Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, August 16, 1952 | Telkwa Woman | Forecast for 1952 Dem at 67 ... Largest Wheat Crop Ever Grown on Prairies TELKWA, — Mrs f - from Neale, 69, of Telkwa, died at her 7. vest of 545 ; . I iarges home here le stethy i ness, having been a $e i Peak Wheat Harvest Forecas Record Barly Crop Estimated OTTAWA @©-—Canada’s wheat er: reach an all-time with the 10-year pend NS 1942-51 at 386,000,000 bu: wheat ep of 627,000,-| Good production ol oats ‘ba Statistic c 7 bush- 1928 The Free Press pre- Pp this year i year is e high Of 656,067,000 busix ls the < Chea stimated today Cay timated the record after a on the 1952 barley crop at 95 333 Og another M0 bus) i ] the wheat son predeceased het the > Nalvegt WALLACES Mens Shop— It's New! It's Smart! It's Reasonable! WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Great made TODAY 6:50 - 9 RANDOLPH SCOTT - LUCILLI Nopy in “CARSON City“ and west crew of coast each yeal I AUTRY. “INDIAN TERRITORY" MONDAY ty -G-M' TO WEDNESDAY irs of the season Canada’s barley pro for e anaes meetings in and are now turning former ait Since 1939 as result Of an acci- ‘1s from the three pro-| ley, rye and flax also was pre- Ite a : Se a nae 89,000 000 bushels greater than the previou "sh: was born in Tenderden ord west- proc 531,000,000 bushels, | as a record for decades to come. in 1928 s Deak Kent, Engia and was mar- a * . | Both wheat acreage and yield years ago they moved to yield at 248 bushels an acre | Persian Gulf is the world’s lite~ a6 nadia tor a fe en ae me. Reale took compared with 23.5 in 1928 est peninsula, with an area of “Michi” anq Yama” Wheat production will be as follows (1951 figures in brack- : 176 tage ena sonar ‘s JOHN ARCHER ne well-known yaeht which) The Saskatchewan crop alon BES} FINEST OF OF ———|last night before an audience at the Civie Centre. } dsome craft, specializing,| ,942 BROADWAY CAFE maries are not so much in forwarding ma-! Western ‘2 =| Tr lesper Cor Tr oO + ‘ i ege pecic wram ¢ tae opening eservedly 1 Q ste -ompare wit} 238 000.000 | From ° farm toa tiddle—aily News Classifieds BS ene oe i " oe popular bi nie tal . aa ana the record OIL fe | (of this servi . niente vushels last year and the recor lt ine Lower Lign nder the Kaiser's flag. He first|peeted to hit 22,610,000 bushel ] ship used during World iw the light in Kiel, but he! up from last year’s 16.080,000 or y far II to rescue downed airmen yt very old } tur as well as t regular pub- WITH ESSO FURNACE Ol, | ‘“ : ve ne re pub A } wei dent hile the Tribune was; dicted by both papers ried to Charles Neale in 1916 are forecast higher this year i1agement of the Co- In two previous years, yields | about 1,350,000 square miles Water” ets Manitoba 52,000,000 (52,- in exceeds the 10-yea! conducted , FOOD —_ 6 COOKING % 5 The cz in is * Robert find out who named her, | compared with 323,000,000 in "3 ere w of 13 are singers as in catering to indi-! duction also will smash previous BURNERS us concluded H. J. Kohrt was born in Ger- | 241,000,000 in 1942 As! before he Flax will be at 11,426,000 bush Aleutian Islands, 5 | | O E - . L E Light,” is given CONTRACT ASSURED E Her ae bel at 610,000,000; The Free Press saic The wheat estimate would make t} They came to Canada and re- Ithan in 1928. Seeded acreage is VAST AREA ANTIVE NAMp WATERFRONT where they were higher. The 1915 crop ran _— ee aS 000.600): Saskatchewan 339,000 services , “YANK IN » as = oe 3 for s crew of 13 are musi- ut yhill would not deny re-i3951. Record year on the prait ‘violin That Sunday afternoon! records, the paper said. The 1952 — but that did not mean} An increase in rye production; 4% NOW thought more than| els, compared with 8,400,000 in northern ; | free and ma regularly to any CONTINUES : | More pa. Cee s agc Bot! ninar estimates b ; Last year, the prairies| harvest in prospect may sland : : nis year sided at Quick, B.C, up to two 25 204.000 against 23,159,000, with Arabia on the Red Sea and The Stale of My 125.9 bushels an acre and the 1942 outturn was 25.6 sory ey : ; al - Iber Sunday Midnight — Monday Mati na ae a : . w *rvic 00 29,000,000'; and Alberta Y Matinee 24 | ters and one brother.’all Gospel Vessel Holds Service 0 tH or the MEAL that REFRESHES |) 2 | INDO-CHINA” 7 and gospel work- . te ‘ : roduction at 53 i ies’ ; he reguiar mai HSU Rupert good enough to remain) toba’s wheat pro Buy ree of ladies shoes and we wre $ There are hundreds of power vith 201,000 bushels; Saskatchewan REE : boats and launches coming and 388,417,000; arid Alberta 167,926, ONE Ta CAROLE # ' at Prince Rupert today 000. If reached, Saskatchewan's offe 1 contrast to what crop would be an all-time record situation was away back 35 Alberta's crop would be sur- or 40 years ago. To be sur passed only by 1942 her were boats then > > The oat Se ee at there W oats then, yet after prince Rupert—as long ago as 7 61.000 1 . co. ' 2.910. t tter than a hand- ann . : re 343,461.000 bush i 1907. He came direct from Van- = : ee What it 1S couver aboard his own launch se eaten: tee ~