.,. November 3, 1924. ..nMrninTninninmiiinimiiH... You are invited U lc u ipic-1 ul a series of LESSONS IN HANDCRAFT AND DECORATIVE ART Under Hie personal direction or Miss S. (liidmiiiidMiu, Artist from liKNNLSO.VS, New York lii.lriietions giw'ii in I he making of Crepe. Paper Nove (lf,, u-lunit'. lips Apron, Flowers, Table Decoration I- IOIIH, riuwer ower I'ariv rii" "( in ...... ., nii? t-iivui, ll.i.keK Lamp. Slimier Hint Mats, Healing Wax Art, the milking uf Head! and Vases or exquisite beuuly. Lessons Free. November 15th to 22nd. Classes will be held from u to VZ u.m. and I to (I p.m. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock nilneert, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELD I NO. Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF The WASHTUB Something you're glad to tell "Qooclbye" There is no woman who docs not enjoy saying "good-bye" to the wash-tub. And there is no need for any woman to even have one about the house. For our Wet Wash Service does all the washing and returns -your bundle, fragrantly clean, ready to starch, iron or hang out to dry. , When you see how well it is done and how little it costs that is when you'll say "good-bye" to the wash-tub forever. Wet Wash 5 c a pound MINIMUM CHAROr. 75o CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND dRY CLEANERS Sixth Avenue WosL Phone 8 Send H V Javrfw mm dry J ' i B.C. Undertakers. Phone it. Hayners, Undertakers, 1'lione 351 TAXI ami Messenger Service. Miotic 078. tf A delicious drink for ull oc-l easioim "SUI'HHMF" ColTee. tf - Pageant.- I loii'l mis it. F.m- picss Theatre, November 5. Mrs. A. V.. Jtazctl-Juiicit will not receive tomorrow Tuesday. - Dr. J. A. West returned from .Sinilliers on last night's train. Milton Ooiuales returned on lal niifiil'it train from a trip to Sinilliers on legal business. It. Howe of the Swift-Canadian Co. relumed on last night's train from a business trip up the line. ou was soulh on buiue in SI. Andrew's Indies Auxiliary llataar will Ik held in St. An drew's minis, Sh;oih1 Avenue, November t, from 3 lo 0 i.m.' Whist Drive in evening. ii'J V. Wall, a memlH'r of Ihe stall of F. it. Html Co. i havinz Vlne-lay for a todiday in the state of Washington. He evpccls lo be away about six weeks. Mrs. M. M. Mel.aehlau and Iwo small daughters have arrived from Ihe east afler an absence of four mouths spout with relatives THE DALLY NEWB PAOB TBREA , . y fg n I I I ft al ak ft W A Local and Personal &.W rfK i& 1 rWft 'ttsM fcHUifl. Latest in SILKS and DRESS GOODS at West of England Store SMITH BLOCK. F. i. Dawson saib'd on Satur day night by the steamer Prince Harry Love returned on the Hupert for Vancouvei Prince Itunert Saturday niiflill from a business trip to Vaiieou- ''" ScilTert of the North and ver and Seattle. I south mine, slevyarl, passed tlnotisMi the oily Saturday night M. P. McCalTery returned onlbounU for Aanceuver t lie Prince Hupert Saturday niuhl from a week's business trio to Jack Dariwley, Sidiiey-lJazcll- Vaneouvcr. Jones and Alex Mitchell relumed Ion lat night train from Hazel I.. W. Palinore returned on Ihe ton where they played for dance . . .. .... . . 1 I L..l.l ..Ii.biI.h : I . I . mice .tuperi raiuruay iiikih "u oaiuruaj i(uis from a business trio to Yaneou- I in . tat.. IIAbl . kit xep, I .'en nuio'r ui .Mice Arm passl lliroiigli (he eily Sat Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson re- urday night eiiroute to Vancou turned home on the Prince Hu-ht'" where ihe will spend some pert Saturday night. Mr. Han- 'Me visum tonnectiou with the i.ole industry Hrrion, inspector ol and visited Seattle and Spokane, "alelierie who wbiiI lo Hated the Pythian Sisters. Tw u nights, November G and 7. "A Suntlower Servn ale," Methodil Church at 8 ii. in. AdmiMkin SUe uiid 20. Ion last week with 5,000,000 sal Miss U. M. Hilchcy, who ha "'on egss for the hatchery from been vlsitinjr for the oasl few reinherlon Lalte, returned lo Ih iuoiilh in her old home province c'y alunlay iiighl and sailed of Prince Kdward Island, re- Pnnce lluiwfrt for Ih urutHl lo the city on the Prince! "math itunert Saturday nislil .. i.. ii .Meara, tlie victoria Mrs. W. (Jilchrisl returned to lawyer who N eiis?el by tli the city Saturday nlaht from Mhka In.lians hi connection llcvelstoke where she atlendtHl "1' thc rrwentalious lo Ihe I he ilrand Lo-lae convention off'! B-OvemineHi on land I matters, w--1 tliroujrli on th Cardena yelirilay ' aflertKKtii Ibouiul for Arrandale. H. F, Kerpin, M.L.A. for Allin arrived in Ihe city ou Ihe Prinic 2cor'"'m SalunNy iiikIH and boardesl the Prince Hupi-r bound for Victoria where he will allend Ihe sesstin of the lgila'lure. Mr. Kerpin expressed reurel al Ihe tragic .dejth- of --Job. MeKie. M.L.A. for lireeiiwood-Ciraiul Forks, -'wfeicii ; Unfit! 'place lasl week. . Mrs. T. W. Falcouer mid daughter, Juanila. of Alice Arm, passeil through tlie eily on Salunluj bound for Vancouver and New ! Weslniinslrr where they will pend a month holidaying. Mrs. Falconer will also attend the wwidiiig of her brother, Thomas It. Selkirk, a youim Vancouver al Seallle, Victoria. Nelson uii.l , aNvyf,r laUp llIac, in Vw Ldmouton. :w..i.,.i,i .... v... i.. (I. W. .lohiisloue arriveil liome ou Ihe Prince Hupert Saturday night afler having attended the (rand Lodge convention of Ihe Knights of Pythias al Itevelslokc. J. A. Iluckham, the newly elf.'ot-. ei speaker of the Legislature is u son in law of Mrs. Kenny of Tkl- SlalT Capl. and Mrs. Cjirruthers of Wraugell; Capl. Chalk and Lieut. Itenas of Juneau; Hnsign Uorin of Ketchikan ' and tlapt. Hea of Ibis eily returned o;i Saturday night's train from Winnipeg where tliey atleuded the an-ntfal Salvation Army Congress. The Alaska ollleers who took low Street, he having married i pal in special services here over Miss Kenny, a siler of Missiihe week-end, will sail,, for Iho Noni Kenny of this city. The'porlh mi Ihe Princess. Mary this deputy sieaker, II. !. Perry of afternoon. Prince here. (ieorge, is well known ANNOUNCEMENTS ' Capl. K. Maldis and Charles Davis, cajilnin and stair en gineer res per I i vrtyT o If 'I ho s ea m -,er (Iray. arrived from the south on Ihe Prince Hupert Saturday nighl. lo join Ihe steamer Prince John relieving Cant. Neil McLean Ladies' Auxiliary. St. Andrew s !,, rM,,t i:,ltrjeer Mul vain will Society, llazaar, Tuesday, Nuv. . haviv been railed lo Vancouver by nO f in. rompany on hu.sincss.r(Capl. ,.. ,...-!,. o... v ,!"' ;M.'Kin..on, cUJer ptliver of ,Hl9Miail unuilll imii,u1,u.l! PCIHCO lUOer . I-US lilti.ll Lulheran Pageant, Kmpress Tliealrc, November 5. "Sun Flower Serenade in Ihe Methodist Cliuteli, Nuv. 0 and ?. (juecn Mary Chapter Whist Drive and Dance, Nov. 7, Elks Home. Moose llazaar, Nov. IK and ID. If Presbyterian Ilaxaar, Nov. 20. Lutheran llazaar, December 2. Metropole Hall. temporary conimuml o the. Gray. Ufjon steni4V'rCardciia, Capt. A. In Dickson, arrived from the soulK at :i:IS yesterday arier-nootf and sailed al 8 in .(ho -veiling for Anyojc, Sluwarl and Alice Arm. Tlioj Vf:el brought Ihe following ssejiaiM-: "for If j Prince Ituperl - (i. A. Hryant I., (i. .Meara; foiviAuyox H. U. Lincoln, Miss .Stewart and Mr. Longfellow; for Stewart A. D. Fremenlo. It. Wcjjsjer,. II.. J.' C. Atkins, Miss McDonald, Mrs. Atkins and Mr. ajid Mrs. L. A. Parks. Mooseheart Legion Whist Drive and dance, November it, at 8.30. 200 Jack Xarclli called on the Prince Ituperl Saturday night for Vancouver. Mm. H. II. Little, 332 Fifth Ave. ISast -will be at home the first Friday of each month. J. H. Turner arrived from Dor- rccn ou .Saturday night's train and is registered at the Prince Hupcrt Hotel. Mr. and Mm. It. II. McAdam arrived from IJuckley Day by company boat this morning bringing their son to the city for surgical treatment. Provincial Constable J. P. Kg gleshaw of Terrace and Con stable It. (Hbson of Port Kssing- lon reached the city Saturday night from the interior. Krnie Piercitof Port Kssington was fined 300 with (lie option of six mouths imprisonment by Magistrate McClymont in the city olice couth this morning foi supplying liquor to Indians. II. L. Frank of Terrace arrived in the city from the interior las) night and will return home on this afternoon's train. Mr. Frank is planning lo ship several tons or polaloes here from his farm it Kflsumkalum. Joseph Hoar, charged with oh laining money under false pre lences by caching worthle checks, was further reiiiamf'' until tomorrow in the eily police court tin morning. further prosecution evidence is lo be brought in. Albert Kdwards, Indian of Massed, and Fred Auriol, Alaska Indian, were each fined 1 0 and costs in the city police court (hi morning for intoxication. Martha Kelly, similarly charged, was let oul on suspended sentence with Ihe understanding (bat she re turn forthwith to her home in Port Simpson. The power boat Prosperity Cap!. Drindle, is in port today 'lischaruiug 30 tons of palladium 'piicenlrale rroni Ihe Salt Chuck mine near Ketchikan for trans shipment east over the Canadian National Hallways to Irvington smeller. New Jersey. Mrs. Helen Nuclch arrived in Ihe eily from Alice Arm Saturday nighl and will .leave Ihis week en roule via various points in the l ulled Slates lo her old home in Juga-Slavia where she will remain unlill spring. Her daughters. Mis Helen Nucich and Miss Christina Nucich, are attending school in the eily and will remain here. CP. It. steamer Princess Mary, northbound from Vancouver to Alaska ports is duc at 1.30 this afternoon and will sail at it for the north. Passengers booked lo leave on the vessel include: Otto Christiansen and (). Korpas for Ketchikan: Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Dobbins, Miss Nadine Dobbins. (J. A. Schumaker, J. Martin-en Capt. J. Chalk and Lieut, lle'nas for Juneau; SlalT Captain and Mrs. Carrulhers and son for Wraugell. SMITHERS M. (iouzales of Prince Rupert arrived in town Thursday morn ing lo allend the silting of the County Court. There was born al the llulkley Valley District hospital on Wednesday, Oct. 29, a daughter lo Mr. and Mrs. Cair of Forestdale. II. F. MeI.eod, district laud registrar at Prince Ituperl was in town ou Thursday on his way home afler a holiday spent in Ihe district. A. K. ideris, fur buyer of Houston", was a business visitor to Smilhers on Friday. i, - 11. C. Fraser of Prince Hupert, public schools inspector, gladdened (ho hearts of the Smithers teachers and children when he appeared at the local school on Thursday. Mr. Fraser is on one of his periodical tours of inspec- '"id O. K. Woods; Arrandalo 'i, lion and intends to spend three or four days here. Geo. A. Covington, general merchant from .Topley, was in (own ou Thursday attending to business matters. He was also one of the successful applicant The Finer the Tea I! the richer the flavor. SALADA" $2.95 $3.95 $1.45- SRUEN VJATCHE! "FAMILY SHOE STORE." H031 is the finest, therefore is always more delicious than ordinary tea. Try it. PERHAPS YOU NEED GLASSES ? Lois of people do but don't know iL If you have to hold things too rar away, or. your eyes lire easily, come in ami we will find out if it i your eyes. Our optical department has just been fitted up wilh the latest testing equipment, and a new course o"r study just completed gives you Ihe benefit of any new discoveries and the newest styles in frames. BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. Killer our Ad. Competition before Nov. lo. Note: Drawings would be of no use us The News could not, reproduce them in Ihis space. SPECIAL THIS WEEK FOR MISSES AND GROWINQ GIRLS. Misses' Patent Leather Sandals, real snappy. Sizes 11 to 2. Growing Girls' Patent Leather One Strap Slippers, medium heel. -Girls' Spats, sizes 2 and 3. Special price. "The Family Shoe Store" Phone Hed 0V. making application before Judge Young for naturalization papers, being sponsored by Archie Mc-lnnes of North Uulkley. WATER NOTICE (DlMrd.n n4 UtO T.VkK MiTICE Uwl Andrew SoUd. VK'M fur Eninnrrr Gold Mines Ltd.. Ine,. lHe ridrf.Hi I 8 IS-1 to Knudwijr. New Vork. N.Y.. will apply Tor Uetmt take nd Ui 3l ruble fert pT wmnd of witer out the Winn Blver. which flowi Westerly and drains Onto Tlu Arm about two and a halt miles smith or Engineer Mine. The water will be diverted frtni Ihe st!Tm at a point about one mile upstream. rrom Taau Arm. and will be used for power purpose upon the "Entlneer Mine," described aa Eleven Cniwn-aranled Mineral Claims, surveyed as tots .Not. It, to. 10A. 07, tot. tig. 7. ti; t70j 7f. and 1111 Grnnn I. Casslar District. This ooiice was posted on the around on the tith day or June. IttJ. A copy or thl notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act, ttlt," will be.fjled In the office or Ihe Water nerordei" at Allln. D.C. Objection to the application may be riled with the ald Water necorder or with the Comptroller or Water nirhts. parliament Bulldlnra, Victoria, B.C.. within thirty days arter the first anpearanc of thla notice In a local newpip. Th dale or the first pun-lication of this, notice is October toin itti. ENCINEEtt flOID MINES. LIMITED. INC.. .ppiicani. By Andrew Sostad, Ajcut ECKOFF STUDIO Calls for your Patronage Our Vancouver Customers still send us llieir orders for enlarging and copying. You don't have lo send away. We do it here at reasonable prices", and do it well. EckofF Studio Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th St. NOTICE. T.VkK NOTICE that within thirty day from dale I Intend tu apply to the Minister of Lands for authority to ronstrurt a road, not lu evreed rorly it) reel lu width, rrom the Enitlneer Mine tu Wann lllver, over and across the undermentioned Mineral Claims, via.: the "Jersey Lily." "Col-iiuililtie" Fractional, "Oold Kniwn." "Tom Boy," "Jark-a-tar." -kin Owrire" and "Brownie .No. I." All aitiule, lylnir and belna; .on the Eal side or Taku Arm In the Allln Lake Mltilni Division. Casslar IXslrlrt, Provlnre or British Columbia. Also to construct such power line or lines as may be requisite ami nwssary Dr t'w transmission of over from the tHuupany's plant innate on Wann lllver to the around Heraled or nmtmlled by Ihe tnrlneer Gold Mines. Ltd.. Inc. Imlrd at Eiirlnevr Mine. Allln. B.C.. thla ttnd day or October. Itti. ANDREW SOSTAD. A rent for Enflneer Hold Mines, Ltd.. Inc. LAND ACT. A, ..J. k.alnl I . 1. 1 - , J hl.l .1.1 Dlatrlct tf Prince Rupart Take .Notice that I. Samuel Simpson, of Massett, B.C.. occupation risherman. In-I tends to apply roe permission to lee th Mlowtn described lands: Commenrlnit al I a post planted near Ihe southeast comer of Massetl Island, and thence & chains to low water mark: thence rollowlnr low waer , mark In a northwesterly direction a dis tance or o chain (t mile); thence west-terry i chains; thence southerly SO chain I (I mile i to post of commencement and roQtalnlnt II acres rmore or lev SAMUEL SIMPSON. Applicant. Peter Keav. Mint. tilth September. Itl,