Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rate of Exchange. Make your reservation! for thai Summer Vacation visit to tbe OJd Land early. For Ticket j, Rates and Information, see us. 11 1 i 1 rrru rurr.Y (IW!l Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safe. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insuranoe and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 133 Second Avenue. Phone S80. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Acer, for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of Harden and Field Seeds, Union Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Phone 58. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6. Cartage, Warehousing, and ilributing. Team or Motor Service. Hoai, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. M. S. SING TAILOR, CLEANING AND PRESSINQ l'lwine 771. 8?0 Third Avenue Laundry Office P.O. flox Hi. Irince Rupert, H.C. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerton Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Houre, te t. Phone S. Open Evenlnge Only For Special Appointment. ' ' 1 " '- : , L i , U ' " ' . . . . -- , ireat War Veteran, Seorge Ilu - etl referee and A. (Ilapperlnn and ii. Keey. Iineuien. July I. Final, deorge !tu'll, refcrrr. y Sport Chat l . i U-i.-..-.-. .. , x aiiie wer hown and tindouhl edly .ome of Ibeiu will be applied here in fulure. The imnorianre of good checking wa alo de-'iiionlraled. It wa a fine game and congraliilatioii are due In to thoe who uccpfully prn-moli'd II. . ; fUK RRITICU ACQOriATinN DIUllJIl rtJJULlrtll'Jil Five Hundred Scientists from Europe are Expected to Attend Gathering TOIlONTO. June II. i Ity Can havr been cnmplelcd for Ihe en.jnny mcller cointwriy. And in llertaiumenl in Quebec and "Monl - Ireal of Ihe parly of ."00 or more F.uroean cieutil nllendiug Ihe meeting of Ihe Jlrllih As- ocinlinn for lie Advancement of.n law. Ihey averted, would cloe HCI.... It II In 'I1..... rnrinr, .limuni -,,, ill iiin'iiii', laiTordiiig lo the report of Dr. J. tic. Mclennan, clmirman of the ,.a nxrrijiive commillce of the There will be anollier lacroe aHrirjallon here, prarllc between Ihe Maple Leaf Prof. McLennan ha jul rom-and Kaien will open lo night, pleted a trip to the enlcrn pro- The player have been pracliiiigvince in ronncclion wilh detail a good deal of late and hould now be in pretty good form In enier the olllnal comoelifinn for the Stork Cup. The three gnmc clieiluled In lake place between now ami July I hould a No put The besf Tobacco for the pipe Clark's with Tomato-Chili or plain Sauces Enjoyable wjj Nourishini Sjj In player in Hip twt of sji.ipr for Ih." gam thai will tx playd by a local clccl It-am with Oi-.-an Fall on Dominion Day. lcroc ha a number of fan in Priiici- Hupcrt and, with the two Irani in I lie lajruc conlct binft vcn-( ly dividcil, il i cipwlrd Ihr r. Government Urged to Aid Indus-ic will be foliw:-l wilb a ?ood, try But Not to Quarantee deal of inlrrr!. I The I.Kial. ba-letball jrirl bad! a lalc or wsil IUgH-Cla com- lrtilion in Ihc jramc wilh thc nuiP law arc involve in Hie Cleveland Favorite Knit ihi Mon-ipmpoal which Hie mining ojt-day nighl and Ihey pul up beller era tor of the province are urg-(ppoiliou lhan many fan had "IMNI "fr yffeotnitjUa ; now. expected een if ifaey were twalen : 'Hi I wa clear vfn detail at by a core of 26 lo 8. While Ihr h inlerview between Premier viitor may nol have extended Oliver and reprrtRlallw- of Ihe Iheni-ehe lo the tillel of I heir niining uidiiilry were ule pub- abiliiy. they u.evprlliele showed Ihey were out to win. It wa a good exiK-rirnce for I he local and ' lio only lhoe who played in the wtll Have i nnlileraUon a game bul Ihoe who witnelw,n binet gH l-will benefil Ihereby. A few aether again," Ihe premier aid. wrinkle if not trick in the hoop "'''n- . uggtb.ii . .advanced were ' i a a e.- 1 1 t. of the convention. Preparation , orally be made njorc flexible. !'.-rompuriiig favorably wilh Hie laMixlinicni of -reVcarrh bunau elaborate clieme planned in Toronto are under way in Mnnf - real undr the cliairmanliip nf Sir Arthur f'.iirrte a head of McUill l'ni-rHy. wbilt i ttir nnJrial fe(. In (Jwlttr, plan ar ih hnrg at H"i- CyrilU !-lay. Th majority .of ditin-vuihl btuI will ail fr Qu'-1jt o July 2C aixl on Uirir ar nal lli will br vU'ktMd t rrprrrrUMlivr of ilir povwi-iiiwnl vt On and If ihr liwlur and oftVrr of l.aval I'ni- frily; Tliey will roaltnio' lo Montreal by baa I, wtifrr on A?lit t. I hoy will inMWf MHtill t nivrr-ily awl Ihr xarbn and farm buildtasr of .Marlnald CMr?. nr Mrtion iif Ihr .li?alr will iixprrl Miiulmil Uurlmr on Auk. j"). and Ibpy will ! "nlrrlainwl at 'iunrbmn lv I he' Mntrral Har-lr OHnmii4in. A )-mid thirty will makr an iruriion lo fiar Hapiil. ASK CHANGES MINING LAWS Bonds or steel VirfOHIA. June II. Srep. mjcTrionn in orni-u miiuhuiiiii. Iir- w' Considered ' IB propai or nie nuninp o important that Ihry will have l" conidered wilh extreme carc. Fitly per cent red net ion In the income lax on mining profit and exemption of reinvented profit i urged by the operator. They alo that intere.l on borrowel capilnl be deduclol before profit ar ueei for income la tut ion. onolidation of Federal and lirniliirinl taialion on niinlnu property wa aked in order fi reduce coIh of admJnilration. v line they are in favor or a bounty on my iron iinxlurcd in llritih Oilumbia, tlicy arc em phatirnlly itppied lo I he' govern pjmeul guaranteeing the bond of jiliii conneclioii Ihey pr'teld again! aoy move which would prohibit the export of raw fir pur- tially.mtnufnrturfid Such . . .. ' i.. i ...1 - - niilliy I lirMiriil 111 lllllirs IIUW tiT- uling here Machinery Duty Free Duty free ailmiion of in In ing machinery uol miiiufaetiircd in (iiinda u iidvocufisl, the op cralor uggellng that the dutie iii mining rqulpnWnt gen. of metallurgy wa opposed olely jon ground of Conomy. (Irealer xpeiidiiure road am Irail tie (ieil m mining operation CUT PLUG ViJl.r.Uy. Ju: By George McManu SONS OF CANADA AGAIN WINNERS Defeated Callles In Football Fix- ture Last Night by 6 to 3 In a loose ;:aiiie which was featured by a good deal of inc-luinalili playing ladies, the Son' of Canada hal Jlie Gallic u football last nighl'by a 1core of) ii lo 3. The Son of (Canada kicked uphill In start with and. al the end! of half time, the core wa 3 ! i in their favor. j Fkine .scored for tin Son) and Warn'ii ami MrDouirall. one arh. Fllder wa responsible for the three ColIih frrKilx. A fair crowd watcaed il) same. I The Son by merit of their play deserved Ihe victory. Tom Jones referred, A. Clap-pcrtnn and Dick llnweWfre linesmen and I In tern look Ihr field a follow: Son of Canada S. Oawthorn: .1. Mark and V. Mrnzi: H. It Skinner, H. Menzie and 4. Mitchell; A. Mitchell. J. MeDougall. S. Frkfne, K. Warren and h. Smith. tallir J. Camplrfdl: il. llamil- tor. and W. K. Willlerofl ; J. Cochrane, J. Ilarri and J. Sim li. WaughT W. ILihiilton. S. F.ld- er. J. Andrew and Tom Itlaek. I .pa if lie etnnding lo date: W. I). J- pi s. or c s i o it S. of K 2 0 3 i Callies .. J t O.W.V.A I I 3 3 DOMINION DAY SOCCER SERIES Competition for Next Trophy of Season Arranged Last Night toy Football Association With the league dene coming to a rloe Hit week, Ihe Dominion Day (hip tie will In' the next on the local iccer program. Tln- wa a meeting ,lt the ociation lal night in make the draw and et the dale which,! commencing next week, arc aj tollow: I June 19. Callie v. Son of Hngland, (leorge Iluel, rrfcrre,' ami J. Mark and F. Iloberl, linesmen. . June 21. Son of Canada v.aiian Pre . Arrangement . , 1 1 -i Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN WARTCB WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince lluprrt Kxchange, Auctioneers. Phone CSS. WAXTF.ll. (hrl fur toolhrrV hHp. Kmwlrd; of rooking nol ner.ary. I'lionr Ifit. WAXTKn XirHy furni.brd an.l rlan room or cabin with lvi. MoT IKS. lUII) Nrw. MA WAXTKD. -- I'la.lercr wfcnled.'HAXCH ( In II aflrr & p. in. al 0? Kijrnlh Av. Ul. I3H TENDERS WANTED TH.VDF.ltS are Invited hy the un- dirigned. lo tw in by noon on Saltirday. June (, tSI. for' the nn t ruction of an addilion ) the Inlander building on Second Avenue. Plan ind lecificalinn may fee een at the Inlander. The lowet or any lender not iieceoMirily acceple. Mr. A. (Irrrar. Tar Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Prince Iliiperl, li.C. BOARD AND ROOM Mlf.I. FAIIM. TF.IIHACK:-lMrd and re.nence for the summer holiday. Nol a convalescent home, but where anyone out of orl will convalesce. Home rooking. Home prown vege-table, and fruit in season. F'resh milk and home made butter. Tenni. SplendM ac-coinnHNUIIiMi for ehttdrwi. with playinir field, He. Ilntire eharge of eh ltd rod when desired. I'o avc dinpM)intuienl make ymir reenrnlion early. For term, rlc, write Ijinfear an.l French. Hill Farm. Ter-ruee, H.C. HOAIlDarid Hoonrat the Inlander eenirally located, one half block from l'ot oillee. H0 Second Avcn. Phone 137. tf FOR RENT FOIl HUNT. Five roomed flat II. I.ctonrneau, Sixth Avenue Wcl. Plione Illaok 315. t FOR 1IILYT Four room, minjern. healed apartment. Apply Smilh & Ma Melt. 1.1.1. If OFFIlii: I'O It HUM-, with modern living quarters. Welenhnver Ilros. if FOR RIUNT. Palmer House fo cheap rales and home coin forts. tf I two ronme.1 hack for mil. Phone Red OU.'t. I. lit MISCELLANEOUS FOR IHll'.SSM KIMi un.l plain ewiug, phone t.'7. wa urgeii. When the mining men com-pinincd lo the premier Ihul llril. in capliui appenreti to tie more inlcrcsted in Ontario than In llril ih Columlifn, Mr. Oliver ok. ed Ihem frankly whelher Ihi whs the result of taxation in I hlit province, or of Ihe fuel Hint the mining iniluslry had Jieen marked in llm past by widespread wildcafing. The delegation, Ihe premier said, admitted Dial nn-ntifacl(i-y peciilfioni isllii'r (linn luxation I Hid tended tn di-couragc Invent nient in (he mines ;nf Ihe province. MUSICAL CRITIC DIES TORONTO, June II.-- i:,W( It. Parkhursl, Ihe well known iiiiikIciiI f i file nf (Iih Tormilo fllobe died Inday in liU 7711, year. ADVANCE. No Ad vrt lmnt FOR SALE I FOIl SAI.F: Sped boat "Kcbo." length 2H feel, beam 5 feet wind bield. canopy top and curtali, two auto eeala wlbj : .1 1.. . 1 .-HMiiK ca (Mirny u,r vi.iu or ten peron, jwiwered with 18 h.p. Wintnn Six engine. lWicb ignition, torase bailery. Has Paragon reverse aaar, (luio-bia profiler. C. I.. HeindH. Cokl Storaire. !f at F'taneni jie for Sale. 115 aere, atl fncd; 7 acre- m timothy; wiwtnder very light eleariag. lloue IC by t(i, with stable, 'lid t one big bargain for l.O0 cash. Apply lo Fotet profit. Oeneinl .11 ivory. Prince Rupert. H.C. OR SAI.F. Sixteen room rooi-ing hoe and store: ail fnr-nlbeil. Full sie, barmen I willi new dot air furnace. Term arranged. Thl building i right In front of the Dry Doek, Vt9 Ambrose Avenue, tf 'OR Three hnu. Onl of town client have instructed u to dispose of well located re H I core. See n for de- laHs, MMUrfary .4. itibsVinsJ Ltd. If 'OR SAI.K. Ten-lwK lon sradfl A wtttle pdaloe. enap. Price on application. Arthur T. Cnwifibell. Mnrieetown. II.C. OR SAI.K. Dining table, dre-er, chair, ramp beJt. elc. Phone lilacs. 7u, noon nr evening. 13 FOR SAI,H. New and used Machinery, lloals and Ifngiucs. Northern Kxchangn. tf F0R SAI.K. Mrtllary range in perfect eondttion. Phone Re4 SI2. v ne LOST ,OST. IIHween Pol r)ntce ami Dr. Kergin . amclhysl ainl peiarl hnntch. Fiinler please return to Daily News OMee. Rewanl. FOUND FOUND. An I.O.U. Owner cat have same at Daily News otllee by proving ownership and paying tor thl ndvertiemcnt. t.f. HOARD or Room and Hoard. Terms rratonulde. Apply -IH Second Avenue. Phone tlreen sty. t ;7 FURNITURE. New and Secondhand F'urni turn Store. Wc Jtuy. Sell and Fx change New and Secondhand (lood. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, K.1U Third Ave. Phone r.ift BEAUTY PARLOR. Complete up-lo-dnlo Heauiy Parlor, llobbing' a speciality. Itninlrcssfng, Hair ( made up, Skin nnd Scalp Treatments, Violet Hay. Prices Reasonable. MRS. LOVE, Room 0, Stephens llldg., over Denny Allen Co, Phone 30. AUCTION SALES. Hoods llought, Sold or Flxchanged M. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture And Crockery. Third Ave, Plinun Hlnck ,1n nnd Red 442 HEMORRHOIDS Do not sufftr notlir dr with ltrhlnc, llUwllnr, or lTotrudln . 1'lU or U.imirrtiolJa, ho uritlril operation trqulrnt Dr. CIikm's Ointment will rllv you st one snl ITunl luatlnr bfitrflt. CV) a txix; U Iralrr r iMmaiiMin, lUIrs Co.. Umllxl, Torotiia. Hunul Uix Taken for Let than ftOc TAXI Tail ff7 Phons. (Call (Scorue p. Prompt Service ' t ly or N . HI UlMl ROSS SROS. POOL K0C Meeker Clot, Aero froiH t PRINCE RUPERT Tiari Wednesday, June 11 High . h Irw : 't II I '.. Thursday, Jure 12. Hiat. u M LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ACT eaoctswATio or sit-h o"" rnovincK or esmia ioiu-su. la U tsttM i-,i D-iS- To w rr rtauc votki EMiur is i UMl I frrO.. -ii aw Mrl4. mi i- - as silfcwtia a-r-i , IS M !. pr,ie f " f lu I iiitull- evrt sniinn . V thr tv--'! ! (ttrUHK. Ifell III -Ar U' i pin hImii i um mu - 'rtnrk m thr iflrfii of laa. ist i i Ihr nfc nt Ihr I tt. irf Iw I w ZL4 SI II rr.!l. MMlV I ns4rile M ' :bum y " Camr Mir paiia ttiasa tUtettiKi UllfMl -, , klUHMS-llim ' in ere.-- 7'' v ' r or ui'ii n S""1'- tr4tr .. .. i .Jiniriy. . tfllr oiVK mm m '":' IM t4MII ) ' J v - I SSr LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBI SCtTf ACT. raocuisisTioM or aiTurum Of" P-OVIMC- OF MITUSi c'ii in is rniNCt aursat sjmi"" HI U IT ITIUJi MITI' K lierilt II' KJ-rl'M- "f IU MUI Ih.l I l"t- o Wrll u in l'r.''' ""' mill iliV nt M. !wi rtiiK ib '"";; ,h. r ky (h lm Jid," A'" fcsr wilhwt s iiiumiiiHi ' " lo li ttorn" qmliririi I- v:'l,.i ! nf s iiwiiiI-t n iy , .i tlr it Hwwftl '",''' . is . ' ii.. i In nLmlien e Wrll S t " ',;i"Juu " , oVhlrk In Uw tiitei Slid JT i tmti us r JHij'-- , (,. .. .i Jk', . rerrlll Iftr ',', ','., ,hf iw . lioirirl rorii ' " ;roiioti-r OULWO DivisipNl- nmik I .Htrlilt nufsvy iiiifiiU'y ur . . c.umhrs iniPi ilmisrlnwn ll)nnirl iiti'isc ""' lonnir ! .tn ratty Hill ,iickrlrl NuiH-ll I''l.ll Or use nr uliirh til Mill" '' 'T.l II iyi qiiln-d to like sii(" m-I irrfifdliirW. hlHli it. 11IVM miller, ,Tifli " j of III I, to. li..?Vni 111