factors to Make it Connecting Link in Pacific Shipping Chain ''Canned nalmou and lumber ul the present lime are Fiji DITDrDT I ACCO pr nnpal import from Canada. Prime Huperl being a centre of UrEill LltjLO GOOD CITIZEN BBBBBBBBBBBS't'1' SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk bsH t 'iSSWEyaBBtMMMWMBMMSBBraWM Can you beat U? These egg.s are a million or more jj'ears old, and lieorge Olseu, Asiatic excavator, j'roddiii? at them with never a thought-of a gas ;jnufk. They are supposed to have been laid , by a dinosaur. Platform of Republican Party at Cleveland Convention Shows Opposition to Public Ownership CLKVEIANU, June 12. The Republican platform Sultinluy night to the big convention here declares for rigid enforcement of law without specific mention of prohibi tion. Its principal planks are: The eiiuctmeul of measures to place agriculture on a basis of economic eipiulity with other industries; betllemeiit of foreign debts growing, out of the war on the basis of the agreement, concluded with Britain; Improvement in the management of the tiuveriimeut .Mer chant Marine with a view to its ultimate sale to citjzeus; upposuiou lo nationalization or government ownership of public utilities; A declaration of faith in the eight hour labor day; Enactment of a federal auli-lyiiching law; Creation of a rotnniissioii lu promote mutual understand ing between the races; Development 'Of the waterway system from the Ureal Lakes to the Atlantic and to the Culf of Mexico. Maintenance of the navy at full strength authorized by the letter and spirit of the Washington treaty. PAUL PAINLEVE AND DISAPPEARED! NEW PRESIDENT His Election to Highest Post or Honor In France Seems Assured PAIUS. June IS; Paul Pain-leves election to the presidency iof the French Republic was bc- llieyed assured today when, after la meeting of (he leaders of the left coalition a committee ROTARIANS GATHERING Kingston, tmiario, lie was wen Delegates Arrive at Toronto From New Zealand and South Africa TORONTO, June 12. Hon. Oeorge. Fowler of New Xcalnad, and Sir David -urof of South grapji line rroiu Dawson south lo..rriea were the first delegates lo wiu-re oe ich arrive lie re for llio n erna nna Hid line and took up his abode on Ihe Clearwater. 1 ' Father Oodfrey, O.M.I. Is sail, ing tonight on the Prince Oeorgc for Ocean Falls. convention of llotailuus to be held here next week. There is a Hrilisli delegation en roulo and also trains of automobiles from ll.n TT..II...I I 1 jiin,- viiiivu ciaics, western uan-uda and Mexico. Calvin Coolidge All I But Unanimous Choice Cleveland Convention i Wave of Acclamation Swept Republican Nom-I mating Meeting Today , j CLEVELAND, June 12. Calvin Coolidge waall but uiiani-'mouslv nominated for the presidency today at the Republican national convention. The votes of the little group i 6r Lafollette men from Wisconsin and North Dakota, who t tood through the convention in militant insurgency against the policies of the party leaders, were almost swallowed tip in the wave or acclamation that formally ratifies President Coolidge as the choice for standard bearer of the party in the forthcoming eleclioru The vole was: Coolidge, 1005; Lafollette. at; Johnson. 10. This afternoon there will be .. , ... another session to choose llieUI IIP All MlLfTl president's running male or the IfliPJjF1 mUvit vice-presidential nominee;. Tlien : -. - . the convention will adjourn and IH C iWCTl llVCD go before the country. i X I ,r.r.lTJl 111 TJj 1 FOOD NEEDED AT NOME NOME. June 12. With the people of the city and district running short of food, the coast guard cut ler Hear and the .steamship Victoria, coining from Seattle to break I lie winter's isolation, have been held fifteen miles from here for three days by Hering Sea ice. BELLINGHAM WENT AGROUND IN FOG Damage Was Slight Vessel Was . In Port to Pick up Empty Oil Barrels The Ketchikan motorship Iiel liiigham, Capt. Lett Williams, which was in port last night en route from Seattle to Ketchikan lo pick up empty 'oil barrels, grounded near Metlakalla in the fog shortly after midnight and returned to port. II was found that the damasre was slight and' I the vessel sailed again for the ! north at 8 o'lock this morning. CANADIAN SECONDS SOLD AT GOOD PRICE ON FISH EXCHANGE At the Fish Exchange today! Canadian second class halibut I ws soiu ai eigui cents a nounu, i Ilattie, 12,500, at 12.20o and OiSOc to Cold Storage. Amia J 13,000, at 12.50c and 0.50c. to Booth Fisheries. Canadian Ilranl. 5.000, at 12.50c and 8c, lit Royal Fish Co. Mayflower, 3,500, at 12.70c mid 8c lo Cold Storage. Salmon ' ;Overlime, 1,000 reds at il.OOe Id Cold Storage. Siljan. 2,700, umt Karen. 3. 000, at Il.OOo lo Allin Fisheries. Suberlbe for the Dally News. THEOUTIiOOK AND NEARBY . .7T7 . . z . A says uoerai win oe Kiecioej in W1ujnYlmlnftfH Fine Reception Hon. A. M. Mauson, attorney general, returned yesterday from Ocean. Falls enthused over tbe prospects in the Mackenzie riding. He says the Liberal will be lie elected there. He addressed a large meeting in the public hall at which 275 were present, whereas only about 0 were at the provincial parly meeting the previous night and many of those were Liberal supporters. All reports coining in from outlying parts of the constituency took good. Mr. Mansun was glad to hear such cheering reports from Prince Huperl and lo know tlial Hon. T. D. Paltullo woutd be elected here. He says he does not see how the. Prince Rupert people could do otherwise in view of the situation. Mr. Mauson is keen for Prince Huperl and he says be would hale lo see Hie city get a setback which certainly would be the case if the people here mado a mistake and elected the wrong man. MUCH DAMAGE FROM STORM I Farmer Killed, House Demolished and Barns Rolled About ORAVELHOUIUI. Juno 12 Kd. sent lo the Senate to ask 5astonwhile American fetched six and mond Deniey, a farmer, was killed Doumergue. Ihe president of thai six and a half. There was about "y a ngnming dou. his body, to withdraw his candidacy. 00,000 pound of fish in all sob! w uemoiisneii ami several gran- las follows: eries were rolled about. rifly Radio, e8,ooo at 12c and 6c, fo,ln'Hnd dollars' worth of crops Allin Fisheries. were destroyed In the fjehls Mecca, O.OOO, at 12.20c and Oci1"1 evening as llie result or a to Itoolh Fisheries. " cyclone and aterrjric electees AiMitiP. r..snn. ni i? mi rk storm. to Pacific Fisheries. AMERICAN PLANES ANOTHER FLIGHT , t HONtt KONO, June 12. Three American round the world flyer arrived at Haiphong yesterday.! John. W. Allen, supervising en gineer tor lhiA Dominion Fisher-les depar.limml, nrrlyed from Vancouver yesterday. He I here lu connection with the dork trials and trial trip of hn second palro cruiser Hlvldls which will take place sbu'rUy. - f v