SK1DJGATE INLET ' he CanTCIIau, J-'jsli & Cold fiijfp uompany iihvc ncen- miy- la aft ilicy have always hcon iprmen .brxo, 'Jlipy luivo slay- ii. it... r: . ..... 1 i. 1 i ai a n A ti n ,4 .arije numbers of Canadian I.-.XM i- !: 111, a P , , Ills, la -., 1 . , III 1 f 1 a s - w IIUIKIM 111 liccn seen, tyallard and i are iH'ziiminz in iiuni'. r I Mathers of Sandnil who tins mrirp mini nine was in nst ..1. .ill- Lrijif- nrwl vAntnllnn ll't ' .,1,1,111, mi- iii.- .ili'lliil- i : : . . , .... 1 1 .' i : i . . I Mill' ' III Illl KUI IMrQ uinn liflil iipi'iroa il miila' e ill i in' iiinir ill .in, anil Mrs. Stevens. "A large crowd at- "apt. 0. -Jearp has his launch 0.0. Tjlfl . jii commission dy for t lie cohoe trolling. H iii iii The freighter firey which came in-recently discharged a cargo ofbox luml.or and sail for Hie Japanese sal try at Queen Char lotte. Very few dog salmon, have been running here but rohoes ha:lieen taken in larpe num. hers, V Skipper fleorge. Nash was in last week on his (rolling boat an0 repofled a big run of cohoes nl Huck Point at Hie westerly entrance of gkidegate' Inlet. BOAT ARRIVALS G.N.R. steamer Prince Ruiwrf, Cap!. 1). Donald, brought the fol lowing passengers from the south yesterday afternoon: Inspector T. W. S. Parsons, J Jackson, F. S. Sheppard, T. O Hiirrell, O. I. Fisher, (iordon II Ilobb (Hums Lake), .Mrs. Frank Moore ami children, fJ. Sylvester, Miss McKenzic, Mrs. (Ircen Messrs. Smith, .Mr. Waddell, W. A. Clemenson, H, F. Ackerman, l'eler Ulack, Jr.. It. J. Walker and Miss K. Walker. Dubarry's Fine Perfumes and Toilet Luxuries Appeal irresistibly to people of good Inste .mhI refinement. PERFUMED BATH SALTS IN TABLETS & CRYSTALS Tort'if, invigorating, refreshing and beautifying. FLOWER SCENTED BATH SOAPS FACE POWDER MANICURE OUTFITS DAY CREAM NIGHT CREAM TRAVELLING OUTFITS Contain, in compart ami convenient form, every Toilet Luxury likely to, lie required on a holiday: Perfume. Face Powder; Night Cream, Toilet Soap. Hath Dusting powder, and Tooth Paste ORMES LIMITED "TJifli Ploneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Ave. &, Sixth St. Phones 82 and 200 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service! f Sailings from PrinceRunert ii T a PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle-October 7, 17, 28 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, 8kagway October 3, 13, 2 " 8.8! PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedala, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls ,ff amu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van. ouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. -Agency for alb Steamship Lines. Full Information 'from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th S'reet and 3rd Avenue, Prlno Wupart, K.U For Quality and Food Value Select ELECTRIC BREAD The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. EURDY'S CANDY A, Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. SoJe Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE Phon 109. A 4 h WE CASH CHEQUES. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST Office Ifourn: n.tiu lo 0 .m. ttycil Kvenings by Sjci:inl Appoiiitment H ere an ere Although Alberta only became population hat increased fourfold, lor l,innni. while the gram yield has increated twentyfoM. The toUl agricultural products of Alberta ia 1922 worth $223,000,000. The scheme for the settlement ot Hritish emigrants in Canada may a.'sume a new aspect as a result of the preneoce in London, England, of the Hon. J. A. Robb, Canadian Minister of Immigration. Canada favors the movement of entire families to Canada from Great Britain, rather than that of single men. Among the biggest muscalnngei caught this year was one landed at Cie Canadian Pacific Railway's French River (Ont.) Bungalow Camp, by Samuel Franklin, Southern Sales Manager of Claflins, Inc., New York City. .Mr. Franklin had u tight tackle and had never hooked a lunge before. He had a hard fight to secure the fish, which tipped the scale at 38 Vi pounds. A total of 13,743 Canadians, rvt of litem native-born, has fceen ; i - atnated from the United States j.Jnng the months of April, May And June, according to figurts u inonaced by the Department of la. migration. During thue three i -it lis 53.425 persons immigrated 1 Caneda, which represented an in- me of 12212 over the same po-i iud of last' year, Mar;uU wheat, originated at the !' lain ion Experimental Farms and now world famous, has successfully invaded South America, being grown jn the Argentine Republic last year with results that, accord-inx to authorities there, exceeded the expectations of the most optimistic advocates of the grain. Further shipments of seed are being made to the Argentine by the Canadian Seed Growers' Association. ttne of the most diverse and interesting aggregations of passengers ever assembled in Canada left Moat real for Europe on August 20th aboard the Canadian Pacific liner Mianedosa. It included Majors S. de Oeires and Brito Pais, who recently flew from Lisbon to I .Macao, China, a large party of , scientists returning from the recent convention of the British Associa 1 lion for the Advancement of Science fc lUIINIHI, IAIWUCI VICW. Ufllll, t'tnial and internationally known "ambassador of the Canadian Pa ific" and "Soldier" Jones, Cana tian heavyweight boxer. The first all-British direct cable service between Montreal and London was opened on August 16th by the Canadian Pacific Telegraphs. As business warrants, this service will be extended to embrace other Canadian cities with which it ia txiw connected but which, as yet, cannot ffer a reasonable return for a regular service. Messages were exchanged between the London Chamber of Commerce and the Montreal Board of .Trade and between tbe Canadian and the English head quarters of the Bank of Montreal, J conveying expressions of mutual ..oodwill. and prophecyinj; closer regions as a result of the improved 1 ible facilititi. G00D,NEWS FOR BUYERS OF COAL Some fif(y years ago a re- jmarkab coal was discovered on Vancouver Island. This coal causeif a sensation at the time, and quickly established a reputa-' Hon for greatest heat, very lillle ash, no clinker or rock. It was called Wellington coal. Many other mines have since been been opened on the Island and the name Wellington" has been given to them. Hut (he public should not bo confused "Na-naimo-Wcllington" coal has the Irepulation of being the best domestic or steam coal mined on Vancouver Island. The mine has an output of 3,000 tons per day which is surely satisfactory evidence as to its quality. The public is cautioned against, substitution and in order to make sure that they gel the real "'a-naimo-Wellington" coal they should order direct from Albert & McOaiTery, Ltd. who are sole agents ,for Ibis coal In Prince Rupert. Their phone numbers arc llfi and SCI. You can buy a ton or a sack. We have our own trucks and loam and can give prompt service, tf . N "Have you had static on your new radio?' Mfs. .Newlywed Well, Harold has had Lo Angeles Hind Cuba, ami I'm sure lie could get static if he wanted to. Lifo. THE DAILY NEWS NEW HAZELTON Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Dunn and family tia returned -from Hum ''!- a - .1 - a - l province -ovlnee eighWn iKlo.n . -. . jto, it. u ,",KP wnPre 'm a c,m" Albert Mercer has left for the iJl'l''rl I.IIUUIIJ Ylliru- 111? j will hunt grizzlies and goals for the next three month. A sholer was' given last week at the home of Mrs. N. Cary in honor of Miss McColl who has completed training at- Ibe Hazel, ton Hospital and who will be married shortly. Miss McColl and her sister are visiting for a week at Usli before proceeding south. BURNS LAKE Andy Ruddy is installing a new eleeiric power plant here, the old ono having been found-incapable of meeting the demands, Slight damage was done in a fire in he attic of H. Raymond's house last week. The- village heinical engine was used for the first time in pulling out the blaze. Miss F. Warne, who was visit- ng at isaiune wiiu tier nrotner. rank Warne, relumed last week o iier home in Vancouver. FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon icranci 5417 Ml A collar and bard of brighl'grtrn and green buttons areresk points of a new tuv-piece dress of French origin. Only the French could have had the inspiration to combine a tunic with tiers for a smart two-piece- dress. A cluster of plaits st the side gives a slightly circular effect to the tiers which are sewed One to the blouse and one to an undctslip. Silk alpaca in the fashionable colors, silk crepe or satin are very fashionable materials for these dresses. For. town the French male them ot navy-blue or black rashmcre, fi-ith the( staves wrist-length and close-fitting and a turn-bak, collar and cuffs. - . c Peter Hlack, jr., returned from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert yvslerday afler;ioon He will proceed with his first year yni versily studies in the dpeal High School. PRINCE GEORGE A hunting party consisting of AI Johnson, Capl. I). A. Foster, M. C. Wiggins, .Jimmy Williams, The new Masonic Hall here was dedicated last r week by Stephen Jones, of Victbria grand master for DriiiVCdunibiai After many conferences had been held by the board of direc tors of a small town bank about buying a new water-cooler, a grouchy old member hail this to hay: "Oenllemen, before we adjourn, I move that our next conference bejiold on a merry-go-round." And. as they looked at him in astonishment, he added the lag! of explanation: "We never get anywhere Wall Street Journal. AUGUST BUSY MONTH PROHIBITION POLICE TERRITORY OF ALASKA August was one of Ihe busiest1 months of the Alaska prohibition enforcement district, according! to a report published by Director A. Ci. .Means. A total of 118 gallons of illegal lupiors weVe seized, four stills and orn distillery raided and 350 gallone of mash confiscated by special district agents. 1 wenly-eiglit cases were m-L, stiluted charging violations of the prohibition laws. Of this number 20 had been successfully maintained, one was still pending 'and one resulted in acquittal. Fines were imposed in the aggregate amounting lo $l,3G0 and jail sentences lo 2fi months and len days. In Ibis list is not included any cases originating from federal prohibition agents during Ihe same period. Means' report shows 115 gallons of moonshine whiskey, 25 gallons of so-called 'imported whiskey, IMH'j gallons or heer, 350 gallons of mash, one still in operation and four not in opera- lion seized by his agents and confiscated. FLAVORING EXTRACTS WORRYING ALBERTA Three are Banned by Order in Council But Drinkers Switched to Other Flavors Terry Johnson, George Williams! iracts, and which i t it i .V . iiuu J. iiuvjuiiuugii viiiru nun- sard las) week but had little success. They got one or two deer but no moose. Hev. W. C. North is retiring from (he ministry and will leave sliorjly for Munilonan,, Man,, where he will make his home with a married daughter. Mrs. T. W. Heme and the late Dinning, J. Kellas, Alberla Secre tary of the ltd ail ...Merchants' Association, pointed out ilia) lh present legislation did not slop Ihe selling of flavoring extract containing a large quantity o aiconoi; wun ine exception o ihe three flavors banned by lh Order in Council;,and that per Mr. Hemes sister, Mrs. Morrison sons addicted lo this form of Ixindon, hngland, are visiting, drinking simply switched here with MrsK 12, ' J, Lyon. I). O. Talc, formerly c'ily clerk here, has been, appointed to Ihe position of clerk fer the municipality of North Vancouver. EDMONTON, SepL 30, An effol is being made, by the Hetail Merchants' Association, the Can adian Manufacturers Associa lion, and It. J. Dinning, Alberta Liquor- Commissioner, lo arrive at a workable plan whidh will allow of the ale of flavoring ex other flavors. will guard against abuses by unscrupulous merchants. During an interview with Mr Only One Method o f lo , "There Is only one method to adopt tn curb the sale of ex tracts as a beverage, and that i lo Introduce n jieensing scheme under government supervision wilh heavy pepally clauses under which oiremiers can ine pun ished1 he said. ."The' heavier the penally the ''better "it will PAGE FIVE 000X000000000000000X000NOCe0 Madame X Reducing Girdle & Brassieres j Look thin while getting thin. Fits any figure as snugly as a glove. THE ONLY ORIGINAL RUBBER GIRDLE He ware of imitation?. Look for guarantee tag. GIRDLE - $12.50 BRASSIERE -$6.50 H. S. WALLACE CO. 3RD AND FULTON STREET. PHONE 9. OOOO0OOOOOOOOOOPO0POOO0OOOOOOCOOm APPROPRIATE "I Suffered Terribly With Sore, Aching Back" Mrs. Roland Fersmon, 194 Lake SL, Peterboro, OnL,, writes: to stem theirisale, but we feel lhal Ihe wrong method has been adopted. ONLY OLD MEN NOW LIVE IN THE YUKON Strollers Weekly Tells of Decay of Former Gold Camps of North sjde from' members of the Royal Canadian Police nearly all men in Jhe Canadian Yukon north of W'tiHchorse, iire,pa'l "mjddle age, allot .the, sarte. may ' ; be said ', of . i'v.r.-- ' i' n.t 111)' IUWIT l.llhOll UIUI, there being an absence of the toys with Ihe red coals and' striped pants in the latter, the men are all old," according lo' SI roller's Weekly. To one who knew the mjghly Yukon vale in the early, days It is really palhetic In revisit it. Dawson has dwindled down to a very small population. Old ForfEgbert near Eagle, long deserted by Ihe army as a post, is crumbling to decay and Ihe same m,ay be said of Tanana (Fort Gibson) which ? - 1 . - , VI! 1 .. r.M. ; is ;iiM iiuiiuiiiiK miwn. lucre is some life at Fort Yukon owing to its being headquarters for a number of trappers. A few elderly men, oldlimers, are slill in the vicinity of Rampart but St. Michael and the glory that was once attnehed to it, when it, too, was an army posl, is now almost descried. Above Dawson and at points where once there was considerable life is now an occasional woodchopper who gels out wood for the sleaniers. Only three steamers were operated on Ihfl lower Yukon rver this year Ihe Yukon of Ihe Wihilo PasR Company and the Jeff Davis and General Jacobs In connection with Ihe Alaska Railroad. The Alaska Railroad is going to go all right. Thai man Neil Smith For over two years 1 roflered terribly with sore back. I was almost mad with the pain, and had doctored with it until I was discouraged. Then my father, who is a firm believer In Dr. Chase's Medicines, advised me to try Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I followed his advice, and am glad to say 1 was completely relieved of that torturing pain in my back. It is over a year since I used these pills, and I have had no return of the trouble, but always keep them in Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills U rtx. s hoi of U plllm Ednuuuion, nates & Co., Iitd, Toronto please our association," con-' of considerable activity inued Mr. hollas. "We know that , line of taming for the he reputable trader will not in- Anchorage also seemed fairly fringe the law knowingly, and , prosperous he man who will, deserves lo he i (Mindly punished. I'he association that I repre sent knows that Ihe sale of these exlracts has become a menace, and we have every sympathy with Ihe government in their attempt Keep free from jhe care of finir.t tlr end beldneefc VanEat Uquld Scalp Mileage feeds hair growing medicine through rubber in .the future. This G-ows Hair or Your Money Back 'nipples directly to. the hair root, lt'e the raarveloue new method eealp treatment. Van Eta ,etopa tailing hair grows new hair ia 90 days. Atlc ue about the 90-day treatment plan. We eel! It under money-back guarantee. Buy Van Eta tdT M Van , Eae your hair tonight. McCutcheon's (QEleU Solo Distributors ; Second vo. and Sixth St. TIMBER SALE X 6433 Sealed TenoVrs will be received by the Minister tt Lands, at Victoria, not later Uian niMin on the Dlh day of October, lor I be t'Mrrhase or Licence X 0439, to cut 7!,0U0 lineal feet or Cedar I'oles on an arts sltualMl near Sewall, MaswU Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands District. Two (J) years will be allowed for removal of limber. Further Particular or the Chler Forester, Victoria, B.C.. or MeUMct Forester, Vrlnce Hiipert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6489. There will be orfered for Sale at rubllc Auction; at noon on the vth day .of October, 1VSI, In the orrice or the Forest llanrer at Hums Lake, n.C the Ucenm , X689, lo rut 2000 lies, on an area situated on Hie south shore or Franrail ' Lake, at Upplnoott Hay. llaiifte 4- Conn District. Two ti years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided that 'any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit a seaiea icnaer to oe -opened at ine nour of auction and treated 'as tne bid." Further particulars or tn cmer rore-ter, Victoria. n.C. or Dti let Forester, I'rJnce Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT. Catslar Land District. necordlug district of Trlnre nupert, and situate tn Atlln Lake, about one half mile due we?t ,r Alllil Tuwmlve. TAKF. NOT1CF. that Paul L. F.rrert. of Atlln, In the Province erf British Columbia, occupation Jeweller, Intends to apply for permission to purchase Hie following llescrlbed Jam!: I Cojumcnrlnir at a dost nlanted at the south point or the small Island known as Seems to know "w his ins business, wusiness nnd anil B""ml . Island In Atlln Lake, situated as , , ,hoTf thence northwest tl on sroHixl IS taking hold of the road in a h' island following the shore line to Out ' P'are or commencement: and containing linainnou nusiness x..., i..ik..i..' , i way. ralrbanks had; a i two acres, more or less. good summer and there" is h'opesl 8eptl 3rd' m, PAUL LOUIS E00EBT.