SB' FArm potjr THE SEWS u DRY BRINGING UP FATHER By George MclvW F I DlO I50T 1 - Birch Wood VELL-DlQ DO "YOU MPAN TO i- tin TO A.3K HM "TELL ME THAT TO cT HlfA COGA.N AN WELL - WHAT fOU BE.T OUCAM TO CAUL. VMAT DlO OtO HE. AT FOR SMALL HEATERS, A THQOAND OOLLAt -1 The et He. tAf . AiOOT CALUN K : BOc Per Sack TOO COULO tO LONGER OFF THC CET I ly-i f 1 TALK "WITHOUT "bMOstn' THAN sTR HIM WITH i T V ?AH COUUO? flydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day. jjj "VALSPAR" JJ Ill WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 te 8. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Qravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Roving. We have just been appointed exclus i v e agents for this famous line of Varnishes, Stains and Knamcls. Test its wonderful weacing qualities. fiunranteed turn while. not to Ilrush Special, 24". rubber set, regular 75c, for ... 50o Kaien Hardware Co. re Sterling Furnace COAL Dt!lr4 In Bulk. At 510.00 per ton. Thli l a very luptrlor furntre coal; It rives a clean hot fire and li entirely free from foot, cliakeri, lark and dirt. Some of tne larrcai beating plants In tbe city are now uMnir It wltb entirely aatlirauory remits. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks. At $12.50 per ton. We are also Agents for tbe Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON , and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Man Offlori Hoi-M Otnlral. TImm 1B LAND ACT. Casslar Land District. . Rernrillnff district of Prince HuDtrt, and situate In Atlln Lake, about one bait iiiIIa due west of Atlln Townsltc TAKE 1VOTICE that Paul L. Eggrrt. Of Atlln, in the province or uniisn uoium lit. .,i.iin.tinri Ipu-pllpr. Intends to aDOlr for permission to purchase the following aesrriDca isnas rmiLiiumpinv it a nnst minted at tbe south point of the small Island known as Second Island In Atlln Lake, situated as .tint-, thiatir nnrihu-pit and on around this Islaud following the shore line to the place of commencement; and contalnlnt iwn sires, mur ur ie, Sept. Jrd. 1.I4.aul wiji3 E0Qm women. MILLERD CANNERY HAD BUSY SUNDAY One Hundred Cases of Clams Put Up Yesterday Employing Thirty People The first real day s work was put in at the Millerd cannery near Seal Cove yesterday staled W J. Jefferson, I he manager, Ihis morning. The ilant was liusy from 7 in Ihe morning: until 10 al night and put up 100 cases of clams with about thirty-people working, including some MAGISTRATE FINED SELF FOR fllTTIM JflllU'S t.aill'11 III Lll. III uir . . .. . , ... , . . slinwnic tlii riinnlries nurirnl- HAMILTON, Out., Nov. 3. llecause a member of his family cut a corner too closely w)ien) driving his car, I'olice Magistrate Oeorge Frederick Jclfs was forced to fine himself five dollars, the usual fee for Ihe offence, in the police court here? The name was called i""" In court 0.2 8.8 ft DRUG ADDICT CORNER WITH AUTOi AT VANCOUVER Car Was Driven by Member of His Family But he Being the Owner, Was Responsible DIES AGED 35! Tried to Give up Numbsr Times But Was Unablo'to Break Shackles ZrZ ,rZ ml.lrl...y. .rellur- l-:nf V.neouver look nd from scenic stand i-o c v r- ,i f- t oily a Howe f lirw were genrrahconveners and M'"'"1' .""I 1'ureJi.i.p. in charge, of the various ""'in ,work in tables were: Raffles and novelties, - Mrs. Waller Shaw and Mrs. Whatman, j Plain and fancy sewing Mrs.1 D. Wilton., Home cooking- Mrs. Goodsal and Mrs. Yates. Candy Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Piper. Tea and supper tables Mrs. George Leek. Cashier (Mrs. W. O. Oakley. Results of Raffles Tbe rafries resulted as follow.: Half n tor) nf coal, won by Florence Smith. Iliscuit Jar, won by Mrs. Waller Shaw. Sweater, won by Mrs. John Manson. Centrepiece, won by Mrs. Christiansen. Slippers won by Mrs. S. Itelth. Basket, won by Mrs. W. H. Vickers. Jewel case, won by Mrs. J. Manson. Doll, won by Mrs. J. Howe. THE FAIR IDEA "I think, Oeorge," said Mrs. Jones to her husband, "I'll ask Ihe new people next door to have linner with us tonight. 'Why?" asked the husband. "Well, the butcher left their meat here by mUtake, and it seems only fair." oui oy me enurcii The pictures will be shown again 'might at the Ila(itist ("lunch Corner Club. VICTORIA MAGISTRATE HEARD EVIDENCE IN THE CHINOOK JARGON VJCTOlUA, Nov. 3. The Chinook jargon was very much hi evidence Ihe other 'lay here in the police court. Two Indians, James Albert and .Vary Marshall were chargeil with being drunk, but in spile of their Kngllsb names they j professed , not 've'rseTn Kriglfsft, to to be able to con- Magislrate Jay at once began to question them in Chinook, and ended by assessing Ihem len dollars each. They paid. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, November 4 High ...... 7:19 a.m. 18.0 19 :U p.m. 17, Low 0:50 a.m. C.C 13:32 pm., 9.0 ' Wednesday, November 5 High 8:58 a.m. 18.5 21:00 p.m. 17.7 Low 2:09 a.m. lt:52 p.m. Advertise in the Dally News ft of Christian burial wns aecorded a few days ago in Vancouver to (lie lirug-ruvaged remains, of a on re beautiful woman whose life The organization for the lalt-f. -"-ianU death constitute a mute ap ing of the clams is now in oper- ,n u,p oiumarj wa, inn marge) f(,r IlHy ,, (re,nen,olJ alion and fhix week it is e-"a,, "-i- i'""', """-Mndiclment of the drug traffic, cted will see operation in full "ul any '"""amy ecepi mat at. saV!t NnH f t.,j uon in the Van . i rr i it it inpiiwini n a nnri nvmnnti swing as far as the winter clam " " v..r. ...... lintl n'!)D rvin.f canning business is concerned. Itolh Indians and whites are en- ' ; ' " gaged in getting the clams willij pirTTIDwC ftp flRIFNT lie mosi so lar ruining ju iiiuii I iiimla s Island. I nAIIfiHTFRS nF FNP.I ANf) BAZAAR SUCCESSFUL! Many Ladles Patronized Affair In Mclntyre Block Saturday Afternoon Winners of Raffles The annual bazaar held by the Daughters of Kngland Saturday, DISPLAYED IN CHURCH Full Congregation Attracted by Special Feature at Methodist Church Last Evening There vas a full congregation at the Methodist Church night when the service took form of on exhibition couver Star. The circumstances surround- 'ing the. death and burial of Paula AleCabe, former wife nf a United States senator, and one nf the best known denizens nf Vancouver's underworld, nre unfortunately similar to those which surround the end of imny oilier addicts. Only 35 years of age. blonde, and once very prepossessing, she possessed until near i i . i it... . in.. Iiml'v aiinieme iwrsomiui) t0 and ability which, had she -I I never given way to drugs, in all i -i in... ......ti i i i lantern pictures taken by Hev.'i'nMiuimiiy wo.u.i imv .-..snnn Frank Langford of Toronto, head',,pr a "."PI'X "'' accomplished or the Sunday School department "fr n'"1 a er' different, end. Vrinrnnon In ll Mrlntvre Tlloek f Methodist Church, Oil his, "" a,,' s"" " w" ariernoon in the o Mclntyre Block lie help or. others, to give up the world's Sundav -c n ,nP i ' "' i u proved a very successrul affair, t ,(.rril,,e fiai. s. whioi, tia.l niaile her me weather being most aus-, Jf; ; 'jto S"!?": Korea8 and Lnl' a,,J -h attempt she succumbed to Ihe temptation. The Native a special interest in her cuse, and pecialized onln"re ",nn ,,n', " w'l aPPar- inir carried ''""y- comiueteiy cureu. the Orient. a"or " Toap hlrange as it may seem lo those unacquainted with Ihe underworld, tiite was even when she had sunk lo the lowest depths, ttossessed of some of the finer qualities which must have mark ed her in her youth. For instance she would never give drugs lo young boys or girls. Knowing through what hell she had pass ii herself, she was determined I hat Ihev. at least, should not start on a similar path through her inslrumntalily. Wvernl times during her peri ods of partial recovery from the hold which the habit had upon her. she attended . meetings of UiQgfr 'hrt ;wWc etmeavnring lo aid her and those in similar plight and exhibited her arms and legs to show the innumerable marks which Ihe needle had left upon her. in order that these girls might realize the havoc which the. habit had wrought. Only those who knew her well were aware of the effort which, despite her loss of self-respect, these exhibitions caused her. Husband Was Loyal A rather singular feature of her case was that, unlike many women of the underworld, who use large quantities of dope and earn the money to pay for it on Ihe streets, she was not forced to do Ibis, because her husband, n logger up the coast, whose attachment for her throughout is ritish Gmsols Cigarettes cfaTtaticn, nm 4 2Qf2r25' " ln attractive tins of SO and 100 I.tlST. Crank for lleo ear, Thursduy, along Sermul or Third Avem'i. I'iioIit ideann return to Rupert Taldi- Supply Co. on LOST. Ladies' Head Jiag on Thursday afternoon belwwitn further end of Alllu Ave. and 1'rinee Itupert Hotel. Finder please notify Daily New. WANTBD FOH J'limibing and Keating, Phone Itlue 518. If FOR RENT FOU IlKNT. Four livin room. one suitable for business, or Office, yrouud floor; $25.00: Aluo Clapp flat. Wenlenhaver llros. FIVF. Room flnt for rent, on Second Avenue; modem. Apply Joe (iaron, lluperl llakery. . If WINTKIl UAItlWHl for small boats. Caretaker in attendance. Appljr Northern V.-eliange. If FOU HUNT Pour room, modern. healed apartments. Apply Smith &, Ltd. tf one of the redeeming features of Ihe case, provided it for her. lie himself has taken to drugs more than once, but is maJcing a big fight to overruiiue the habit. Once well dressed, she wenl in to a druit store In the Wet P.nd and asked if shq might go into an inner room where she knew the drus: and needles were kept, in order that she might fix up her elolhes . She sized tip the situation and shortly aflerwnrds thai store was robbed of drugs and needles. She did the same thing in a Shaughnessy drug store, llllintately the place she 1 1 veil at in Siiulh Vancouver whs raided and a collect ion of empty drug hollies was found. She had. as she often did, divided up the spoil wilh other drug addicts, for she was very generous and popular wilh "oilier unfortunates. She was an accomplished pianist nnd Could speak evernl languages fluently. Most Pathetic Feature Her popularity was palhrll- eally apparent when, nl the iast scene of all, she lay in the plain coffin In the qulel undertaking parlors whither her remains bad been conveyed from Ihe flcncrnl Hospital where she passed nway n week ago. Three well known Vancouver women who are deep ly interesled in Ihe drug question Mrs. J. 7.. Hall. Mrs. K. II. Tomer and Mrs. James O'llrlen were among the mourners. As Ihey 'al there, many nf the under world, including several negroes entered in ones and twos to pay a last Irlule to the memory of their friend. The most pathetic feature nf thai last scene was the presence of the dead woman's daughter, n beautiful girl of i8, who lun trnvelled from Ihe United Slates for the funeral. -v The object of making public tins, one or many stories which could be lold nf the Vancouver ; underworld, Is to arouse again i the public In this the most lerri hie evil. tune ScsviCS. I Mi Oeorge RusseH, foreman of Ihe Prince Rupert Daily News'lypo Igraphical department, who has 'been laking a holiday In Ihe Old Country, writes lo sny he expects lo be here about the middle of December. hImI Cell tlfklt r'i Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WOKD IN ADVANCE. No Adrrtl.menl Token for Le lhn BOc LOST FOU ni'AL HOMI-. MA lUlF.AD., Cakes and Pastry, leave your! ' order at 913 Ambrose Aveniu'. Phone ltluo ft 3. BOARD AND ROOM IIOAItli and. (loom al the Inlander centrully located, one half block from Pott Oniee. H30 Second Avcn. Phone 137. '.f FOR SALE FOIl SALJ-5 Rooming llouee, fur-ulslied; and store premises Apply 929 Ambrose Avenue. FOR SALH. -'- Monarch range.! bedroom suites, AimiiKli-r, carpet square and sundry other articles. Phoius 187. 2&tl BOAT REPAIRS ITSHKRMH.N. The cloae reason will soon be hare. You can ge' your boats overhauled, I. contract or day work, ul a moderate price. We .build anythinir up lo 200 Inns. Marine ways Call or write KrikVit llroe:, boat build' s, Norlh Vanctuver. Vn: 't OONT BE SHOCKED Hide on GOODYEAR BALLOON TIRES Fift all' Cats ' Ford Tires, $8.50 to $16.00 Fit Goodyear Tires and Avoid the Shocks MODERN WRECKING EQUIPMENT Day and Night Service. Phone 52. KAIEN, GARAGE CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON (iraduate of the National College of Uhiropraotic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. Hours, to lo 12; 2 to t. 7 (o 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Pbona ill ub 85. FURNITURE. Mew and Secondhand Furni ture Store. Wc Huy. Sell and Hx change New and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAPAD0PULI8, 839 Third Ave. Phone 610 TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nlr'.t Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Elock, Arrr 'rnin 7rr-ir' Moio AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consull us when you desire lo sell or purchase furniture, or aAy article. PRINCK RUPHUT F..X-CHANOH, Auctioneers. DRY WOOD CKDAR, IIKMI.OCK OR FIR Cut and split lo any size. $6.50 Per Load A. ISAACSON, Seal Covo Woodynnl. Phone Hlack 101 "PIANOS TUNED. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RF,. PAIRED AND ADJUSTED J. B. MacKAY rnone (Jron 454. P.O. Ilox 425 MAIL SCHEDULE If For the East Mondays, Wediiedayi ir.dr-l nay. i'Iiim'k i From the East M. nil ays, Timr-urtlaya. t P m To Vancouver Tuesdays - Matt H.... Wednesiln -Katurday Mnltirdavt . - I I' It. .V. Willi.- From Vancouv ittindavf L Wed:mda . C.P.H. N..w To Anyox, Alice and Premier VVeilneUy , Huudny- "k : 1 M Arm, SnJ From Anyox Alice Arr $.l and Premier Tuesdays I Saturday 1 To Pert Simpson and Hmll Points .'li'liirtii.i - , From Port Simpson , Saturddv To Alaska Points Niivemhri . i 1 From Alaska Points Xovemb.-i To SRastell. Port Cl Buckley Bay- Queen Charlotte li'md Pc'xl Nnvelnl" i !, From Maseelt. Pert CUnrl Buckley Bay- Queen Char.otte Isti d MiivoiiiIk'i i i COX COLLECTION firairj A AH in ' -1st Ave. A Kigir itlb Ave. .v I on. Hlh Ave. A I ' ' ; si II lh Ave. A. Sl.. i 1 Ave. 1 1 III Ave. ACoiiin 'it h Ave. Hays i Ave tltli Ae. X II i- Circle 8lh Ave. A Colt. n 5th Ave. A M.-lli -.! Pro. (iov. llblgs Prov. Oov. Wharf O.T.P. Wharf .V H -!tul Avy. -'nd Iru Ave. A I n! m 3rd Ave. & 01 1. 41 4- NOTICE . - Advertiser- i)'"' r ed that copy ' f 1 tlseincirTs slmuliJ Dally News' C 4 p.m. today t r 8trllon In Ion sue. TIMDER SALE, Ttu re will l Aurllciii, a I ii " li Nini'liitier. IH'.'I, IS-r'ureni llmiirii 11" Xfi7n, ! .hi nil. i I'lilrn and i'lllnr ' llll" MSI Milk "f - n.sli.iv i r. mill' n hi star IMslrlrl. , Two mi veai-s will ' tnoval of ilmhiT Profided that arn1 " th aiictlrm In pcr irn tender, In tit- . .(hmi. d and irealeil a ow bid. Funlicr parllruMi . ler, Vlrinria, M 1 rnncu llupurt, II .C tt