PAGE FOUR DAILY JCTOS TueMlaV. .- BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa Money YE - MY AfTER -Te TO CIT wires the bri i ue t3 we or T fTnoo&n a. JOB Of ME Orders OUGHT to ryjT what a. COOO KINO THINK tH tJ s wotc e THINK OP" 1 11 I WU.U W OO' On Norway, Sweden and A.Vv.AXt r Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange Make your reservations for that Christmas visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets. Rates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhayn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship . Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUT BOTTLES. . : I I i n. . i? t t a it I DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, . C Office Hours, 8UL Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready to Wear S1S.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 774. P.O. Box 958 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CS. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 6S7. McBrldc Jtrtel NEW CALIFORNIA LAKE FRESNO. Ca.. Sept. 30 Y though Sequoia Park lias been a public playground Jor more , than 30 years, new disj-coveries slill are made." A forest ranger recently returned from a three-day trip n the Mount Sil-liman region and reported a lake larger than any hitherto known in Hie park. The find has been tentatively named Crater Lake. BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE GITY BILLIARD Officers Elected and Will .fee Orawn up Next Tuesday The annual meeting of he City Billiard League look place in lbe Elks' Home last night (Officers were elected but definite organization was deferral and will take flare at a mealing to be held next Tuesday In I be Great War Veterans' rooms. Delegates from each of the. teams wu alien this meeting and the schedule will be drawn tup. II was decided last nip fit lo form an Intermediate as well as a Senior League and organization of this will also proeerd next week. It is expceJed there will be four or (iye teams, ia-lhr Senior Leajrue. r"!Sdme Ililliard enthusiasts attended the mee'llng: last night. . , tmtcers for. me year werej - 1 M rirrii-u as tmiu: Honorary President, JohnJBulJ per. Honorary Vice-President, R. W. Cameron. President. J. Walsh. , Viee-Preideiil. Bert Jlrgan. Secretary Treasurer, R. Howe. Executive Itea SHf. M. M MarLaefalan, S?t. Jebson and one member from each team. DAWSON GOT LOTS OF CARIBOU MEAT Many Dawson people have 'been laying m a supply of meat for winter lbe last few days, said the Dawson Daily News lat week. A big herd of caribou has been within three or four miles from the city for two or three days. -everal people were taking a walk on the West Dawson side of (he Yukon Sunday and when about three and a half miles nul encountered a few of the animals. Continuing their walk, they found themselves in the midst of a band of .about a hundred caribou which had Iain dSwit o resl.The animals seemed to have but lit tle fear and the hiking party were in the centre of lbe band KafM Ifiav Vk m-iw! atlntim A number of people left that morning for the hills on the op posile side of the river with cameras to gel some good pic tures of the herd. SORROW SOON BURIlD "'Why did you drink?" "Judge. I heard of the bank ruptcy of an old friend and look a few drinks to drown by sor row." "But the officer says you were dancing when lie arrested you." Louisville Courier-Journal. 120 or 25tj ME OF" WORK VST - A Jl I I. . VXI I Sport Chat from ditTerenl seetkos of II r I SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY LEAGUE MEETS HERE AND EVERYWHERE Intersection! football will jplay a pi? part on the interred- Slates this tall. Several imnorU mu- three teamsvoul of Hs territory wbfle Yal Hrawn, I Van state ad DosIihi College each play will be met on successive Salur. ays, followed by a gai$e al South Bend against (ieorsria freht Golden Tornado, looms as lbe most formidable of all inter -eclional assignments. The easiest reason to ghe lot the eenirar4kn of western pro fessional hockey interests by the lecenl amalgamation of the, Western ami Pacific Hockey lasagnes is the scarcity of firsl- class professional players say the Montreal Star. II was no small task building up the Pacific Coast League bat it was soc- cessfutly done Ihoagfa apparently one mistake was made al the start and that was in make the Vancouver Arena with its red wood seals too large. However, things seem lo hav radually Jerome flat in Seattle Prt. nd. FOOTBALL ENNIS SWIMMING. jof the Portland they were railed in some partsM the East, to Montreal in search 4 f (he Stanley Cup, when all Portland ieee4 to be hwckei ! tiofcar., giant Hindu wrestler, last night in trajht falls. Th first fall look (6 minutes IS sec onds: the seonnri CH minutes. Both uere lieadleeks. . HOTEL ARRIVALS 'Prince Rupert T. O. Oarrett G. P. Fisher and Miss X. "Johnston. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon It. llobb. Burns Lak; B. F. Ackernian and H. M. Wad.lell. PHerboro; A. M. Kipp. Port Kssimrton; A. EsranJ and D. D. Munro. Terrace: C. L. MeXah. Ortllia. Ont.! H. G. House, Richfard. .Vt.; Alfred W. MrLeod, Xew'Weslminsler Mrs. J. S. TuHocb awl Miss E. E. TuU loch, San Dirgn; A. a Ferguson, Kdmontofl. which seems CN.R. Central MaUncb and J. P. Miller. rr a Mir ro. sight" GRANTS Best Procurable (TKC nictuu Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST LS FLNEST HIGHLAND MALT Blli a4 pi..i by a&M BWm, -Oiawi DmimiL CMI. This advertisement is not published, or displayed by the Liquor Cunlnd Hoard or ly Ihe Government of British Columbia. British Consols 7l2 for Cigarettes per smoke ij Sri ei flier size package TO -mi :1 03 IIU .t-v r6nm Mmci. : 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE, No Advertisement Taken for Le., strange, as far a Portland itt ofll ITnTAM IM ( to l hose win. rruiemler Hi- trip fff U.irl I llll I I IIY 11 1 WORLD SERIES There will be six teams ! Wins Pennant by Beating Boston us3 . .. . Slates are l.e.l.ill lhs ' " nromer ami ieiwia. cames Iwip beine the ih nnlv Iv available av.ii.hi' r-,r" rh '"a" ieam s to play fourteen basis of comparison between the nom -a,m grade of. football as played in; ' : lbe East, in the west ami south " CTD 1 kin rD I rtlflC of lbe Alason-Dixeo line. The OliUtnULUX LLIT1J SUES '"ir T t THROWS THE HINDU Y.iIm n-kina I ' Jatrinda Gobar Both From Headlocks two jnferclKtrfal jrameus. Notre Dame's invasion of the ea.i . VANCOUVER. Sepl. 30. Ed. where the . Army and Irincelrm: ""angier iewi ueieaieg jainnua and Will Have to Play New York BIG GAME SATURDAY All Eyes Now on the Two Teams That Will Close the Baseball Season HOSTTlX. Sept. 3d. Wasbin?-tttn won its first AmerieaH 4u 'wir iramr ixirrw t f . - . Gets Two Straight Falls From i-eopue. pennani aua we npi io meet the cav lork (iianls in the world series by defeating Boston yesterday. The big game commence en Saturday next al Washipgfbfl and the second game will le played in the same city. Thi will be followed by two games in .New York and if more than four games are neeary the fifth also will be pUyvi in lbe oanie eily and Jlne sixth in Washington. The seventh, if there should be one will be derided later. Kid lowing were yesterday's seores: American League Washington i. Ihttoo 2. Detroit 5. Chicago lo. New York-Philadelphia, rain National League Pittsburg S. Chicago I. i'biladelphia -New York. rain. The eyes of the whole continent will now be turned on lbe two big teams that wiH c4se the baseball season with a whirlwind series. SIXTH AYENUE WEST OF FULTON STREET ' TO BE OPENED UP The eily council, on recommendation of the Board of Works decided last night to. prepare a bylaw providing for the grading of. ant Vi JP4fy J?n iAvenuo between FultOn and Tay lor Streets. The immediate object in opening up this road, which has long been desired by residents in the neighborhood, is to give access lo a rock quarry there. When (be supply at the comer of jseeond Avenue and Fifth Street jhas been exhausted, is the in. tent ion to move the rock crush ing equipment there. The new !road will also give another imeans of access lo the Exhibi tion Hall and the sports ground ami il is the intention Tti ha it i ready by next yar. TVe ROO radio program to be broadcasted from Oakland to night will indode selreJions by Jerome Damonle, piano ae- conl-on soloist, in the first part and Ihe Trio Oneertanl will give the entire second part. e PRINCt RUPERT TIDEt Tuesday, September 30 High 2:1 21 J ft 11:22 p.m. 22.1 -Iw 8:16 ajn. " -0:t2 p.m. 2J -Wednesday, October 1 High ...... 2:63 ajfl. 2I.I fl 11:57 p.m. 22.1 Law .... . 8:S2 a.m. i. " 21:22 p.r - FREE TRIP-VANCOUVER A FHEE trip to Vancouver nd a small remuneration. A t fiwil giisboaf to be taken l Vancouver in Uie near future. inly competent men need apply. " Plion 361. S31 WANTCr WANTED. Fprpilur of every descriplion. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange Auctioneer, i'boni 52. SITUATION WANTED KXPEHIENCKD stenographer and ttftok-keeper wants work.Nov- euilier I. Write Box 20C Daily News. if BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at lbe Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Oftire, 830 .Seiond Aveu. I'bon 137. If HOAHD. jin.j Room in private tfioinr: eentral. Every comfort Reasonable rales. Plntne Bed 218. 231 FOR RENT FOR- RRNT. - Furnished houses keeping rooms. Phone Blue 'SlT tfr 18. tlO Sixth Avenue HdsL - If OFFICF. FOF1 RRNT with ino.lern living quarters. Weslenbavet Bros. tf f-OH RENT- Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts, tf FOR RENT Four room, modern. heated apartments. Apply Smith & MallelL Ltd. tf AUCTION SALES. Goods Bough L Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. t Third Ave. Phone Black 13(5 and Red 442. TAXI Tax 87 Phone (Ca:! George. Paul or GustJ Prompt Service and Comfort " ' Day or Night Stand: .1055 BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker dock, Across from Empress Hotel BOAT REPAIRS FISHERMEN. The dose jeason will soon be here. You can gel your boats overhauled by contract or day work, at a moderate price. We build anything up to 200 tons. Marine ways. Call or write Eriksen Bros:, boat builder. North Vancouver. B.C. If AUCTION SALE ALL the Household Furniture a' 1001 Hays Cove Avenue will he sold by Public Auction without reserve on Thursday. Oelober 2 al 2.30 p.m. consisting as follows: 2 leather upholstered easy chairs leather upholstered Divaririle; oak bookcase, five sections; oak table; Wilton thi LOST fl-UST. - lU.v a . Ilonlen Str-e'ei please rv' . Store. R.w., FOR SALE n 80t J 1 . . ttrrr -' n ic' Daily News Classified Ads, FOR SAL E or Lease R . FOR SALE idMwwffmpii a Set eat h .Ve. y FOR SALE, furnished. Avenue. IV i ti cur , .i . R , Aejoy 'Ji ) A t . . . .. 1 wwuie. miv . J j- gi HOOMING H'U ' .v- . iWl local-.!., , fx CHrap rem. - ai-,,-.'.! Owner. V."( y i . News. i FOR SALE Machinery. tiofi igt FMgim. Northern Kirhsngt' FOR SALE HOOSEJ 6 roon t.d iyn.jw- I -ts. (me harbor e. w. S rooms :ni. I2I00.UU. t0it io 5 rooms u4 udL. aVxi gardfaj " an mi V , 3 rooms, h.jtu ft Tti Terms rr..rf'it . MeCaffery A U&- FURNrTURE. New and Seefdka4 furaJ- tureStire. We B..y. mum change New Vf4 sk" Goods. OEO. PAPAD0PUU. 839 Third Ae. nvM CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EY0LFW nf.il9i nf h. N - -. carpel ami rug; dining table, uusiCAI. and chairs; beautiful solid oak buffet; Victor gramophone; brick lined beater; malleable range; kitchen cabinet; Simons bed; Vadld oak dressers; Singer sewing mach ine: linoleum; kitchen nten-! sils and numerous pther ar-lieles. Prince Rupert Ki-"liange. Auctioneers. 23) of Cluroprat tW ' i:"r mik niivk Room IS. Hours: 10 to 12 2 5 1 Saturday afternx' "f byappoi ( Phone Ior85. DONT BE syOCKEO Ride GOODYEAR BALLOON TtfO For alfti Ford Tires, U tWi Fit Goodyear Tirss ' Avoid the ShoeM MODERN WRECKI-C EQUIPI"ET Day and Might Phons .52, KAIEN CARAOE. PIAN0STUNCD. LNSiiiUi1 R1 n.mri IVIi tii'.5,l,u ' J. B. MaeKAY Phone Gren 15 : - ! ml lhp utilities eontnoltee Advertise in the Daily News. Ilhe lowest lender. rp.o. ' ,.u. of mi 4 ':r':' of 1709 nfw.telev'" 4 as accepted byU'' ' ' i . . wnMi""' last wght on ren- . lf