.November 17, 1024. lay. THE DAILY NEWB Mun inniui The "NatQral Touch" ofthcifeQulctl2Rcm. Ingtort .listens the day s work, Improves the day's mimiit.-and turns typing from a task into a pleasure. llo wonder this latest Remington model is winning the typist everywhere, no matter what typewriter site has used in the past. And remember that this is only one of the many fundamental improvements of the New Quiet 12 REMINGTON or phone us for a demonstration RMlN(rON TYPEWRITER COMPANY r-m m m m m t i m m m is m m m m . SPECIAL MONDAY ONLY Clark's Pearl Cotton 20c Balls White or Colors MONDAY ONLY 2 for 25c H. S. Wallace Co. We lock Pictorial Pattern. OUR Christmas Cards Phone 9. K f ur are the incest we have ever hail mure volor h:: vanelv more, designs and made heller than ever vtfun: Price rtinge from 5c each fr t lit ordinary ones lo M each Uif the large hand-painted ones. ". ill in tod lilukc jour rhoice today while Hie selection bet. PRMES LIMITED The Pioneer DruggitU The Rexall Store rhlrd Ave. A Sixth SU Phones 82 and 200 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Onerallnn n t d n nnn Tnn Floatlnn Drv Dock T - . . , , y It f VV WW v . i " o s fj'iMrs, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, woodworkers, tic. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. ur plant 8 equipped lo handle all kinds of Marine and commercial work. PHONE8 43 and 38f ivertise in "The Daily News" K . Local and Personal 1J.C. Undertaken, l'lione U. Hayner?, UmlertakerH, Phone 351 F.lks' Christmas Cheer tiuess- lii u- tinniest. How Ionic will the candle burn? Ak any Hilll tf Save "SUI'HKMK" Coffee cou- pons aim secure iree i-8" china. I.. S. McGIII, barrister Sinilliers. arrived from Ihe lerior on lal tiMil's I ra hi. If Regular shipments of famous Foothills stove and lump coal ar riving. You'll like lit Consumers Coal Co. Phone 7. H Once more we can supply th' famous F.don coal In any quan tities. 1'hone 58. I'rincc Rupert IVimI Co. U F. II. Middlemiss, post ofllre inspector, arrived from ancou ver on the Cardeua yesterday af lernooii. Major John McGregor, V.C. of 1'rince Rupert wan a speaker al Itic Holary Cluh luncheon in Vau-ouver last Tuesday when the cluh was host lo blind veterans. Miss ltuth Lemon, who was called lo Manitoba on account of her grandmother' serious ill ness, returned home on the l'rilice Huperl Saturday night. Adjourned general meeting Q.W.V.A. tonight 8 p.m. Very Important business. .All mem bers requested to attend. I". S. Honney, district forester returned al the, end of Ihe week from a trip lo Ocean Falls and other points down Ihe coast on departmental business. L. W. Pal more uiid Millon (ionialcs relumed on the Prince John Saturday uighl from Slew art where they went on legal bus mess. School Inspector II. C. Fruser uiled on Saturday night for Ocean Falls on departmenlal Inisiness. He is also lo visit Anyox and eipeel In rHuru lo his otliee here alxiut November 23. of in He is here in connection wilh a cu-r oniing up al Ihc'Supreme Court assizes this week. Morley Shier went through from Vancouver to Slewarl on Ihe Car dena yesterday afternoon ou one of his periodical buines Irips lit Ihis district, lie will relurn In the cily towards the ejid of the week. K. It. Tahrum formerly jn Ihe hoe business here and now a eoiimiereial traveller, arrived from the south on Ihe Princess Heal, rice Sal unlay. lie is on one of his periodical business trips to the district. D. .1. Hergin, locating engineer for the provincial government. who has been in the hospllal for lh" past week or so, was di- li urged from Ihe institution Sat urday and will proceed to Vic toria this week. (!. A. CInlhier, resident mining engineer, is on his annual (rip own Ihe coast lo inspect various mining properties. He expects lo relurn here about November -T ami will later proceed lo Iho Mines Department headquarters at Victoria. Alex Young, barrister of Prince ieorge and sou of Judge and Mrs. F. Me 1 1. Young of this cily, arrived nisi iiigiu rum me interior. He is here in ennneclioii with a civil case coming up al Ihe assizes this week. After no thing that business, he will pro-eed lo New York where Mrs. Young is holidaying. They will i relurn lo Prince (ieorge in about month's time. ANNOUNCEMENTS l Moose llazaar, Nov. 18 anil l'J. If Presbyterian Hiuuur, Nov. 20. Lutheran Hazaar, December 2, Melropole Hall. j Advertise in the Dally News j Chiffonelle A dainty flowered fabric from the looms of. the famous firm of Grafton &. Co. White and Mauve ground Willi colored figures, 30 indies. Per Yard, $1.00 West of England Store SMITH BLOCK. Mr. and Mrs. Alon.o Haines and family left on Saturday night's train for Toronto on a six weeks' holiday trip. A. K. O'Meara returned lo Vic toria on the Prince Huperl Saturday night after a trip to the Naas lliver on legal usiness. Mrs. Fred Miggiiis sailed on Ihe 1'rince Huperl Saturday night for Vancouver where she will re- ide. Mr. Miggios is already in Vancouver. C. T. Cabrera, M.H relumed lo Massell on the Prince John Saturday night affer spending several weeks in Ihe eity on busi ness. Capl. John Wiek Is expecting to leave as soon as weather moderates for Ma sett lo bring in Capl. Dahl and the members of the crew of Hie halibut boat Thelma which was abandoned by her crew last week. Capl. Dorio, district Mscretarv of Ihe Salvation Army, arrived from Ihe interior Saturday night nfler a lour of the interior and will proceed lo his rtwadmjarter in Wrangell on the Princes. Mary this afternoolf. Mr. and Mrs. lJ. (.afeCumpbell of Kiuimall anil formerly of this cily wen in Vancouver la! week attending Ihe - weirding of Mr. Campbell's brother, Claude al Wesley Methodist CliUlfh. Mr. Campbell was bel man ami Mrs. Campbell sang fheSIawn." Cluirles J. (iillinctfiun, former ly mad superiiUeudent in this district for the pmiiicial govern- Tineiil, mism through the city on Ihe Cardena yesterday uflernoon bound for Stewart where he has mining interests. Mr. (iilliug-hain is Ihe father of Miss Oorothy (:illiugliaiii of this cily. Provincial Constable Arthur Collins arrived fnup the souMi on Saturday night bringing with him from Okalla prison Jack Mac-Donald, !eorge Hall and Fred llremer who are alleged lo have assaulted him al Ocean Falls and who will be tried al the Assizes here Ihis week. W, J. Jefferson, manager of the Milloed eannuery al Seal Cove returned to the cily on the Cardena yesterday afternoon from Vancouver bringing with him Mrs. Jefferson, and daughter who will take up their residence in the cily Mrs. Jefferson, as Miss Florence Hreulian, was a member of Hie local hospllal nursing staff several years aao. (ieorge (iraliam ' of Alice Arm and William Danu of Slewarl were brought to the City from the noriii by provincial police ollicers on Ihe 1'rince John Saturday nighl. They are on their way lii Okalla lo serve lerms-fyp selling liquor. Shortly aHei: itrrlvnf here, Dann had to he taken lo the hospital suffering from a nervous hreakuovvu. LADIES! SHOES IN ALL SIZES At Greatly Reduced Prices. FLANNEL AND HOUSE DRESSES FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. 1 , Mrs. John Jl. Tannock sailed! on the Prince Huperl Saturday night fur Vancouver. V. Howard, Inspector of wireless stations, sailed on the 1'rince John Saturday night for the Queen Charlotte Islands. The adjourned monthly meeting of Ihe St. Andrew's Society will be held on Wednesday, November lit, at H p.m. Moose llazaar will be opened on Tuesday at 2 o'clock sharp by Deputy Supervisor Wallstedt and Mayor Newton. After spending a couple of weeks visiting in the city, Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Lea sailed on the Prince John Saturday night for Buckley Hay. Jimmy Richmond and Tommy Fraser sailed on the 1'rince Rupert Saturday night for Vancouver o'i a holiday trip. They expect lo also visit Seattle. Miss C. Nickerson ami Miss S Xickerson sailed on lite 1'rince Huperl Saturday night on a lioli day trip to Vancouver accom panying their sister, Mrs. It. M. Newell. Hig I lance, Moose llazaar. 0 o'clock Wednesday night. Draw ings for prizes 12 o'clock. He freshuients. Admission 50c. J. Kealf, charged with supply ing liquor lo Indians, appeared in Ihe cily police court IhiA morning and was remanded until tdinor row morning. He is out ou 300 bail. W. IS. Watson, formerly con uecieii wilh the hotel al l.akelse Hot Springs, arrived in the cily from Vancouver on the Prince HujHrl Saturday uigbl and is re gistered al the Prince Huperl Hotel. Mrs. J. C. Henderson and Mis Humphreys of Chilliwack, who spent a month here visiling Mrs. Ileiiderson's daughter. Mrs. II. C. Fraser, relumed south on tin Prince Huperl Saturday night. Mrs. K. C. Nixon, after making an extended visit here with her daughter, Mrs. S. W. Taylor, i rail a in Avenue, relumed on the Prince Huperl Saturday night to her home in Vancouver. Arthur Collison, Oeorge Powell and D. O'Reilley, Indians, were each fined I0 and costs in the cily police court this moriiin: for intoxication. Minnie Johnson, similarly charged, was re manded until Tuesday. Thomas 11. Joyce of the United Stales field tariff commission i sailing on Ihe Princess Mary this afternoon where he will join his confreres who went north last week. It has not yel been de cided whether it will be necessary for I he commission to visit Juneau and Silka as well as Alex Yule sailed on the Prince Huperl Saturday night for Vancouver where he will attend the wedding of his son, James Yule, Nifler which he will leave for Montana and other parts of the United Stales on an extended visit until next April when he will return here. Mr. Yule's store on Mcltride SI reel w ill be in charge of Malcolm Miller in Ihe CHANGE IN SERVICE CANADIAN NATIONAL Sal unlay, November 13 w ill be Ihe last sailing southbound ou Ihe double weekly service. After that dale, the S.S. Prince Huperl will leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver each Friday at D.00 a.m. This boat will arrive from Vancouver each Wednesday at 3.00 p.m. and leave for Stewart and Anyox the same night al 11.00 o'clock. The S.S. Prince John' will leave for Vancouver via Uuecu Charlotte Islands. Saturday, November 15, and fortnightly there after, at 8.00 p.m. Kffective Sunday, November 10, the train service will lie reilunn,! to tri-weekly. leaving Prince Ru-j perl each Monday, Wednesday nml &!ilnt'iltiL' nl f. Oil ... .....I H.... ...U.U.. I, . u.uu J'.lll. U1114 arriving from Ihe Fast each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 4.00 p.m. Further information from Citv Ticket Office, Phone 2(50. (i70 Subscribe for the Daily News, Always Uniform in Quality Deliciois "SAIADA" BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. Guess who wrote this ad? Can J on write a better one? The lime is extended to November JJ0. ft (JEN WATCH E WINTER HIM HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PACKET TEA IN NORTH AMERICA. i "Fellows, That's f ! Great" " j j He He could could say say no no more more when when lht5y lht5y pre- presented UJ i. sented him him a a thin thin model model watch. watch. It It was was ri just Ihe thing he wonted. His old watch was out of date",Imt he haled lo throw it away. YVe have a beautiful new design white gold engraved. 'IS jewel YValtham in Ihe latest thin pattern and a guaranteed timekeeper for $43.00. For a moderate priced YValrli we have a splendid little watch for $15.00 in gold filled. We have a big variety and can suit any pocket. "The Family Shoe Store" "LADIES" WE ARE CLEARING ODD LINES OF SUEDES, CALF, AND PATENT, In OXFORD AND STRAP. "ONYX," "SUPREME LADY" and "TRUEFIT." All going at Phone 357. THE ECKOFF STUDIO CALLS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE We are able to get any Fancy Hoods, Dry Goods, and Sundries you wish lo get from the- Orient or European countries. We Buy Furs, Jewelery and Cameras Do you expect to make belter friends? If so, give him or her a gift of your Photograph. We do photography in any style al reasonable prices. ECKOFF STUDIO AND REGENT HOTEL Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th SL Phone Red 69. STEAMSHIP SERVICE Effective November 17th. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT sails Troiii Prince Huperl FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, intermediate points each Friday 0.00 u.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11,00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Nov. 20, Dec. Hi; 27, Jan. 10, 2t. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 5.00 p.m. for Prince (ieorge, Kdmoutoti, Winnipeg, all points F.ust-ern Canuda, United States, HOINCY ALL. OCUN ITCAMIMIP LINES. Olty Tlekrt Of. ;, tzt Third "., Frlntt Ruft. PhM 280. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnn troin Prlore Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swtnaon , n Al.rt lay, Tuttdar, 8 P.M. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rt Bay, an (wanton Say, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. Sunday, S P.M. J.0- NV0X- T SIKPSON an Naaa Rlr Cannarltt, Friday A.M. SIS Snd Atanu. J. Barnalty, At. Prlnc Rupart, 1.0.