\ yy SUDA ny, eee Saturday Sermon Christion Community and the Cold War By CANON BASIL S&S. PROCKTER love your enemies, bless them that bse 9 od to them that hate you."—-Mat. 5:44 Christian Community and the Cold War se words from the lips of Jesus Christ would iat there are enemies in human experience ) these enemies we have to fight and must bul OUl and the resistance, i! umitted to do, et r em and ¢o' warfere OQne erect . ° Fark BACas BOvictai vl Ne » committed | our time poured contempt on the on, but to Korean conflict and said that in ing again and war there is no substitute for | once again in fellow-| victory. But others say that to day in war there is no such thing | plight oing on at|@8 victory. Thus has. it come ction with|@bout that realising the fruit lessneas and desolatian of total ;} war, and yet having to realige that there are those who are bitterly and resolutely opposed to church at HL am sunday Sehool at | US, We have adventured into the j field of the Cold War, or what jis technically called ment.” ECTORY ; ts (AN CATHEDRAL conta W. at Dunsmuir Bt mmunion 8:30 a.m Now, it would seem that the hoo! ae Pa un || Kind of war we are now exper Rector (Blue 700; §} teneing is wicked and foolish because it leads nowhere and RST BAPTIST issués in no kind of understand E ai Young &t Rev. Pred Amtrobus ing. (Green 812) However, it has been pointed PRESBYTERIAN ;out reeentiy by Commander Avenue Kast | Stephen King-Hall, that hers A. Wrig py > oan the opportunity of of the Christ lan Community to refrain equal ly from pacifism or the procla- mation of a “just crusade” and to othe this conflict with real signifieance an the basis ef th | Divine Ethic. A positive contri bution can be made by doing more than fighting or resistance ast UNITED Gth Ave. West ‘ eber (Green 413) Tasel VATION ARMY Street George Oystryk 0 pain (Black 209) in witnessing to the real truth UL’S LUTHERAN concerning the dignity of a) McBride St human beings and the Will of Rev. H Olsen ' , }Ged concerning Community (Black 619) Bl through His gon TER'S ANGLICAN For, after all, the Cald War i Sibing Ma Te basic in Christian experience in the reaistance to evil which a. knows ho permanent triumph in F 730 pm Biue 827) LAR BAPTIST to love the sinner while hating choo 0 am | the sin e 12:15 es ‘ 2 Blue 223 The Christian Community has Leonard A. Thorpe }an answer if it will aceept thy byterian Chuseh | rauenae of this situation anc j}elothe these events with % | positive content which would be in the direction of God's Will for the fellowship of His Creatior | | | } } fa | H 4 cordial invitation Worship with ug, urth Ave, East |. Accompanying “the commis FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE West (aeross from Armouries) P2—Sixth AY SERVICRS MNday Se} hoo] 1 Clo rhing Be i " Wor hip \ Pastor + T. STRONSTAN i Wed, 8:00: Prayer Meeting Fri. 8:00: “Christ Ambassa- dors” He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God, John 3:18 Pastor: C. FAWCETT ' a f Rev. H. O. EGERTSON, former marriage dul S Lutheran Church Counsellor of Los Angeles, will be with us hy for a week, You are invited to the fellewing ; Te tt McBride Street services: BE SURE TO COME AND SEE OUR H. 0, 4 , me : ; ee Ban Monday—Evangelistic Service 8:00 p.m. FINE SELECTION OF BUDGIE BIRDS ee to come and worship Tuescay—-Mothers 2:30 p.m. a) Paul's Lutheran Church Evangelistic Service 8:00 p.m. AT PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS. f Just Shay Wednesday-—-Women Only 2:30 pun. Nall Live by Paith.” Evangelistic Service 8:00 p.m. e SUNDAY e« Thursday—Wives Only, under He. SERVICES age 45 2:30 p.m “ dere Evangelistic Service 8:00 pan. We carry a full line of Sow. a . . ae new 11:00 am Friday—Evangelistic Service 8:00 p.m. “HARTZ MOUNTAIN” Bird Foods | Evangelist O. Egert: Saturday—Husbands and Wives... 8:00 p.m. N~Men o Bees careers Sunday—Morning Service 11:00 a.m. PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS Bic “ 3:00 p.m, Afternoon 3:00 p.m. , soe 130 pam, Evangelistic . 7:30 p.m, Third Avenue W. BAXTER \ | Julia Savarese. The author has, | Christian duty does not end with the £@ ©? ‘© greater thing’ | lenements, she wil) mould and transform in-| a effort to retain his human ‘dig- wavs Commissioner to Lead Army’ Convention Here .* * * This month-end marks an important event for} |all branches of the Salvation Army in northern and central B.C. when the annual convention opens in Prince Rupert August 29. | ioner will be two highly rated | | j i | | | | | | | | | = re mais Se lM “On the | BOOK SHELF The Weak And The Strong By JULIA SAVARESE (Available at the Sargent Memoria) Library) | Reviewed by Olaire Charbonneau | This is the rousing first novel] if a 26-year-old New Yorker, | a e o rrince nupert in her own words “taproots that || , cling to cement,” ‘and adds that} | the circumstances of twenty|| — 4 years of living have occasioned | ga the writing of the book.” ie The theme of “The Weak And| Phe Strong” is hunger, and the despair born of incessant struggle to keep body and soul together, This is the most powerful and Vital of all needs; a need which must be satisfied if man is to The setting of this grim drama is New York during the depres- Sion and the actors are the Dan-| tes an. Itai American family, and the inhabitants of the sordid their hapless eom- panions in misery | Fortuna Dante, crushed by her| “sick with the meanness of herself, mean as the mean- ness Oo! her life had made her” - drained of maternal love is a} ig nagging, hating wife, she strug- fies lerociously to develop in one of her children—which one she knows not yet—the strength that will release them from their ad-| ject poverty She has no hope for Gabriel, the eldest, a timid, defencelass girl, bewildered by adolescence, Gloria is only a baby, a gaping, | wailing mouth one must feed. She turns to Gino, an imagin-| ative ehild, rendered acutely sen-| Stive by a lengthy illness, already | hrewd and resourceful. This bo; | IE ; 5. BOR, allel: Le Lilet, eg Be? | damaged by water in a fire at Ottawa. He is in Canada to help building for drying. Oo a compromising, prideless lib- erator The contempt is her husband Joe, tle is a man trapped tn a bitter) Struggle for spiritual survival; a! PatliGda)y, Alip ust t Wo? RESTORE BOOKS—Alvin Kemper, the United States Library of Congress, examines one of the books is for a chute down which wet Dail bah § i Keeper of the Collection of the Parliamentary Library at restore the books. Scaffolding books are taken out of the (CP PHOTO) svinuring suet a ug COMedian Quits TV, Can't Play to a Cold Audience fa\tion to ban radio and TV at 4 | publicity, but there are similar f S| ; ___ Summer Theatre Closes; Lack of Audience ® rome | TORONTO (CP) — At least one, “straw-hat” theatre group has; had to close down. because it wasn’t getting the audiences. | s ’ ae Radio, Television Seek Equal Rights wuss brave warteg out opie |the suburban Searboro distriet top entertainment, pad a first-; rate auditorium and its troupe Was one of the best. Producer) Den Glen, who has had previous summer theatre work at Niagarc Falls and Peterborough, said its ; closure was “not defeat, but a} withdrawal] in order to make plans for next year.” ; gate contests at the national Since June 30 the group gave| | political conventions at Chicago,|'he Suburban area a sparkling | LT en: Wak Shetliien | ‘bi of theatre fare. But for the Nevada | | Democrat, NEW YORK (AP)Television and radio are battling for the | people’s right to look and listen. | This fight was pointed up re- |cently by the campaigns of the |airways men to get their cam- eras and microphones into the hearing rooms of Congress, and/| into the hearings on the dele- "| Most part it played to many em- sponsored a resolu | pty seats. ; /Senate committee hearings. And| “HOw can you get the peopl |the Republican | national com- | 2Ut, asked business manager , mittee prohibited TV and radio|©4! Whitehead, formerly of Vani ‘lroadcasts of the delegate con-|°UVer. Some thought it might | tests. ,) have been the players were pion- These actions received wide! eering in a district that never | before.had a resident stage com- campaigns on the state and lo-| pany. : cal levels, too. $ _— | APPARATUS CONFUSING? Others said the troupe was far out to draw the ri erowds, It takes a trip by bus nd street-car to cover the 15 miles to’ the theatre from the centre of the city. Whatever the cause, the com- pany recently put on a superb production of Lesley Storm’s family tragedy “Black Chiffon” to such a small audience that the applause made little noise Scarboro Collegiate’s big audi- torium. 4 Pein P, ate Gift 2 Shoppe Phyllis Pullen NOVELTIES - SOUVENIRS . GREETING AND EVERYDAY CARDS HANDCRAFTS - GIFTWARE THIRD AVENUE WEST (Next to Daily News) Phone Blue 709 é * One of the complaints against+ ‘radio and TV coverage of gov- ' ‘ernmental hearings is that they cause too much confusion im a mechanical way—lights, cam-| eras, microphones, . But Jim Bormann, president of the, National Association of Radio News Directors (NARND), | Says: “Weforesee the day when | .he mierophone and the camera in a hearing chamber or in a courtroom will be no more ¢on-}} - spicuous than the judge's | thumb.” — | Sen. MeCarran erosion con- cern that civil rig |Nesses might be jeopardized by j}radio or TV éoverage. | Mr. Bormann replies:, “As I ' see it, the best approach to the |Mroblem would be aléng these |lines: establish safeguards fay the rights of persofs appearing before the committee .. . and . jat the same time safeguard the |Tights of the people to know Acquire PROFESSIONAL STATUS In Accountancy ot has made arran ts of wit University of Brit lectures will be The Al work LEARN While You EARN | The Certified General Accountants Association of British Columbia ements with th sh Columbia to conduct its study program. N) ght iven for residents of Vancouver and mingter. The rest of B.C, will be served by correspondence. te 3u ‘ses are especially designed for study in your spare time. you preve and apply what you learn, DO YOU—want to ensure promotion? i j want to increase your earnings? i want to qualify for more responsibility? Investigate Now! FALL TERM STARTS SEPTEMBER | Wor particulars write for descriptive booklet to - General Accountants , Vancouver, B.C, e School of Commerce of the. , | New West- | Association, MArine 9038 man “who only wanted to work, | more rather than less about de Gees, Care whose hands itched with restless. | By BOB THOMAS |what their government is doing oi ness,” and whose great sin in| '—in committee or elsewhere.” ' the eyes of his materialistic wife | HOLLYWOOD (AP)—Danny Thomas, famous) Broadeasters can point to a : _ — 2 fii , tubborn refusal to beg for} what is thrown at hm and stieks}for his gift of gab, was explaining why he is quit- 'n his throat in a last desperate | nity |comedians to This quiet, patiently suffering} »., .t man, seorhed at home, haunted free will. “T am a stand-up entertain- by the petty thievery he attempts | in order to become a man For-j/er,” he said. “Others I could give up the this world, and is ever concerned | tuna will respect is the true hero| mention of this same type are of this novel. Through all the|Danny Kaye, Judy Garland and vicissitudes of his miserable ex-/| Betty Hutton. Go down the list istence he remains unwavering injabout 12 and you come to humility and fortitude | Thomas. We have this in com- The Weak And The Streng is}mon: that we can entertain an a chronicle of the struggling offaudience alone and_ without that | Surrendering, hoping or giving up props for an indefinite period hope, of the weakness and the! of time strength of the legions of the trapped as they have al- been trapped. I am not’a ciown. I paint a word picture. I can hold an au- dience in a cafe or theatre for an hour and five minutes mere- ly by talking and singing a few songs. But this type of enter- tainment is not possible in TV as it is now run by sponsors and advertising agencies. SLICED SYRIAN | “A sponsor sees me in a cafe and decides to buy me for TV He says he wants me to.do my ‘Wailing Syrian’ act just as he Saw it. But it runs 22 minutes. The agency says it has to be cut down to four minutes. The claims the TV. audience poor VE. A. Wright, D D,| Leading the convention will be | musicians: Senior Capt. Ernest penncy ann eae ee Mrs BE. J. Smith § {Commissioner William R. Dal-| Parr, cornet player and Senior} Will not watch a single person i John Currie aiel, recently appointed .com- | Capt. Arthur Rawlins, among the - the — for more than a ; | mandéy of the Saly@tionoAgmy in | to rformers on the accordion, |'¢w minutes, : 2 cual } ; GUST 17, 1952 @: | Camda and Bermuda M3 ‘ hasign WG Routan ~~ Thomas listed hig “ether sobs | ve. 2 a oh re ~ Lz ; E ba ; 1 j rsHip 11 o'elock | Comniissioner Da laiel as Seen | Rupert, recalls that he a Sr. | jections to TV: ’ apt. Oystryk service in many avenues of the|Capt. Rawlins were together You can't appear so often hool 12:1 diverse activities of the Army | with the RCAF in Burope d@uring|4nd keep your audience. I re-| hin 7-9 ’ | and has commanded its work in| World War II, During this/Vere the acting talents of Cary Py i | Australia for nine years and was| period of service the eaptain|Grant, Spencer Tracy and the . Bleber in command of field work in| was invited to play at the fam-jlate Walter Huston, But if 1 ‘he Sabbath Day’ | Great Britain from 1946 to 1951. | ous Salle Wagram in Paris when | were to see them on the screen €p it Holy.” | MUSICIANS Canadian troops first marehed|three times in three months, I would tire of them. Capt. Rawlins received an ex-| “I can’t piay to a cold audi- cellent reception and a goodjence. In TV your audience is press report after the program, looking at the camera, the stage jhands, the props, anything but ; the comedian. Visitor _ | “It's hard to perform with all ;thase gadgets between you and Unwelcome jthe audience. I like to be free to move around. tsa ii a. : Cape ayo Shag te Also, the TV routine gets you wo toaple al waters was wash. down. You're always worrying § fe € va Ss, s sn- . § ed up near Maritzburg, one of and attending Sepetings. They South Africa's most popular pathing resorts, Dying but stil! venomous, it was too weak to strike when the finder poked at it. Experts deseribed the find- ing as “surprising and distarb- ing into the wartarn city. bring out charts—blue /Ynust’ be’ ‘taken BUDGIE \ting television, He is perhaps the first of the top new medium of his own yellow charts and red charts ‘Terrible,’ they say. ‘We lost tw listeners in St. Louis week!’” Thomas indicated he woula| 9M of the press also apply a activities to} movies (he has four to do for} limit his future Warners in four years), nigh clubs and theatres. | charts, | ° with a court order the anes last} court decision in New Jersey as evidence of. progress in their jcontention that microphones |should have the right to go to | the same places that newspaper |reporters do. Superior Court Judge C.| |Thomas Schettino backed up tion of a radio station that econ- | Stitutional guarantees of free-| ? jradio. , | Prof. Arthur Barnes of thé | L.P. CLASSICAL t | School of Journalism, State Uni- | versity of Iowa, said two con- clusions stood out after a ques- She Handles 400 Planes With Controls MONTREAL @ Franees Oneson is One woman who has to make up: her mind quickly— many times a day. As airport control officer at the big Droval International Airport, it’se her job to see that the 400 planes landing and taking off every day come in and go out without mishap. That means watching wind speeds and weather conditions, height and flight directions of all aireraft near the field.. Particu- lar: qapabiiities of .eachs plane into considera tionnaire was circulated “among A Schubert. Recital 23 radio stations: There is “very little © live; | broadcasting of governmental} | proceedings” and very few of| | the 23 stations met with flat! | Tefusal when they sought per-| | mission to record or broadcast. | British “§nooper” LONDOW (CP)—Britain still has, Chancellor of the Exchequei,| told the Commons in reply to a question that 6,128 officials are authorized to inspect and in-| vestigate. private houses without | a search warrant, | i Latin Rhythm Songs L.P. POPULAR Reveries Tango for Romance After Hours . : be RA Ba S Esai irl vogrigen (32 8g ; A ag Bs ef Immortal Performance Series Bach Organ Music of Jubilee Aaren Slick From Punkin’ | 45 R.P.M. ALBUMS—POPULAR Sunday Evening Songs. Jo Stafford and Gordon MacRae Arthur Murray Favorite Waltzes Glenn Miller Concert—Volume I The Greatest Show on Earth 45 R.P.M. ALBUMS—CLASSICAL A Treasury of Immortal Performance *Series— Waltzing. With Waldteufel Your Choice of Records McRAE BROS. -Arias from La Boheme and Andrea Chenier— by Renata Tebaldi Henrich Schlusnus, Baritone Aida of Yesterday E. Power Biggs, organist Freddy Gardner, Saxophone Solos Carmen Cavallaro, pianist Joe Bushkin, piano Crick Original Cast” Paramount Studio Band sede dutess James Melton , epg Mgstant aL in. i ance 4 : : : tion. “ 5 For instance, numerous cal- 78 R.P.M. POPULAR lers would complain if a heavy ome ls Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart . Les Baxter plane needing a long take-off = Padam, Padam : area was routed straight over FLOWERS Just a Little Lovin’ Bing Crosby the city. Till the End of the World She started at the airport as | WOOL and Take My Heart Al Martino — an assistant control officer in NEEDLECRAFT I Never Cared 1046. Bhe says her chile worry ts In the Good Old Summertime ........... . Les Paul maintaining order in the clouds, |B 3rd Ave. Green 428 where several planes are some- | times converging while others | is have just taken off. “Timing,” says Frances, “That is the important factor.” Aristotle, the great scientific philisopher, and Demosthenes, the statesman, both died in 322! B. C, BIRDS Phone 777 Smake Rings Capitol ‘Theatre Building - PLAN TO he Add ihe Your Beauly DIANNE SINCLAIRE MEDICALLY APPROVED COSMETICS will also be shown. PLAN TO ATTEND FOR AN ENJOYABLE EVENING AUGUST 18 to 21 - LEGION AUDITORIUM 8 to 10 nm. TEA WILL BE SERVED. LESLEY AT THE PIANO Your 25c admission donated to Ladies, Auxiliary, Legion REP. LOCKS LAB., NEW YORK, TORONTO WITH HER ASSISTANT LESLEY at her: BEAUTY SOCIAL . for individual ‘attention as to hame method of condition- ing, grooming and styling of long or short hair. Robert Curley Style Set will be Demonstrated . SEE ELISSA ee | eit