i z << mi aetna Ml a ee ee ee ee ee és ritrnw K se * asi) News ) ] z ) / ri RADIO DIAL Saturday, August 16,1952 comet Isusiness 7 Hrofessiony p 1240 Kilocycles : (Subject to Change) } | | : AAAARPARP EAA ‘| John F. L. Hughes, D.C. PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER : SATU = : BLACKWOOD on CHIROPRACTOR HANDY M ; Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 HOME SEpyicg DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 530 Sports College Eves.: by appointment only — t a ee “2 a é 2) - 23 Besner Block GENER Classified Rates FOR SALE WANTED ,TO. RENT 6:05 Gypsy Trails : ridge | Tanne oan ~ ! a Cae Building and Repair Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre-| FOR SALE—2 piece chesterfield WANTED TO RENT—Fur kinds vious to publication. suite, blue chesterfield chair or unfurnished house or —— es fire screen. In good condition for working couple Box 468,| ° a ee ; : LACKWOOD 1 ROOFS - ne 3 cents per an = Phone Red 71 (194p)| Daily News. (i0@es | San mee ice Ooms By EASLEY BLAC SCOTT McLAREN Ay wee insertion; minimum charge sala pucbsAintahiinaae teins. niacin tnencnrenin Ta ees -| 9-3 Guoete Peas : 7 cent: IN THE COUNTY COURT OF WANTED TO RENT — 3-room : BC News Playing Both People, |] CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ———~ Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards oe ernie ee & unfur nished = f by puple 10:10 CBC Nev . To Win James Block 608—3rd Ave. W. PHONES ( TY we De satiees 1 MCU versus no children. Phone’ Red 55 pte airees ‘% . i ‘ine ; : of Thanks, Death Notices) Deank YANITSKI & PEN- 10 ChuGre . Cards Important To Wi Prince es ae j P.O. Box 1679 GUIN MOSES aioe. | Under) —......... 1 . on gig i ; ° : ois Tas ec} Phone 347 d m 374 1h Engagement Announcements, and by virtue of certain War- WANTED TO BUY—3 or 4 room 31:57 cBc N — Bridge humanies—playing the people as well as} j : rants of Execution issued by, house, centrally located. Rea- 12:90 i Tin gas snters j very as 2» game, In| Special Display double price. | the above Court to me direct-| sonable Apply Howard Nut he cards—enters into ke are of the oo ' ‘| FRED £ DOW) sere : —__—-~--—= | ed J have seized of the goods tall, 304 5th Ave. East, eve-| ! ign-off recent columns we hav een discussing the best) ANNOUNCEMENTS and chattels of the defend- nings 196p) ; a lumns we have & ERR FOR YOUR ROCK OPTOMETRigp r. October .4 ants, Frank Yanitski and Pen- ~ ‘ 4 tacties to use When the opponents have a part score. AND CONCRETE WORK Soon ate. pee eee guin Hobby Shop one 1947 WANTED TO RENT-—3-10 room 0 § ay Morning Recits . oe recommended shading. “ n 10 Stone p Bazaar. Oct. 8 Plymouth Sedan, Serial No. house, furnished or anfur- 977 spice ie ae , ich aaa amadieast SAUNDERS BROS. Phone Blue 5g rte, : 9645959, complete with radio, nished. Apply Box..458, Daily! 4 Sgr ; a = Se North dealer We Pour Ceinent For Less Open Friday E : y : fog lights, spare wheel, etc, News (193p)| 9:59 Time ; ents a litte pen the bid- Neither side vulnerable ur Ve O88 Tiday Even) Janadian Legion Fall Bazaar) 29d on Thursday, the 28th > re 1190) BC. er; Weather Rpt. ding in those situations. In fol-| f-w 60 partial Phone Blue 939 ‘Suet t day of August, 1952, at the WANTED—2 or 3 noom furnish- 1 i a I wer me : America ing this practice, however, it North : : ot sate slg . rg ee ee | hour of 2,00 o'clock in the Gq suite tor .adu *110:30 Music for Ju we consider your current (Mr: Abet) ‘ve — nreferred Phone 5 het n 2 7 7 . . igS6p Finera!l Notices, Marriage and LO.D.E. Fall Bazaar, Novem-| iternoon I shail offer for sale, £ ber 20 / at publie auction for cash all)‘ and 9 p.m tubal lige - eesielalaliilidli sia’ ! the right, title and interest of WANTED TO RENT— opponents. eS a MATTSONS i a io 8 2 PRECISION SAW FILING Sretongnaad -—— lis respect in to- c—K 9643 A N ers Sharpened Presbyterian Bazaar, Novem- the defendants in the above ette and bedroom I : wer orl Miss West : Bast a overs iat Phone Blue 126. pg ber 27 goods, This sale shall be sub- girls immediately. Red :‘ 1 nvitation to cack Ake le em (Mr. Dale) (Mrs. Keen) 215—I1st Ave. W. 234—3 4 ae ject to the 8S. & M.A. Tax soit aa se "a RAR ; : Lu rash, than whom ‘there| ¢""iy 8—Q 8 4 Srd Ave g Ladies of the Order of the The highest or any bid not, — 2:00 Songs of Canads no looser en His = n AQ ° 643 a , ee Phone 909 Prince Rupert, aq oval Purple Bazaar. Oct. 18 necessarily accepted. Place of, WANTED TO RENT — Small 2:30 i Upon a Time’ nents were Mr. Dale and Mrs ae 3 a ” € : eterna H : siti Ri sale, the Court House, Prince house or suite, married work- a Ulympx me Keen—not the best, perhaps, cA 8 Pe CJ 10 76 P.O. Box 721 Women of the Moose Bazaar,, Rupert ~ ing couple. Phone Blue 70: a ae a t quick doublers and reason- (Miss Brash) Nov. 7 The car can be inspected on 954 $27 Weather rt y sound in every department S-KJ653 ' . und application to the Sheriff on cae - 2 a . “| ome 1 tio ' ‘ : HK J 6 HELEN S . 4 Credit Women Breakfas Vhated at Prince Rupert, Ru- | WANTED TO RENT—Suit ur + - horale tm @ song r Abel elec DJ 105642 REAUTY SHOP | H. G HELGERG Club Rumnisge Sale, August 2c gust 14th, 1952. nish a. Couple no r n Hov a t Band we Unis Ss —_ we Abel elect - d C-—-None Next to. Royal Bank M. M, Stephens, Sheriff Write Box 466, Daily N ) eg 8 y ncert o open tt bidding on. an The wae pee oi Permanent Waving (H) R Se king and a _ at Marth a f ae i — Beauty Culture in all REAL ESTATE & Ingy eo : pete aap teh ’ void in he : : : : PERSONAL nr . _ ee es 28 Pass 48 Db! its branches Phone 96, Ev2nings i | FOR BALE — Lady's On M bi WANTED suit and with hearts) 4); pass 204—4th Street Phone 655 THOM SHEET METAL LTD,| Cycle, like mew. Inquire No,» —__—______ ————— 0 over her, jumped to ———— BLACK 884. Bonded roofers 222, Elizabeth Apts dimer. WANTED — TOP MARKET) 7:20 after Mr. Abel's sin- Pit’ h-and Gravel, Smooth As- (1t) PRICES PAID for scrap iron, 7:30 - , pheit.. Registered boiler 4nd) ._.__—_...__...... - steel, brass, copper, lead, ete. ore had bid only three played and a oa —— QUALITY REPAIRS LING THE TAI pressure welding. Marine ana BOATS FOR SALE Honest grading. Prompt pay-| \5 ; s miet have aot alee For Downtrodden Heels general sheet metal work. |—- ———-- oe -- ment made. Atlas Iron & ‘o or CBC } ' ee se a Oe a other club was led and ruffed. and Wuen Soles , Tailoring - (209! | FOR SALE—Fully equipped 36- Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van-/ 10:15 i , . v fine result as Mr age Another diamond was ruffed on i ¥ Recon Ave and + seloonachare - ~ foot Chrysler powered pleas- couver, B.C Phone PAcific 11:15 Weather Report and Sign-of might n t have been willing to the board. The ace of spades Box 774 Secon P. Clothes Made-ts PHE BEST Permanents money! ure boat in first class condi- 6357 (tf) MONDAY iouble tha was cashed and a fourth club MAC q } can bu All prices. Guaran- tion. Easily converted to, — . s ; AM as you see Kite f LIMITED 7:00 sO? Now the queen of clubs was nore — ~ it would have : : 220 Sixth St. eed work. Two professional! troller or gillnetter. $4,000.00 CASH for scrap brass, copper, seuit. to make| <@ and ruffed with the king of SHOE HOSPITAL ) serve you. Jerry's gash. Apply Edward Lipsett. batteries and radiators. Phone M ul Clock rere are sie " four spades Salon, Phone #55. | Lid (1938p) 543. ‘Call 630 6th Avenue West, 722 CBC News Cee dn te wane cares.) ee ee ee ee (193) i City. (tf) 12 Musi al warts on ¢ ean tc hoped to find r ale wi e : PORTRAI we - CARS FOR SALE ; BC New : In other words, Miss Brash lone queen of spades so that he Shipping and General va ot TS ian for burnt™ ogbi 4 mT ae manana - - Gee. might have got to play three ; Moving, Packing, Crating ms Developed and ne athe oe make We " : REAL ESTATE ee could be thrown in tor a load . :. . : any: size or make Wil- FOR SALE—1949 Prefect, 15,000 AL E . pades, down two only 100 to her heart holding. She Cartage and Storage PROMPT SERV d Electrical Works, Cow) miles. In good condition. $700. FoR salLE—Revenue. home wints oP a airs. keen won| CHANDLER'S Phone Blue 391 (tf)| Phone Red 140 (Obl Pac” ce” eo aie | 008 BEC Mews at Come Against the actual four spade | 24.8 Mase Bes Sere Complete, Reliable and Effi- ||| 216—4th Street ; fans peicitils tractive, modern, 3 bedroom! gi5 m for Modert ee ee a the pact with the eight, cashed the|] cient Service. Also agents for Phone Green i PLUMBING, Automatic Oil heat-| FOR SALE—1950 Standard Van- bungalow style, on double cor-| 9:59 Time Signal bid, Mr Dale _ : si pri queen, taking Miss Brash’s last || Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. Prince Rupet ‘iP. sheet metal work. Phone guard, 12,500 miles. Very good. er lot, full concrete base- d f diamonds which was ruble trump, and the rest belonged to/|] for Oxygen, Acetylene and all 543. 830 6th West. Letourneau. condition. Honest sale. Phone ment, hot water furnace. Two 15 Al e wit on the board. The king of clubs the defenders veldi : lies (tf)| 202. Box 463, Daily News. (it) furnished apartments, private 10:45 Musi 7“ ; led on which Miss Brash |} welding suppies > ae _ the defenders, Train Sche ial siieciiaiiiia teat ae isc ticcesumreenentel entrance. 117@ Ambrose. Phone | ii" oo ched ¢ ‘ a Mr. . JOIN the Prince Rupert group| FOR SALE—1946 34-ton Dodge Black 186 (19§p) {11:18 Roundup Time pitched a small diamond. met ‘| LINDSAY‘S CARTAGE STANDARD Tf f Alcoholics Annonymous to- truck with plywood van. For - - r ‘} weather Hep Dale won with the ace and re j y.- Write Box 444, Daily; particulars phone Dominion FOR SALE— family home in i = ae t d the & STORAGE LIMITED in 2 a . queen of diamonds For the East— (193), Construction, Watson Island good location. Also mise 148 Scand n Melodie Again dummy ruffed PL ‘! Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Daily except Sunday or Green 469 evenings. (197) laneous furnishings. Phone 57) p 4, : t nes an From the East~ Cnn a an Fe ae or Green 578 after 6 Est, 1910. Phones 60 and 68 1 while moth- FOR SALE—A-40 model 1|- a 7 194p)| Austin station wagon. New FOR SALE — Four rings, bearings, shocks bath, furnished ob. Can be seen at 1546 8th _ 739 (1293p) |12:55 Ree. Int. HEA TING Popular Steamer NEARLY eve rybody uses 99. (ce) East (1971p) FOR SALE — 6 room wartime Records at Randon 5 Daily except Monday FOR SALE—Harbor view home,| 3:30 Today's Guest Prompt Service SAILS FOR \ To 2 lots, gurage, basement, fur- 3:45 Novel 1 You Know i Ni (198ne) nace, electric fireplace, hard-/| 4 lt of the Gyps3 \ i I oo ted .— FORGET the food sale MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. on ce ey eee 4:20 er tadio one DINING Phone 174 | Vancouver Independent —~12 ay— | } 4:45 (All Times Daylight & atthe dn peri . Fo od 12, 18 or 24 months to pay FOR SALE—Six room residence . " PLEASURE For Repaits and Alterations and Intermediate Ports | oe eee Monday. (1t! | 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan, one a 1 to a IN heater ; 4 2 te ’ : aU ca 1 INTANT ce me WANTED Experienced female neate and defroster Hot water heating ¢ opper | PUBLIC ACCOUN ANT, incom Smith & Elkins Lid} ¥ Fech,Thursdey ‘Nat som mi | at 11:15 p.m. oom groce clerk. Apply Skeena Full Duce - $1725 tank and plumbing. Fireplace oe, Saree wae ps Neb SPARKLING NEW P.O. Box 274 For KETCHIKAN 88. ean 5 ed pI (193) 1949 Chevrolet 4-door Stream- Phone Blue 408. (198) : SURROUNDINGS | i \ WEDNESDAY MIDNIGH1 8S Coquitlam# lined Sedan, gleaming black; _ } = gle lablkesccseal seianie come a Comfort and Service %E ARM, STEWS i —— : white sidewal) tires. HOUSES WANTED TO BUY | — oo SIMI WANTED — Clerk stenograph ill price 35 - VAN ) lerk stenographer; Full price $1650 : — : y | For Reservations | %g n, It for large garage in town. Con-| 1948 DeSoto Sedan, fluid drive, WZ HAVE several buyers for WRA THALL 5 Ma e Your a i || Friday, Camosut © genial conditions, good salary,; gir conditioner, exceptionally houses. For quick sale, phone _TEEee j Write or Call FOR a grand opportunity for the tdleah Ful : ate Armstron y Agen jf 2¢ ] t | +. e . . | CITY OR DEPOT CHARL( iN reunity for th i price $1495 Armstrong Agencies Ltd.|| Photo Finishin An, | Pr M | 7 ight i 30x f pws y ) WB , right girl Box 467, Daily no. Phone 342. Black 197 9 inting atter OFFICE July 30, Aug. 44 TRUCKS PRINCE RUPERT, | 8S Coquitlam, 0 + ~chaatiaiasiintianitivanidal (194) e orn Qt rat : ceca da essa Ww P SOUTH @ WANTED — Lady to care for; 1936 Chevrolet chassis and cat : P. f ; FOS t , school boy and do housework.| two-speed axle, duals F was SHERIFF’S SALE DEVELOPING, PRINTING VACATIONISTS! art 0 CE see ee __(196P)| Pull price $475 TENDERS are invited for the ENLARGING . Vy B : Daas os koe HELP WANTED, MALE-FYMALE | 1947 Dodge ¥%-ton Panel, recon-/ purchase of one 1938 NASH) EXPOSURE METERS our Business ae >: ryt winery -Gitioned, heater and defroster SEDAN, for cash, until 11:00 AMATEUR SUPPLIES | FRANK J, SBM ae IGH ae Ce e) Pull price< + -btpsie?.. $1665 | oe ae Tueatay, August 2 f ALES iu A Good Place ta Stop, Did it-éver occur to you that hoo Prince Rupett ¥ “Pespec ine’ of wel . i. 9, 1952 7% ac $38. s s : ’ pe khown Houselld and Farm Phone $71—at any time Tax. The highest or any ten- Phone Green 136 Box 478, | ‘| you need distinctive printed Third Avent Pnecessities. A few choice Rural} Ate) der not necessarily accepted 244 Miles to matter for your particular ,lo¢alities available also large Car may be inspected on ap- business? .City Districts. Women con- 2g A. Sa Sia ,| plication to the Sheriff, Court Al sidered for part or full Ganal eo BALE 1949 Ford. Low House, Prince Rupert. M. M ; 5) part um mileage, all on paved road Stephens. Sheriff 19 | : e ® I ; City selling. Write Rawleigh’s| Seat covers, air conditioned.) _“©PDEM®, PHerith. _ ae FD inese om , Dept. WG-H-166-216, Winni-| Like new. Apply King George ages hpeg, Man. | Hotel, Second Ave. (195p) | CANADA Type faces give you this + p’ | DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rn Ss Se 4 ames niger nse outstanding distinctiveness— "FECT SE Chop Suey - Cham : FOR SALE | FOR SALE—1947 Monarch se- Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Office and these a be supplied by a Te | P “ i NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-| we tiebet” Geen ene TENDERS | FERRY |] our modern printing depart- economy car 1285 eee” sited, Distributors for: Mining, | ; : (193p) | Sealed tenders will be received by i || ment, ;Sawmill. Logging and Con-| ———— the undersigned until 2:00 o'clock | |] 1950 MONARCH SEDAN ° ~ eines Pane weet Telkwa, B-C. : ‘tractors’ Equipment. Enquir- FOR RENT one ee eee ae : Ride like $ fes invited. Granville aan | oy ae Pn Senn, Srtaeiae seat ' . ' a King 1995 HOLLYWOOD Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf)| FOR RENT—Housekeeping room | rin ing 0. Carl Sixth Ave } . ADVERTISEMENT appear- 9 cute Phone Med 180. 194p) | 2 90 Musical Program. mg The Reliable and Prince Rupert WAlt) ng in this column signed by Waltz Time i Carl Anderson is not : » Y Se i VLZZEC 3 . 441 5th Ave. West. Three bed- ACCOUNTANTS HELP WANTED-—-FEMALE owner, 23,000 original miles, meee rooms, fuH concrete basement ect, near Pentictoff. BYftish Col wo Just a Nice Day’s Drive vonieres walk aa . we for quiet man. No drinkers. bis ' ee 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN FOR SALE—Acme full size elee-| 742 7th West. (1tp)| The following are the main items Monday Through To od j °4295 Ftric stove with teach DIN Ce eee jof work and the Afproximate quan- Seat Covers, On ar ia old. Also oil stove,' FOR RENT — Single sleeping | tities of each: “e ' | Saturday ee ‘ os sin 7 jwhite and biack enamel, in| Tom. Green 894. (194) | 1. Placing only. fife, Pipe, 3" t0/ Leave Cow Bay Floats SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 2 , Mitisiahdietigniitinnwoin baa susie 12” . 504 eet ‘ f . . ' excellent condition, Phone 440|#OR RENT—Couple and single, 2. Placing Only, ne 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m, or call 1356 First Overlook | j } " P F 76 i and 7 p.m RE ROOF NOW a - : j ‘ ox are . 8 j } ipe Fittings > only "peer -_ : . ‘ : | ‘ (193p) ea an aT ae 3 pining only ei Vales 9 only 1950 MONARCH Convertible +> Rea 2 (it 4. Placing only, / : SUNDAY: Every extra, , B U LG m Sale Furniture. Phone} dinate Lot Outlets Yyfe-/.... 93 only Conti eae) ‘| Your Roof May Not Last Through Another Year a dream car 2975 yreen 400 (193) FOR RENT —2-room log cabin| 5. Steel Pipe, 7] .. supply oon S on 1a 10 ao, WOR SALE—‘“Astral” refrigera- | ” place «isis te iene} tartin : + : ; i roofi : or with stend. ‘Reascuanty| s Lakelse Lake. Phone Hed! 6. Corrugated igen ger, 18-snch, — c , a.m. We wil! give your free estimates on re-rooting Baoan setae: ior o Forieed. Phone Red SOT afters concecns on cueieeiennieeee | ot ae nee elves. chedu . . ome : \6_ p.m. (193)|FOR RENT — Room to share.| ” “Kiacing 0 ome eo st with asphalt and cedar shingles + ee ae For Outside Ordes lacing only ‘ 22 only| eats ‘ ; » eee Separate beds. Red 471. (195)| g. concrete Well apd Pipe An-|{ Weather Permitting Puleadly Serview | FOR SALE—Four room Wartime | .— chors sl 250 cu. yd.| Greer & Bridden Ltd. Bob Parker Ltd. : a cee + x yy rage house near McBride Street.|; HOUSE FOR RENT—With fur-| 9. Pumphouse, 20° ¥,20° 1 only | Phone 909 115 Ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 : $1,700 cash, balance as rent. | niture for sale. Green 400. (10. Woéd Stave. Tarif) 10,000 Im-| PHONE BLACK 926 \ R. E. MORTIMER (194p) | ‘ and 363 Third Ave Phone 88 | ———————_______—____——___ | Pp % 1 only| 3 (197) | FOR RENT —Room and board) !!.° sup- - for working man. Black 660. | ply and plife,”” Oats oe sau _~ FOR SALE — Thor Gladironer, | (193) | 12: Barth Excavation for concrete | rused 3 months. Phone Red well 4,000 cu. yd : | PR 4 : Plans, specifications and tender) - a ¢ tT z i 99 | ng 4 s 5, spec |Re: Certificate of Tit 551- , 928 (193p) PROFESSIONAL woma n has forms for bidding may be obtained ay Lot cae (1 * oo hed : RC S > hakiere on, large comfortable suite to from the undersigned at his office | six (36) Sectic * Oo ne ee KOR SALE—T-tube battery ra-| share with single professional < (36), Section One (1), Map sdio; Coleman oil heater.| or business women, 25 to 40. in Regina, Saskatchewan, or from 923 the P.F.R.A. Office, Box 90, Kamloops, WHEREAS Green 471. (198p)| P.O. Box 1400. (193p) | B.c., Phone 93 LAND REGISTRY ACT iT BLONDIE —They’re Seen But Not Heard UU [T'S NOT LTT] | C wives Know MORE ABOUT ) BLONDIE THIS COFFEE ) THE WAY : a oeo HUSBANDS THAN e iE THI es HEIR HUSBA N iS TOO STRONG I LIKE IT DAG WOOD EIR HUSBANDS KNOW jvm Ba I'VE BEEN MARRIED C ApOuT THEMSELVES >) upon the deposit of Ten Dol~| joss of the above Certificate of Title | \ ae . NO IT’S NOT-- : ENOUGH ; etl att an ) ; ; $< | Jars ($10.00) cash or a certifie®)iccued in the name of John Gurvic’ ‘er "OR SALE—4 bed, inner spring WANTED TO RENT cheque for that amount payable to] pas cians filed in this ofias a S THE WAY i LIKE YOUR COFFEE (mattress; hot plate; wash|———_________.___________ | the Receiver General of Canada,|is hereby given that I shall, at the U UKE IT basin; man’s bicycle. 1447, WANTED— Two rooms, bedroom | which deposit will be remeeded upon expiration of one month from the —— ¢ Plaza. (195p)| and living room. Not house- | the return of the plans and specifi-|qdate of the first publteation hereof, | keeping, Must be within one|c#tions in good ordep within ©OMne€/issue a Provisional Certificate of SS Rene Bn block of 6th St. and 3rd Ave. Soy eeieg after tenders have been/ Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, j set, chesterfie 9 | close: unless in the meantime vali e ening tom oat, eee veers Tae SS eet Pi98) » lowest or any tender will not) jection be made to me in writing’? tion “radio recordplayer tri- | —_-—__- *|necessarily be accepted. DATED at the Land Registry Of- : ¢ , By order |fice, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 3 Hight, lot of cut glass, vapor) WANTED TO RENT — Two or Vr Milan: poogglh pf ont cea vis 21st (cabinet bath, sun lamps, hall) three rooms or suite for two Director of Rehabilitation, | Rupert Fulton, eat, mirrors, beds, dressers,| girls. Furnished. Phone 261. 918 McCallum-Hill Building, | L Acting Deputy Registrar of Titles. tools, etc. Blue 784, (198p) ‘ (194p) ee é at: i a) satisfactory proof of QF .< i