thi dailt iirvvn. Tuesday MMy f, , BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anut Money II I ill snr.N . II I om: run vm, I II too xoo er. r. wruuuf wruuuf kiko to Caoot Orders XrjT'. - - ' WrJ A CO SvTR TMCRC roK On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Currant Rctea of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket.?, Hates and ' Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. " Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Hut any length. HyrJeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone S80. Night or Day. WC BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson - Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of Oarden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famous Kdson Coal In any quantities Phone 58. Prince Rupert Feed Co Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy. aell and exchange all kinds of new and secondhand goods. 839 Third Avenue. Phone 646. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 218'. P.O. Box 895. NOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 669. Dr.LSTAIT DENTIST. Helaerton Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, 9 te t. Phone . Open Evenlnga. Only Per Ipeclal Appointment. f HANffi TIMF CONSTANT HEADACHES viuuiuu aaiiaju CLOSING STORE In onler l better keep Willi Me increase Duniif ar- ivrrlising campaign recently jadopled, the Universal Trading lOinipauy, under the direel management if J. C. Oavigan, will hereafler close at 5,30 each een. in? opening at H..TO in the jinornins- instead of closing at d ip.m. and opening at U a.m. The half hour change in opening ami (closing tinv has been found necessary' in order Ilia! the clerks can heller prepare the arrangement of advertised specials in Iheir respective departments. Itealizing thai money in mer chandising is made on volume of turnover and mil nn. volume of holdover, the business policy of Ihe Universal Trading (Jo. will, in future, he an aggressive one. Mr. Oavigan, who is now person ally directing the dry goods end or ilieitiisincss, siaies Mat lie is particularly pleased with Ihe results of his new sales campaign and see no reaon why the turn over of the Universal Trading Co. jshould not he trebled during the ;present year. EDMONTON PAPIR IN FAYOR OF CONFERENCE AS OLIVER SUGGESTS Would. Have all Interested Peace River -Railway Get Together and Evolve Plan In Premier' Oliver of Mrilish Col umbia in pasin? through Kd-nionlon on Tuesday gave an interview with respect lo his recent visit to Ottawa says-lhe Edmonton Journal. He-had investi gated, he said, (he possibilities of an outlet being provided lo Ihe Pacific from Peace Itiver ami had come lo the conclusion Dial there was no likelihood of Ihe llrule line being hull! this year. Having satisfied himself on that point, he had suggested a con ference between the federal; the !.('. and the Alberta governments and Ihe two transcontinental railways with a view of deter mining the most feasible and economical policy In ! followed iii giving Hie facilities westward of which the'nf people of the Peace Hiver stand so much in need. This is what Ihr Journal sug gested over a month ago. Something must be done to solve the problem at the earliest possible moment and it should be possible in arrive at a solution by Iho method proposed. Mr. Oliver was reported to have slated In Ottawa that Ihe CP. II. had decided not lo take up its option on Ihe H.ll. Si lt,(J, a year from nexl July. Ho denies that he used any such language mid adds Hint he war informed by President Iteall? it head jmoTeal pace had. li hard la Itul arhe and f lTff mrtnlii that his company has reached no decision. The head of the ft.P.11 did not inlinmate what its rotirst was likely to le but favored the calling of Ihe conference. j Greenfield Agrees Premier ISreen field is alsoi favorable and it is to be assumed) (hat the federal government ainl) Ihe president would be j Blail lo liavoucti a gathering called, as i would help Ibem in reaching a decision as to (he course which they should pursue. So no lime should be os in mak ing arrangements for it. This newspaper has been convinced from the first that Ihe best solution lay in having the CP.K. lake over I lie r..n, & H.u anil eiicml il to Ihe Pacific. Jlul if that corporation is not prepared lo do ibis, it should not stand in Ihe way of Ihe C.X.H. giving the relief, which is so urgent, by assuming control of the provincial railway and building to a main line by one of the routes which il has in mind. The conferences! between the railways and the governments concerned should dear up the situation and b-;id In definite action. LABOR TROUBLES IN CANNERIES OF ALASKA LIKELY ELIMINATED SKATTLK. May 5. Labor trouble will be largely absent in Alaska canneries this summer, il is predicted by Dr. K. D. Clark, acting secretary of Ihe Associa tion of Pacific Fisheries. Conditions which caused -previous disturbances at the canneries will be eliminated this year by an agreement signed !y sixty com-nanies which .Mutilates (hat the lraiisporlalionjm,.m)(,rs jv Iip (o schedule regulations governing Ihe amount and kind of food lo be served, and which also require l.nll.l. V-mIIoH,... .,.,. --.I l.l..!,' and in the canneries, (iambling is also forbidden and extra precautions" are lo be taken lo pre vent the sale of narcotics among Ihe employes. Another stipulation js (bat the employees must have at least 575 lo Iheir credit when they end Ihe season's work. COYOTE AND RABBIT Travellers on Ihe road lo Telk- MACDONALD'S Rite Cut For those Smokers who like their tobacco. Cut Fine or who roll their own Qiw4i jjf pain all tt tiiue.jOn and In nine rates out uf Imi tbe perllent!nnddle, Universal Trading Co. Will Open beadartie are due to deranrrmentj S.30 and Close at 5.30 of fi. w uei. ifKKMiDledlr the rise iuul before praunrnt relief way be Bardork Blond Bitten remores Icrujng fron Hie new sale policy i' ' " rt, " land the increased new-sp3ier adll the n every organ at the botj and Mrenrthent, purifies and reroutes hle system. Nn. reler Carran, 7 fcorrtsno St," Srdnejr. JIJ rttec " have lieen troubled for Ihe last fir years with mntant headarhes and diuineo. After tryln several rrmdie. sblrtl I fnaiml to be of no a'rall, BuroVwk Ithmd Bluer mas reeMntnended to me. BJI.B. did Die a world of rnnd. and rannot praise thli reamljr nemih." Manufattured only by The T. Minurn Co Limited. Toronto. Ont. Yzb. tinoO jwa mi Sunday evening witnessed ;in unusual- Micrhl when a rabbit Anil IJI..INrAN a M-rniriiiiijt i in- dust ir 'the road with h coyote in full strturtle alonr IU a P'"""". The rabhil kepi right toward and passed the aulo while Ihe covoie raiue within a few feel lfur. jumping on- side of ihr road, where It viewed with resentment the Ford which had cnt him his supper. Interior News. LUMBER TENDERS Tenders for lumber to be used for Ihe sidewalk on Fiflh Avenue Kal were opened 4y Ihe elly eotinefl Inst 'night and referred (n Ihe Hoard of Works. The bids were follows: O. W. Nickerson A C. cedar. ?2'J and ?7 per thousand. lieorge Little iv.lsu. 0.50; hemlock. fUrt.riO. Ilig Hay Lumber !. cedar, C. Albert A Meilam ry hemlork. iH cedar. .'C T.u IN FIRST GAME Sons of England Won Season's Football Opener by Score of Two to One Last Night A large crow, watt lied Ihe Sons of Kngland defeat ihe Callies by a score of two lo one in (be opening game if ihe city football championship series for the Mob- l-y Cup las iiighl. The gate was bigger than was., reworded at any Association game during 11)23. The team, took the field as follows: Sons, of F-ngland I.. Pollerlon; A. Lane and II. M. D. Lltiube; p. Cameron, O. KcJsey and II. 5. Hum; (ieorge Kill, jr., Oeorge Howe, it. p. Tinker, (!. Harvey and A. J. II. Wool Ion. Callies- -A. Murray; 11. Hamil ton and D. lack; J. Sims. O. Oiehrane, and D. Main; W. Hamilton. W. Mitchell, , O. K. Ijird, S. Klder and J. Andrews. (!. S. Itussell refereed (Hid Ihe linesmen were A. Clappertou and .1. Marks. Playing downhill in Ihe first half, the Calliivs opened Ihe scor ing about 10 minutes after the start .when Lord euccessfully negotiated a short direct shot, In Ihe second half, about evcn minutes after the opening, the Sons equalized when Oeorge Howe convened a corner. Ten minutes or so before Ihe close Ihe Sons got iheir winning goal when II. Hamilton put Ihe sphere ships'llirough the Callies own goal. I here was little llal was bril liant about Hie exhibition but il should be. taken into account that il was Hip first game of the season. F.ffcclive work was rare, combination was poor and the finishing was loose. The Callies were given best service by Iheir lefl wing consisting of Klder and Andrews. Lord at ceiil'e and Jack at back. Andrew's was injured midway (hnmrli the first half hut he pliiekiA stayed with Hie mHSRVlSJUUI M2 gfl la , . Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrtUmnt Taken for L.a them fJOe WANTED TKNDKItS WANTF.II for the work only in connection with Ihe staining of the roof of theSal I'.ove school. Tenders rinse at five o'clork Friday nexl. W. I. Vanee, Secretary. lO'J WANTHIi. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince (lupert F,xchange, Auctioneers. Phone 652. FOR RENT FOIl HUNT. Furnished house keeping rooms. (10 Sixth Ave. Knst. phone Itlue JI7. If FOIl HK.VT Four room, modern, healed aKirlmenls. Apply Smith A MtilMt. Ltd. If OFFICK FOIl HKNT. with modern living quarters. Westeuhaver llms f FOIl IIRNT. Palmer House for cheap rales and home comforts, tf TO HKXT- lloom for rent. Phone Itlue C02. 10'J MISCELLANEOUS WAINWIUfillT Alberta, OIL- FIF.LDS. Wrile for free booklet containing authentic in-formation on this wonderful oilfield. Haslelt. ISO Seymour Street, Vancouver. H.C. 116 game although his work thereafter wit, of course, not so ef fective. The Kiisllsb half backs (Jameron, (J. KeUey and llurn showed up well, P. Cameron being the uiosl consistently ef- fellve player. J Sport Chat j Nothing iefinite in regard to the yt Imseball program for Prince llupect was deenieil upon ul Ihe annual Hireling of lie As sociation held a cotide of weeks ago but tonight another meeting of players and fans Is to lie rail ed and II Is hoped (hat the at tendance will be large. Anyone interested in the game will be welcome and suggestions from all are solicited. There is a move on font lo change several details of the system thai has been In vogue in past years and a better distribution of players is planned. II seems that there should be material here for a very interest ing league competition if il l properly lined up. An attempt is being niaitu )i bring' lacrosse back in Prince Oeorge this year. It Is proposed at Ihe start lo gel together two teams and from Ihe best of the two aggregations lo selecl one which will represent the city. The first practice, was held last Sunday. A number of good matches with I lie (Juesnel lentil is atiliclpaleil. At the present lime Hie (Juesnel players are. the holders of the interior lacrosse honors but il is the aim lo bring llieui back lo prince (Ieorge this year. .1. C. Pidgeon has again been appointed by Ihe Priori I Ieorge Alhlelle Association lo lake charge, of baseball orgnulni lion there Ihisear. He will In assisted by ). D. McLeod mid . II, Tafl. There will be al least two teams in the league contest drawn fnuuilit' various orgaui-zallons. The Prince (Ieorge 'Athletic Association Is planning I'j give the children of Hie city n picnic, at SIx.Mlln Lakp on' May SI. FOR SALE I BEAUTY PARLOR. FOIl SAI.K. Five roomed house1 Complete up.-.. ,( on Second Avenue. Ilullding on ; Parlor. Hobbmg a v -r "iv wimri usru n iiainiressiog. unii i.-n: a news stand. Nine I it-acre up. Skin and s 4 ; f Art, mis, one i -acre loi ai lerrace. V olel lliiv. Pn. . o, . Prince (ieorge, lots 10 and II, block lit; lots 10 and II, block 116: lots 2H and 29.'Deny Allen l o - Mock 117; lot A, block 151. Apply A. (I Llllle. Second Ave. nuo. 95 FOtt SALIl Utinch "Star" 2tx6. Fonl engine converted lo marine service. Alwater Kent ignition. All controls brought (o steering bulkhead. Kletiric light and searchlight. A speedy boat at bargain price. Apply caretaker. Prince Ituperl Vaehl Club, or plume H. FOIl S.l, I,.- Sixteen room room ing house and store; all fur-nlshed. Fllll sle.1 liustnenl with new hot air furnace. I'nre 17,500.110. Terms arranged. TliU building is right in front or Ihe Dry Dock, lit!! Ambrose Avenue. tf FOIl S.i,K. tS-lu h.p. Sterling enslne; Ilosch ignition; complete to and including eoup ling. 8750.00. 30 foot cruiser, 20 h.p. Just overhauled. toilet, galley. 11,000. M. M. Stephens. If FOIl SALi:. Ivory Wicker Ilabv Huggy and Ivory Crib, two-hole Florence cooker with oven, fruil sealers. Wanted small wicker buggy. Phone Itlue 613. tf I.OCCINO OUTFIT for ale and gasboal 33 feet long In good condition. Can be seen al Ihe Aeroplane Ark, Seal Cove. ft FOIl BALK. New and used Machinery, lioals and Kngines. Northern Kxchange. tf IIKSTAITIANT for Sale or Uase. Apply Hox 175 Daily News CIIICKKNS for sal 32. BOARD AND ROOM IIOAIII) and lloom at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Olllre, H.K) Seeond Aven. Phone 137. If LOST LOST. Ladies iliauMtid ring of particular value lo owner. 1-10 reward gladly paid. Ilelurii In JDiiilyNews nftlee. tf LOST, New brown hool belween Court House and Dry ofk. Finder return to steamer Mal-aspina. itevvnrd. ii6 FOUND FOUND, An l.O.IJ. Owner car have same at Daily News oftlce . by proving ownership and luitf- ing tor this advertisement. I. f . LOST.- Siring of pearls on Third Ave. near WrathalTs store. Ileward. Phone lied 236 . TAXI Dr. M.rtel'i Female Pills If Ttxl 17 Phono. (Call Georgs or Oust) Rom Brothers. Prompt Servlco and Comfort Day or Night Stand: Orctto Cigar Store. Third Ave. Hits stsltUd sslura UmwisimIs rim last bslf "orrscus (SUM. butMinv ip Sl4 sutsftheiilns; orgsns, riminf OcLAVKI). sd I AINIXJL slEksTRUATIONTHkH: VOU8NESS. IIACKACIIIS. Oa7AHtM,,Z sod.njrwidrucs. Bolanlr la Swl4llli(-Cot.r TIN HOX with our slanstnrs. Dru tiiti J e!?i?lf ?'"! b? I1- J'u,n Jks l Cf. Otcslsr miM sa rssBMt. MRS I ntr IlfMUIl ?. HUiiti, p. IM. AU0TI0N SALES. V OimmIs Ilouifht g rj t Kxrhanged H. M, HEMMINQS, AucjnHf. Furniture and i rtnary, Thlrtf Ave Phones Hlack 136 and (led i MAIL SCHEDULE For the East .Mondays, Wednesdays frt days, closes at 5 JO p.m. from the East-Mondays, Thursday in ?t-urdays, 1.30 p.m. From Vanoouvee Sundays P 1 Wednesday t Fridays ... A I. Si urdays. t C P It May " I Co Vancouver-Tuesday, Mall dose' M ; Thursdays Saturdsy Sundays ... I May t. 13. To Anyos, Alice Arm Wenes.lays Sundays From Anyox, Alice Arm Tuesdays ' Thursdays . To Port Simpson r Sundays To Stewart and Premier Sunday Saturday Frpm Stewart and Premier Sundays Tuesdays. From Port Simpson Tuesdays To Alaska Points Mav 0. 10 ami 30 Phone lied r,.m ai,.i. flnl I0U , la.. I-, a,,,! -1 To Queen ChsrlotU Island Poln" May 10 and From Queen Charlotte roW Mnv M mill ' ' To Naas River Points and Po Simpson-Thursdays I" pM' From Naae River Points. Saturdays Ave. Bos Collection p M Ornham Sc Atlin Ave I i 1st Ave. X Kigliih St l i filll Ave. X Fulton SU Hill Ave. iV Thnmpsoit! St i .'" I HIijVV- SherbrookT ,315 M AX I'V 8 ' tf. 1 1 Hi Ave. X Conrad Stl LI Clh Ave. X Hays Covrf . AVe fcW 5 fllh Ave. X Hays Cove Circle .. Rlli Ave A hnllon St 8 :"J 5lh Ave. A Mcllrblft SI 5.00 r" Pro. Oov. Illdgs 5 j Pro. Oov. Wharf O.T,l. Wharf .... On, I Aa Oei.l Wf . . n i a. r 5.IJ " r. "0 0 " 3rd Ave. X Fullon St, 6 "5 " ,j 3r1 Ave. X fdh St. .. .3 fli! s avniMRr miprirr TIDts ' Tuesday, May 6 Hlah 2:33 n.:nv 15:2? p tH ,H Low . 0:05 a 111. 21 ;07 iud. 7 Wednesday, May 7 High 3:01 Low 15:58 I I H.I ... i:t( wr ' . 21:11 ,vj e