if m. i :l. 111 i 1 I! PAGE SOT WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. trist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable in every instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas.. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist CHARLES RAY in "The Girl I Loved" Tllf Iltftfirf iipv if n rinnl rwinf intitim1 Ilia . screen ly a great actor. James, Wliileomb Riley's youth- iui luimiucu jiFciunieu uy unarics nay at nis very best. A soul-gripping story of real life and real people who loved much, suffered, forgave. A picture replete with tremendous emotion, quaint comedy, rare beauty and exceptional acting. The most impetuous love scenes ever filmed with Charles Hay as the supreme lover. Delightful settings. Charming natural surroundings, (ireat cast. Patsy Ituth Miller, Ramsey Wutlare, William Courtwright, Gus Leonard, Edyth Chapman and many others. "The New Leather Pushers" No. 4, "A Tough Tender Foot." Admission 35c and 10c. Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD SAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optome ATLIN AVENUE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT BYLAW Exception Taken to Divldlno up the Work on Street and Measure Delayed . The final adoption of the local improvement initiative bylaw to provide few the paving of Atliu Avenue between Second Avenue and Seventeenth Street was deferred for -a week by the city council last night so as to ascertain if Ibis bylaw may not be consolidated, with that providing for Ihc paving of the west end of Atlin Avenue which has already been passed. On the bylaw aiming up for third reading at last hisht's meeting of the council, Alii. Collar! took exception to the dividing up of be work on the saine street in two par's. The ctfst. he thought, should be equally distributed, among all properly owners on Atlin Avenue. This view was concurred in by other ihembecs of the council and accordingly further progress on the bylaw was delayed pending the receipt of further advice as tp cost, ele. The bylaws providing for the paving of Ninth Avenue from McBride Street lo Eighth Avenue were finally adopted.- Mayor Newton said it was the intention to eomplete the paving of Atlin Avenue Wese Ibis year and the eastern section next ROAD GRADING WILL BE PROCEEDED WITH City Council Received Reply Last Nlnht from P. Philip, Deputy V Minister of Public Works "You may be assured thai the provincial government will pro-) ceed with the grading of the I road referred to in due season : In the meantime. I here is no need for the rnunii ipalily to delay takitig ..action," -lalecl a letter will reference to the Kaieu Island road-addressed to the rifyi council by P. Philip, deputy min-. ister of public works, and read at lasl night's kneeling.. The letter was referred lo the Hoard of Works and the matter will further be iakot 'ip with Strawberries Hanned Strawberries arc poms lo cost 35c fo tOc a 'in Ibis winter. We would advise your buying Hie winter supply now. Huy six or a dozen tins at Our Special Price per tin 20c fi for S1.25. 12 for $2 25 Strawberries sold only with nieaf orders. Our Meal Dept. can save you money. Money relumed ff not salisfied. Orders over 3.00 delivered. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428 This Week's Specials Apples. Mcintosh Ileds No. 1, per box .... $2.75 No 2, per box .... $2.35 Oranges, 3 doz $1.00 Preserving Pears, per box $2.75 Tomatoes, per basket 50c Large Head Celery, 2 for 25c Pickling Onions, 3 lbs. for 25c Green Tomatoes, G lbs. for 25c Small Pickling Cucumbers. per lb 15c Green Peppers, per lb. 20c Hed Cabbage, per lb. .. G'2c Heinz Pickling Vinegar, per quart 25c per gallon 90c We have all Pickling Assort ments. Order now. E CQNOMY STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. Hon. T. I). Pallullo when he visits I he city shortly. The coun cil- had been making inquiries of the department in connection with what action should be taken as regards the connecing road that the city has undertaken to build. BAKE YOUR OWN 63 WITH WITH ft tft K1 Ae standard of Quality for 'over soy 'ears YA l: be YA 1 WALK DOWNSTAIRS AND Save Money Hallow een Dales in bulk. 3 lbs. for 25c Kv a io rated Prunes, size 10-50, special, 2 lbs. . . . 25c New Season's Pack Lobster. small tins 25c Medium sizo tins . . . 45c We Buy and Sell LIVE CHICKENS OR FOWL. Write us for prices. We an bundle from 200 to 300 f hie kens weekly. RupertTableSupplyi Three Phones: 210,111, 212 Dainty Dorothy-Would mention Our real courteous attention Unliable work, fair profits and prompt service Is what you may expect to gel at Ibis shop. We arp experienced and pri-perly quip-I- it. SMEf r1 Phone us lo caM for your garments. If you want to lifer with us about cleaning our jiivi'-e U always at your command. Our rapid cleaning and pressing for men is popular priced. PHONE 8 B0X392 PRINCE-"- R.UPERT CHILDREN'S WARD AT HOSPITAL DEFERRED I.O.D.E. Not Yet Ready to Proceed With Work Estimates on Fire Escapes are Received It was decided b Ihe hospital hoard last night to delay reconstruction work at the hospital involved in the establishment of children' ward and lli'c mor, ing of the case-room. The cost of th(. children's ward, il is estimated, will be $1200. The Hill GO' Chapter, I.O.D.K., which has undertaken its establishment, has nol yet raised Ibis mutfli money so the decision was to dc OGDEN S LIVERPOOL THE-DAIL? news Tuesday, lay (lie entire project until the chapter is ready lo proceed. In connection with the fire es capes that it is proposed lo in-stal in the building, W. 11. Short- (ridge appeared before the board. I He gave certain estimates but did not have his plans and figures complete so it was decided lo await these before putting the matter before the city council 'which is lo bear the cost. MONTHLY REPORT OF ESSINGTON SCHOOL High Marks Made by Number of Pupils at Skeena River Can-neary Town Following is the report of Es-singtou School for September Number enrolled, 30. Perfect attendance Aileen Hinns. Dorothy Ilardie. Shige Kameda, Toshi Kameda. Verne Lehlo. Leo Lehlo, Vieno Lehto. Gordon Lelnes,. Gladys Lelnes, Tokio Morikawa, Omiyo Nakam lira. Seichi Abashi, Shigne Ohashi, John Sncllmnn, Peg; Taylor. Robert Vick. Anton Vick. .Mem cants won mis montli ror perfect niark's Anion Vick, spel ling. 100 per cent; Yoshio Kishl-molo. arithmetic. 100 per cent: Miizui Ohashi. arithmetic, 100 ier cent, spelling 100 per cent. Those ranking 1st. 2nd and 3rd respectively in various classes and average marks made: Grade VIII. Dorothy Hanli. 86 per cent: Clarence Lelnes, Sir per cent; Verne Lehlo, 53 per cent. ,v Grade VI. Hubert Vick, 77 per cent; Kalhfyn ,-Mac.Millan, 68 per -cnl; Chiyo Walle, 16 jper cent. Grade V. Anton Vick, 66 per rent; Peggy Taylor. 58 per cent. Grail IV. Tokio Morikawa. 78 ter cent; .YoshiirKishimoto. 75 er rent;.yieno Lehlo and Aileen Hinns. 7lJper cent. GiadeIUhizne Ohashi, 91 tier cent;danny Snellman, 85 per -ent; KdimsGray. 71 per cent. Grade X-IIarno Kamedo. Gordon Letup's, Avgal Olson. J. Mj MARSHALL. Teacher. Auditorium 215 Sixth Avenue Open every day for Skating. From 2 to I p.m. Kvnings 8 to 10, Tuesday Night. Hand Night. Friday. Night. Moonlight ' v'Skating. UfJLyfiL Instructors to leach beginners. Phone Hlack 4'9. L, F. Marren, Proi (.to-. GET IT AT! QUARTER OF MILLION FIRE AT GOLDFIELDS Business Section of Town Almost Wholly Wiped Out In Yesterday's Blaze HKXO. Sept. 30.- Fire destroy ed all the business section of (oldficlds yesterday with the exception of the hotel and the building of the Deep Mines Company. The loss is estimated at f250.000. BRITANNICA EDITOR DEAD LONDON, Sept. 30. Hugh Chisholm, editor of the Kncyclo-pedia llrilaunica, died yeslerJay WOULD HAVE DIGBY QUIET Local Radio Fans Petition Against Use of Spark System During Evening Local radio, fans are preparing a petition which will be sent lo the Department of Marine and Fisheries, Radiotelegraph branch, Ottawa, protesting al the disturbance caused by the government iparksel at the Digtiy Island wireless station and Asking that at least two hours each night be et aside clear of this inlerfer-ence so Hint the many receiving sels in Ihe city may be enjoyed.' The petition points out that, after spending considerable sums of money in buying or construct ing sets in the hope of enjoying concerts, it has been found impossible lo get the best use of the equipment through the incessant interference that is caused by the Digby Island set. "Some months ago," It con tinues, "the government, know. ing the interference caused by the spark set, had installed in a number of places in H.C. a con linuous wave transmitter, this being a more up-to-date method of sending and one in which Ihe interference as caused by ihe park set is practically done away with, there being no ear splitting crashes that drown out nil music or voices but a .slight clicking of Ihe sending key which does not interfere with the re eeiving of radio concerts. At pre sent, when the government Jpark set at Dishy Island is working, it is impossible to hear a thing I'll! (he crashes of Ihe spark set. If Ibis was only once in a while it would not be so bad but lately H seems to be working the whole evening, night after night. "Digby Island was one of the places having a new continuous HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 WILTSHIRE BACON. SMOKED HAM PORK PIES SCOTCH OAT CAKES Cash & Carn Special Pacific JVaporateiL, I PACIFIC MILK, 10c Per Tln Limit (I (ins to each . -umn Toilel Paper, 7 for .... 2, Corn Flakes, a for 2, Limit 1 2 lo each customer BOYS' FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR Shirts and Drawers. Sixes 22 to 32. Special per garment MEN'S SOCKS 100 per cent Pure Wool Medium Weight, Ilibhed, colors Hlack. (irev unij Heather. Sizes 10 to HVi. Meg. 75c p,llP Special, 2 pair Tor ENGLISH FLANNELETTES Kxtra good quality in six different design,, ;jo ,fI, .. wido. Special, per yard BOYS' JERSEYS, RAMESES Made in Kngland. Colors Navy and Urown. s)Zf.; 18 to ;I2. Special, each HEWSON RED LABEL UNDERWEAR All Wool. Made by Stnufields. Sizes ;d t0 u hlitrts ami Drawers, gument Combinations, suit LADIES' ALL WOOL HOSE Fancy Ilibhed. assorted colors. Sizes 0, (r, j( Special, pair these places. 12 for 15 9' 1 c I IBBISSld J ii. imIIm frni llw l" " l.ikr, luniw !.. I J'l-T'' ' To ti 1 inn Cutthrr ptrtiruUi ' lor. Victoria. H. . ! ' l-rlw Huprrl. B ' . j. 75c 'Tinier thee circumstances ill TIMBER SALE X 651 2. means I tint, we are trfiiiitr In lie Urdrd Tin.i.i no belter off for the old spark tiir im a. !,r ... ...Ik. seems In lie liittlnir it nff lr..i..jerl Pulrlu" nf li 'iK ' ........ .. 1 Jsf Kptfi? Tk "ii " man eyer anu we catinoi cxpeci the government to make these companies changed oxer to the continuous wave on account of the heavy expense, -ulthough the United Slates government did this. "Wc feel, however; that we arc iiot asking too much of the gov ernment to arrange with these companies to gie us two hours earh night clear of spark inter. fereuce which will still leave 22 hours each day for Ihe sending of the company messages. The .l'n it ed Stales government Inn gone one better than this in forbidding Ihe use of the spark so, 95c 40c SU3 J3.00 5U5 Universal Trading Co, TEETH! TEETH! Willi the Gold Weather coming on now j- (lie hme f have l those faully teeth fixed. MODERN DENTISTRY LOWEST PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire 8mlth Block. wave trasmttter installed but, since all the privately owned Wireless stations such as Anyox, lluckley Hay, Ocean, Falls, etc.. arc still using the old spark system, the local staliou has to Use its own spark set to send to Phoni 575. under Ihe it umtam,s, wbon Mitne an aiijjiiieMii rjn nii which will be nf IHp m " TIMBER SALE X51M. !mM Trmtrr HI ' " ' Mlnlntrr of MimI iml ' ; Ihe lih lUy or in -i'"- " . (urrhii of l.lreiirr X'-tu ' ; ' (Mill rrt of llMiikKk. H "'u inrf lilrrh, lt.V$i im.tl ' Xi I'oIm and iMImir. intl t '"""" IMn Tlf mi tot luf I""' Pllrlrl. , Two (t yw will t nmvtl of tlmbrr rurltuT Mrllnilir f .,,. Irr. Vlrlorli. B.C. r V H. I'rlnr )upi B.C. TIMBER SALE Srlt Tndcr will I" i"'1' , w MlnlMrr ol UihI. It V ' ". ,,.. ilua !'"ii on lb 3rd fJ' . . ml Kfl. fur lb MirrtMr- jju In rui f,ioo,uo frri " bh1 spnir nl OtUr mi in J1, mM hnn r HwkrlMir ,-,""r, HtniinH. lunre 4. i:ml "' , ..1 Thrt li- nr will if iix.nl of unibrr. i" further iartinlars .tt iV "rornii. irr Vlriorla. H i: . r PW , prlnr llnrwrl, ll.i: Tinniii ton coii. SKI.H TKMUMS H 'rf- n"' l'orrliiilnr ArfiH. nri'""" I1 W'ink. Otuwa, will I" ''""acuMf1 "'ll U o'clock noon. iw I 4. fi-r ih- nupnlv i'f ' i,l r "nl.Hi Hnll(1ln nt -r"'"!,,,mrf! iirl sin..ti ihrmrlHi'il H" nrliiih i-iiliiiiihU ami it SI ro3 ,r..ill""' oriii or IPIiotr h11in. nation, .turlw-l rn '".'"i.fnU f i w .. ..n enrrlil'lll" .?... If Mall II M!IM- 'nl .irrhllwl. Wimiwr-r. 4 -..!. .ii nutrlrl " m o.rliwnl of rohllr Wort- , W cyr. npl. or oi.liili'ii ' "J, .,rirl H Diner " .irhll .. M ski -1-( "tnw, . . . L,.i ' j in. i.i.i niiiiit A r 'Til"" .in I r w-H.hi surrlnl'm.."i. 1 wn n.il!ii.. t'......il .1- II . t'irfO wrinnl.l F.rmn unit V '?.t;.l,.o ""'"j , IK- v. . J 11"""" .. I.... I.. ih .M Or.. "IH I ;. ......r V 'Vlnnln'. Hrrliii. i:'M" Vllnl. nwii" fill" on fill II.T"" ! form ... .niTi". ,r.jl IV t w, ipniwrpr :.,,r'v : . ti ("',. r.rr-nloriih of tnr Mriiro mo nnr By orW.E ,1-m.... ni nt nihtir w.'nrk.V.i mum scriMnttf " MM StrerfUrt