TuPnlny, May 0, 1024. aw mm Have Your Kodak 3rd Ave. Just What am- wm v mm mm Meeds In Spring COR soothing and clearing 1 the skin at this lime of the Vcir, Zam-Buk is proved invaluable. This rare herbal balm exerts its wonderful medicinal activity deep ih the inner tissues, quickly freeing the sluggish overburdened skin of all blemish and impurity. A daily dressing of Zam-Buk will make your skin beautifully smooth, clear and fresh. Keep on using it if you have the least tendency to pimples, blotches, blackheads, soreness or other complexion troubles, for ihe Zam-Buk way is the quickest, surest wv to perfect vtin health Avoid fatly pore-clogsmji ointments and face creams which have no real mcdtunal value For anything wrong with the skin. Z m Bui is always the right thing to use. Wash wiih Zam-Buk Medicinal Soap. Biik THE REAL SKIN PURIFIER l'ar'J H"t knliut firr C'W ,'.. Colt, fluml. ttslJt Ktms, Hmtl. IIwiki .. RJ Lrf. " W Ut. ISltt, Rimtmm "' ! 4. ".l. tU 0Wfi.l , fw fi t ' ! ., i It tf XI. Ready! Hi it, at n lure m.tkiiiK lieatl-ipiarters, we're rends to sali'fy sour holorrRdiir wauls. Von waul lo see Hi" llet .sodel Kodak; oti want the latest pie-lure making iiiforumtioti; yon want developing ami printing thai" reliably righL We're reads -drop in! KODAK ALBUMS V K I K (o. Sold al Kodak (UUitugue Priees ENLARGING Unsurpassed anywhere. Kodak price prevail here also. KODAKS '! it - inn al Hie luiie hi ni ik'n1! Kodak pielures iU -i.tro up lint lor Ihe future. (it Jo,ir K ;l k lu re. Kodak Film The dep- ifl.dde loin m the yellow Iiux. Vm'T mie - here. Kodak Accessories t Tnoei- (..inking t;.iM. TriMMl., Porlrail Al- liineid- Tin a" -lock here. I u help sou pi hi ii Kodak oullil Tor good pictures d lots of fun. ORMES LTD. The. ncxall Store. 3rd Avenue A 6th Street. Family Shoe Store Agiiiit under Hie Management or J. MYH ILL-JONES. .vt'iM,J vt.lirt with Hudson May Company. Vniir.niver. Moderate Prices, Courtesy, and above all Fit Guaranteed Phone 357. If You Are BOAT BUILDING f; luvo Hardwood, "Fir ami ''"'VTv'Tir Veneer " tr Mr writer iu tiro tir-d of Kiilsoinlne and I'njnT, ,( nro'lhiSklng have any lumber m of huildlng a house, we YOU rcmiire. also Sash. Door, ulnss. SHOfKT FY'S Planing Mills Cow r... Phono 383. VANDERH00F I lie ferries at EiiKeii, llulutl and Fort I'laser have now hcen ul in the water for the season. The . approach lo Ihe Stuart .ake hridge has I -ccti completed and (he hiiilifn llsclf is having its foundations slrciiKtliened. Mrs. Medeuchy, sr. is spending a holiday visit in Vancouver und Victoria. i '-TlitANVpharo Fall Fair will he if I1 in .Vunderlioof on September a utul 0 it' ha heen decided. riie Neehaku Creamery is to produce a new variety uf buller nfivery high oualily und prizes lire ' heitiif offered for I lie most ui Utile name. K BURNS LAKE lion. A. M. Maiison. altoniey general. was emlorii up- can (iniale fur Uiiuneeu rnJIuir al a uieelintf hehl last week in Wis taria. .Mr. ami .Mrs. lil. Newuuu Irfl on .aliiril.iy for vaneoiiver where Mrs, Newman will undergo medi eal treatment. II. Crove lias arriveil from l'rmirni Lake lo bike up rc.i- denre here. - J. C Koddy of Fore-Male N vnillni hrrtr with llev. and .Mm. II. Kerr. Die main I reel of Hums Lake lias now been pinnpelely gravelled from end lo end. a reenallon WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. HUillY ISLAM). I'arl freh nilieHl wiml; S'J.Hii; lenijMTalure. cloudy. swell: m t'.in. Mke sleiuner llaiu biiuin for Prince ltuKrl liai NIKK POINT. Cloudy, slrong Milheal wind: biimmc lei. :"J.7(I: lelllleraUlrt, la: sea rough. Noon liliillY ISIMi. Itaiiiing. freh uilh:'al wiml; Imromeler. .'ll.UO; Icmiieralure, UJ; mulerate Will. I I :. 1 1 TIIF.F. POINT.--Itaitiing, oiroug i-onllicM"! wind; baroiue-I'-r. :u.75; lemperaliire. 15; sea rough. Ill I.I. II AltllOlt.- -Cloudy, fresh i.inilli'at wind; iKirtmieler. 30.-(15; leuiperaliire, 5t; sea Mujrtr II. M. Tailor, ili-lriel engiiovr for Ihe provincial department of' public works, left on lal uighl's I rain for Terrace. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS The Canadian National Ituil-way aniiounce low Siiinnier Fx-curion fares o Fu'lern Canada and the Fulled Slales elfeelive Ma) .".'ihI. aUoto .lasper National Park. Filuioutoii. Calvary, on sale May 15. Choice of mutes slop-overs. Make a trip ariiuiiil Ihe famous Tri-Augle Tour in one iliivcMon Ihrniitih VancLUVer. Full iiiforiiuttioii. City Ticket office. 528, Third Ave, Prince Itu-perl. Phone i'60. tf NOTICE. Ntlgibl W.ltr. Prouctloni Act, R.t.C. Ch.pltr 115. Tlw Mlnl-liT nr IMiblle Wi'iks, UuVfrn- nut uf 1 hi- l'ruvluif ir llrltlsli liuluiiihla. h.'irhy tlvm nolle f Hint lio li. tiuilcr Soi'llnll 7 lit III RlMiVv Act. (ll'lHlrlldl Mlh till- MOiUtcr r I'llhllr Winks at OtUttl, ami In I hi- iirriep ir th lnnrin 10- BTI-lrar cat 1'riinv Itiipcrt. H.l'.., a cli'srrlininn ut 1 1 In- nir and plum ut a lllirliwav liildm'. Inri'iHiM"!! l It" I'liHI I'ver Hie sawiia ilher l Terrare. Ii.e. Hit hnllie nnre a week tor tt our tt) con aerntlve week, we nhall aly to the llealalrar of Joint Stork Companies. Victoria. HC, in rliaim our name t thai of .-WOOIICOCK IIAIIIIKS, MMITHIl." 1'ATI H al I'rlneo lliiH-rl, D.C. thla 1 1 III day or Mull. Il. THE CASSIAII ,MlHTIIKIt UA.NGI, UMULV. I rain. THE DAILY HEWB. Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. ' Harners, Undertaker, 361. council meeting. Pboue if I James II. Hiehe was a passcn-l Kr for Milliner! on last mgiil s (Jul Flowers, Pol Mauls. Mrs. McCarthy, the Florist, Kmad block. If P. V. Anderson, provincial! road superinli'tiiJeut, left for Terrace on last night s train. We sell Laminated aialerialsl also Fir Veneer. Consult us be fore buying finishing for your liouse. Albert & .McCalTery, Ltd. x - If Denny Allen Co. .Sale com mencing .May I. Olasware, (Jroekery, Kilt-lieu llardware.l F.verylhiiiif redtieed lO'A. Special) lvalues in windows. 1071 - Hear C. W. Cutforth, of the lecture staff International Bible Students Association at Empress! Theatre, Thursday night, 8 o' clock. Seats free. No collection. Fred II. Meplienn. formerly ml M. M. .Stephens A Co.. I.bl., ba npenel up for hifneif in Hie in- n.. ii... ..... ,.f l.u .l,..,riiirol!uninre line, in: nus imiaiiu-u i ' I ..-.- . . . i . t..r !.. nr.. CniKii. I..-I ueek. sever.il nou-ooaru lire ami me I.ho.l WiUi.n of Ihe tlovnl Hank ageneies and has his olliee on the i.iff ... given L'itn n .i.iiii-n i.v lilsecoml floor or me utierai inoeK. laly fiii'uil and wu maiie In hint. Local improvement bylaws providing for the paving uf Mi'- Hriile Street, Seventh Avenu- Insist. Atliu Avenue and Fulton Hrccl were reconi(lered audi filially adopted al last uight'fel The radio el lo Imw pre.enleil lo Ihe winner -of Hie e.ay com petition here, will be ieen in Ihe Htlle Ihe I nleral liloek. I lie set Priiieenj. Kna 'aiieborel al (In! Aecounts . . i - . . . . ... ... -a.. - entraiua uf Na. en. art.or bHin.l F're pn-ieumu.' im; ny cvuu Klrhti: i IihVH Ai.iii. ".tii spAke cil by Ihe lUianeefcco.ininlltre la.-i Mot- Fl.-Hiiier l.urtlpns leaving vvuies night und were laid over for a week u I Ihe in lance of .Mayor New too who wished lo further inveslijtale a payment of l(il.0U0 to Ihe llvyal Hank on debenture account. -7. Provincial Poliee Cliicf Spiller relumed lliis afleriiu from nn liispertion trip lo Auyo.v, Alice Arm ami Stewart. At Alice Arm Chief Spiller iuslallcd Constalde ILirry Martin who has been permanently appointed lo that post suceeeding Constable J. (iillies who has left t lie service. - - Special exriirsloii week-end fares to Terrace and return will go into (elTecl oil May 1 und vvill eiMiliniie unlil September .'to. It. F. Naughtou; CN.lt. dislricl passenger agent, announced (his morning. These return tickets will be good going' Friday or Sal-uiilay and reluruiii!; the Muiulav following date of sale. Aid. Collarl drew the attention of the rily council last night to the fact that the new fire department truck was paiuled black eonlrnry lo the general led color elieme. Aid. .Mncdouahl, chair man of Ihe ulllilles commillee. staled that the matter would be taken up by Ihe rniuiniltrc and remedied if possible. Aid. Clapp's aineml.aiMil to Ihe trades license bylaw e.iiF : for Ihe rescinding of an extra $10 license fee retiiired from those selling soft drinks In addition to other lines was introduced al lust night's council meeting and, uf ler some discussion, was laid over for a week. The mayor suggested that Ihe whole license bylaw 11 1 i u 1 1 1 be reconsidered at this time, and It was decided that this would be done a week hence ! Ami Takr .Vulli Dial artrr tlis explra- F-Mavoe ,,x -""joi i.iiuiu Charles s F TUiPill iisuaii ot nT .r nuMiiii inmi inn .nn- .r in,. I rirst iiitiiicatiiiii or iiii imiirr. Hie Minis- Vancouver, tlrand Master of Ihe ler r ruuiir nram, rrnvnirf iniuu ,. , , , . . ,, . . . , lu-iuiuiiia, will, under seriion j of the .Masonic. Lodge for British Col- I .ri lly III tilt MliHMrr ir I'utillc! .iml,la .. jll nl arrive liiiiiio-rnvv- Worka al hla nftlrf In tin i:ilv Ottawa. I IOII10I row for arrnival ur the alil alle an.l liUnn anil from the soulll to pay olllcial tor leave In riinxtl'url Ihe ealil lllirliway lirlilne. Haled llil Slh day or Arll. IU1M. VV. ll. SI'TIIKULVMi. Mlhloler of I'ntillr W.irk. t'nivliiee of Hrlllnli Ci'lninhla NOTIOI. TAkK 0Tlf.E thai aflsr piihllealhin of vislls to various branches of the craft in the district, lie will go through lo AOyox and, 011 his return, will visit the two lodge here. Then he will proceed o Sniillieis and Prince tieurge. A few of Ihe local Maj'ons will ac company I In! (H and . Master . to Anyox loniorrow and tf large parly is planning- to; make the I rip tor Sniiihtv.' - -1 A little Bran is good for you- if it is thoroughly mixed with a well-cooked cereal. Not one person in a hundred should eat raw bran. It is almost pure cellulose and is not digestible All the bran you need to promote natural and healthful bowel movement is in Shredded Wheat. It is combined with the tissue-building, bone-making elements of the whole wheat grain, making it a perfect food for children and grovvn-ups. The crispness of the shreds induces thor ough chewing. 1 wo biscuits make a meal. Shredded Wheat Mrs. J. A. Wesl window of Iboinao McUymout "Iceivi- tomorrow. W i new omee. on I inr.i Avenue. !- again this .summer w II not ilnesilay. rein or baronieler.li coinplele anu i the envy of llairdreshin?. Marcel v uving, 50: lirlillinost Iks and girls in the city. Alinomeal Clasmic Pack) . Mis Ilorvik. Uy appoiutmenl. lolnllniK lH,7t.lO phone lied 5IJ. tf OwiftfVar yderatis tieiteral, meeting loniorrow. Wednesday at 8.30 p.m. A full attendance of members is requested. - It.iiii Allen Co. Sale 2 weeks. Cups and saucers from ?I.H5 pel do. Watch window for bar-! trains. Sale commencing May I. 107 4 Virion steamer Canlena, (iapl. A. K. IHckson, arrived at 1 o-cloek from Stewart, Anyox and Mice Arm and vvill sail al'5 (his evening for Vancouver and way ports. The Adair Carss Chapter, LO. Ii.lv. w if I bold a silver tea and ale of home cooking at the lioiuu or Mrs. F. tiilhuly. 120 Fifth Avenue' Ves on Wednesday, May 7 from U lo (i. - - Power tug Prosperity. Capt. Ilrimlle. Is in port today from Ketchikan with 0I,.'I57 pounds of palladium concentrates from Alaska for shipment over the Canadian National llailways lo the Irvingloii smeller, New Jer- cy. "L.lilorial Arrows" will be Ihe uhjecl of an address lo be given over the (.cner'al Fleet tie Hadio at Oakland ttotiglit al eight o'clock and there will he negro melodies on the banjo quartette: (iwymfi Jones, Welsh lenor, will sing and a liawaiian trio will play meln-dies of Ihe soulh seas, Thursday night there will he selections from Memlelssolm, Handel and Massenet. Saturday there will be a mixed concert followed by sacred choruses and solo A SEVERE ATTACK OF HEART TROUBLE Was Relieved By MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills. Mr. 3. E. Harm's, Alliens, Out., write: "Four year iro ( lud 1 very tever attack ut heart trouble. I cuiuulled my diirlur; do treated m for mine time, but I only eeetiivd lo be tettlnr wore. I finally went to our drurflM and purchased three boxes of Mllburn'i Heart and Jierve Pills and derived Immediate relief from their usei, and I ran truthfully say they are a wonderful medicine. 1 alwaya keep box on hand, and If I feel, out of aurtu take a few pills and feel all right araln." Mllburn'a Heart ami .Verve fills are l 1 but al all dealers, or mailed direct ,un receipt of price by The T. Mllburn Co, Limited, Torvuio, fat. Thi Canadian Shrfddrd Wheat Company, Ltd. NUf.r. rII, OnUri. SM0KM) FSH kJ AT ITS BEST Ther arc just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Ilulcs are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." Rupert Brand is always delivered to- the stor;s in clean new boxes clearly stamped "Rupert Brand." 2 Wrap in cooking paper, cook in moderate over for 20 to 30 minutes, remove paper and serve at once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. Al all Fisli and Meal Markets, and Grocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT SPRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince Gtorge 'Will sail r 11 mii PRINCE RUPERT Tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami intermediate flints each Thursday and Siiiuliiy al 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday. 1U0 p.m. FOR STEWART Sulurday. 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN Tor VANCOUVER via Uueen Charlotte Islands, May lolh, 2Uh. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince nupert t.tt pm. for mi.NC.E Gkonr.c, CDMOMTOM. WIS-Ml'tU, all points Eastern Canada, t'niled stales. aatNCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cllf Ticket Office, B2S Thlrtf Ate, Prince Rupert. Phene 7(0. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS. MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, May 2, 13,23 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, May 9, 19, 30 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea-t Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. , Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. SaiUnri rrotn Prince Rupert. Pop VAN0OUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Fella, an 4 Swanaon Bay, Tuatdai, PJl. Per VANCOUVER, VIOTORIA, Alert Bay, ane Swanaen Bar, Saturday Nee. Pee ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wales Island, Sunday S P.M. Fee PORT SIMPSON and Nns Rlyee Canneries, Prlday A.M. !! tort Areoue. 4. Baenslsy, AisnL Prince Rupert. S.C