PAGE TWO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: MAY 5th to 10th WEEK In Our Corset Department Come in and Me the special display of Nemo Corsrti and Corset Accessories, including the new Diaphragm Controlling Corset and a new Circlet. Sold in Prince llnpert exclusively by JABOURBROS. Kent Ctttti Mii C.nrt Acttmrin ut miithy Kmf Situ Lti.. T.(. 1 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, exespt Sunday, Ihe Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKN, .Managing Editor. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month SI. 00 ijr iu mi pans 111 me nriiin r.mpire ana me united States, in advance, per y;ar $0,00 To all other countries in advance, per year $7.!0 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per ineh Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising; per insertion .2c per won! Legal Notices, each insertion irc pi ncate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 All advertising should be jn The Daily News Office on dav preceding publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Tuesday. May fi. I9il. Ijonp Radio Becoming Important Factor. The preeiilatiou of a prize of a radio sol o the wTiler of Ihe best essay on saving the forests i an indication that radio is popular and that it is increasing, in popularity. Next winter a great many more Prince Rupert people will have -els and already several local dealers Vloeking are them. While we are n lillle 'Mow in taking up radio we can all see what a great thing il would be fur Ihe i-olaled districts. . Everyone Watching For News Of Flyers. - - , II :.. . I r t . . ." V" . T it wumieriiii wnat great interest is being taken in . the progress 01 me tnree Hying expedition, two of which are mak mg Ihe round the world attempt. Young and old want to know about llipir mnvpmiiiil. II r..l.-.i.! A 11. i .1 - .............-. 1, 1 IIKtl llllllllllg nas Ml aniu-cu puiuic interest since Ihe sigiung'or Ihe Treaty of Ver sailles. Class Of Work That No Others Do. The Salvation Armv does a elass 11 f vvorV Hi -it .... iimm iif iiiiici or- . . - . .. . grtiiizatiou does, thver since the nriran;i;,, .r it... 1....1.. 1... lieneral Roolli in London. Ihe armv h i.n ..o-.: or .in uplift nature, looking nffer Ihe fallen and doing its ,e-t to pick up those who arc dovvii. U is a work of love and one that ,r""' fpci! 10 ine sympaimes or the people, generally. Jul now the army is needing monev nnH noonto ,.t n .i:: nominalions as as lhne no! religiously incline.I, aVe giving Wild Talk Is Not Beneficial. rt ; i 1 ihtc is a got mi 1ip.11 or -iiii loll- ... i.. . . . . . of an idea ..d WMM SK'I ............ ,...,-,-. (Al r.iimonion Mindav there was 1 rather demonstralioi. and in Glasgow one of tht members or narlinmenl Aleeling; of this Unn?MaiZX Sr.:rr;:.- improvements rio someti mo t L T.L L:.. "'"I :nn "periment and -oim someiiines narnuiil. Poets May Dream But Men Must Work. tlflftft rrtfkX ll nnn n v...l fl f. ..... won. .7 o Jo u . " " !,s.weu ",at hou!d. All of us " ; . " ,,,c "".npior sometimes in order lo re XZ,rZTlnt nl IMof, no, do aild oossiblv the n nV. T , V'Tr.."' fish. Uiere is loo Utile re work iu olherV w "Nerves in Bad State Could Not Sleep" Mrs. H. N. TardelL rlarrowsnrith, Ont, writes: I ,?,y ,DttrV" HT a vtt1 bd u'e. nd for nearly six I cLd not know whst it Tu was to hate a Cood night'i rest. no, ..t, and never fell well. I heard ,1, V. it Zli so : iTii wi. and thought I would try it After takinc it for a few-day I began to feel better, and toon wat able to deep well at night. My appetite alio returned, and 1 felt itronger and better, and after taking three boxes of Dr. Chase'i Nerve Food I wat quite well. I have alto given the Nerve Food to my little girl, with good Br. Chase's Nerve Fed cu. a bot of eo pliu, Hdnaaaoa, Btm A Ou, ljiL, The Man in the Moon SAYS. SO.MK people ar' wondering if some of those, chemical Mint STEWART II. A. Heywood. in n nn 2i-r for Ihe Terminus Mines ,d recent ly organized lo take over the .Northern Terminus group, ar rived last week from Victoria u lake charge of a urogram of de- veinpmenl work which is lo bj vigorously proseculed on Hi American Creek high grade silver properly. Mndfrey Smith of Victoria conimpnceit the construction of ;u storey IIUSIIICSS block Oil r lllll Mreel near I he HanV of Mnnlreal in which he will open up a furniture, builders' and miners' suriiily slore. W. .1. Crawford is to leniiis court adjoining his home oe Jraversy has relnmp.l rrom a holiday Irin of pvr.r.-.l months o Port and. Miss Cora Tollefson ii on inree weeks' business Irip lo Ketchikan, A fire deimrlmenl is In be or. ganled In Stewart. W. II. Tooth and William Tolln tmvn hdn elerled n cnuimiltee to collect funds In purchase necessnrv equipmenl. Ore is Ileitis 'snrLcil nn H.. Porler-Idabo Dronnrlv mot inn Ions will be shipped (his iring. THE DAILY KKWa Tuesday-. Mnjr fl 19 , ( 7 MANSON GIVES ADDRESS NELSON sweeten Hie breath might prevent sPes Scathingly of Other Two Hie breath or scandal injuring' P Leaders and Mentions people. Legislation j n i" ail right In control a "I am uriiHs la hear Ken J""11 ami Mruggimg imi iirri netti Canmhe II on ui ti.-r. machine hut it is extremely would he a .alinr nm ickiu id coin nil an older wg in .eln. The Trade am; machiue esperially if it epoue Journal stales lhal llniil. mows dial arc opposed to yours. Odumbia leads Canada in regard I'o labor iuclion. A l-ihoi . .. .... 1 .. . . i.ii.m. a rai eiaie iiiiii(on-camiiiale against a govcrnmenl aire into a popular labor leader candidate ecm impossible. I would h alioiu as ditlirull at for can'l believe it," S. Maled tloti a fat man to keep hi troucr A. M. Man-on at the opera houe, uji with a belt. f speaking In a jneeiuig called for " " 111 ' ,ll purpose or hearing Hi rati Sl'PPOSK tli time, should roni met minister, according lo a re wnen .1 male employee would published in Ih Nelson I1.1v lo siitimit to unpleasant l-tjly New. a Cnueralie p.ier ininiiiariiie rroin Ihe lady bos .much laughter ami i-..miiiciil or loe hi- job? "J'm Idu," .ail Ihe sea Willi a moaning ijfh. ' loo," say provincials I till w"ll nt'xrr .ay di. . t - VANCOI'VKlt Has pick.! out a 'pood Viliien" anil will awanl wa caused during .Mr. Maiison faddre... when h referred to lien eral Mrltae. lender f Hi I'rmui Parly, a Hie mi.rnrrcd lir of the war. A lady in the audience spoki up, .iking: And where were you "I w doingi!my bel under Ho him a medal. It i understood rirrunKtanc,'''rpliel ih allor mat ?n-al dillicully was eiper- .v general, a. oiiiek a- a whip lenred in I.HMiinv such a person. iral .Marline wa sol.lierim according In the Winnipeg Fre I" London, and If Ih lady Ihmk l're.. ih it of liigli rhameler I uonli AM -lill thinking what a time ago i mul hae bn refer her lo Searchlight No. A.N old timer is a person who which Males that Ih Provineia knew how to walk jauntily up party will not 1I0 any inmllinv .-nlte Mnfl on Sunday morning However. Premier t)lier wa in his hirl -eee and feel a if 'ermd a the "rlait idiid. he were dreil tin. I nm inl.l ai'l Jutie Mallagher "an a." thai sometime ncofde aot unt'1 "i lady wish lo Minpor unday mornings in lhoe days. that kind of a parly" asked Mr Man-on .'Appaile . In Ihe Pro. iurial parly, the attorney gen eral realized Hire rlae. the when people got up herore noon!"""ri,oraM"n lawyers. such a Sir on Sunday mornings. WIIKN w gel our new elevator we shall have a bppr slide of society in Prince 'Huperl lor they say lhal devalnr nien'ar giwxl mixers. MK.N were born lo rule, but Ihey dont. l.ha. II. Tuper and Sir John (Nelson, and dUgfunllcd Coner. valtves. As U)nservalives. he ,aled. they could haie kept the nam or a good party out of Ihe mud. The third element wa en- tilleit to sympathy. The lady, he suggested, was" probably in Ilia class. The Searchlights contained scandalous literalure. which in suited the men and women of the province. ' Attacks Bowser In regard to W. J. liowsrr. Hip allorney general referred to di. n senioq in Ihe Ilowser camp since Mav 6. 191 i-Jio. au.i mai. tie said, was A bad ace.dent on the u.rv un'; -f linp eA! or sr,.ii.,. . "ru wa"- ' ntei my Pai; my whi 0 Ten Years Ago in Princ Ruprt rolled over Ihe bank. ft I .. . ... jnoiirr is coolies. i up I'ariflC Tn r'ftlWil la.lern had bee a worry Mb- broke rrom lt .rain and M7 , ,p eftvl.rnm,n. ftwlll , Mr llie IIIOSI ' .... .!.,..: ..,.. a r OMlllllll.-l BlimilllSirai I .11 lllll. OI ,:,., !..: . . ihiwsits prions injuries wpre su- ' a ' " nedL iw; . . by ... IV pi.t-f l.lllei t.hier t, Lngineer F.rilflnoikr . ,. Van nn Arsdnt .jadmlnislralbin . had been whose arm and collar bone were broken. A message has bepn sent out by President K. J. i:iiamlrli n In all employees or the (Jrand Trunk I'aeirie Itailway urging etlieienrv and courlcsy. in spilp of the racl that the l-.arl lirey'w Itilles here were ilis aiuled, Ihe federal tro is spending eleven million dollars Ibis year for military purposes. ni'iiiiiB LADDER iSV ftBHMMI twf etm fi His full of inquiries, while, in Hi einlit jears or (he 0lier administration only two inquiries had been held The alteration f l( norlhern resene.s was another thing against the lender of the opposition, the government having to pas a land settlement act to gel hack land sold al 2 and 3 per arrc. Mr. Ibiwser's altitude lo public affair was a that of an old-lime ehoo principal. !alcd Mr. Man. on. Mr. Ilowser ned all legislation.' w briber good or bad, in a small, bitter and par-llan allilude. Hp seemingly Ihoughl of nothing exrepl parly Ida. Thai day wa gone, and it wa Ihe opinion of" Ih sneaker lhal that day wa done for lhal lype.of man in puhlfr life of the province. Now he wa talking of asylum lock and prune Juice. Nelson Wrote Article Ileferring lo Hi tirovince' debt. Mr. Manson staled thai Ihe goernment realiied Hint the lebt was great, but wbv should he be unfair? He referred lo an article published in McLean magazine in regard lo the provincial deb), which be staled was unfair, and suggested thai John .Nelson, Hie editor of the Senreh- lighl. might hae had something I... .1 til. . hind inlacl. II was noi intact when Ilowser left office. Ilowser, slated the spenknr. erlicicd Ihe gnernmenl for Ih spending of moneys. If afler all nuney were expended at the demand rrom the people. In reicrring to the cii service uiietion the sneaker comnared figure for lull lo 11)15 when the Ilowser government wa in power ami Ihe rigures or Ihe past year.! In till I to HUS Hie civil service ico.i w:t5.7on with stair or lf.o Iist year Ihe col was 437,500 with a slalf or 69. The increase in cost wa due In Ih increase in Ihe col of lUing. Where (he comparison wa fair in everv In stance, it should be shown thai Ihe present government was do ing Ih work for 25 In .'13 per rent :Is, nnm f I ..'.-:- ""M"" P"ple. b j r (i 111 lll'l Ulll'lllwill Illtl known In British Columbia. A Lady's Voice John Xel on did not wrile that article. '.Nelson then contributed lo it?" replied the .npnknr Sinking Fund Large The total debt or (he nrovlnce was UTt.nno.non, IUM ngninsl Hint Was over I2.000.1MIO in Ibo Mink- Ing fund, composed of bonds ami slocks eoiA-erlibln In 21 hours. I'roduclve departments were included in ih HAmincr ii Conservation Art. In the IlrilMi OGDENS GUINEA GOLD Oilurnbia boiie at the I'mpire exhibition in London, and In the Land Selllemenl Act. Willi Ihe deduction rrom the sinking fund and nrodurlhe depart nnls. the net debt was s3H,(lO(l,00. In com. paring Ihe sinking fund with that or oher province. It was shown that Hrilili tioltmiMa was the only province with the sinking Shall we coe out the mollipr's pensions, workmen' compensation Tranquill sani lariitm, Ih school for Ihe deaL I ii nib. blind and the home for in. curable?" All (hese services had been added al Ihe request of slated Mr. Mannn n o r i e . TAKE S0TICE that flT pnlillrtllnn of Ilk Wlt. I h.l m ..)! . . I ... . . .... " - - ' - "Mil "I'l'IJ VI in. iK-riMrir or jdim sinr Cmirxnl, Vlr-InrU. n.C, lo rhtnrr mir nin in lhal or -nim.XT An onrr.n. iiyirrn." n.TFD il Vtiarr Itiilxirt, B.C. Ihli llih Olj oi Mirrn. lT, pHTS.1T COHPAXY. LIMITED. TtNotn ron LUtiatR. ft . I .1 T.fl.l-.. ...! m . .L .1 u V - I - . . . - - ....w.w an, I rmirr HIT liiiiiimt mm nm mviiM nw ih Mimnl up io ft pjiu ,V,ndr. tlh Way rr iih roiiowinr. slc T piirt linn rilM-. i ai.i. I"--". . 1 . ri.l. ,.l, I Conrnmn llr. 3"0"l clr Shrip 0r.1. f. i. VTIIKOX. I eiircbaont A rem CITT., Of MlNOf HUPtRT. Tali a V-tlj alia ei.Ai.i. a - ... . - - ''"ruin .ITnuiP'iii ft rti ,n V.'1nAa. iw a -. 1 1 4 n ... - - .... rtfrt f !, lf VI MrUrM- ant Hntr Hlfrrl tM tlf-n TllBIll t l mi mm M Am. I kl I . ... . '"""i " . i Pirrv-i mill V rioted for -irtl vkn rfiani ar My t r. fie. r. w. rrAiisoN. ' cur EniiMtr. i fflild and Extra Fine" A FAVOURITE CIGARETTE IN ENGLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS For every occasion A BOX OF Purdy's Candy The Autocrat ofjjthe Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE 01 FT. A Toothsome Delight in n tleaiili.ul llnx. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE TtllfH Aua.,.. . .. m nrwiiuffi Range In price from WE CASH CHEQUES. Dining - room Suites $100 to $300 Many styles and finishes to suit every taste. Barrie's Home Furnishings a. as - 3rd Avenue. mi nouse or quality. Phone 123.