REPORT MADE ON HOME BANK ir Audit Been Made In 1916 Depositor Would Have Lost Nothing OTTAWA. June II. Judjic Mi'Krttwit' rrorrtn'the Home Hunk was tuhled in (he House of SENATE MAY PASS BILLS" Will Reoonslder Three Railway Branch Proposals That Had Beon Suspended OTTAWA. June II. II wnsj Viclorja, B.C., had protested auaiiisl lln suspension of Vancouver Island bills. RETAILERS' PRESIDENT from there lo Vancouver and Victoria, They will later go south to California from which stale Ihoy Intend motoring all the way .bai'k to Winnipeg fair ne fur the work done. Coiuiiiiionrr Temple found Hint I linn had been no bootleg, yin? done imi the Canadian Far-iner or Canadian Volunteer. The Meirlinnl Marine he found was exceptionally free from Ihpior. l.oinnioo thin aderiiouu. It itirrrr I rtATCD IC fiKln Hint If an effective audit ALLtUr.U LUUlLK I J had been made in HM(' or in llK, Ihe result would have been either Ihpiidatiou following the auiiil or amalgamation with another bank. HeplyoiK lo' question as lo what effect the result would have been n Hie present depositor. Hie report find I lint If mndo in HMO Hie present depositors would have siiffereil no In. If made fu IlilH I do not Ihink any loss would have fallen upon Hieui. Ilrfrrrfng to Ibis period, Judce takes the mound that coin .u lia Cuhman has sljsned an order for ilhe return to British Columbia of 1P Charles Pfluegar. nrresleil ai n, Tacoiua In April charged with the ... ..... rr ...... 1 CONTINUES ACTIVE HONOI.ll.t June II Kileau s renewal of activity continues. there belnu four inlenl piake- in the reaioii seslenlay al four hour Inter nN. r.niisslou team still conliiiues. PATROL BOAT nreed In Ihe Jennie Honinilllee; today I lint three Canadian branch comes From line bills which had been sus-i pcipled, would bo reconsidered! next week. The decision was I reached nfler Senitlor Barnard oTI Chief Spiller nnd Constable Saint or Ihe provincial police ar . . . . ..... .... 1.1 1 riven 111 pori 111 o." uih inxm on Hie launch Adauao which I hey Inoiiglit from Vancouver lo be used here as police patrol boat COMING TO THIS CITYS,;!,,.:' ST s """" - I The Hip from Vancouver look KD.MONTON, June I I. (!. V. ix ilays4 t'top were made at Ilanuiud. president of the Itelll Powell lliver and Bleley Bay and .Mi'ichiinls' Assoelalion of Will-lone diiv was losl on account ol nlpejf, acconipanled by Mrs. Han- bad weather. nurd, Is spendluif a dav or I wo The Adanae is 10 feel lung, 1(1 in Hdmonlou a 11 first stop in feel 0 inches beam and Is said lo Ihe course of a lonu holiday tour be a kooiI sea boat, She is emtlned or Ihe west and south. From Kd-twit Is a 20 horse power F.iirIIsIi inonlou Mr. and Mrs. Ilaunard.inolor which "ftlvea her a speed of will ko lo Prince Hupert and' seven in'iles. She was formerly used by the boiler inspector til New Westminster mid for the past six months has been in the, service of the police at Campbell 11 Ivor. IHIIT d.llo.i of the bank repeal- '""""P f "" by i-i.reenlalions nwuie was Maud in August. lU-J. a Hill inieMlKallon stealing (53 eases r whiskey and vnrl, as t JustHy six barrels of beer. conferred under Hie power uptni Hie minister or finance under - - SeH.on 5d .,f the Hank Act. HAWAIIAN VOLCANO , speruic recoiiniicnuaiion a. lo me reiinourseiiiem oi oepusi-tors is made in the report. RETURNING TO B.C. BY WAY OF COURTS Judge Cuthman Signed Order for His Deportation on Charge or Stealing Whiskey and Beer SKA TTI.K. June II. Judge id ADANAC HERE Vancouver to Re pines Myranwy In Local EDMONTON PAPER SEES BUSINESS FOR THIS CITY The Kduionlon Journal, in a leading editorial dealing with Hie uraiit elevator at Prince Hupert cays in part : "The more outlet we have for our grain, the belter it will be for Hie producer and there is no re a on why h hi? Initio hnud not rie-opl4'' w-ay or Prince Hupert. With Ihe expansion of Ihe oriental market it will be in a peculiarly favorable (Hisiliou, by reason of Ihe shorter ocean Journey lo Asiatic ports, to handle the trans - Pacific TEN MILLION FEET OF LOGS SCALED IN MAY Forestry Returns Show Total for Five Months as Over Thirty Seven Million Feet There was a total scale of over ten minion reel 01 mss. m this district iluriiiK the mouth )f May. aceoriling lo a reporl is- ued by the Provincial (orestty lepaitmeul. This is in addition lo ties, poles and other mei- lenlals. 'Ibis brings the total scale for the five months of Ihe present ear up lo over thirty even million feel. Ihe present mouth' cale ts made up as follow: lied Cedar ....! Coast Spruce Hemlock Halsalu . .lackpine 1 Interior .spruce . Poles ' Hemlock Piles Cedar Piles ....... Cordwood Cords Hallway Ties ... THREE DAYS JAIL tSrigley Case is Being I, OS 1. 033 U It'.. 1 23 3, 1 1)8,1 &K 81)1,030 01,000 208,333 117,035 1 3,0 1 2 50,80 1 HOlt 17.S08 FOR DEMONSTRATORS Japaneste Who Caused 1 Commotion In Imperial Hotel, Toklo, Get Light Sentence TOKIO. June II, Three men who on Saturday night held a demonstration at the Imperial Hotel as a protest against the American exclusion measure barrlna -Japanese, from entering lhi.Uiiled Stales were sentenced lo three days In Jail. Another Two wcra fined; tetr yen.'" ; PRINCE RUPERT The Latest In Restaurant. Fish, Meat BOSTON GRILL and Third Avenue. Poultry Best of Food Good Service. PRINCE RUPERT Private Doxes for Party Use. Market Phone 671 "Taka Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XIV,, NO, 137 J'HINCi: HI l'KHT, B.C., W'KDNKHIUY, JUNE 11, 121. VMWrdij't ClrcuUtlMi 276. Strut Ulm sss. PRICE FIVE CENTS. fiSE IS BEING TRIED HERE TODAY COMMISSIONER REPORTS TO PARLIAMENT NOTHING WRONG WITH C.G.M.M. Prince Ruoert Drvdock and Merchant Marine Freed from Charges Commissioner Temple says Found No Evidence of Bribery or Bootlegging on Ships OTTWVA. June II. Tin- re-ull of l.hc investigation of tli ... . ,i' . .1...:.. i.. ...........I barge made Ity neuamr luyioroi ew ruiimin ,i(.,uiri the management ol Ihe Canadian Nalional Itailway iiml Hie (.iiiiadiiiii (ioveriiriieiil Merchant Marine wiii made known when the report or It. Temple, lexal ouuel. who investigated Ihe charge in Vancouver, were tabled in (lie .Semite. Tin; reporl slate (hal llii're is no evidence lo support the lollciratiou. There is no evidence lo show antagonism loward Capb Hoyd of Hie Canadian Farmer; no evidence of bribery, com- 1 ' -as.--. initiiiii, perfrnlaire or per sonal consideration paid lo surveyor in rouneclinn with the I'rinre tuperl Orydock. The report aoe on lo mi)' Dial the rharye made hy I he Prince illuperl Brydock Company was a BBStBsBjBBBBHslBaBkSBHBBHBVisBBBH A dose up of Hit King and Queen alired in "civies," as (hey appeared in (he royal box at (lie Army Cup final. Tried at Assizes Today Before Justice Gregory ' "lani iuforliicd that you usked tsrigley, 'Are you shielding Buckley? If you are you hml heller spill Hie beans r it will go hard wilh vou.' " ,,This siiggeslion made at the .Supreme Court ssjzes Ibis .iiiorpaj?.". (. A. Cuddy, uiidilor for, AluJ.Ia?eH Timber lio., 1y l;J W. Patmorr, counsel for the defence in the irigley fraudulent conversion ease, was denied liy Cuddy. Wit-ies. who was under eros-e.aniina(ioii, admitted, however, hal he had warned accused dial if there was anything irregular in reaped Hi shortages it was a serious mailer and he (accused j should foil about it. t The auditor aid he did not Honed in particular about .Mr. know or ally (rouble anion? Hie Buckley. A member at Seattle hi?hi'r-up in the company and of a firm of certified accounl-he was not directed lo 50 aflerjanls. he had been sent to conduct Mr. Buckley or any other individual. Though he had a list or Ihe ollicials in control al Buckley Bay nothing was Indi an audit at Buckley Bay. He believed that his company had re. ceived its instructions troiii Ihe (continued on pape. six) Premier Mackenzie King Specific in his Elevator Statement made Yesterday in House of Commons Special lo Prince Hiijiort Daily News . OTTAWA, June. II. The announcement mnJe in British Columbia that an elevator va to be built al Prince Hupert was challenged in Hie House of Commons yesterday by .Mr. Boss of Kingston, lo which Premier Mackenzie King replied: "I moy say lo my honorable friend (hat lasl year a from Prince Hupert wailed upon Hie government mid urged very strongly Ihe claims of lhal city for an elevator al that point. " I he honorable member for Skeeuu. Mr. Slork, has been repealeijly pressinp Hie mutter. upon the (iowrumrnt and urging! here in order to discus. Ihe mat-that this work be undertaken. Icr further with him. Since 'tlien and when Ihe main estimates ofiwe hae taken it up with him and this session were heiny prepared J II i our intention to place a the (iovcrninrn! did have under sum in the supplementary es consideration al (hat lime the placing of an amount in the estimates for an elevator at Prince Hupert. However, it was decided that we should wail until the honorable member, Mr. Stork, was timates A. W. Morris of Vancouver is in Ihe city acting as nllicial court stenographer al Ihe Supreme Court assizes. A Solid North Kergln of Atlln, Pattullo of Prince Rupert, Manson , of Omlneca, Perry of Prince George and Yorston of Cariboo by co-operation and unity of action were able to accomplish a great deal for Northern and Central British Columbia. In the next House the North will be stronger by two seats, namely Skeena and Mackenzie, while Lllloet, adjoining Cariboo, seems certain to go over to the Liberal column. These eight seats cover three quarters of the area of British Columbia. By standing together, the representatives of these eight ridings can put up a strong front In the House. ' As matters stand, the only way this can be accomplished is by the people electing eight Liberals, which there Is every Indication they are going to do. The slogan for the North should be "A Solid North." CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. Dominion Government Passes Order in Council Settling the Ownership Harbor Foreshore Hon. T. I). I'alttillo, minister of lands, is in receipt of a telegram advising him that Hie Boniinioii has passed a formal order in council ralilyiug the agreement made between the province and the Dominion us lo the ownership of foreshore lands in the province. rew people understand this question or appreciate its At Hie lime of confederation under the British North America Act the ownership in "public harbors' passed to the Dominion. ; The question arose as lo whati cmiiditule a public- harbor and ail famou case known as Hie bpan- isli Banks cae went lo the Privy Council. Their Lordships decided thai only public harbors as at Ihe lim.- or Conrederalion passed lo the. Dominion but their de. rinition or what constituted a public harbor left Ihe question where Ihe foreshore of the province were liable to dispute. This was very bad, for business or industrial enterprise fell called upon to approacti boin Uovcrn- menls in order 16 feel secure in title and contlict of authority was hold ins up development. Adjustment Accomplished Willi 11 f iimi,llv criftvftrnfiiittt in. iniusler. Nanaimo, quimall. All other t n. ...... i GERMANY PROTESTS I-- lis .IILFVI III, i 1 forestiorel passes to Hie province. j The boundaries of the six har bors has also been asreed upon. In Vancouver all Inside the Narrows passes lo Ottawa while the outside, including F.nslish Hay ami False; Creek fro lo Ihe province. A this question ha been outstanding since confederation. it shows what two (overnuients working in harmony can accom plish. LEAGUE OF NATIONS FRENCH OCCUPATION ii:.NF.VA, June II (ierinany has protested to Ihe League of Nations against the presence of French Iroops in Ihe Saar Valley. Ihe (ierman coal region in which France was jfiven by Ihe treaty of Versailles Ihe exclusive rijjhl lo coal mine ex- limitations for fifteen GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF PRESBYTERIAN MILLERAND1S years. NOT PRESIDENT Resigned Today as Head of the Government of France: Successor Friday RADICAL TO BE PREMIER PAHIS, June 11. President Milterand of France resigned today. It is now expected that Kdouard Harriot, Radical leader, will head the new majority oil the left side. He will term, a new Ottawa Ihe minister undertook l..n'm!,,,7 . . ., . jlcconiplishitl. Hon was contained in a letter 'addressed lo the presidents of the ' Vnli.l ii an. I I It n I Miami ii w jf Ma bors pass to the IHunimou Oov-t .. ... ... , . erumenl as lie in if harbors at the time ol eoiirederalion namely: pulies, which rejected yesterday Millerand's appeal lo respect the constitution by holding him, in ,the position. I lie new president will be chosen at a joint meeting of the Chamber and the Senate on REPUBLICANS GOING SLOWLY Perfect Organization This Morning and Will Adopt Platform Tonight CLF.YKLAND, June 11. The. Republican National convention at another brief session today pertecled its permanent organization, cheered President Cool- v idge and the party then took a recess until eight o'clock touluht, when it will receive its platform. and adopt : BANDITS MADE OFF WITH GEMS Knocked Down Driver of Truck and Took Seven Packages From Customs XFAV YOHK, June tl. Ten bandit today held up) the United Stales customs truck, knoekeil Ilin CHURCH CONCLUDES driver ""conscious .and escaped (Willi 27 lockages , of4 precious iuri.-vw.rvn 1. ... slones which Were Jieing trans- w 1, vv hi', uuiil a a . a 11 x Presbyterian adjourned al General Assembly''1 '" ,hc Pl noon today to meet in June ol next year in College Street Church, Toronto. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League , Philadelphia I, Detroit 3. New York 5, St. l.oui 0. Boston 3, Chicago 3. Washington 3, Cleveland 4. National League Chicago.2, Brooklyn V. St. f.ouls 2, Boston C. Cincinnati I, Philadelphia 3, iMltsburgh 10, New York 6. .subscribe for it Dally News. UIIIVC CANADIAN FOOTBALL TEAM AGAIN WINNERS Will Play Second Test Match Sydney on Saturday Nest at TAMWOHTII. X.,V June II. The louring Canadian rootball team defeated Tainworlh this afternoon scoring eight goals while they held their opponent scoreless. TlH'y have now Won flvo games, lost Iwo drawni,four. On Saturday Hie -le-am plays Ihe second lesl maldhfat Sydney, against all-.luetadifcni eleven. a