25 TAXI VOL.. XIV., NO. 2:i0, and Ambulance Service Anywhoro at Anyilme. 8tand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8U MATT VI DECK, Prop. II. McEwen, divisional freight agent uf the Canadian National Hailwuy here, lias just received a telegram from the foreign freight department of the railway at Vancouver saying that the railway will meet the Vancouver rates on export flour shipments through the port of Prince Hupert from Winnipeg, Saskatoon or Calgary and that the nlles will he published just as .0011 a there is business offering. It is not customary lor the railway communes to publish these special export rates miles:, business is there. On Friday last lie Daily .News published an article quoting a loiter from the Maple Leaf Milling Company. Lid., slating that they happened to be in a position lo quote better prices f.o.b. Vancouver I ban at Prince Hupert. Thl- followed a. sjatemenl a short lime before thai the Western anada Flour Mills Lid. of Cat, h mil- Ibis , way Warns as through through Nan- runs cf . this norl was va ! staled as ... ...... nossiblc ii.t. that ilicie may bo oilier reasons Ihan lie rriLht rales fur the milling! .oiiii.: preferring to fbip Hi ...D'jh Vancouver. bul it i" Hf-:'i nil lo understand what Ihey f v (I lie. II is also suggested Mia' the mills may be located in a i P.H. lower not served by the N il. but the Weslern Canada Hniu- Mills Md have a mill al ilsm-y and also a very large in.U al St. Boniface, both of wlueli are on the C.N. II. t. icill DN.nle .will be clad In know that IhcHsMinc rales may be made to apply lieroiaiul they will (buddies notify any pussi-ble shippers Ibis way thai Ibis port can serve them on equal ipcnv- with Vancouver. If it is found that there is any 'handicap nuauisl Ibis port, it is up lodbe people here to see that it is removed as quickly its possible. STEAMER AMUR IN PORT TODAY New Vessel Which Roplacos One Wrecked Last Winter Ar-rlvod During Night Hie Coastwise Steamship Barge Oil's new steamer Amur, Cant. MeKinnon. is making her first call at this port loday. She arrived during the night from the south and is unloading Vancouver Islilnd coal at the G.T.P wharf for tho Prince Hupert Ooa Co. Tomorrow morning she will proceed It) Anyox. The new Amur was. formerly nnmed the J. II. Plummet-. 4s h arrived on the Pacific Coast last summer having made a run from Ihe (treat Lakes through. Ihe Panama CanaL For a time sho lay idle nt Vancouver and was Ibis year acquired by Ihe Coastwise Steamship & Barge Co. and addei lo I hat (uininaiiy's fleet of oro carriers. She Is a fine freighter and is praclically new. She re places tho old Amur which was wrecked last wilder near here and which was .recently pur chased liv Cant. Ueruuisl. of Victoria. 5,' on Behalf of Citizens of Prince Rupert Tho following, telegram has eifSlti I msm flrnii V oipen it round-! If L world.' Van-!""' be - '.;" M Discrimination gaiil4lty" suggested. ilu.ll - i'f, "Wholeheartedly YTn Newton: Z Pr rince Itupect congratulates you upon the sue cessful completion nf your long- and hazardous flight." FORMER M.P. DIES MON'f HKAL. Sept. 30. The lealh is reported of .1. P. liuil- brault, former member of the House of Commons for Jolielte. WAR ARTIST DIES LONDON. Sept. 30. Julius Krnesl Price, famous war cor respondent, artist and writer, is dead. SLAIN BECAUSE WORKED MAGIC Five Natives Coming South from Sllklno Country Accused of Murder j BURIED LAD ALIVE Doclare Victim Made Hunting Bad for Tribe Near Telegraph Creek WnANGELL, Sent. 30. Willi five Indians accused nf murdering a lad of 17 by torture be cause he was accused of sorcery. oflicer of the Hoyal Canadian Mounted Police under inspector Punscli are here today en route lo Vancouver. The lad was buried alive with hands lied behind him after he had been tied to a sapling for several days. The slayers declared he work ¬ ed magi lo make bunting poor for a tribe in Telegraph Creek counlry. V WOUNDED SOLDIERS ARRIVE SHANGHAI , ang' troops were brought into Hip cilv today and reported that the loss on the Kiangsii side was still larger. CONSERVATIVE LEADER DIED AT FREDERICKTON l'llI'm'llir.KTON. Sent. 30. Howard W. Conig, 45 years of In-wlm. nf IliO f'llll s l'V I I VC 0 ' " 0 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHINCE nUPKKT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBKR. 30, 11)24. YiiUrdiy't cireulitoni 17B. - s wn- mm ' LV Three American Hound the World Birdmen arriving at Seattle on Sunday previous lo receiyihg their official welcome. Tax Sale Today Resulted in otNumber ofols - After Some Spirited Bidding Of the t58." parcels iul under the hammer at the municipal tax sale thisimorniiig, 8S wre bought in by private bidders. Section 5 property seemed l) bethe mCist popjilar. Of the 32 lots, offered itr that section, were sold lo bidders. Eleven o. the 5 1 lots in Section 1 proved attractive to buyers. Kighteei Section 2 lots brought only two bidders; seventeen in Section 0. eight; 107 in Section 7 sixteen, and 101 in Seclion .S, thirty three. , The highest competed bid of the sale was. made by V. S, nari'v ,k"ockp'l',,,:yn ' Mr- Fis,R'r .for in Nova Scotia Legislature ....... 8lrtt Sal 880. BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding parlies, For rates, apply to Boston "drill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENTS. IKlon IH&1UAKI ft KMUKfc r AKLlAlVlclN 1 SEPTEMBER r HALIBUT ...... SALES MAKE RECORD . . IN HISTORY . OF ' PRINCE RUPERT , Railway Company Will Meet Export Rates on Freight Through Here Ready to Quote Same Price as Through Vancouver from Winnipeg, Calgary or Saskatoon MAYOR CONGRATULATES U.S. WORLD FLYERS Telegram Despatched to Seattle I I slriko is interiering with ue-livery. The highest price paid during the nmnlh was 20.7c on the 2Uh and low was 11.80c on Ihe "fourth. Today s sales were: American Venus, 25,000, to Hoyal Fish Co. at lOcand 7c. Venus, 11,000, Norma, 0,500, J. P. Todd, 5,000, lo Pacific, Fisheries at 10.50c and 7o. Heliance, '8,000. lo Boolh Fisheries at Ifi.lOc and 7c. Eastern Poinl. 2,500, to. Booth Fisheries, al 10c and 7c. , Canadian tngrcd II., 0,500, to Hoyal Fish Co.. at 1 lo and 0c. Elhel June, 1,000, Nuba, 1,500. lo Allin Fish Co., at 13,00o and (ic. P. Dorreen, 5,000, Hingjeader, 1,500, Nautilus, 3,500, Capo Spear, 2,500, Hanaro, 3,500, and V, A ', 1.500, lo Booth Fisheries al 13.80c and Cc. died fever. yesterday from typhoid Fisheries Make Another Record With Larger September Landings Than Ever in History of the Port Another record was broken this month in the halibut fisheries. The total arrivals at the port amounted to 2,732,100 pounds or which only 51)5,000 was brought in by 03 Canadian boats and the remainder by 103 American boats. This compares .with 2,in,0()0 pounds marketed here last year and 2,112,-100 in 1022. The record was made, in spite of the bad weather DROWNING FATALITY Captain, Son and Momber of Ketchikan Schooner Lose Lives Near Wrangell WnANOELL, Alaska, Sept Fisher for lot 10,, block 7, sec . I he upsel price and the property v was was $ 170. M. M. Stephens proved' a keen competitor. There was also spirited bidding for lot Is, Mock 32. section 5, Ihe Upsel prico for which was $51.07. Milton (lonzales got the lot for $110 after bidding out Oeorge llorlon.- Or the 88 lots sold, only 13 brought more than Ihe upset price., The jist originally contained! 506. parcels bub' taxes on 121 of thoso were arranged for between the, time that Ihe list was printed and 'the. sale lopk place. Another interesting purchase was that by L. Astoria of four lols al the corner nl ltays Cove Avenue and Bacon Street which contain Ihe Hays,. Cove (irocery. prevailing during a large part of (he month and of bait shortage. " " " ' 1 ' .Vow it looks as if the industry may be handicapped from an icoj ,r, shortage ns the Cold Storage plant uslially supplies it all and the 1,1 ,tc u n n 30. iy Capl. Peoples, bis son and a.jjj member of tho crew of the gaso-m ljne schooner Meridian, which j mi was wrecked on Saturday night ;j near Lake Bay Cannery, slxlyj liiiles south, were drowned yes- pi lerday when the vessel slipped fro ml be rocks and sank. After Ihe wreck they had returned to the boal lo gel some personal be, longings. This cosl litem their lives. The vessel, which was of '40 I iin s was owned by Male Pi'i'kovb'h .f Ketchikan. the total upset BiiB!:n:u!Xi!:i:;f:!;w; 4 Another biy purchase was W. M. Wrighl Who bought a uuinbei of groups of lots in Sections 7 mid 8 at the upset prices. The sale was conducted by City Treasurer D. J. Malheson assisted by Frank Vickers. IJ will be continued toiuorrow morning al 10 o'clock, Mr. Malheson announced when ad iouining at noon today. Seclion One lols sold to private bidders were as follows. Block 2, Io 3, M. Gonzales, $230 .(upset price, $178.41). Block 2, lot 4, M. Oonzale $170 (upset price, $171.10). Block 5, lol 5, O. Basso-Bert, $187.73 (upset price, 177.73). Block 5, lol 0, O. Basso-Bert $182.73 (upsel price, $177.73). Block 7, lot -40, W. S.. Fisher (upset price, $201.05). Block 12, lol 22, E. C. Oliibons (continued on page three) NOTICE Pursuant lo the Municipal Ejections. Act all persons desiring to be entered on the Volei' List for the forthcoming Municipal Elections as Householders or Holders of Trade Licenses must register their names with the C.ily Clerk during Hie mouth of , October on a statutory form to be supplied bylhe Oily Clerk. ' ' y The City Clerk's Orriet will be open from 0 a.m. lo 5 p.m.. each and every day during, the nionlh of October with the exception of Saturday, when it will be open from I) a.m. to 12.30 p.m. - . .., , ; ' E. P. JONES, City Clerk. 'Si ' Boundary Commission 0 Bill is up for Second Reading in Parliament LONDON, Sept. 30.- Premier Macdonald moved the sec-ud reading in the House of Commons today of a bill providing or Ihe creation of an Irish boundary commission without the larlicipalioii of Ulster. In making the motion the premier declared it was the es-enlial duly or every government to fulfil its obligations. He aid he resented the charge that the government's move was an ittempt to coerce Ulster. Bight lion. II. II. Asrpiilh, former premier and now Liberal leader, declared the Liberals would give the Irish bill their early and undivided support. FASCISTI Rome to Have Largest and Tallest Skyscraper in the World ROME, Sept. 30. Premier Mussolini consulted with Mario Palantl, Argentinean architect, yesterday and ap- p p roveffTiTari'stoi,thrT5onstruc-i- tlon In Rome of the largest and tallest skyscraper In the world. It will be a monument to Fascism. The structure, which will occupy the centre of a new section of Rome, will be 3S0 metres in height and of eighty storeys containing 4,5 0 0 rooms, one hundred huge committee rooms, large theatre and concert hall and a gymnasium. JAPS AGREE ON PROTOCOL llfflculty Smoothed Over and Will be no Opposition Before League of Nations GENEVA. Sept .30. The diffi cult situation endangering the rotocol on arbitration and sec-1 rotocol is subniitled to the as-"lnbly of Ihe league of nations. BRITISH AND FRENCH PREMIER CORRESPOND Over Commercial Rela tions PAHIS. Sepl. 30, Premier Herriid has received anolher long letter from Premier . Macdonald of a confidential nature. devoted lo the problem of com mercial relations between Germany and Britain and Germany and France; LONDON'S .LORD MAYOR LONDON,"' Sepl30,' SAYS RUPERT ! WILL SOON BE t a i Aorr riTV Sir Thomas Robinson Tells Vancouver of Possibilities of this Port NATURAL ADVANTAGES Urges Need of Refrigerator Steamers to Carry Fresh Fish from Here "I look to the" cjast of British Columbia lo makegrcat strides from now on, and that Prince Hupert especially will make rapid advance, said Sir Thomas 'Hobinson. K.B., of Grimsby, Eng-' land, who arrived this morningi? Ifi'nln Ilia nmtliArn lllv vliAta llf bail been inspecting (be-fisheries and cold storage busipess, of-which he is oii( of. the directors,-, says the Vancouver Province. Recognized as one of the lead,. 'ing men in the fJsUerH's business J fn the Old Country, Sir Thomas j' during the war, wras called upoi, by th( Britfsh Government as o'ne of its technical advisers Afterwards he was knighted as ,a mark of appreciation. Amazed at Growth Sir Thotias visited Vancouver. inly brought atiout by, fiie. ue-ijn ,y22 ami this morning ex-T. land of the Japanese delegates .U.esseil nin aniazemtnl al the in- for amendmenl to the prolocol;-pp.ls.i husluess of this nort' vas sinooiiieu oui lonay io uie satisfaction of the Japanese. l'his import ant lep was accom- rilished by n special committee onsisling of representatives of Great Britain, France "mil Italy and the success which had aU ained the inovemcnl of grairt ihrough Vancouver ; The distinguished businessman (does not expect, to see the British, market opened to tiritisii uoium. with the Japanese represent alive.bi!l ilttijbut . fop a time at least, ,vho .worked out a Uerinitc plan explaining that the fish is worth 'or Ihe protocol lo remove lho ,ou ,m,ch 01l lll0 coasl to exDOrt lapanese objections and thereby ,0 0l.pal ilri(ai. As an illus-rcvent an adverse vole by H , trntton 'of Ihe way halibut has apanese -delegation wnen me ow, , ,,ooutarily as a food. he points to the price which fish were bought for in 1911 on tho occasion of bis first visit to this coast, and the prices prevailing loday. The old price used to bo .three cents a pound, he said, vvhereas now it goes as high. as Confidential Letter From Ram-, twenty cents, averaging alon? sav Macdonald to Horriot from ten cents to fourteen cents. HOtriqeraior aoaia wanted ; "Of course," Sir Thomas ad- ded, " Ihe overhead charges m the industry have also increaseU materially. ; "Prince nuper," he said, "I bound to become a big city. It A large part of the letter was has natural advantage'" to-make it so. What id needed now is a line of 'refrigerator sleamers Irt carry fresh as well as salt, fish, and also faciliv'es for bundling grain, and Ibis last will soon lm arranged." .,.'.. Hegarding things in the Obi Sir Alfred Counlry, the visitor says they, a r Louis, BweiaJj yeslerday no boiler Ihan. Jhejf, shoubL be I elected.'LdrtllNrnyafefifttLoiiilou. and improvement is" gradual,