PAGE TWO TTTE DAILY IIT3V3 The Daily News 1RI.CE RL'PEIIT - BRITISH COLUMBIA lNiblihed lfrery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince It npert- Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P4 PL'LLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising, and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising hould lie in The Daily News Office on dav preceding iu Miration;. All advertising received subject to approval. Contract Hates on Appncnlion. h:tt ita! away in Now SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Tranent Di-play Advertising. .. ..i. 40 per inch per Insertion TV.-tn-ienl Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch H',td!r.- . er' insertion 2ic per line ;i;i-Hfii Advertising, per insertion 2c per word l.egal Not ires, each insertion .". 1 He per agate linf Member of Audit 6ureau of Circulations. iaILY KpiTIOJi Monday. Nov. 17. 102 O CANADA! O Canada, our home mir native land, True Patriot Love thou dost in us command. We. ee thee riing fair dear land, The true north strung and free, And stand on guard, 0 Canada We stand mi guard for thee.' O Canada! O Canada! O Canada, we stand on guard for Ihee (l Canada we stand ou guard for thee. Thee are the generally accepted words of Canada's na .Hitht'ui. They are not satisfactory hot they are (he hes v. h.iw miftt auuther is forthcoming. i DOB RITCHIE DIES IN EAST Suddenly Stricken With Pneumonia on Return From Trip to England and Died Yesteruay Morning also survived by a younpei tirolher here. Fred Hilrhic Jr. MAY BE CANDIDATE FOR POLICE BOARI Arthur Little Being Mentlonec and it Is Believed he Is Willing to Serve I The name of Arthur Little i I hemp mentioned a a possiblr With blocking suddenness, camlWale for the police commU- and Mrs. J. Fred Ritchie, 420 sion at the forthcoming el vie r.turui .upne nm, paction. Sir. Little is under--ad iiilelliyrence yesterday that o lo, adyprS(, o ae. Hder Robert A. Ritchie, son. -.,, mjn,; .i i.i , . .. - f"""r York form would include an effectivi 1 J i nut ' hj ' nlAan-iin 1 1 I i A ro linna li '" was '""uliarly known herVthp hxiiinf!iA s(.cUn 0f the city had arriyeil in Nf.w.ork from , MU. u an exlpn,ive pro London and stay-ppi.,y F.nsrland. was ,wnl,,. an(J iit ,,rince Ru in? at U,e Hiltmore Hotel Sud- jonepr towiWM man. strirken Friday, he was. .ley on w ,:.,, ,erttX as taken .t the ..ekefeller Ho pilal 'mmis-ioner expires (his year, wlo-rc lie expired at 8 O elork , - ye.icnlay morning from lobar jn'cumonia. "Hob" Hitrhie. who was 27 yp.'irs of aire laet September (S.j a nalivp ,on of British Od-i j'lid-ia. After havintr resided in U LEADING SALVATION I ARMY OFFICERS ARE COMING TO THE CITY Vii-toria and receiving his e!e-; iinT'tiiry education there, lie camei O'l. Knott of Winnepeg, chie to lrinre Hnpert in 1909 with his secretary for Western Canada o parents arol wan a student in the; the Salvation Army, and Col til public action) on Second i Phillips, property secretary cnm-. He tinned -in the Oreal I passoil throu?ii the city on tin W-r -inre which he was located Prince Mary tiay hound fo: in 'lif Fast. About four years i ajro. he returned here to pay a! ln-ii'f visit to his parents. An '!('( rieal ffenius, "Bob" was an v"i'rinienifr in wireless Inns he-tovc tit (lays of nyidern radio ). l'i'cion and had the first ama-l.Mir wireless set in Prince Hu-i " i. His studies alonpr this line lir n.ntinueil until the lime of his leal h. Many' friend, who Will he -!i.u-kei to learn nt "Hrth's" lin-liiin ly paii !r. will extend (heir ileeiic! nvmiLiiliies to- tits nar- in their bereavement. He Is ver. Wranuell, Alaska, where they wil conduct a district congress foi nalies. There will be some 50( Indians in attendance at the gathering it u expected. Col. Kriot and Col. Phillips will he back ir the city at the end of the weel and will speak in the various local churches as well as at tin citadel. J. .1. Carroll, local C.O.M.M suporintendenl, returned on the I'rinw Rupert Saturday jiirhl from A business trip to Nancou t w N ARD ANCHOR & ANCHOR-DONALDSON Special Xmas Sailings to Old Country FROM HALIFAX To Quecnstown and Liverpool The CUNARD way P S. Carmania Dec. li ' . . . To Glasgow i .u u u Is the best but In- ss Sa(rnja ,)(,c K expensive.1 To Plymouth-Cherbourg-London S,S. Andanla , . , . Dec. 8 FROM NEW YORK ,, . ,. To Queenstown and Liverpool. Many of our most S.s. oaronia . . Dec. 0 particular travellers S.S. Carmania Dec. 13 To Glasgow an- delighted - with S.S. Tuscanla Dec. f. the new tlllrd' cabin s s- Gl'mbia Dec. 13 To Plymouth-Cherbourg-South-Ciiuaril travel. ampton R.S. Mauretania Den. 3 To Cherbourg and Southampton S.S. Auitania Dec. 13 Full Information from Agents or Company's Offices, 622 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, B.C. 8ey. 3648. i I I The Man in the Moon f.YS:- S1NCK ships are no longer over the seas by wind, so air should he abolished in connection with the ship of stale. NOW that Hie legislature is in session, why not have a law passed allowing every employee of firm, corporation or com pany to remain in re.i until noon Ihe morning after the party? SO far the loud speakers have been a failure, and yet we cannot be" sure what is in store for us In the future. ASKl.NTi a frirl to marry you does mil how a very high estjin ate of the inlellifrence ot Ihe irirl. XOXK of us really want to be rich. If we did we should not act the way we do. ONE sure way of improving your financial position is to turn down all the ticket sellers. AT one time the !ok agenl was the supreme nuisance, now it Is the ticket seller. IF there is any person whose murder I should gloat over il would he the lady who forces ine to buy tickets for something iu which I am not Ihe least interested. LIZZIE IN DITCH i arrow Escape at Smlthers When Car Goes off Road on ( Fifth Avenue SMITIIF.HS. Nov. 17. Another ar of the Henry Ford vintage ook a notion on Wednesday -vening to park itself in he 'nilthers canal, Jhis time it w .Vatson's delivery truck, whkh ailed to respond to the pressure n the brakes und barked into Ihe leep ditch on Fifth Avenue, very ieely seating itself on its reir nd on Ihe ice in the Imttoin of he ditch with its front wheels i the air like a dog begcing for crust. Jack Mniin, uie driver, hail a arrow ecape, as had Ihe car one in sideways he would hae ios likely been seriously 1 1. -i red. As il was both he ami ie car came off without a erateh. other than those inflicl-d by O'Neill and Wall. Ihe Fo-.l nctors. when they ailed Lizz'e ito a position nure in keepinu ith her build. WEDDING AT SMITHERS '.ouple From Ootsa Lak4 Married on Friday by Registrar SMITHFIIS. Nov. 17. Two veil known and popular residents f the Lakes district were mar-ieil in Smlthers on Friday afler-oon, Nn'vemtier I i. when Maria Moli rider Kleese became the ride of Frank Hailey Van Oecnr. The ceremony was performed n lie office of the local govern-nentyagenl, Stephen II. Hnskins, vho on Ibis occasion acted in his ftieial capacity of a registrar mder the Marriage Art. Mr. Jlos-irts is nn 'o1d;l(ni'e friend of he hrhlegroorn whom he first ict as. a boy in Cranbrook some wnly-two years ago. Mr. Van Derar was in business nr several years at Ootsa Lake, here Mrs. Van Decar lias con-'oeled a general store for the ast year and a half. After a short visit in Smilhers he newly married couple are retiring lo Ootsa Lake, and inlend o make their home on the farm Tr. Van Decar recently pnr-haed from James Slnynoff. vhich ailjoins the Harold Ilen- Lake. tdace on Ihe shores of Ootsa! ?QR A FEW DOLLARS MANY ARE MADE HAPPY The mol uncomfortable creature in the world is the. one who on Christmas morning receives a number of greeting "cards from people who he or she forgot to remember. This Clirislmas mor&v than ever before, priva'e greeting cards are going to bj in vogue. In order In ge exactly the personal cards yon want, be sure and make your selection now. Scatter sunshine with Rose. I Cowan and Lalla's prin(ed-in-Prinee Iluperl Christmas Cards.. Fourth Street. Phone 234. tf SMITHERS Joseph Hussinger of Telkwa is spending a few days in town, hating come in to receive deTilal attention. The Ileleccas gave anolln'r of their popular hUinonthly card drives in the l.odite rooms on Wednesday evening. Whist was not played on this-occasion as all present joined in at Ilridge. The winners heina Mrs. Lawless and Mrs. K. Htiy for the ladies and II. Kelly and F.. nunderson ainoiigsl the men. .Vs usual refreshinents were served and all enjoyetl a very pleasant evening. Capl. F.'A. iSoriri QMhe Salva tion Army, lrinc Itupert, who i in the itlstrfct soliciting funds In assl in ejirrying Qh Army work, held a meeting fn the I'liiott" Church on Thursday night and treated those present to a very interesting address. Areljle Walt, maler meehanfic with Ihe C.N.ll. was a business visitor in Suiilhers the latter arl of Ihe week. Mrs. II. II. Lelghlon of I'riiife Itupert who has beep visiting in parental home. II. W. Sharp, forest ranger of Haielion was iu'lnwn Thursday and Friday on olllcial duties. In honor of her guest, Mrs. V. J. .JelTry of- Jasper, Mrs. J. p. Kirk pat rick at her home on Third Avenue entertained a number of friends at a Mali Jong parly on Thursilay evening. On Friday afternoon Mrs. Kirkpalriek en tertained a number of ladies to a bridge and lea. There was no very much spirit ed bidding al Ihe provincial Tax Sale held last Wednesday, til- seas conyneui jb-nj for south. The body or A. Iloy.'one of the victim of a double drowning a few weeks ago near Shawallan's Passage, was found this morninir by a man named Lindsay not far form where the accident "occurred. Hoy's son s body is still missing. NOW FOR A Wool Dress "DEMERS" HAVE THEM IN FLANNEL, SERGE and SILVERSHEEN. $8.50-$25. HOSIERY IN SILK AND WOOL PURE WOOL In the Letter Box NOT LAW MAKERS Alitor Daily News. AcCiihling to a report in your paper lat week the police commissioners set themselves up In be law makers for thi city as well as executive heads. They are taking on Iheinsehes to say whether the law shall lie enforced anil where. Now. sir, I am not a resident of Comnx Avenue or Fraser SI. nor am I one of Ihe habitue nf these districts but 1 lake an in terest in everything that goes on in I lie city and I like In see fair- play. As I see it, I lit mayor and the other two commissioners are taking on IhnuseUe to say where the law shall be broken. They say iu can defy the law on Ctiino Avenue but not on Third Avenue. Other Laws All right, Mr. Kdilnr, if liy can do that wilh one law they can do il wilh another. They ran say people pHiy steal on one street and not on another. They may murder on one street but nol on another. 1 should like to know if they are allowed lo do thai lown wilh friends, left on Friday, ,; PV a,w .((fgmp for Winnipeg on a visit to herL,ni, lrw, aH)l no, llfir,i,Pr If they can I should like a year of free notion on the oien strel. There is a rumor around that me street pays for protection lo Mimehody bill no one seems lo UUile know who xel the protection money. Naturally under ihes. conditions v-ryone i siis-;ecled. My understanding of Unlaw is lint the (Mdice commis-ion is there lo see thai laws are nforred and mil lo ec Hialj hey are enforce! on onie streeUi .ind not on other-. I should like) lo know from Ihe city solieitor if they have any right lo do that. I should like to know whether ii is a crime for otlicials lo condone wilh crime. When the mavor Ibough a number of parcels of' HV, ,,.,- (lf .,.hifi ri.r land were sold. -Smither pro- ittlr kBMw lo w,,n, 1ar, nf ,,. perly was most id demand. Iherei,y , lllty IIia). vn r.irry on an . ,,.,u.- .M occupation that i contrary to sold in Ibis lownsite. some of. which were in a good 1r09tioiiiikA io tn.,w if i, , ....iiin,. aid close In Main Street. Ihimeoir uiihin n. .... t n... law. ... . . Malcolm H. Mrl.eojl relunieil ; Position of Omclals pu the Prince Ituper Siilunlay 1 am not now arguing against 'ligbt fmm Vancouver. 1 a hutiness I Ten Years Ago in Pllnra Kuperl November 17, 1914. trip Mr1 restricted ilistrirl but I am jjusl discussing Ihe position of I A scintillating ami undoubted success, lite society circus in aid of Hip Ilelgian war fund which opened last night ami will continue liNlay outshone anything in Ihe entertainment line that had ever been Maire.f in 1'rlnre rtn. ine cny oinciais who nave iakei an ikiIIi thai they will enforce the laws without fear or favor. If the icily has a right lo ei aside a Idislricl for Ihe commission rtf crime, I shall have no more to say, but if, Mr. Kdilor. you find thai I am right and the city official have no right lo play favorites in Ibis illegal business, I (then, sir, I shall crave Ihe par- don at a later dale of expressing my views again on this interest-" Mlg public question. J bould like to know what you lliln; about it and alo what the cify perl. No less than. 91,150 was . oJicilor. wio is aNo Ihe city realixeii in Ihe one night. There prosecutor. Iliinks about il. was an fmnieiise crowd iu attend-; Vours for junce to all. ance. INQITSITOH. nirr;::-,, ' sj& overwhelming majority that ao djsloyally had been in- 1M 511 EMT CI CPTIAM lendeillbvj thWfew4riy workers) IW OlLtlll tLtlllUN who;ijid noj: lake -The'Miolidar " given last-uVek wliem Ihe ;overPr'nc ""Pert Women Register Ihei . Interesting Vote toOave - V Money and Lessen Work It is a sign of the limes thai women should demand more authority in their hopies. Not hal I hey want all their own way but (hat when com fori and economy iare a! slake they are usually beU er Judges than their husbands. ! They are at home all day and jknow more about the Ihinus that I irti in rnuLu . II, n . , . . . f i 1 ei limit" l"l !r 'i;illliri. f lhe home than the husbands who come home at night expecting jeverylhing to be Just so. This fs why so many Prince Itupert ladies Insist on .inving .Nanaimo Wellington coal. They have made la study nf coal and have discov- jered that Nanaimo-Wellington is far superior lo Its competitors. Very Utile lasts a long time. If drafts are shut olT at night iho fire wil) he there in hn oiuriuuK- .m roc, very mile, ash and no slack are ntliitr polnl In favor of Nanairno.We, llpgton. This famous coal is sold only by Albert 4 McCaffory. They Have their own learn and (rurka and assqrn prompt service-. Onlor direct froiri them and bo sura you gel the only coal Nonaiuio Wellington. Their phone numbers are i 10 and fjQ . Advertise In the Daily News n7rom Canada's Clover Lands Moodar N'ivemh-1 i i- .1 TASTE Kraft Cheese Shut your eyesand immediately you picture green Mt, pure bred cows knee-deep in clpvr or drinking the pure cool walerfroma bubbling sprlnK. Kraft Cheese it unique! The first bite will captivate your taste, win your lasting appre ciation of one of the most nourishing, economical and delightful foods Nature pro vide for man. TEMPTING DISHES Ncsily 100 ttity C ! Ripi r lnll.Ki.lo,k!t i to I r. Uit Ci MINIMUM CHARQE 75o CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS Sjrth Avenue WssT Phone 8 Union Hleauirr Cardena, Capl. A. Hiokson, arrived from the south at J. o'clock yeslerdav nf. lernpon MPd hailed al 8 for lew. an. flunn nun A0H (rm T, mm (CUE CO. UNITED AIW MOMTDCAL C SJ m r irr l CVhm Tin Whv stay on the washday treadmill? No matter how long you travel on a treadmill, you never get anywhere. For the treadmill carries you back hs fast as you move forward. It's much vthe same with tho weekly washday. You spend a day or more every week getting the clothes dean. Then the next week you go through 2 the same thing all over again. Send your family bundle to us. Our prices are as moderate as our services ate varied our work is always thorough, careful and reliable. Cpll iis and step off the washday treadmill forever. I'i . ,1 II ,!..-.!... L.-J J.., mill Un W I .llTll'S(in for I'rince Muperl: II. Morley Hhicr nn.l C I ''l'in?' h llM for .Stewart ; Mrs ,jfJ '!,i ianiflna hrpughl tho following; Wilson for Alice Arm passengers: D. Cordela and Mr. ' Ualfney for Anyox. "Mr-