PA6E TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT v BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - HAILY EDITION Contract Rates on Application. THE MADDEST ONE A passenger took Ihe Irain nl Lyons, entered a sleeper, nnd lipped Ihe guard lilterally In put: him nut of Hie Irain at Dijon. "I'm a very heavy sleeper," he! said, nnd you must (nkn no nolice of my protests. Seiie me and put me out on Hie platform." Ho slept. He awoke as the Dijon VLe Hire. S8 88 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per ysar .'. $8.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion ......25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion t5c per agate line All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day prs-ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Tuesday. Sept. 30, 1924. Yellow Peril Invades' League. , The League of Nations is feeling the "yellow peril." What at one time seemed to threaten only British Columbia and the west coast of the United States has now marie .its influence fell in the highest court of the world. Just what will be its effect 'clothes. on the future action of nations only time will tell, but that it will be felt all the time seems sure. The Japanese nation is one to be recXoued with in all world movements. China, is also awakening. Very probably the civjl war which is pow afflicting that country and which is accompanied by many horrors and for the time-being is bound to cause much .suffering, may eventually result iirlhe country being roused in such a way as to have marvellous results. For many years there have been signs of a change and the modern movement is spreading rapidly in that eountry. China will very likely add greatly to the yellow peril. She will learn to develop, her own resources and utilize everything that nature has given her witlTsiich a prolific hand. B.C. Vitally Interested v In China and Japan. British Columbia is vitally interested' in both China and; Japan, She is interested because he is a neighbor" to both countries and because there are already a great many Chinese and Japanese resident here. These people perform an important part in Ihe development of the coast districts. While they are clanish. made so largely by the reluctance of the people of the white race to mix freely with them socially; they are rapidly assimilating western ideas and sometimes western ideals. Also" they are adopting western vices. Much depends upon the Chinese and Japanese who live here as to the. attitude taken by their parent nations. They are still Chinese and Japanese, ratheKthan Canadians, although many of theiS Wye : adopted Canadian citizenship. - Bound To Be Close Relations. There are bound to be close relations between the. Orient ana tne cities on tbe coast. We are ready to do bHsiriess :with them and even anxious that their ships shall call at our pofls. This being the case it is for us to adopt a consistent attitude on the Oriental question. All are agreed that it would not be a good thing to have an influx of Orientals here during the formative period in the history of the province but this the Japanese and Chinese find it difficult to understand" when there are large areas of land in need of clearing and cultivating, when there are mines to be worked, timber is to be cut and in many cases the people oi the white race do not want to. do the work. .The al-j ternative is to fill up those lands with white people. That is our best defense against the yellow periL Bound To Become A Big City. Prince Rupert is bound to become a big city, according to Sir Thomas Robinson, who ig. interested in the Cold Storage plant here. He has been telling Vancouver people about the great future in store for us smd predicts that we shall make rapid advance front now on. Sir Thomas is thinking along the same lines as ourselves but being a- man of prominence with a title, his words carry weight and the people of Vancouver listen. All Wool and Silk and Wool Underwear Two Piece and Combination English All Wool and "Venus" Silk and Wool STOCKINGS DEMERS' Phone 27 P. Box 327 Advertise in the Daily News. FLY tox ft JEtlb &. MOTHS I I Bonk Orty o y y let. Jo 1 16oi..7J 128 01. 4 00 TrUl Sprayer Pre. Hand Sprr M i 1 Mosquitoes , M Cmcm t Drurlu fl 111 KoacnesAnfc B v-".b.c. Bed Bugs Etc 1 udin sieamea inior.i'aris.s jn a raging fury he went to the guard and expressed some emphatic opinions in a varied vocabulary. "Ah," . said the guard calmly, you have a bit of a temper, but it s nothing compared with the chap I put out of the train at ISN'T i quwr tbal most of, I he olilical rtrgurs are in the parly opted to us? THE funny man of the Chronicle remarks "After six weeks' kuntin? for tmotlcggers inf Alaska, a special prohibition spent say Alaska is dryer tbau' ever. And after spending three lays in Prince Rupert it's easy lo agree with turn. PEOPLE who object to things published in this paper should sometime, consider what tlie editor knows that he does n-it publish. ONE advantage of tight slioe is that the wearers like to slay home evenings and stick their toes into a pair of old fashioned loose slippers. N ALWAYS look on the bright si. Ip of life and if there , is na bright side, turn on the eleelri. light. THE difference between a hike and a walk u largely a matter of INQUIRIES ABOUT VERSE COMPETITION Is Open to Everyone and Length Is Mot a Factor to be The verse competition is creating a pood deal of interest and a good many inquiries have been received in connection with it. In answer lo some of these it may be said that the competition is open to everyone, old or young, four or six lines being a good length. This, however, will not be considered in awarding Ihe prize. Following have teen received: ' . Dear Mosquito Ah, mosquito, how I love you. When Ihe night is sari and long. Anri at night my lent you enter Cheering with compelling song. The Bug" There once was an insect, a bug Ensconced himself in a rug; , But Ihe house caught on fire ' And was burned down entire. And that was tbe end of Ihe bug, The Noble Bivalve , le others laud the sockeye sal mon! Lift up your anthems lo the flounder! Make halibut your paean's theme! I strike Ihe lyre lo subieef sounder. Xojuneful bard on high Olympus Shall sound ambrosia's nraises louder. Than I shall sing Prince Rupert' priceless hsculent Clam that makes the chowder. The Poor Fish Wherever you happen lo be. The best brand, its easy lo see. ()i frozen and canned Salmon, halibut and Other fish, is "Prince Rupert Hut there's one that is not a good dish The "knocker" its called wish let us When he's caught he'll be can ned And marked with the brand v.i'.r., meaning "Very Poor Fish." The Rat Was Wise Mr. Cat said once to Mrs. Ral, Oh! why be afraid of me. Come over here, and sit on the mat, And inlo your ear's I will tell story. The Rat looked wise,-, As she rolled her eyes. Thai lale you have told before Other Rat's ears have heard the same. Uul Oh! Mr. Cai you don'l play the game, For alas! sari lo say The Rat's always pay. As they disappear from this earth evermore. The author of "The Noble Hi- valve and three other fails m send his name wilh (he,1 contributions. Will he kindly either mail it or telephone it to flfl. All nnlpinl. ....,. : i, I """""l" muni nipil me contrihytions, not for publication bul as an evidence of good failh . Only In case of a verje TITS DAILY HEWS Tuesday. Ser,t, ,,.. The Man in the Moon SAYS 11 itusljshcd pui take any formesiml sueh as an' LlJ J . Mi unde J since 1859 on consistent high cjuy ode. a quatrain or even the pop- Hon. T. D. Pattullo Tells of Dlf- nlar limeriek. 'Hiree priies will. nculttes In Way or Getting be offered. S5 for first, f 3 for. Settlers second and i for third. i The verses wilt be published j BOOM FOR FISHERMEN as submitted T&t the name of the! author will V reserved to beiforchsr Island Mlgh Ascommo-used'only in ea.'e'of hi winning! date Number Says' MlolsUr a Prize. j of The verse should be neatly written on one side or the paper j- Tll(, f0iowinK ffiPr frorn uon. only and addressed to "Compel i-jT u pauUHo, minmler of lands, jon Editor," Daily News. Xo in regard lo immigration to tins manuscript,, wdl be returned. irjinc, including Queen Char- Ibilte Islands explains the situa-g- ii . . .g t 'ti rlea; ly : I Ten Years Ago j 1 in Prince Rupert 1 September 30, 1914. The annual fair of the Northern U.C. Agricultural & Industrial Association was opened at 2 o'clock this afternoon by linn Dr. II. E. Young, minister of agriculture for theprnvince. The exhibition is being held in Ihe new building on Acropolis Hill which has ju.l been completed. The halibut ever jut in first .-i ire fresh, sit, naiiu shipped by. rail fronlfPri pefirVfpj -out" jfiik i Tlireip; caflbadi carload! were were isi rince Ru- morning. Jsent Eal by the! Canadian! Fjs)i A Cold Slorage C. One was lo F. T. James A; Co.. Toronto and the other two to Chicago. Fichjrar contained 20,000 pounds and the loading look place during Ihe night. t , Th Ladies' Auxiliary or SI .nurew s sociejy held a successful bazaar anr dance in their rooms yesterday afternoon and evening. Something like iioo was realized after paying all Advertise in the Dailr News. Sterling Furnace GOAL D.ll?r4 la Bulk.. At $10.00 per ton. Ttli u rtry inprrtor rorotra foU. It fire ten bo tirt aixl If nurtly rr from aool. cll&krri. lark and 1irt soma .f toe larrtt beallnr plant In lb rltr ra now atlnr It wltb fnllrtlj tory rc.nlu. STERLING STOVE COAL, Dr-liverei la g.ckl. At $12.50 per ton. We ire also Arnti lor Um Faroom LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Mala orricai Maul OonUal. rha IS Editor. "Daily Xews." i I Unlllii IIia r.iiiilo - - t - -- ... Queen Charlotte Island and Northern Hrilish Columbia to ap preciate the -difficulties I have encountered in endeavoring to secure Hwlridean fishermen to settle on Quen Charlotte I, land. One of Ihe fishing concerns operating on the Queen Charlotte Islands recently informed me that he would give employment lo rive Hebririean lishing ramil-ies. Accordingly instructed our Agent (ieneral to get in touch with Ihe Overseas Fell lenient Hoard with a. View (o having these' families 'Sent oul". f " The OverJeas Felllement' IJoard apparently hail been very much prejudiced against the Queen Charlotte Islands as a nlace for settlement and I received a cable that nothing could In done until a delegation representing the j Hoard hari paid a visit lo the' Coast and made personal in spec-j lion. I I replied very strongly anil am ; in hopes that in" a short lime lliel misapprehension of those in au-i llionty in the Old Country will have been removed. House of Commons On May 10, 1922, Mr. Amery answered a Vjueslion in the House of Commons as follows,: "The Oversea Settlement Committee are authoritatively advised (hat communication with these Islands, which lie lo Ihe north or Vancouver Island, is difficult, that Ihe population is small, and thai Ihe Islands are not a present suilalrie lo settler, from Ibis counlry, except for dock raising and dairying, which could he made successful under proper Miiiiiagrineni, nui requires considerable capital. They have already issued a warning as regards selllement in these Is. lands, and they would urge any persons' who may contemplate settling there lo communicate with their secretary at 6, HI. James' Sijuare, before comiug to any decision." From the foregoing it will be . . - V VMS'' I AAA - - l' llCS irx v :r:::.!v:"';i-iu:;!i!',;:;:.!'!!;l;'!,,"1'-';;i,i)-;'!,iii;, ""'!!: iT'Mur'""'1 mi 1 'MM!,rV';?;v":nitv,!?;vii.uuiiiM'-.i!.ii...nH l.ii: :.,:::::' ' , fl ' III , , : tilt I juUiil jiUiUiiXU ' Oir'iUiM I,..!' ' . I I M I I I I im nr7.i . -SPECIAL, ISELECTED,. ,..; , -- --- ,. , .- !. . ,a ! : i-.1.' illllM'li 13,; 31 5 .'I' i'. : ' li i.! i 2 ft''. !! Mil , ;, in ,: . : "3; JlBBB M '""""""""" III lUII'"' ' MUtlllillM""""'!" " iiuiiiiinijiiiimi.iimii jjii i nnni in . ... i Yhis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government .f 1$ Columbia. winning a pnte will the names of contestants be published. ; The verse must have to do with some form of animal life such as a bird, fish, animal,; insect or germ. It may IMMIGRATION NORTHERN B.C. I UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C- TD. S.llmn frun Prtnro Butrt. o VANCOUVCJ), VICTORIA. Immn Bi, mi Alort B, Tu4Jf, I rM. Tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, A I .ft Boy, l Svon.oti t.f, tur., 10 A . For ANVOX,,AUCC ARM. STEWART, W.l.o Mn, Su4, t for PORT SIMeSON ai Nooo Rlioe CumHoo, FrMf A.M. S23 24 AtoAUO. J. Barndoy, Afont. PHko Ruoorl, It FALL STEAMSHIP SEfi VJC Si). Prince Rupert or Prince Gtoj&e Sailings From Prince Rupert SJS. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, . a. h WEDNESDAY p.m.. earh 'SATURDAY 12.00 nmlmi. M '(kills Swansuii H.iv. Ocean Falls, Iuw. i: S.S. PRINCE JOHN far ANYOX and STEWART, Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. For all jHjrls QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, niglij. Oct Uh. I8fh. Nov. 1st. 18th. PAS3ENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. le Frtorc Rupert .0 PJ1 for fRHCC OFORUC. tLt V. ntreo, aH tofnti Fa.tero Canada. Univd shim AQEMCT ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cttf Ttctet Offlto, S2S Thlr Ata, mate Rvp.rt. rMM Blue Ribbon BAKING POWDER ill rd ZSr. to Wtm liiUxta LU . WiuiBrc lortho Bluo Kibboa CoA liobk Uworfta obito oiklalk lao 'bnt eouk bofck lor rvrrjr day woo I toura ikunro. seen tlie dilurullies thai have been encountered. Room for Thousands In my opinion there is room Next time you order bakj-ijg powder sy "Blue Ribboii? aoa ovavai Then give it the baking day test. You need have no fear of the result, , Try. it Tne delegation rep1 Ihe Uvefseas loar.l",-i roule an, I shicerHy tn.-iltera' niav be !-;-: on this Coast for thousands ofjhead whereby a lam fishermen. For instance, rlghl at Prince HuperlV door I believe that Porrhrr .'stand is admirably ilualed lo take care of n con. siderahle number of fisher folk. Jjebrklean fisheriiu'n tn.' lied nil along Ihe l"n !l binh Coast. Advertise in "The Daily News THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK .ISbU1. a mi- if