PAGE SIX TflB DAILY NEWS WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. RICHARD DIX and BEBE DANIELS in "Sinners in Heaven" A colorful picturizution of the prize novel of that name, sumptuously produced and filmed amidst scenic splendor. An absorbing conflict between a man and a woman in a modern Garden of Eden. The amazing adventures of a straight-laced girl and a confirmed woman-hater marooned on a desert island, wrth problems to solve which Robinson Crusoe and man Friday didn't have to face. Unusual, exciting situations for lovers to find themselves in, but Love showed them the way out. Strong cast includes Montague Love, Holmes Herbert, Florence Billings, Hetty JlilLiiirn und others. COMEDY "BOYS TO BOARD." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admission 35c and 10c. TIE For Sale Time is the- measure of lire . Thai's what our salesmen offer you. They are selling a real service, giving you lime for more important duties than washing. Will You Buy? Phono 8. PHONE 8 Xte-V 60X392 PRINCE"1"" RUPERT LAST CHANCE ON COFFEE SPECIALS Coffee is Going Up, Buy Now Economy T.ofrce. Hi. tin 50c Economy Fresh Uround Coffee, 3 lbs $1.30 Wedding Coffee, per lb. 55o "Supreme-' Cofiee, per lb. tin 60c Economy Tea, per lb. .. 60o Hlue Ilibbon Tea, 5 lb. pekg. $3.10 Lanka Tea, per lb. 70c Hi aid s Ilest Tea, per lb. 85c ltidgway's Tea, per lb. 85c Cowan s Instant Cocoa, per tin 25c Fresh Meat in Stock. El 101 STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84 Or Write P.O. Nox 575. '"ince Ruport, B.C. Save Money Buy for Cash and get the Lowest Prices in Rupert Quality Guaranteed Farmers Market Phone Blue 42S Orders of $3.00 delivered TIMBER SALE X 6604. Teiulrrs will lx rwelvert by Um-PloU'CI I'oi'PKK-r nut Inler limn ihkiii oh Ihe f.lli ilv or MuvMiifoer. Il. for the itiri'lia- of Mreiirr X Of.ol, m-ar Heaver i;reek, el Mt or Kctall lilvcr. C.ll. 5, In rut 3411.000 reel or lletiilorlt, Cedar, Halaam HI Spruce SaloK. Two rv) ycr will le allowed for removal or lluiher. KurllH-r pirllrutart of the Chief Forea-ler. Vletorla. or the blitrlct Foreater, I'rluce lluocrl, B.C. Advertise in Ihe Daily News RUPERT PEOPLE IN MINERS' ASSOCIATION Local Business Men Prominent in List of Those Enrolled In Recently Formed Graham Island Body The recently formed Graham I Island Miners' Association has gathered quilt) a number of mem bers in Prince Rupert mainly due! to the elforls of its president, C. j T. Cabrera, M.E. J The membership to date is as follows: j C. V .Haker, T. Ilradley, C. T. : Cabrera. A. Cameron, F. Carpcn-! I ler,- II. Carpenter, Dr. J. C. is. ; Dunn, M. L. ilunn, C. Kench, A. jl.und, C. Milligan, J. Pearson, C. Spence, A. Hoberlson, J. While and D. H. Willcmar or Massett. Angue Ileal on, Pat Corrigau and W. S. Harris, Hazelton. A. T. Hroderick, Max lleilbroii-er, II. St. U. Lee, H. II. Little, V. J. MeCutcheon, Mcllac Pros., H. F. Mc'auglilon, W. J. Nelson, S. E. Parker, Philpott-Evill & Co.. Fred Stork, M.P., J. II. Thompson, David Thomson, (Jeorge I). Tile and S. G. Webb of Prince llupert. II. E. Hurger of Vanderhoof. J. Frizzell of Tow Hill J. A. Lane and A. H of Vancouver P.H.C. Mines Co, and W. Pin cus of Philadelphia. Ike Thompson of Jedway. S. S .Williamson of Washing ton, D.C. RUPERT HOUSEWIVES BECOME BUSINESSLIKE; should he. And the merchant who has the superior arlicie welcomes tlie acid lest of comparison' because he knows his chances of selling are improved. More Prince Iluperl women than ever before are testing coal, trying lo discover the most economical fuel for furnace, healer, fireplace or range. Those who have tried agree that iS'anaimo-Wel- linglon is very much superior. They say less quantity need be used, tha' there is very little ash and no clinker or rock. These are sonic of Ihe reasons for Ihe many repeat orders. To secure this famous Nanai- mo - Wellington coal, orders should be phoned direct lo Albert & McCalTery who arc sole agents in Prince llupert. Their phone numbers are Jlfi and 501. They have their own delivery trucks and wagons and give prompt service. Waleh them and he convinced that inot uf (he people in Prince llupert burn Nanaimo - Wellington coal There's a reason. Auk . the woman who burn's it. TIMBER SALE X 4725. Sealed Tender will be received by the Mlnller of Land al Victoria, not later than in in on Ihe (0th day of November, mi, fr the purchase of Licence X 1715, to rut ,780.O00 feet nf Hemlock and Spruce on part of Lot 780, North inure of Allre Arm, Calar Plitrlrl. Two () yeara will be allowed for removal of timber. Further partlculan of the Chief Foreater. Victoria. B.C., or PUIrlct Foreater, rrlooe llupert, B.C. ARRIVING TODAY Swifl I Swift Swift Swift . ii.iiT l . ' SWIFTS' PREMIUM BACON Average Weight 4 to 6 lbs. Special Price, Taking Whole Side 35c PER LB. Limited Uuaulily. Phone your order early. RupertTableSupply Three Phones. 910,111, 212 FINAL FIGURES Total Much Greater Than Last Year For Canned Salmon Final figures for the HUM; salmon park obtained this morning show that a total or l,tl(, 1U7 eases of all varieties were put up in District No. 2 as compared with 875,803 eases in 1023. The large increase over last year Hobsuti was 'lir?'dy due to junks and riiums which loiaiieu union in Excess of I '.I S3. Sockeyes sboweil a slight inrrease while springs and eohoes were down. The figures are as follows! 1921 Oases. Cockeye 291,1 17 springs . , I 'oboes . . Iink.s . . . - I Chums . . The housewives of Prince Hu- siedheads pert are no longer content lo be lieve that a certain brand of) Total. . IC.fifiS . H,'JH2 , 50(5,051 , 272,01)1 1,058 15)23 Caes. 285.87U 27.230 C0,21 1 330.738 178.828 1,528 1.1 10,11)7 875.803 goods is the best in, the world T,e decrease in cohoes was or that it will last longer. They , dimply due to the fact that the arc realizing thai the only pro- 'jh were not obtainable, per way to find out which brand similar reason does not apis the best is to make a practical -dy to the decrease in springs, lest in their own home!, and coin- The mild curing of this variety pare values. This is jusl as il has proven more popular anil a 'arge quantity were 1 litis put up. The figures will compare favor-nbly with last year. The quantity of dry salted will he larger than Jasl year. The big increase in the pink pack was largely due lo Ihe fact 'hat Ihe norll! end of the Queen Charlotte Islands only pucks alternate years and in 11)3 1 the largest pack on record for Ihe Massell urea- over 110,000 cases was put up whereas last year there was none. The increase In chums was principally in Ihe central division between Ogden Channel and 1'it.- hugh Sound. All salmon fishing except (rolling js now closed and (hero Is very lillle (rolling. The canneries are all closed now nud such fish as is caught is sold over Ihe local fresh fish IT WAS AN ACCIDENT Mrs. Muggins was in (he dock She was charged with assault and battery, and the recipient of her unkind afleiiliou was none other than the husband whom she had promised lo love, honor and obey until deal h did him from her part. "So you broke an um brella over your husband's! head?" .said the Magistrate. ! "What have you In say?" "It; was an accident .Sir,," replied Ihe. accused. "How could II be an' accident?" asked the Magistrate. i "Well, Sir," explained the guilty parly. "I didn't mean lo break I be umbrella." DIAMONDS-WATCHES SILVERWARE IN OUR BUSINESS WE CONSIDER THE CONFIDENCE OF THE PUBLIC, A TRUST THAT IS REPOSED IN US FOR THEIR SAFEGUARDING AND OUR MERCHANDISING METHODS AND FAIR PRICES ARE EVI-PENCE INDEED OF OUR BELIEF, JUDGING FROM THE NUMBER OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS WE HAVE HELD FOR YEARS. WE BUY FOR CASH AND TAKE EVERY DISCOUNT POSSIBLE. YOU REAP THE BENEFIT. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK. NOW IS THE TIME TO SEND THAT LITTLE GIFT OVERSEAS. Our Optical Department HAS PROVED WE ARE ABLE TO SATISFY THE MOST SCEPTICAL PERSON. MR. .IRELAND HAS HAD OVER TWENTY.FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE Max Heilbroner D. S. Cameron, who ha- been , I uuo'- in Indians. This appeal stationed dui inn .lb'1 pat sum-; vva aiiovvcu 10 inc juutte una the mer at Swanson flay a fisheries, conviction ipiashed, on I lie overseer, bus returned to Hie eity for the winter, lite salmon season now being over. QUASHES ONE SENTENCE w. AND CONFIRMS ANOTHER; Gets Off but Jf s. Must do Kelly SMI'I'IIKHS. Nov. 3.- A regular Milling of Ihe County Court was held in the police station at Smilhers on Thursday and r'ri- SPECIALS FOR Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 150 Yards Both Robe. Elder-won, by the yard, Special per yard 90c COATINGS. 400 yards Coatlng3, whlto, brown and check. Special per yard . . . $2.50 Checked and Striped S1.50 to S2.50 Jabour Bros. Lid. Phone G45. Cor. 3rd & 7th. j ground tiiai lite rliarge should hav lHen laid under (he Dominion "Indian Act" which takes precedence over Provincial juri- did ion for an offense of this nature. G. Co-.per or wioriceiown " H. I., ltobinson was counsel for the crown find I.. $. McOill and M. tionaale for the defeud- 1 ne second appeal thai or Jos Kelly or Snitlhcr,. against a similar sentence handed lo him by Magistrate Hoskins oil I lie charge of having liuor for .sale, was disallowed by Judge Young and the conviction confirmed. II. I., llnliinoon nlmi luiiiillml week wilh will, lud day of last -ludge.,,,,, r.(v. f(. mwn , of Prince llupert pres.d-ls Young M(.(ill u.,ed f((r (he i"?- ianl. -In addilptirs lu luiuor' j work there wer two appeals ulated for a hearing. The firl being thai nf Win. II. (io"!er Moritelown against a sentence nfj six months-given for an alleged Infraction of Ihe K.i:. Liquor Act. I the charge being llial of celling i ;a SIBOLA ORES G. Belllclnl of Houston Has Southern Partner to See Samples MORE DEVELOPMENT Free Milling Rock Carrying Coarse Gold Brought from Interior SMITIIKItS, Nov. 3. K. !. Hel-liciui of lluuslon. was a htisiuess visitor in Smilhers at Ihe week end and he again brought in a number of fine sieoiinens from the new strike made on Sibola mountain this summer. Mr. Ilellicini recently had i isit from this co-owner. Cluing King llo, a retired merchant of Vancouver, who came up as far as Houston for a ptrouul in-'.peclion of Ihe ore that had been parked oul lo that point. tin was very grfally elated with Ihe ore laken oul ami staled llial he was prepared lo finance a much omre extensive program of de I 1 iH i Ol All" Monday, November 3, 9j, FOR TUESDAY ONLY Cash & Carry Specials Business Is. Good! We have a short piunlh ahead. Nuvenih r ha ,m a. day and one of Ihese is a holiday. Neverthelc i.i.l In inoil 1111 snle- wilh mi fiiriri'i'MML'e inli..rt. paigu, and our Tuesday specials will attract many new ,u,. tinners, f 3 Big Specials 5,000 Balls Cortlcelll Austratcne Sweater Wool Hug. li.'e value. Hrn special 2 for Her lu uf 10 52.M A thousand shades tu select from. 75 Yards Satin Elegant for Lingerie, 32 In. wide Heg. (Mr yunl. Hpecial, V yard for 9 100 Yards Imported All Wool Coatings, 54 In. wide (I .Shades Tan, Snnd. Hrow n, lliie, Hlue. and Vr. Heg. U.."0 unl. Spo ial, yard $145 See These Specials In our Window. Universal Trading Co, velopment work next season r. order to determine If there was siiflleient body lo warrant a mil' being erected al Ihe mine. The -.amides exhibited hy Mi llellieinl am free milling and up pear to be extremely rich, heum well studded with eMtre piece, of gold. He has had no aay made, however, as the sample brought out wtmld show valu" of everat thousand dollar wtileli might have a tendency lo raic Iheir hopes uh hlh. They wloh to prove the vxlenl of Ihe vein before making a report on value. Ihe Sibola mountain which if local ed in the Tala l.ak country is about I'd mile from Houston and about fifty mile from the salt water, and therefore Mueslion of lmiiKrtallon to and from the mine is a seriou one. The route at preiil Iwmg by wagon road and trail from Houston. Sweeney M nun 1 11 hi which i about five mile from Slhola has alo very ricli Value, but In il-ver, copper and lnr. mi riTt Imported Goods Compete Mure than ri."..iHi, l of good. Illipol 'led in -I ' petition with M. 1 pi-l l-OOnllllietl III llu- - Thai i a lot uf in-' il could have been 1 : .v ver real. Pacific Milk Co Limited 32S DRAKE STftEtT, VANCOUVER. Factories at Lsdnr k4 Abboltferd. BC. 8PECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY. CABLE TWIST SWEATER 8ILK, all Shades. 2 oz. Skeins, 75c Skein. No charges or telephone orders a cepled for 'h- We Stock Hi. tonal Hnllcms H. S. Wallace Co. ifi B i 0 iiiM ra w 3rd flv-and Fu,in si- phn,i "U 1 HraLwBwinl 1 I j! Wc 8luck 1,dor"11 Halterns. I I i !' 'Il' Hil il"! I I mm m i H ii i 4m, I H FHMilHII II t ' . U - ' I I i in I I ili Ml i I -J- -GROCER PHONE 586 OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE AT 40o and 50o L8'