PAGE SIX. THE DAILY NhWB. Pre-Inventory C A I 17 Starts Tuesday, Jany. 8 Am JLJIJL Our Annual Prc-Invenlory Sale is of unusual interest. We cannot give a full description here. See our windows. LADIES' COATS. 0 Coals to clear i $4.50 5 Goats to clear $9.50 5 Tweed Coats , ... . $7.50 Others at 25 Discount. 0 Rubljcrizejl Tweed "Winter Weight, value to $35.00, at Half Price. Cow Hrand English Raincoats on consignment to us to go at 20 off. 0 Dresses, values lu-$:t7.50, at i.. . Half Price Children's Serge Dresses 20 Discount. Ladies' Ralhrohes 20 Discount. Children's Union Suits, per suit $1.50 Roys' Vests and. Drawers, p;r garment 95c to $1.15 Ladies' Jaeger Underwear at 20 off lil price. Watson's Silk and Wool Vests, $1.75 values for ... . $3.50 Ladies' and Children's Sweaters, at 20 Discount. Corsets A variety, values to $l.7f. Sale price .... $2.95 Ladies' Rloomers, Khece Lined, while, per pair .... $1.00 Ladies' Ralbriggau Hloonicrs, 2 pair for $1.00 Lndies' Cashmere Hose, JJ pair for $1.00 Ladies' Silk Root Hose, all colors, per pair 75c Ladies' Heather Hose, Penman-make, per pair 95c Ladies' Waists, :i dozen, Tricollelle, Crepe de Cheue, Silks. etc, to clear at ...n. $2.95 51 inch IMaiu and Plaid Coalings, per yard $2.65 Children' Mitts, values to 75c, per pair 50c Roys' Totnies, values to 00c, each 65c Ladies' Kid Gloves, !J colors, pair $1.C0 Embroidered Pillow Slips, $3.50 values for $2.65 Chanioisellc Gloves, at per pair . . 95c Rlaiiksls, 7 lb. weight, all wool, per pair . . $9.50 0 only Soiled Rlaukets, to clear at per pair $5.00 Yarn, 3 ply, 0 colors, at per lb. . . . $1.25 Curtains, Cream Scrim Lace Trimmed, per pair. .... $1.95 Mens' Khaki Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c Men's White Handkerchiefs, each 10c Mens' Cashmere Sox, per pair 50c The .Store and Windows are Full of Desirable Merchandise at Great Reductions. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East We are beginning to lisl our Groceries from time to lime in this space. Look for our Specials. Flour, 19 lb. sack .... $1.88 Flour, 2i lb. sack .... $1.10 Flour, 10 lb. sack 48c llolled Oats, 20 lb. sack $1.00 Rolled Oals, 7 lb. sack 49c Hulled Oals, C lb. sack 33c Milk, any brand, case $5.65 Kagle Hrand Milk, doz. $2.35 Creamery Hutler 45c K.C.D. Bu(ter 50o llulter, H's ... .. .. $6.25 Potatoes, per sack . . $1.85 All Orders over $10.00 Delivered BLUE RIBBON TEA l)islinctic in flavor and aroma. 100 ler cent Tea no dusl, no waste. YOU TRY IT. John L. Christie Agent. OC Per CentOC Discount on a 11 COATS "Demers 99 Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Id the Matter of the AduilDlilratlon Act; nd In the Miller of the EMale of Anton Ujrrfn. Derncd: IntrMate. TAWF. NOTICE that 1 wai appointed Administrator of the ('.Mate or Anton Uyren, deceawd, and all parties having claim aRHn! the cald Eatate are Denes required to furnUh hiw, properly verified to rcie. on or nerore tne ivtn nay or Janu ary, A.D. Ittl, and all parties Indebted to the EMale are required to pay the amount of their Inriebtedhes to me, forth with. THOS. V. IIEn.NE. Official Administrator. Prlnre Rupert, B.C. Dated thli lth itay of December ,tsf 3 Telephone Specials For Wednesday and Thursday, January 9 and 10 only. SHOP BY PHONE TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Maid of Clover Creamery Butter, in bulk, Hie best butter made in Canada, special, 3 lbs. for $1.40. Christie's tleceptlon Wafers, reg. COe value, 35c; 3 tins for S1.00. Combination, Canned Fruit Special, 4 Tins for 95c. 1 Tin Pineapple, sliced, I Tin Peaches, l's, 1 Tin Pears, l's. 1 Tin Apricot, l's. Niagara Fa IN iMirc Hasp. berry Jam, t Ik pails 65c (rimes Oolden No. 1 Apples, wrapped, 7 lbs. 50c; per box, $2.25. Watch this space Tomorrow Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 COAL The Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg 8lzes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. 'e deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone IB. Main Office: Hotel Central. CITY POLICE CHIEF QUITS Dissatisfaction at Administration In Vancouver Believed Cause Anderson's Resignation VANCOUVER, Jan. 8. William Anderson, chief of city police, resinned yesterday. Deputy Chief Lealherdalc is acting as chief until a permanent vappointment is made by the police commission. Chief Anderson is one of the foreiirpst finger print experts on the Pacific Coast. His resignation follows a recent automobile accident and illness but growing dissatisfaction by the public as voiced through t lie press at Hie laxity of law en forcement and lack of morale in (he force it is believed Is the chief factor leading to the resig nation. All three Vancouver daily papers in I be past week editorially' demanded a shake-up in I be police department. The beating up of innocent bystanders and pedestrian (luring the longshoremen's strike brought mailers to a bead. BRITAIN NOW NEEDS CATTLE OF CANADA Homeland Dairy Herds Badly De pleted by Foot-and-Mouth Disease OTTAWA, Jan. 8. How de vaslatin? lias been I lie effect of Hie fool-nnd-month disease up on (lie live Mock in Ureal Ilrilain tluriiiK Hie past few weeks is in dicated in a communication re reived by lr. J. II. firisdale, been sustained. As a result of the total of i78 outbreaks of (he disease in the past Ihree ami one-half months 05, 250 head of live stock have had to be slaughtered in Britain, of which 32.500 were rattle, t5;5l)0 were sheep and 17.750 swine. Owing to the serious depletion of Britain's dairy 'herds an acute shortage of milk has de eloped and a flood of petitions has reached the Ilrilisli government urging that every step be taken to facilitate- the importation from Canada and elsewhere of cattle suitable for the re-estali- lishineiit of those dairy herds. Ihc petitions also urge Ural the overiuivmt hasten o discorer some other and less destructive means of slopping the spread of the foot-aiil-iiiotilli disease, as WATER NOTICE. (Dlftralon and Uia). TAKE NOTICE that W. E. Collim. Indian reM, whose addm l Prlnre Rupert, li. C, will apply for a licence to take and u.e SO.uOO rallona a day or water out or mull unturned lake on Mellakatla portion tif T.lnipwan Indian llenenre No. ?. whirl) rlowa westerly and drain into iiunran njr, about oti and a nair lime north of iiiiM-natory rirfnl. The water aim be oivtried rnxii we me at a iiiu bunt I mile nortlieaM of Mellakatla Indian villare. and will be lined for do ineitllr purpow upon the land deorrlbed ai Mellakatla Tfwnlle. tIiiihmii Indian Ito- M-rve. .No, I, This notice wai potted on me rro..iid on the 30ln Hay or .November, ivzi. a ropy or mi notice and an ap plication pumuant tlxretn and to the Water Art, 1H." will be filed In the office of the Water Herorder at Prince Ittiprrt, B.C. on led loin to the apnllra tlon may be riled with the raid Water Recorder or with I lie Comptroller of Water nia-ht. Parliament Bnlldtnra. Vic toria, B.C., within thirty dayi after the fm appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the flrit publica tion or inn nonce i twemher iu ivu, W. E, COLI.I80N. Applicant. Indian Arent. Arent. ANEW YEAR RESOLUTION TO SAVE MONEY AT THE FARMERS' MEAT MARKET. Here's How llobiu Hood Flour, ID'S $1.80 Hobiu Hood Flour, OS's $3.50 ltailium Flour. VH's .. $3.00 Itolleil Oats, (V 25c Potatoes, F.nrly Hose, sack $1.50 i;.U. Hutler. lb. ... 47 'a ffl Pullet F.kks, 3 doz. for $1.35 Fanners' Tea, per lb. . . 85o Sunklst OranKes, 3 doz, SOo Sunkisl Lemons, doz. .. 25c Honeless Ham, per lb. . . 25o Premium Hacou, in .piece, lb 6o Libby's Catsup, bottle 25c FARMERS Marke Phone Blue 428. IMPOSSIBLE TO GJpUEF Until She Started To Take "Fruit-a-tlm" Thi Medicine Made From' Fruit R.R.Xo. 1, Krerett, Ont. "I had been troubleJ for years with Dyspepsia, I.iveraml Kidney Trouble, and could not get relief until I started taking "Krtiit a tivM". Thanks to their beneficial action, I am in normal health again". Mrs. THOMAS EVANS tf'ruit-a-lives" alone can jIto mch happy and successful results brcaujo "truit-a-tiTes" is the famous medi-cinetnade front fruit juices and tonics. "Krult-a tires" Is pleasant to take and will always restore the health when taken regularly is directed. 50c. a box, 6 for $2. W, trial siie?uc. At dealers or from Kruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa, Out. slaughter on the wholesale plait as now practiced might in a few mouths almost exlermiualc Britain's live stock. Prices of Stock Rise Another effect of tbo outbreak. of course, has been an abnormal enhancement of prices of live stock, an increase of at least 25 per cent Inning taken place in the past three months and since the outbreak. .Not all the rise in price may be attributed to the scarcity of British caltlo caused by (he slaughter of diseased caltle ami other live stock, but it has a very considerable effect oil the market value of Canada's exportable stock. HOW POPULATION OF LONDON ORIGINATES deputy minister of agriculture, one Out which stales that a total mone tary loss of 750.00(1 lias already of Three Persons In Metropolis Country Born-More Irish than Scots LONDON, Jan. 8. -Somebody has been inveslijjulinif the birth places of residents in London. It is announced that out of every throe persons now living in Loudon proper, one is. country bom; that f, ubout a million ami a half of the city's population are not "natives." About one in four were born in the neighboring futilities of Middlesex, Ksscx, Kent and Surrey. Kent having sent 100,000 and Surrey 71,000 person. There is a sfeuernK impression (hat there are a many .Scots In London as in. Edinburgh, but as mailer of fact London ha1 only 50,000 Scots a against 51,000 Irish All the British Dominion oversea have con tributed logcthcr about 32.000 people; and about Ihree per cent of those who live in the metro polis arc foreigners. WOMEN WERE TRYING TO HANG EX-CONVICT Man Who Stole Electric Light Bills Nearly Met Fate on Lamp Post Ni:V YOllK, Jan. H. Adam Kramer, an ej'.coiivlel. alleeil (o have stolen electric light bills from apartment house mail boxes and rolleeleil-.tlieiiv was attacked; recently by u number of Brooklyn women whom he liml victim. fzed, They tied him to a lamp post and after n severe beatiiiK proposed to haiiK liirn. A police man rescued .him. One woman had Kranar by the neck, another by the hair and a third was try ing lo slip a noosed clothesline over his hoad, LONG ISLAND MAY NKW YOllK, J.-ti, 8- It probable, Unit Lontf Island will .district House of Quality Aid. I. C Oibbeti. Mayor Owen is the chairman and third mem ber. SKIPPER OfITuENOSE IS IN SAN FRANCISCO CapL Leslie Davidson of Inter national Racing Fame is i Touring Pacific Coast SAN FIlANCISCO, Jan. 8 -Cupt. Leslie liaviilsou. eoinmander of the famous Canadian jlsiiin schooner liluenose, arrived here today, lie Is louiiiiK Pacific coast ports. CHURCH ROBBER SLAIN BY MOB Mob of Several Thousand People Wreck Vengeance After Storming Italian Jail HOMK, Jan. H. A mob of sev DIVA1 UM I VUnnn ,,ral muusaiui person sionneu a minu uuiiUi iiuui.jail fit Hie Celino disirirl. near lAvezano, a despatch from the Largest Movie Studio In World Jailer lowit nunotiiices, and ' re to be Erected There moved and lynched a prisoner who was circuited with having Is stolen from a cathedral in tin a mi inner n vaiiiaine soon be developed into a movie receptacles roiilainlnir relics producing centre rivulliiiK Holly wood, California. A prominent the saints of Hie man had cut (be electric 1.. f F. II ... I I , . t l movie concern I n iimioutieei liwires in uif ciitircii, imiuiuhiso. Hint it will ' erect the larKest , M"K I"' IM'""- Nulwllhslai.diiw .ml,. .I...II.. l ll. world ".'"Mtess. However, a (croup COMMISSION RE-APPOINTED ',.t l,U,,.nn . o..,.. 1,1... I.... Oueens. Other producers arc 7 ' "' expected lo ollow and erect 'T '" " ' .J II I.. II r. ... ......... .... "Ulllin SIU'JIUS III IIIL- lUi II 1 1 7. 'I-I... .........I I 'I" I . .... w.,... ri ,..!, I "llll l, nillflft ld blnv down and (lieu dragged his body through Hie slreeU, U'1,11,. tin ....... .1111 ..II. . - VANCOIA'KII, Jan. H.-Atlor- ,,., u " . . " .7 ,?." ney (ienerat Sanson announced (l)tr ,, ,,,.,, ,(I,,,P( here yesterday the re -appoint- f w nc-liifrU-iI. ment of IKeYiincouver polico commissioners T .llarnctl andj Subcrlbtf Mr the Daily .News. JANUARY Tucfday, January 8, ioj Satisfaction or Money Refunded CLEARANCE SALE Special Bargains in Men's Furnishings and Clothing Men's Military Orey Sox .Medium weight, ribbed. .Sale. Price, per pair . . . Ilejr. 7 .V. . . .. 45c Men's White Handkerchiefs Kxtra good quality, .Sale Price, eu10c Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters Pullover sljle, nil wool, in roriibina-1 ion rotor, all sizes. Hog. 7.o0. Sale Pries $4.95 Men's Overalls Willi Mil, heavy Mack Denim. Sale Price $1.45 Men's Scotch Knit Gloves All wim.I. Sale Price 65c Boys' Fleece Lined Combinations Tiger brand. Size 2 2 to Jlif. Sale Price, per still $1.20 Boys' Wool Gloves Leather hound, with dome fasteners. Sale, per pair "50c Stanfleld's Red Label Underwear Sizs :lt to J . Hale Price, per suit $3.05 Turnbull's Cee-Tee Underwear5 Pure wool, in while or niiliirnl color, sues :il to H, Sale Price per suit $7.95 Men's Pyjamas OoihI qualil) I'liiiiiielt'lle, In eaiilii:.i ilc-igii. sixes 'M In . Sale Pi;c; $2.95 Men's Business Shirts In fnln-y and neul colored lriH-s1ze I i lo 17. Sale Price $1.95 Stanfleld's Blue Label Underwear-Hue :ll to H. ?ab Price j' suit $4.95 Viking Underwear (iold Kleece pure wind coinbiiml oi; oil sizes. Sale Price, per soil $10.45 Men's fine Fur Felt Hats In a large iior(ilcnt size 0 7-8 to 7 n-M. Men's Bannockburn Pants .Ml wind, size :2 lu (). of eiilor. Sale IV . $2.45 Sale P ? $4.95 Stanfleld's Mackinaw Shirts and Coats-All pure wind, 20 per cent, off. All Boys' Suits and Overcoats 20 per cent, off regular price . All Men's Suits and Overcoats 20 per cent, off regular price. 20 per cent off Men's Hats, Caps, Silk Shirts, Wool Shirts, Work Shirts, Pants and Sweaters Universal Trading Co. Mail Orders promptly attended to Phone 375 WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday . 7 and 9 REGINALD DENNY in "The Abysmal Brule" A screen presentation nl Jiuk Lomloiis fiiuioif, era salioual slory. Denny KtiF Ilolrrts the Alhl llc llaml some, young actor,, lV MnM Julian StoU in a " erlalive plioto-play. The story uf a millioiiulresv, a piini pTi'd siiciely darling whu Ml m hue wilh a lioxer II wiis such a t.urfcel brute that she Jiisl hud (o iiiarri ln spih uf slreiiiious opposiljuii, INTERNATIONAL NEWS. LAND ACT. ! Natk of Inttntlen to Apply to Liih Land. I In Karma land liuirlri ii,.n.r,i.. i.i. ' Take .V.tlra that (irorn Wrr wcuna , tlon butrhcr. of frinr hnri", n.C. In. , ii " ' r i,"'i'Hi to iraiA iii following ilorrllml IiikU Cimiiiiriirlnr al ... :.T. : ' ii'ri line at hltli water mirk arrnin,i n.. ..,.. .,. Srmu??nr.l.JKlinl,,r r,,"'"nrfiiM'iil. an.) runtaliiinr 8,000 arrra. iiu,r ,,r !. CKOiiOr: ktnn. IIOOMtS K. rilttMAM, Arnt, LAND ACT. Motlta of Inl.nllon to App'l, t, tand i r .ii..i."l, y, r,!f ITinlaalim lo Intel i"mtirJ n!ltm ,;,m"n,', '"o U, .. !.mr"n,,I ,:"n'' "",,r' 'fulliiwllnr l1".0' !" ,,,,r'' M water Si ;r!"""' ,h KltirnlM 1 ,f r i.V '""'""'iirfini'nl, md rcmlaliK CIIAULKA S. Mllil'IIV, .... "."' Applicant, J, i SAM JOHNSON, baled Nuvimtjr till, mi. Admission 35c and 10c HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Praser St. Steam llentcd Hot an,) Cold Water nolflft. by Day or Month P.O. Box 7S. Phons 8. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson looki PRINOB RUPERT, 8. 0. Office Hours, IMl Phone 888. Open Evenings Only Speolal Appolntmsnti.