Wton Yi Want A TAXI m a hurry 99 Beet Cart and Best Service In th City. Ratee Reasonablt VOL. XV NO PRWEil? QUIET OPENING OFPARLIAMENT Everybody Enpectanl But Ing Startling Happens London Today NEW TRIAL I.U.MKI.V. Jim. H. AIHioiikIi l'urli.imiil iimmiiL)Iiii today luel In an ulmoKpherp or political expeclalioii, Hie flrl fei-flon ilsrir olTereil no opportunity for heuixilloiial levploimeuln. II only Immedlalo lnicinen wu Hie uuoppOM..i flfct ion of III. Hon. Henry Whitley a upeaker. Willi Hie nulotnury felTfilallo from lendera or Hie lliren politlrnl pnrllrn. Hie hwciiHiik in f in,'-bera look place mid Hie remainder or I ho week will be iK-eiipird Willi, further preliminary DENIED HIM James B. MacLaohlan, Former Mine Workers Secretary Will Have to Serve ' Tlrr.e HALIFAX, Jan. Jnmt" H. TRANSPORTER 'DUE TONIGHT C.Q.M.M. Vessel Coming Direct From Japan to Dock Here C.O.M.M. freighter Canadian Transporter, Capt. Watson, Is duo In port late this afternoon direct from Japan to enter the Canadian National shipyard for cleaning and painting. The vessel reached Triple Island at noon and was met there by Capt. E. WcCockrle, who will pilot her Into harbor. The Transporter was here last In June loading lumber for Japan, having been the vessel to Institute the trans-Pacific service from this port. ARRIVAL FROM ALASKA THREATENS TO SHOOT Dutee Roy Smith, From Anchor age,- Picked up In Royal Hotel Mulct' Hoy tfmllli, who arrivcil from Anehornue on Hie Amert-ciin sti amer Viciluia Sunday nil-Id. was nicked ui in the Hoynl Hotel tout cvenlnp by cily couolnble Macdonald agisted by provincial officer.. ; Smilh had been ncliiiK stningely hIiico lii arrival in therltyand bnd tliifat-rnoil to hIiooI all luttiph not in pos-exition of a gun. Ho will be PtmiiJneil by Ir. it. ire- MacLuclilun, deposed sec'lary ,nyiir. Dominion Kovrnuneiit Im-f llio United Mine Workm of mliiiMtion agenl, llilij .aflernoon. America Dlstrlcl No.20 liu been' denied a new trinl by Kupienic Court of Nova iScollii and will bu reipilred Hi? ncrvo fiMilemia of 'two yearn lit peni The ...in. nr. r nun the etial jnlncrs slriko'was oniainolluu ll KUuimer. u" FISH ARRIVALS American .schooner Venus 000 pounds or halibut te.illa.-v. 1I was' s,.,.le.tf-ed foriwas Ilie only boat oirering fish ....i n.:. i.. .!, '... i.f .i ,,iL.. ii... rish Kxchaniro this morn I'uuuciiijiy SCUmUUS IIUI.-I i.i.mi. . Ulaco lluy and oilier nlaoes whilo injr. The catch was sold lo tho mm STRIKES WILLAPA BAR Other Steamers Rushing to Aid of Distressed Hakuho Maru I'tllt 1 1. AMI, Oregon, Jan. H. The Japanese freigliler Hakuho Mam in olrandcil off illapa Harbor,, Waidilnplnn, and in calf-ing for help. Steamers have gone (o her aid. POHTl.AMl. Jan. H. The Japunee rrei'.-liler Hakuho Maru which went aground on Sandy lleai-h olT Willapa Harbor la.nl night, got off under her ovn steam early today. SPECULATfON ON CABINET Ottawa Interested In Who Wilt Succeed Gouln as Minister of Justice OTTAWA, Jan. 8. Cabinet meets this afternoon lo (appoint a llenlenant-governor for One-bee and consider, among oilier things, the involved situation brought about consequent upon II... resignation of Sir I.imev;in,inrious lorces oi (ioulu. inluistor.of justice. aiid,li'uo- Irade. Ilie illness or lit. Hon. W. S. I'leldiug, minister id finance. From a political point of view, the oilualion within Ilie govern ment continues to grow Increasingly Interesting, The impression Is (growing that Hon. Ernest Lapolnle will relinquish Ilie portfolio or marine and risheries ami assume the Jusllcc ministry as .a permanent nosllion. litis will furnisn i tie PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PJUXCK ItL'l'KUT, 11.(1, TUESDAY, JAM.UHY 8, 1021. WW - M - iBb EmLJ' HilBHHMttB4l9BlBHIk 'A BBUBBBJBBhBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBJ. sBIBIiBB fHErnBHDni BiBiBiB' HwBiflPJ IbibHp- BV BBH f H BBBK' 3iB"Bf W I Al r. A IJllidbnuif-BrUis ofVvv--f r.jni ; Lynipiiii To Brussels in a six-hofse-povver glider, accumplisliiug the journey of 1 10 miles in three hours, at a rosl of u little over a dollar. Vancouver Clergymen Lectured for Failing YMttrdty't Circulation IMS to Aid Liquor Reform fniiu Victoria lo address Hie association. Mr.-Alauson told how fo.Te were working -again! his pro posal lo Hie federal governmenl last spriirg a.nj asked where the Vniieoiivei' Ministerial Associa tion was at that lime. "I didn't liear a cheep out of you. Tho women caiiie to my aid but where were you iniuNlers of the gospel?" Then rollowed his accusation: "You are i bunch of pikers. Thai's" what you are. You nevvr came to back ;me up. No, you didn't. You were piker.." The ullorney general went on lo tell how ho bad conducted n single-handed tight against the the illicit HARRY BULLEN DIES IN SOUTH Founded B.C, Marine and B.C. Salvage and Was Wealthy jMan VICTOIUA, 'Jan. H.-Harry F. government will, an opportunity luillen, foumlorr id Jibe H.C.! lo satisfy Ilie strong desire in Marine Hallway and tln II.C. Sal-Iho Jlnsl for the appolnlmenl oT vnge Co. aowj known m's the Pn-a nilnisler of nuu-iuo from the'eifio Salvage f Co.. died al his Marilimc Provinces. J. P. F.lfonl f Ibc Canadian Hank nT Coinineicn. slalT, for Vancouver on the Union steamer Cnrdena lliia ariernoon. Mr. Klfoi-d has been transferred FJsh X Cyfd Slorugojlo tb" Vancouver bianoli of the a id U batik. on Tlho steamer ROYAL HOTEL MAY BE SOLD Deal Pending at Figure In Neighborhood of $25,000 BODY OF TRAPPER in A deal Is pending for the purchase by Mrs. Roslta Zarelll, of the Royal Hotel, situated on the southwest corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street, the vendor being Mrs. Annie Ross, widow of tho late Duncan Ross, who Is at present residing In Victoria. The purchase price Is reported to be around $25,000. The Royal Hotel. Is at present leased by Jim Postolu. Edward Jackson Laid Down to Die In Deserted Shack After Killing His Dogs Stmt StlM . feel north of the most northerly; The Latest In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Uext of Fooil Clood Service. .Private Hoxes for Parly Use, "Take Her to The Boston." PniCE FIVE CENTS. ERT AS GRAIN ELEVATOR SITE ATTORNEY GENERAL HANSOM TALKS PUINLV TO MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Local Men Interview Edmonton Investigator in Vancouver and Set Forth Advantages of Port (Special to Dally News) VANCOUVER, Jan. 8. Doing home missionary work for Prince Rupert, Reginald Beaumont, superintendent for the Can adian Government Merchant Marine at Prince Rupert, and H. F. Pullen, editor of the Prince Rupert Dally News, took it on themselves Monday night to interview J. D. C. Motherhlll, special ' J commissioner of the Alberta government and the Edmonton BIG' COMPANY FOR CALGARY Board of Trade Investigating high port charges at Vancouver In British Milling Interests Coming connection wfth grain shipments. They urged that Mr. Mother-! into western Canada n is hill vlalt Prince Punert and reoort on a Dossible alternative' Said "t1M" " ' route for israiri sliipiii-nl They lilt4 Ei lJLiII 1 LiIiLli iadanlage jios.srs.nl ty the nor- uaa m wut v u ,( prii url a) J ww Ajerta woul, rUil v IlLiU ill Mr Mollirrlilli a.ked if 1 there .'' wa a possibility of erecting a .direct loading elevator at Prince Toronto Desperado Also to Qet.lluprrt ami was lol-l thai there Thirty Lashss Sentenced Today TOIIO.M'O, Jan. H tmpVUon-nidi' for 1 1 ft ami llnrly lashes, Uir taller lo ie given al the rate, of leu wai no doubt that a suitable ile could be secured. Mr. Mothcrhill pointed out tliat mm elevator would rol 1.500,(100. lie oald that Prince 1 1 u per I was not generally known lo Kralnmen pinl farmer as n poible lilp- CAUSAHY. Jan. 8. The recent aiiiiounrenieut from London that Itrillitli milling interests were preparing lo spend lx million dollar in Hie West (o finish Ihe partly completed plant of Oic Alberta Flour Mill Ltd. and in oilier drain handling facilities here, liar, direct relation to tlx.' news that Hie ureal Spiller cou- ciyn will build a Iwii million ele- vator in Vancouver this year. II is elated on good authority thai it U none oilier than the power ful Stiller conoliKalion that Is I'lojlIlinS-Lo .InVQit J&ISK .. large, inonlli . vnHj'en T3',w", 11il!TtibirtTir. loner eefn Br rcnrw.eiiM-t ar.fnil r ly JUMircjuoMiwuriii -vorabfv inftiresi.e.1 1ml dlr.urd to Hie' amount of I50.uoo.0iw ly upon rmiwil' Ityaii, Hie pnihllily of ri-iuniing home and Include some or the greal-bandll ami peradi. when ua Ilie northern route in coin-lest milling companies in Ureal lie pleaded guflh In ihnrgn ut pany will several ..lu-i- Ldmon- Iiritaiu. robbery with violence of a (on grain' men. In any r.e hcj branch of th4?iaiik of 'ova will menlion In In. ri'poii re-'JAPANESE FREIGHTER N ona here uusvpieinuer ia.' irrnnujnu ....... , ..... . Ityan, who erapei con- HuperL . ir' frniii I ln iwiiili'iillnrV III . Kn:icloti, -wai 'raptured reeeinly in Minneapolis, "line of Ins ii--; ooc-ales at that time wan liol ! dead, I Recreation Park for City Provided for in Agreement of Government and Railway VIUTOIUA, Jan 8. Before leaving for Ollawa, Hon. T. l. l'ulluHo, minis ler of land mid member for Prince .HuperL explained what had been done by the legislature at his itisligaliuti 10 make the Salt Lakes available for Prince Ilupcrl people for all time and lo provide u park thai would be a recreation centre. The new park includes I he whole of the Iwo nail lakes and a good deal of laud around lh,cn surveyed m Mich a manner as uj make rectangular st.ieU.-hes including every arm of the. lakes. The boundary lines average nboul .'100 feel from Hi? lake shore in each case and also include Hie outlet of the lakes ami .lake RDITICU DA AT in aUo Hie land where Hie wharf DUAi i. now located. Tliis is much more inclusive than the area mentioned in the firfl despatches, hi addition to Ho; Salt Lakes park I line is a park area or. hill al the back of the Prince TAKEN OUTSIDE 3-MILE LIMIT Huperl lownsite whicli is fairly! 1 level and which in days to come.BrHlsh Government Asks Wash-will lie a very valuable playground! Ington to Explain Seizure of for Hie people. Provision is alsoj Muriel S. Winters matte for land lo be taken for! : trails and roads at places where OALVESTOX, Texas, Jan. 8. they may be required. , jTlte scliooner Muriel S. Winters. Under the agreement the Pro-icapiureU by imileii s-iales pro vincial government secures all of bibilion officers outside the Ihree Digby Island except that already mile limit near here, lurns out under reserve lo th&i Dominion to be of Canadian registry at - .1r-. . ..t i v , U...H.-"- orVtlo'c pur'posesun.r'also7 a mM)., Jan. 8. I lie llnlish number or small adjoining' is-government has asked the. lanils. It also secures several Washington government for n thousand acres o'r land on Kaien full explanation of the seizure or Inland. - the Canadian schooner Muriel S. Some or the lands conveyed to Winters outside or terilorial Hit Provincial government had waters. Action will be postponed already been purveyed Tor town- until a reply is received. ile purposes und on Hie plans being registered one rourlh or the jlots would have been come) cd ilo the Provincial government. As jibe lauds are nol now needed for .tow'iixilr purposes inc province it given its share at once under ;lhe agreement. TO CONTINUE RATES FIGHT In 'carrying out the negotia-rremier onver Blames provincial VANlHiUYhll, Jan. . Charging Hie Ministerial Associa- Hons the minister or land! Party For Temporary Cessa tion or Vancouver with being "a biiuch of pikers" beciue Hi t slated tliat he iu-d.-ded that Hie! Hon of Campaign association hud not given hint active support when he sought to stall Lakes be included in the liave Ilie Henale pass legislation giving sole power of importing ileal so dial the people of Prince! VA.VCOUVIill, Jan. 8. The liquor lo Hie provincial government, Attorney O Mieral A. M. iuperl mjghl have them as a British Columbia government .Malison raised a storm in protest from Hie nieniuers of the uso- plavground for ever'wilhoul fear wouiu even now oe av uuawa iation here vesleruay. Laler Hie Attorney Oenerul withdrew tin uf moleslalion. This be consid-nghiing me uauie for rouaiizeu oliiei-tionatile phrase and received a vole of thanks for coming vi-rv imoorlaut. The axree-' foreign freight rales on the menl including the description ohbasis or provincial " rights by this land as set furlli in the bill terms or Confede.ration had it not whieli was nassed bv the LcKisla-been tor the -activities or tho ture rollows: Description of Land Provincial Party declared Pre mier Oliver before the Vancouver All thai certain parcel or tract Laurier Club. The fight will b of land containing 81 acres, -arneu on, However. 10 inc jooi more or less, being all that por-, e uirone, ne ueciareu. 'lion of Lot t'JUt. liange 5' Coast! '"l premier derc.uieil the gov-lOislrict. nvore particularly do-t,r"i' I'aelllo ireat Kastern. scribed as rollows: Conuiieneing 'pulicy ravoring completion ol !at a point on high water mark in e road, holding H.aL until it Hussell Arm, situated west as- reached' Prince George, no one Ironomically 020 reel and north ul" -y what the valuv or the 'astronomically 1,230 reel from investment was. the station named "Ter," as! - slunvn on the oHiciul plan, or Lot rVTCMCIAW PADH :t0!). IVange 5, Coast District; A I Lll JlUll LUUli thence north -',S!0( reel; inence, ! west 300 reel; thence north 1,280 feet, more or less, to u point the i latitude Of which is at least 001 CAUSE OF DEATH Wiul of l.igh.water mark or lhejopB Walton. Killed In Victoria Salt Lake; thence west 1,500 reel; "ntn nou" un """i"1 thence south 2,100 led; lhenee , Wlth 2.200 Volls west 120 reel; thence south 1,200 . reel; thence east 1,550 reel, more1 ItJTOHIA. Jan. 8.Iusla..ta-or less, to the easterly short or -u overtook (Iqorgo PMINn IN NORTH Hussell Arm; thence south rol- wniion, uge.i aa, wnen an cxien-rUUnU 111 IWIYin U(WjMtf ((, sllore.illc f nusscn ston light cord he was carrying I., it... I nf piininioiipn. oecauie suiiueiuy ciougcu . wu i ment; together with all the fore- 2.-'nn vlls following (ho break-shore and riparian rights which f lran"l,u"," ! ' ?.",",,,e -p.... ..-n.. i',..,,..,. ..w,.v i.nt'1. ins resilience, vv imam.' v anon, 1 t 1 1 IWWIIiIH ..J1M.I'UIIJ ..U.V J 1 Li: PAS. Manitoba, Jan., 8. in said kinds, including tho lands residence hiid on Sunday. Do- The skeleton of F.dward Jackson, below as well as al.ovc hlgli-waler .... ...i .. i... it ..r .... i... ....... .. I... l-ri vnu,.n llmwn. murk. Hie niiivliice will villiin.,,v. '?. I'.l.MI, n nu Mr u - vj I i'u..- .... -" . t " - ' i was one o f t Ihe cllv's most )Ut sorinir bound for Churchill, four months from, the dale hereof .... - --;r- saueu ,,..uiii.v i-.wt,iMiU f Constable A. J. Watkldson and daughter arrived from ?ort Simpson CurUeita . ii... Union hi itioru'iij,; . t . t t 1. . . . II.. ....... w ........ II. a uni.l was rounu in a neseneu , sihii-k siuni7 i n" u "i'""" i '' where lie apparently lay' down to 81 acres herein in this clause de-die after killing his .dogs. His scribed. fur robeH were still l)ing on. (bo sleigh. Jurkson was in ill. health - U. !! b -fl -'.-. -n. P. A .McDougall1 left on ivsrlit M-!in for Priestley. HOCKEY SCORES Kdinbulon .Vancouver, last) Saskatoon CaJjrary 1, Vancouver at Calyar l; at