Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES t City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year , $6.00 fo all other countries, in advance, per year $7,50 Contract Rates on Application. ' Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Manager Instead - . . Monday, November 3, 1924. U.S. Election Takes Place Tomorrow. Predictions as to the result of the United States election which takes place tomorrow are useless and Canadian people are not vitally concerned as to which side wins. There are in-fluenes, however, which affect or may affect Canada to some extent. Taken on the matter of general policy it is usually consid ered that a Democratic government is more favorable to Canada than a Republican from a trade point of view, although it is the Democratic newspapers that have been anti-llritish. In Alaska the Republicans are more favorable to close business relations with Prince Rupert than are the Democrats, although they eul themselves Progressive Republicans. If they are elected and their party is elected throughout the country, there is likely to be better business between Alaska and this port. Speaking generally Canadian people liok at the United States election from a purely disinterested point of view and regard it somewhat as a big sporting event in which they bet on on the winner as they would on a horse race or prize fight. Soundings Completed For New Elevator. Soundings are complete for thejiew grain elevator to be erected at this port and it is announced the contract for the foundation is likely to be let in December. Work, on the completion of the plans will follow taking of soundings. When the elevator is complete it will have a very far reach ing effect in stimulating business at this port. With grain cars rolling in and out and ships coming here for cargo, there will be such a revival of business as has not yet been seen. Everywhere there; will be increased activity. The section gangs will have to be increased, the machine shop" will be more active, longshoremen be, more numerous and the crews of the ships in port will spend money here. The" telegraph, mail and all public utilities- will have more to do and this will be followed by building and other activities. Xo business can be surce&ffiihVrutrby a commitleer There has to be a manager. Y e.have ,fpuid that true with city busi ness and it has been true with the Iinuor"b'usiness. Ope man must have the final say and he must be the responsible one. The Provincial Government has now placed the liquor in the bauds of one man, who will be the responsible head and wjl report to the government. He should be in a position to give Iwstter results than could a committee or board. It is to be hoped he will be able to conduct it successfully, not with a view to increasing sales or profits but so that it may be in ihe interests of thepeople as a whole. May Re-open Wembley Exhibition. The Prince of Wales announces that the Wembley exhibition may reopen in the spring. Negotiations are still under way with that end in view. Canada has finally agreed (o do her part in the work aud most of the other sections of the Empire are aNo in Hue. While a good deal of money was" lost on the huge enterprise, the loss has faHea en wealthy guarantors who were interested in tostering the Imperial idea or who made money from the af fair indirectly. Next year the expenses would be immensely less as the buildings are all there and many of the exhibits eould re main unchanged or .be easily replaced. Ihe now British government is Ifkely to be favorable to extending the life of the exhibition by another yeaso.lhftrrfvis. every prosper! thai it will again open its doors. CUNARD ANCHOR & ANCHOR-DONALDSON Special Xmas Sailings to Old Country The CUNARD way Is the best but In-eipenslve. Many oi our most particular travellers are delighted with the new third Cunard travel. oabjn FROM HALIFAX To Queenstown and Liverpool P S. Carniania , , . Dec. 14 To Glasgow ' tf.S. Safurnia Dec. 8 To Plymouth-Oherbourfl-Londora S.S. Andania Dec. 8 FROM NEW YORK To Queenstown and Liverpool S.S. Carnnia Dec. 6 S.S. Carniania Dec. 13 To Glasgow S.S. Tuscania ... ... . . Deo. 6 S.S. Columbia Dec. 13 To S.S. Mauretania Dec. 3 To Cherbourg and Southampton S.S. Aquilania Dec. 13 Full Information from Agent or Company's Office, 622 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, B.C. fy, 3641. have plenty of talk. -- - .MY sympathy goes onl to the poor chap whose wife will not, spare him fifty dollars now and then to lose at poker, A .MAN one ihougid he was marrying an an pel and lie found that all he had was a painted woman. IF father parks himself lu the road ip the average apartment he Is likely to he bawled out hy the tratlic eqp, ami she speaks in ho uncertain voice. THKHE are a number of famous parkins places. Father parks himself on the lounge. sister parks herself on half of the easiest chair and brother's sh.nu.Mer is a parking place for his Sunday girt. - IF a girl earns a hundred a month and a man a hundred and fifty and neither is able to pay their hills is is hardly to he ex-peeled they can pay instalments on furniture, prepare habv clothes and both pay their way on one of the salaries. THE CAUSE AND THE CURE AMENDMENT OF PRESENT TIMBER ROYALTY ACT WOUL DRESTORE CON FIDENCE IN THE INDUSTRY Present Uncertainty Holding Up Capital and Delaying Trade Extension The jrreat basic industry n Hritish Columbia is in a state ot "nerves" at the present time . THE CAUSE is the stale of Hie timber royalty laws, which, threaten to. place such a prohibitive tax on raw material as to render the manti raclure of lumber entirely un profitable. On January 1, 1925. unless repealed or amended, this measure will increase the tim ber royalty rale at (Hl per cent above its original level ami compel, the closing down of our saw mills. in; b.Mi'M).s are ilie un certainty of one - fourth of the male working population of the province regarding the duration of their job, lh anxiety of the supply houses and storekeepers regarding the eclipse of an an nual purenasing power or over one buudred million dollars and the fear of the oieralors regard in the safely of their invest menl of two hundred million do! lars, confidently made in antiei pat Ion of fair treatment by the people of this province , ine uuiik is me repeat or amendment -of the . (unworkable Tttobef loyally Ac? of 191 1 and i ne suDftiitui - ior it or some measures that, while: establish nig ine equity or in people in the standing timber of the pro vinre, win at me same lime re rogntie the bare rights of the already overtaxed tlmherholder. from whose pockets the country already draws one-third of it total annual revenue. This is a particularly unfor lunate time for the industry to be in uncertain health. Millions of dollars are awaiting investment in our plants and timber area ani strenuous worx Is ahead in the development of new markets for H.C. lumber. Further taxa tion of the lumber industry will frighten away capital and of course remove alt incentive for market extension effort. This series of articles communicated by the Timber Industries Council of British CoIumNa. ZANNI QUITS TOKYO. Nov. 3. Major Pedro Zanni. Ihe Argentine round-lhe-wold flyer, announces the abandonment to his attempt to fly across the North Pacific Ocean this winter. He . was unable to charter convoy vessels. 14 3 ' r Joyc tliat nevcrics BATTALION ORDERS If J . L "A Good Provider" is a life insurance policy. When it is known that life insurance exists, the Widow finds her credit is "satisfactory"; the home continues; the estate can be administered without loss; just debts arc paid promptly, and the Will has a chance to do what was intended. But a vastly different story is told where there is no life insurance; and far more tragic thaiO'a home without a Mother" is the Mother without a home. Life insurance may be so readily secured that the world thinks little of those who fail to protect their dependents in this way. -Lift Jnturanct Strrice Iday at 8 p.m. Sergt. llorrobin in i "harpe reruit training. Orders by Lieut. Col. J. W. -Minature nanK-KnKe win .NicbolU, Offlcer commanding fnr nnU Thursday.; 1st. Hat. North Hritish Golum, Xoemtr . at 8 p.m. Ilansrc bia Ilegimenl. oflicer. Lieut. Floyd. j Reoranjzation-Co!npanie ar S. I). JOHNSTON. . reorganizeil on the following' -MJor "IM1 '"u,n'-' basis: -A" and "It" comranie! Aun- 1M- on" to be formed into one company) ' RwnenU! whist lriv and and known as "A" ronpany,l,,anc,' in u, Armoury, Frnlay, commanded hy Capt, p. Tfhke'r, ;Xoemlr 7, 8 p.m. D.C.M. "Q" l ' ,r"",',"1 "a"- "'u'-ag company to he known' al ,ac'' "'Inialur company, commanded hj-Mx Lieut. P.. W. Cameron. :ranK' "w,iw. A a,,,, u an,, A new yr- w" compels and .hootinR company ;t,t kpown as ' C company and to te pr. "vn,tM,i. .... . TI m..r . ... .basis. A small ruo has been do. eamtru.auq fnown an . u cnmM . . . .. n r, 7, . panyj f4)mpadrd (b4tVl. C, V jjpy ' ' , ' f Dibandtnent "D" company at i " Smither is disbanded and alU"-" ..n, w ranks struck on strensth as from date. Parades "A" company Mon,- lay, November 3, at 8 p.m. "U" company Wednesday, November 5, at 8 p.m. Recruits. Monday and Wednes, Colder Days Makes One Think of Warm Coats "DEMERS" Have such lovely model and prloes are reasonable. Come and see them. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Ifovemper 3, 1914 Col. C W. peck announres (hat a second continsent for service In Ihe Great War will he raised from I'rinee Hupert and S district very soon. The first (contingent will go south by boat but it is proposed to have fur-jther ones entrain here din-el for the East. A delegation eoniling of .Rev. II. B. (Irani. O. V. Morrow. Canon U. A. IUi. M. M. Stephens. p. O, Stewart, J. A. Kirkpatrick. jOeorjre FrUtell, J. Y. Rochester and Harry Rochester appeared before the city council asking that money be voted to give Prince Rupert's find contingent for Ihe war a suitable send-off. It was decided, on motion of Aid. Morrjssey, seconded by Aid. Itasso-Dert, that t2.000 be grant-, ed for be purpose. Thr city council has decided to adverlU for a staff to man Ihe new hydro-eleclric plant at Shawallani Lake which will shortly be ready for operation. 3C CONDITIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN NOT VERY BAD H. A. Phllpott Sayt that Reports In This Country are exaggerated No Bolshevism "It is true that there is a good deal of unemployment in (ireflt Britain but. conditions are not nearly- so bad a one might believe out here," .stated II. A, PhlW potL-.JoejdfiuJjneWniHTf, wfi'o returned Saturday on the Princeos lieatrire after pendjnK three montb!i in Knglatul and Scotland "There has not been Ihe rise to Iiolshevim that it imagined. I think the result of the election Monday. November oj PAGE TWO TUB QA, TLT fTSwS The Daily News The Man in the Moon PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince UIRI.S and hoys Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Who are under sixteen, H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor, Keep well away From Jack Nick OTine. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 PEOPLE are always lookhip .Mm and Reporters Telephone - - - 88 for cheap things and yet they I 45WO JH I . . tit aa enough to dlp! In Ihe. e iri.iu ll a pood deii . r meiit, Mr. I'lulpo'! the hosiery and I.-k a jKoI. The ilotii ml i t jli beep baL is nr. j naiiM the India ma's ;auj after a -ra' ''haie iluhns the pa- Tht. fael thai lli; eolloti initio are niM I : the manufacture of tn V lends. In improve the eil odttry. While n KiigUiul, M f iilHd the Wetnhlrv I: eyra iims he deelapd. It vaJs?v tltorge llryant re' J -Cartlena yeslerdsy afr?. trr having mmle Ihe - ' to YaArourr on that : Kjlfief . Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Will relieve llronrhitis, (Jouph.s 0od, Ilnar-c iT ? Asthma, and all affections of (he Thrpat. Jhnsl apd lb'-:' chial Tubes. We have a limiled number of sample of this .M "'f which will be given awny to nilulU only. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer DruggliU The Rexall 8tore Third Ave. A SUth 8L Phopsi 82 and 200