PA OK TWO. Until You Try "SAUDI" The Daily News 1MUXGK HUPF.BT - MUTISM liinie lo give, no ground towards ameliorative measure. Little Interest In Civic Election. B4S7 GREEN TEA you Have not tasted tHe best. FresH, fragrant and pure. Try it. .Published . Kvery Afternoon, exept Sunday, the Prince Itupcrl Uaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month t . . . . By mail to nil parls'of the British F.mpire ami Ihe United Male, in iiuvaucc, pr yar ............. To all other countries, in advance, per year ." senate HH--.1 jiir-rim us oi present corniort for the sake or keeping the budget balanced, Tor the sake of mcetin? contracts, for the s.nk.. of winning her way back to th- gold standard at the ratio of IM to Ihe pound. All honor to her for her courage, her clear vNion, her steadfast adherence to the basic principle of sound money and sound finance. She is nrntecl IMI? her npnnlo'u mnrnl (ALTERATIONS IN fihr today, at The same time that shr i conserving their long-f ,iK,,, .in- i tiinujiic- imeresis. .nu sne is selling n most impressive mid effective example to Ji'T continental neighbors, giving heart and courage to those valiant slatesmen of Coulin-ntnl Europe' who are fighting against financial madness." Used After Shaving Keeps Skin Soft and Smooth Many men suffer 'from irritation of the skin as a result of shaving. With some it assumes a form of eczema and becomes most annoying and unsightly. By applying a little of Dr. Chase's Ointment after shaving the Irritation Is overcome and Barber's Itch and Eczema are prevented or relieved. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT 0 Cent a boi, all dealers, or Edmanaon, RiO-i A Co., Ud, Toronto MOVING BYLAW . i i.. , I. . . : i i : .. . additional 'M) lo lie deposited (an with the e?ly engineer. .The lime for movinp is nut lo cxceeil five jdays. In Ihe event of Ihe' jlinie limit bcjnp excceiled, 3n per day. In he charged. The coun cil considered that the mailer of extension of Ihe lime tirrvit fa.- moving a htijldinp owiu? to circumstances over which Ihe per- ji movinp sucii Mill. tin? ImiI tin control, should lie left for Ihe icily council lo decide and that SI ?l" nn''"' onl,"i responsibility for istalinp Ihe lime any huildinr an nil liimlit take lo move should pot he i " '. r ' left with Ihe city engineer. ,hl. liillarl (.aid he was will- . ..... , . ,. , . . (in? to rive a man fixe days In Transjen Btsplay Advort.s g per inch , per insertion a lM ,, f , ,,,,. Transient. on Irnnt Page --52 SO per inch ! no mmM, jn ha, jin. .. I ' ,"r,,,m vrr ,mV:nne him 30. If. on account of a wrtion ....2e JasVff1,.AfhTr,,n?- I? tier word(( ,,, eirnmin(. it was Legal Xot.ces. each insertion per ngnle ,e;. m ,, fnr ,,,. , uiiiiniri iwiirs on .M'Piic.-imin. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 . 86 Member or Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY BDITION Tuesday, January 8, 1921 FrenchPeople s Are Satisfied. The eodorsntion of l'rmier Poincare and the France ul the recent Senatorial elections indicates moved in the fixe day limit he hould aindy to the city council fur an extension of time. I City Council to Charge $5 For, 1. r Permit And Allow Five Days Aid. Perry thought the city en- pineer should slate the lime for!?" jmovinp a imuoinp. j Aid. Macdonald did no( think f Ihe onus of responsibility for i-.iin- I lii, liniA limit nn mnvinsr any huildiup sJionld he placed on jllie city engineer hut lliat Hie -!cily council should decide Ihe Olf . i w 1 1. l.k that nriMinsihIe fori "latin? the i remn Iopie are Mill siUlsiiei vvuii the coure that is heing lim imi, ne Madonald pursued by the government of the hiiropeau Republic in foreign (,f,nttj(,(.r,,i t, n?ineer was i. Ijlicy more particularly with reganl lo action for return of f!er-il)!r nro,r the poat and that the man reparations aijd the occupation of Ihe Ruhr Ihe prinripaijriiunl.j w(.rp, in a sense, passin? prohlcm now facing France and one in which all the powers:,,,,, j,n).k f jljm He had no de-are ery actively interested. While there has been much di-!ir jft .,as!t u,e ,nPk or allow cussiun and considerable opposition from influential factors inp00,j, j, the streets with European politics, the French people still seem to be imcom-:j1j,,jnyH lroiuiingiy oeiiuiu uie course mat is neing lonoweci. they coii-j ,i., prry wa asreeable to Ihe time limit of fixe dajs and klhe penally of 3n per day for even ilay oxer the time lim,U. Vll Munrn inniilpreil that five There seems to be ii-slump this A-ear in civic election inter- in . nvoruze.rne unssnf- esl. ih the rHdhiig bhl nnic. (UiysNifff (the topic is being veryifiHonl lime to move a building, little discussed on the streeL Thi- lack of iiilerct is regrettable (f anv exceptional circumslances in view of the fact that the council or 102 will have rnuch!aro,i" aiul 1P contractor desired important work to do and many mailers of policy to decide. jan PXptlKjn f (into application The incumbent mayor is again in the field and. up lo the .,,,,,,,,,, ,lP ma,(p to tlf. cily coun-prcrilt, the chairman of hi finance committee is the only rival ftd.'ucj, exlension repiirej he has for the chief magistracy. As the two have been, dis- .i... .V... is.i i. .i ......... . . . Il"l lltr ii.i: mj iiwi" iiucii) oiviueu uurmg ine pasi year on many maners oi impirt-ruil policy, there will be a well marked distinction to assist the electors in naming their preferences. The snme,'will also apply to the aldermaiiic candidates who should be, if they are not, oimdcl out on these matters. Apparently the voters Ihis year are going to record their fiTiichise quietly and are not bilking- much about it. The candidates should, however, tie gelling ready lo submit their, respective cases for election. America Shows . Some Appreciation. Mending the newspapers gives'lhe impression that there is a lack of appreciation in the United State if the heroic efforts which fjreat Britain is making and has made lo bring order nut if economic chaos in Europe. That is perhaps the case with the masses who have little opportunity of learning the fads and are more easily swayed by the insidious and disturbing propa- jraiiua or the radical elements who have no desire to ee eilher social or economic order reslored. But it does not reHecl the opinions of the leadflig Americans of intellect or substance. The following tribute lo (he "sturdy old British Empire" is from an address before Ihe Brilish Kmpire Chamber of Commerce in New iork, uy if nnjamlii At. Anderson, economist of the Chase Xn- iioiiai nank: , i ne siuniy old Hnlish Empire ha" made and is making COLLEYMOUNT RANCHER DIED WHILE ENROUTE SMITHERS HOSPITAL ItfltXS IKl Jan. 8. 'Andrew Dahlherg of Colleymounl died from heart failure xvhile heuur drixen in lo Hums bake to lake the train for Smithers Hospital on Sunday nijiht. Mr. Dahllier? followed the occupations of ram her and trapper and had been a resident of Cnlleymoiint for ahoul six years. j Fay Short started with Mr. Dahlher? for Burns Lake ne-l rompanied by a neiphbnr, II.' Parmtt. Deceased was nurrerin?j cousiderahle pain and sh'irlly atler jiassing Tchesinkut Lake; asked. to he moved lo another! position. When Ihe parly ar-! rived al Br. Lanp's office lhe: doctor found Ihal Hie patient liad passed away.' Bahlher? was 03 years ot ape, J unmarried, and was very well thought of in the, Oolleyinnunt He had suffered for n considerable lime with heart I rouble., dropsy, and hemmorhape of the limps. He leaves a sister in Minnesota. Inlerment will lake place al the Hums Lake remelery. MORESBY AVENUE IS BEING TORN UP Lumber From Closed Plank Road Being Used Elsewhere At Ihe council meeting last nlultt Aid. Collar! asked why Moresby Ave., Secfion 2, was being torn up. In reply. Aid. 'Perry explained Hint the cily required lumber urpently In other part of the city and, as Ihe' avenue in question had been traffic. Instructions"" closed to had been piveu for the plank roadway there, lo be torn up and used where It was required. "It Is just a ipo'sllon or robbing Peler lo pay Paul" said Aid. perry. Aid, Col-hut was sntisfied with Hie ex. plnnntion, THE DAILY. NEWS. Tueidajr, January , t, CAPT. GEMMEl SMITH UKED THIS COUNTRY C.N.R. Publicity Agent at London Enthusiastic About Prince Rupert and Vicinity i 1 Mt . lienmifll Suiil It. publicity I Hii" l.ylaw pnverninp the innv.!a,. r l0 Oanmlian National ;in? of buitdinjrs nn iily "rrlHjUajwav .,, Knslaiiit, who .cnuncil mcriiiip. ' : : I r .i : i . IIU II HS tin'MIIMl Afler discus, to rli a rue $5 irrrciiuv reiurticii in i-.u? ami ai- ler a Jrlji cms. !nnada.-xva full of eQlhiisi:isni ml only for Ihe country which lie axxr for Ihe first ttnip mil also for Ihe lunly drit of I lie people, ae- rnrdiuir to 1h Xoxen.-lier issue of Ihe llatiadtiiii liaietle. In sieakiiir of his lrip lhnm?Ii Ihe Onnadiun ItocLies, Capl. .uiitjf cliaraeleriseil- the journey, through to Prince Itu-perl from Jusper Park ami iloxvn Ihe coast to Vancouver a un-douhletlly one of tlie fliiesi scenic trip, of any continent, lie aid 'that iiopiiny could surpass ihi contitioally rhiiiiifiii? scenery through the nockie where lhe'remark:Ude prsule of Ihe linailiai) National llailwmy enahle.1 the traveller lo ohlain xisla ot the difTerenl MaVs lhr.U?ht"til Mir journey. Ijiler. Ihe t,rip nhnip Ihe keena river was the climax lo a sreinarkalde journey. Capl. . Smith pasd throush Prince Huierl ennnile lo Vancouver in Oclnher last. The Mao in the Moon SAYS:- XtlW thai Hie King of (ireece ha" oiu and ;o (us hair rut. xve ar 'a 1 1 set for the forlhcom-in? civic eleVtioim. LATEST classified adxerlie-ment read Man wanleil lo assist innoHifer-exleniuiialin? hus-iness.V..Tf)e! advert Ueinenl imcl have I'een i'lMiotlyser. 1 .... . TIIOSK p'rjtle who' raxe ahoul the mild wtttlher must l.c hfie who irl fo.xvnrk ahoul ioon. There does.jml seem to he ipii'eh liahlness annul the-element to Ihe man plcwin? around in the . IT iloes not- neee.arily follow Ihal a girl wearing a Ion? skirt is knock-kneed. iiAh or ine ihm?i .we, never hear ahoul is a sleep parly. Many a man business i interfered with by his mind wandering llirnupuoul the day as in how i Ik- furniture will he "When Hazel cut her foot, poison got into the broken skin causing a bad sore,"' writes Mrs. D. S. Green, of Kingston, Ont. "For some time the limb remained terribly painful and swollen. "Then I left olf ordinary salvesandusedherbalZamBuk This soothed, cleansed and healed the sore so well, that in a few days Ha2el was able to wear her shoe and again attend schooly This experience taught ine theV wisdom of keeping Zam-Buk always handy," ASURGZRY IN A TWO-INCH BOX I Iivcrv cut, liurn. so-ild, crlcli or ether Injury n'ils tliit grnl lierbal Zam-Sill It ii not only iiountlv tnnih-ing and Walinft. but it fives iTokrn litsim thorough protwion K'int roisrmom rmi. Uvery borne nivU am-IJnk furlroulitei liliarctema, uicrr ated Ick, pdei. poiviiie.l wir, pimpl't, boils. abscrsMs. tcatp ken, tic Betr than porridge Children are apt to bolt down their food without chewing. That means poor teeth and poor digestion. The best food for growing children is Shredded Wheat because it encourages thorough mastication. Contains all the nutritive elements in the whole wheat grain, including the bran which is Nature's best food laxative. It is ready-cooked and ready-to-eat delicious for any meal with hot milk, sliced bananas or other fruits. Tk CndlB SfcrtJdrJ Wfctat Canaio-, UL Ninin rtt.. O.urU Shredded Wheat re-arranped when lie pets home al night. TIIKHE i a fortune awaiting. Ihe .man who eoi invent a, boomeranp umbrella one of j tlin.e lliinp- that will luiunce. bark home when it is loaned lo a friend. The same thin? will apply lo books. IF onio men rouM ilrixe a nail as well as Ihey can ilrixe a flivver they would till Hie nail often judpinp from Ibe many Ihinp they hit on llir ra,id. TIIKIU-; is only one thing lo lieal a walk with a prrlly girl on .1 sunny day and Hint is a walk with a pretty plrl on a niooiiliplit nl3bt. I'Mtllll an amenduienl to the; biipior Art a man is now only! fined ?r a ayalnsl T.O for In-loxicallnn. Walrli some men axe money. Ten Years Ago In Prlnc Kupcrt January S, 1914. I Mrs. F. V. Bergrnson enter-1 tained Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. ieo. McNeil who is leavinp Ihe cily lo make hop home at Pacific. Mrs. Frank Latidc "en tertained ii score if p4ople nl whist In Ihe evening in honor of Mrs. MacXeil. Frank McKinunn nf Cranhy Bay was in Ibe rity yesterday. He Is going south for a holiday. Mrs. ,. J. McArlhnr of Hmil Iters I in the eily having jut re-lurned froin a trip south. m TIMBER SALE XSS52. Si-iM Tnn rt "win" Im rnvlVPtl hjr Us- limn imhjii on Oi nth ilay or January, lo nil saj.uoo fi-M of cciUr, Sprur., .u,. lurk. Fir ana ii.i..ih ... ..... ..; .... .i 1 V. iiiiai-(i m in- i" m i miiirr of oikMm I.akr llatnti- t, Oia.i Land nuirirl. Txvo (f. ara will l allowrd for n HKival of llinlior. . I'lirlllpr liMrllrnl.r. 1. 1 ,1.. ft. i. V " " "i ". iiiri rnr- ... . r,yr: 'firt. n.C. or bwirlrl lon-Mi-r, . . .... - ioi r s. 11,1,, TIMBER SALE X 54C0. .Jl!r.n" ""'"i ,ar y.n. .. ,n'. r or v .... . " '"-'i. inn virnirn ' " ". nil y,u(io jrH d m ,lf llr ......... .,, n in oiiimiiliii .lit. nml or iirTito,: " mwnm " JUWLTir hW Tor... 1'rl.ic. Huit, B.c. "r,C' PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World We are sole ngenU for Purdy Famous 'nhocniotr and tVuidy. .Made in Vnnrouver. There is nothing, finr? in the world. A box of Pnnly's make n illghlful g'i ct nil times. Start the V-w Year in the right piril and g .r your mother, sister and sweetheart a Ikix. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES THE CANDY IS DELICIOUS AND THE I0X IS BEAUTIFUL. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. We Cath Cheques. U ah eBccrwithmtiPar Bottles of Satisfaction "Cascade"the beverage of spark ling purity and tonic tng give the perfection of satisfaction. It' brewed right and bottled tight at the most elaborately equipped brew ery on the Pacific Coast. Experience ihm tatiifmciion of drinking Briiith Colombia' t bt bterINSIST on "CaMcadt" ot the Government Liquor Store. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Tlila odvertUftiurnt Is uc-t potdUtird or dUP'"1 by tna tjquor Control Uoard or by l GoviruiiHiit of HrllUb ColutnMa.