yiK-clHv .fauiiary , lo?. ( ijHMA IB 15 g A flUf f aalaalaalaaH cfljkid'dayjHeairovOw Jmr Urn film. OXOUHtTFD "But I hate to cook for myself !" How many women lay it, and how many others feel it ! In every little Oxo Beef Cube there is a wealth of warmth and nourishment and a world of flavor. Whilst saving time and trouble, they bring you all that is beneficial in meat build up nerve, body and resistance. A Cube to a Cup. Oxo and CIikk Toast I Ota Cut tltMnlr !) Ota la a lltll hat tlrr. rt rtfprt a4 tm'.l i i ui(-! piMcWHliioiiuDHnr. CrU bf ibt4 fa t , .-iUm. Whra 4lJn.t. SJ A Rill llrr r... .it'. . i . u.M l.md IB l.itai Ikr milar. "RUPERT" Brand Kippers Quality Better Than Ever. T K p Mlor oT roiikinff (i"'in (he limine vvrnn'lhein a grra'rpniof nr ami hake for 15 minute-. Thi nlo rclain I lie iloln inns lung. Canadian Fist & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sail from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX . . Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Jan. 2, 16, 30) Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Lran (Tlnre hiilrl pin. for I'llUCE OEOIIC.K, EtlMONTO.N, vn MrtO, all iolnll Kaaurn Canada. Uniloil Slaiw, aOKNCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. CUy Tlcatt Offlta, B2S Thlra" Af rrlnca Rupatl. Phana 0. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicei Sailings from PrinceRupert nniuercQ MflnV. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 18 February 1, 15, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 28; February 11, 25. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbe.l River, and Van-couver, every 8aturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Llnet. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. saitinri From rriv nPf- o VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Oe.an Pall., ,"'n.W';J"?','ia!. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Al.rl Bar, nd Sw.naon Ray, " Ur ANVOX, ALIUK ANSI, STEWART, WalM Mto. " or PORT SIMPSON tn4 Nan Rlf Canmrlli, rrldlf rrlnc Buprt. l.C Ml nrt AVrnua. i. aarnaUr, Aianl. MRS. ALEX MCLEAN OF ' TCHESINKUT LAKE DIES Well Known Resident of Interior Pastes AwayFuneral at Burns Lake Today M'llNS LAKH, Jan. 8. On I'riilay evening lat Mrs. Alei. I.fJin of 'I clifxinklil I.nkn ........ --- i ed away al Hurn Lake, I tin cwuse of death being cancer. .Mr. McLean was a highly respecicd rci-denl of llii district ami leaves a large number of friend lo mourn her lo. ,she wa Ihe w1f of Alexander .McLean of Trhesinkul Lake whom she nutrried shortly raifler coming lo Hip dNtilcl five year ago. She wa the niece, of 'J'. I). Conger of 'heinkul Lake. Mr. McLean's maiden name wa Ada Harriett Conger. Stir wa Hi- daughter of Harrison Copper and wa horn al IlnMa-d-lon, llntland Cm.,' Vermont. Slio .moved from Ihcre lo Wisconsin, Ihrnce lo lnw, where hc laughl school, am again moved hack to .Iowa. A l)llle fiver five year Inprt she rame out In Tcheinl;ul (Lake lo keep hnue for her uncle, l. Ilnnger, ami a fpw month .lafler married Alex McLean. To mourn her ln he leave' her ju'hcre, liuhand, and iialf-ilf r, Mr. I'aI. Clinging ee or Hit-Ins. Minn. i The funeral service look place ,lo.ay nl Hie Knion Church, Murn Lake, wilh the ieV. .1. II. . Mar- Crimmnn official inp. Special inuie wa rendered h- Iho choir. Inlermenl look place In Ihe. new Ihlrn Lake cemetery. DR. HARRY SIMMONS OF ANYOX MARRIED JMIts Kate North of Vancouver j Became His Bride on New Year's Day lr. Harry Alexander Simmon. the Anyox denhl,wa married on New Year" Hay lo Mj Kale Norlli, Ihe ceremony lakinp plaie at Ihe hiune of Ihe bride' father. John Terry Norlli. 2017 KifleiiMi Avenue V, Vancouv ver. Ilev. Col. (I. O. Fall! olll. rialed. r. and Mr. Simmon, afier ti brief honeymoon, are proclaims lo An)tx where Ihey vvilr reiile. VANDERHOOF A cat- load of hrHpe Iron ha arriwd for Ihe Fort SI. Janie hrhlfce. A daughter wa horn In Mr. and Mr. J. I'ohurko nl .Marten Lake mi January 3. Mr. Oeo. Pnell relurned home !from I'rince Onrce on Siindav iconiderahly linproxed In heailh. A yonn? people parly wa held at the home of Mr. and Mr. J. Y. i:anil'll lal Salunlay niuhl. Mr. II. T. I'arker. who underwent mi "Krai inn at the Smith er. honital, I now makinp alifactory proyres. a ',. Ourihfr Ihe chool holiday Mi Olive l.anplnn viiled I own. the suesl of Ml l.oU Johnson. Ml l.anglon ha returned to Slunrl lliver vrhnol for Ihe hal-anee of Ihe Icrm, -- On Salunlay lal the firl real rold ciiap of Iho eaon conir menced ami continued until Thurwlny. The thermometer went down to forly degree he. low zero. Harry K. .lame of Ihe Sluarl I.a1e ditricl ha left for Seal-lie o loin 111 wife, who i now reidinp In that city. He I one of ihe old timer In Die north and on leaving spoke of return ing In hi old haunt. T. H. Mitchell linn purchased Ihe farm and .equipment of Cecil Hartley in Ihe Noonla dis-Iricl. lie Intend lo slay in lowu for the winter nnd move out lo Ihe fiuui when Ihe prinp wijrk commence. wilh hi wife ami family. On Thursday, night I here was a lijih parly to Ibe' home of Mr. Ilnbert Held, about forly puest. attending. Dancing wa the outstanding feature of the. entertainment. -Mr. Marie .1. I'nwvll ftf Portland, Oregon,, Is n piel al Ibe Xecliaco Hotel. Mrs, Powell THK DAILY .NEWS. BAD BLOOD PIMPLES AND BOILS Banished By BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. MIm lr-n h' Maithewn, Starrer, Onl.. rlti:-"J thonrtu I would" wriw nt yon f the njtrttrni and hMifll I have Wlt Ml rrtn liHriUirk Hiitfrt. few irxiolli I Irirtililml villi IjhiI- tiliHMl ulilch VnA xit i my fjrr In ltx mliiri- of Hnr(lf. tJI. ami rlfir-wnrni, ImI I t-l no Ii.n1 I really !!! ikI iikiw what ! Co. , I ai aliaiTMl to m anylKTe. 'an1 ihe iitrninir mHi nirrriniar rmnrn iini a irrn jlili1 wfiall'Hi 1-yimM no rHlf .'rtay .r firm day a frtnid a-ltlvil. nw ''. to u Riirtliirk ni(Ml nillrr. I MM-1 ne tMllr and Ml qiille a rriu-t. ami l,y ilw iidh- I hail taken boillen I a fn.l-tejr re Ilw1. I rannot .ralM n.ll.B. rnriurti ami I jhop anynn afflirti like I aa UI $rx ItiinhMk lilil miler i mamiraMiired Mily tiy Th T. Mlll.ni en.. I.tmlleil. Toronlo, Onl. came hero lo allend to fiome huine mailer.; in conneclion wilh the inlon-fl iie i,n jn land norlli of Ihe Xecharn river. iovernmenl Knt'ineer A. livon wa here la'. week loo"klii(r into Ihe reqnireineiit ror IIia. roinfiifr eann. ... After ienilinr niirinlninA and New Year easou in Ihe valley and at Slunrl Lake It. H. fireat- woim and I). Slevcnon of Iho lloyal Kauadiaii Mounted I'olice have, relurned In I'rince Oeorpe. Charle II. Hood of Sluart Lake i -pendins a few days in I own". BURNS LAKE AND LAKES DISTRICT II. .1. Jewell'. huildiiip'. next to Ihe Jike View Hotel, i under- ftoinjr alteration and interior fini-hing. Mer.-A. It. Ilrown and Taylor .lenrnSie doinjr Ihe work. In order tt make room for Ihe contanlly ?nwin.' volume of mail painjf thrnu; the Ilurn Lake pol olllce. Jalne McKen-na, Ihe local po'lmater. ha lieen forced In add 'an extra lOn feel of .iiace to hi iiflice. The inferior of llie povern- ment leleplione oflice at Ilurn Lake wa' rernnileired lal week and II. D. MacNcil, Ihe local op'eralor, j now more alified .wilh hi HCt'omniodalion. Locally il I fell llial the government1 liould put up a hiiiltlinp with mure rixun and heller accomodation for llii hraneli of il ser vice to Ihe puhlic. It. II. I. eislilon. of the Forest Hraneli al Smilher; i n visitor in Ihe dislricl. II. D. I'rilchard arrive.! in Hum. Lake from Vancouver on Salunlay mid left Ihoaine dav for Hncha Valley where he will leach for coning term. V .xh'iftli iny parlyj composed of Misse. M. ! Oarrico, X. Mallol, Zeln Clark. ViiMii'' Kerr and Andy Anderson, '. McKenna, Sam Marsh ain JinKerr made a Iriit In IWkerl.ak'c on Sunday and paid Mr."SSudr'Mr.. Phil. Ilmnnell n viit. ficnrKe ' I.iinKtroni, niannper of the lnnon Tie' Omni) nl j Decker Lake, paid a few hours ivlsil. In hi home al Hum Lake STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS MAKE BETTER Home MADE BREAD J'JJffllLaBsBJI h I bBBBbSBBBbbBb oil Sunday. 5. Findley. vislor in Ihe MILLIONS and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips of celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same evening, he entertains great armies of film fans who eagerly pay their money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, to provide a proper background for his art. The movie multiplies personality and earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or manufacturer. In a single day it takes his message into thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have his goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting in your easy chair you can compare values and prices, in a moment you can tell exactly where to go fof what you want and how much to pay. Figure how much useless walking and talking and how much actual money you can save by spending a few moments daily with the advertisements. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS of Smilher. I Lakes district. The Saturday night da we at Jlurn Lake wa atlended by a larpe and eiilhiiiaslie crowd and Mi M. K. Oarrieo, and Mesr. Carr, Lan? and Oodwin provided ome fine dance muic. II. L. Mann, who has been on the sick list for a week, resum-jj on Thursday for Vancouver. Possibly they may continue Iheir trip and visit Japan before Archbishop I Ml Vemel 'expect lo le in Terrace next Sunday. He vvill.be in cjiarpe of Ihe Anglican service Ihen, Miss F.landa Marsh returned lo Prince Rupert on Sunday. Another enjoyable dance wa (I hi position of teller at the held in Lakelse Community Hall 'local branch of the on Monday. lloyal Hank Mr. Joe Haker of Palling wa taken to Ihe hospital at Smilher by Dr. Lang or Hum Lake on Moiulay' train. II i. Ilioughl an operation mayVbe necessary. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. lleckslead and family left Hums Lake for Hevelslokn on Saturday. Mr. lleckslead wa formerly a parl-'ner with Hruce Kerr In Ibe Hums Lakn Oarage and he recently sold his interest. here lo Andy Kuddy and i now starting a gnrage limine al llevclslnke. TERRACE NOTES i Mr. Thomaon relurned front llaiellou on Sunday'. Iraln. Mi Klsio . Kenny left for Prince Itupjerl mil Sunday lo (continue her studie at Ibe Iljgb Sclur. Mr, O. Orilun, principal of Ibe Kilsunignllum school, returned to Terrac on Saturday bringing M bride with him. The. best twlsbeS of , the community ar! fxlended In tbeini Mlfs Wayhvo Dotdt relurnftl to Terrace on, ?atunlayf '; Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Little left by Ihe resldenl on thai side of Ihe river. The O.W.V.A. held their an nual New Year' dance on the; last day of December. Those who I vent u red out had a .most pleasant evening. A fourth leacher has been engaged for the Kilsumgallum school and work in the new division will foinmenro afler Iho holiday.. TIMBER SALE X 6347 SeaM TMithTl will Iw m-lvel by II j Hiriri tni-t'Mpr, ihh taiar man mmn m the ivih day of January, mi, fur the purr ha of Lleenre X3i7, war Lnl mm, norm unorr or knmM-Lin inii-i. .!. i, to rul 0.(M)0 rji.ni. ot Sprue. Crilar, ami. Hemlm SavUi. Two t) .war will lx alkiwnl fur -re moval r iiintMr. Furlher parilrulars of tlw Chief rore-Irr Victoria, or Ihe tiUtrirl liircsior. l-rlnre MiiixtI. B.C. TIMKIt SALE X 5798. Sealed Trmtrra will ba reclvfl by Ihr IUlrlrt I'orrsti-r. iiol lalr than nuu tin Iho Utli day vr . January. I llii. fur 11m Mirrnis'o or- uraini 2 aiss. lwar wni' Xrw. en Moth uke; CJt. &. l f ut. Kl.nun fi).iii. or sprur, t:ilar, llrmlnck and ttal alll Saw lout. : MX 161 iiumth't Mill Iik allowrd tor r. iiHtval f tlnihrr. luriiwr itartiruiar or ln nnicr rnr. tr. Vlriorla. r tlM bisirlrl rmlr. i'rinrt iluprt. ' Soft Finish Thrif-T-Service l Wei Wash , Tliree Secvices, one of which will exactly fill your wash day needs. Phono u for particulars. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. Big Reduction on All Coats. Suits and Dresses BENT'S EDSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON 0OAL lu any qaantltr. then M. if lb