Prince Rupert Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phone 671 VOL XIV NO. 107 dated Augut IS. I WIS. t jlvd that llic ha nV d tt :e 1.500 account fee r ipi isl Bdvi-er in Willi tlii" .reeiit il-'he hank J affair." NEWSPAPERS TO PAY ALL COSTS "in carry on same service) Without Government Grant of $50,000 k ilinMO. May 0 With tw n-'iii the newiaer puli f Ouiari" and OiieiM-c e memtter of Hie Canadian ilorided to add the rental ion of Hie hoanl of for the aliordlon of ii.onn iMiuiinion (iovern-ss'aiil which wn dicon- I lUM eiui. 'I'.;-" iiewHiiaoer of lainnln 1 diH-nli'd a a whole In ' i n at their own cienn i: x'oiitincnlal leaed wire. tt 'he iieiiile of I he liana fal and wrl. WISTARIA SCHOOL HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE RECENTLY I II AXIOMS I.AKK, May tf. l ire :iIImk lielwecn thn rcilitiK : i imf al the noon hour one Ut week comolclcly delroy-"l Hie M'liool lnilliliim al W'i-141 Mih (Iraliaiu mid her p- W wmi. eiilimr lunch oiilido ,;'l Hie fir I Inllinalion of Hi" "J'lMaralloo caine when cinnkr e,.u iHHujntf finin the wln- ftlvfti alslunco ly her "ii. MjM (Sraliain llui'klly iro.celv .i k..!.i. .. . I win, wiiii i i.n ne. p.cciill puqiiiun r,'w dek. Idackliourd, leaclicrV 0,,"k. uti.l l,otik cane. "'her hl'Pintun urn IikIiilt "'fed for and cliool will re "l""t! in a few days. 1 I' ll. Mennicr l'rlncess l'!u, '""""I from Naden llurltof 1 '"''Itikuii, was Monnliouml lat ."Ij1 ul tin? entrance of Nmlon been employ Al lull on I lie whole. coushk-riiig the handicap Dial lliuor earrying on I lie railway construction during lhoe year tlUOorOJ unuer,. ll l lira urrip- i.mii. way o. in.- . j,Hr ,in, werU e0(1, ,.e couniry a. Ikt,, a.ccrta,nr.l ljUw(. ,UfH. , ,tfpy." u" ',.,,- wf.. ."ri lUien charge ul Ihe Provincial its rir mom mif 1 a fee .if I.(mi r a special odvir. A j Juiii iii lit diiclr'p Parly again! (he lioverumrnl wa .li-uill ny ine fommi- Iheiie fnnialile trcalineiil in the l.esl- lalui- jVANDERHOOF WEDDING AM CI ARHBATP AFFAIR MM Lbnuuniiiuioiiii" Whole Town Took Day Off When Miss F. M. V. Day Became Bride of G. H. Outram Last Week VAMiJ:IIIHKI'. May 0. Hie mhmI notahle weldiiiB ever lo lake idare in Vanderhouf wu thai of Ml France Mary Victoria Pay. dauisliler of the late Jame Pay unit Mr. Pay. and lieoriie lienry I ul mm. oii of K. I'. Outram, anl the lac Mr- Oulraiii of Vancou-er, which wn MdeumUeil in Ctirit :iin rcli at fur o'clock IiikI Tuoday, Hcv. (ieorKc J. "ray 01-firialtiiK. The hride. who wa given away hy hpr hrolhcr. wa kowiiciI In iry alin irlnimcd with" orna-menl nnd while lnal lo'inl wllli in.aUlv emliroiden-d while fide nntiels. She wore n alin hat Irinu i iic. I wilh orniiuc niouiii wil and carried a houciiel or while iiic. Tin hrilcinnld, Mi- Kmmie Violet Hay. wore iale Muo moracaiu irimuiru wilh iPcr rinnoii aim n unum-uu of iler leaves and riltlion. Sho carried a houinel of dnk and while rarnnllons. v . .vi. niaik-tock was the Kroonminnn. The chtireh was peclally ile. I Hiere were mrr iu II Ihe school hooks andShe church Hn-ir rendered a.u ,.r In i. with Mrs. Warren Johnson v. , , ar ...u'liliwl am i......lied Invllcd Kticsls presenl. at Iho orKitn- i"""1 ..r llo rcalsirr, tr. nuuy i ,-.l..n ini if "iiccatisr. Thi'ie was - reception In Iho ii..,. ...i of Triole rooms and praifl Itall f "", eommunlly hall (he even I UK. Mr. "t1'1 'M'I,, 0,llr""1 lrri for 1 1., tin lutvi.' homi! iii Prince OoorKe, the lnlde travelling In Hollvla wit" out 10 WW foner a uhiviii. In rwry eac he find Hie Provincial J Party' allrualion without rvi-! deocc ! nUHrt I hem. j The (.Hiioils'ionrr ein hij renorl hy dlmiilny the provm-rial Parly" chanrc Ihat Hon. W. Sloan rwehiil money from I he I I I .... .....I II. .al urf n fAMllll I WASHINGTON. May C. - I.H'ul. Hirll, advance illici-r for I It l.'nili'd Staler army round I lie world High! expedition. advUnl Ho war department today in a despatch from Pufclr llarlior thai nothing more could he done on tlie 1'arj- flc side of I he p.'iiiuubi lo locale Major Martin,' commanding oflicer of the' squadron, who La l.eeir missing finer April S8. He aid cv ryl IiIiik possible hail lceii started on the north side of the jciiliiJ ula. - "I "T PRICES HIGHER ON FISH EXCHANGE TODAY American Halibut Fetched Seventeen and half Cents and Canadian Fifteen and Half Price were higher oil I lie fih roulraHor were ncrohlcilv i i t-.r mail iiuinui irirm-ij iii'm teen and a half cent while American sold at ahout (wu ceii I moil. Salmon was a lilllc lower limit hitherto, I he jirirc l.eius close to ileeti rents. The sales were as follow: American Arrlu" ?;.nno to HtHith Fihcr-ie til 10. HO ami 7.50. Volunteer in.nno to Ituyal l'ih lUt. nt 17.111 mid 8. Venn I?. (lint lo Itoyal I ili ".o. at 1 7. CO ami H. Canadian Kaien Jd.nuo to At 1 1 it l"ilierie. al I5.HII ami l. Thetma .t.onu In poolli Kiher-ie al and ti. p. Iiorreeii, 111.000 lo lloolh 'ilier(cs at 15. Hi ami 0. Tilly s. i.noo; t:ayccou -'.("V): .Mores li.tmit; W. A I".; Mali yimo lo t.old Morale ut 15.5(1 and (. Tallow '.llt'l ll. miIiiioii al I5.V0 ami 5(10 halihut al 15 and 0 l Cold Slnnir'c. Oserlime ."I.COO almou lo Allin FMit'i ies at I5.U0 ami a. LOONS FIGHT GULLS Battle tasted Over an Hour Port Arthur on Lake Superior PHINCK BUPFJIT, B.C., TLKSIUY, MAY 0, I92i. at POU T AKTIIUIl, On!., May Cr- A lial lie lasting more than an hour wa tagcd on the local waterfront. It wa fouiflil in the air between a Hock of one linn Ireil or more deep diving loons and sciiBulls. anil I he object was food. The hungry loons dived rrcucnll) to hriug up wriPKlink live fish, and immeillulely the mill would swoop down rapturing Ihe food from the Mil of (he loon. The gulls won, the loons retiring lo seek a more peaceful fei'ifingg round. It is mil unusual for gulls to NmIiL aiming" themselves for the piiNpqssluu of food, lull II Is unl-iuo xfor them to ullitck their wulur-Ui't'd.couKin. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper tWSbmT ' sssmBu l Tin fair bootlegger of .Miuueapoli, re-cenlly cailiircil hy the police, .hov the clct cr coiilr;ip5:oii. which he licr.lf doigucil for carrying alio forbidden beverage, and the 'Screen" uil Summary Execution of Chinese YUrdr' Circulation 1664 Pirates at Hong Kong Follows Capture by a Customs Cruiser IIONti KOXO, May 0. An example of Hie Miiiimury mti li ner in which the (jliinoe Ireal criminals was liown here yes- Icnlay. Thirly-eight men convicted of piracy of the .leani launch Kwoiigluk were lined up ami !iul liy Chiuee uutliorities. Hung Kong ' llrilih jMilicc were irc.eiit at the execution. When Hie pirate nttcnided lo seize the Ivwonglak in lloug Kong wuters, the CJiinoe culoms criucr pursued and sank the offending vessel uud raptured the pirate?. DOUBLE LIABILITY TUG LORNE HAD VERY FOR HOME BANK IS ; ROUGH WEATHER AND RAPIDLY BEING PAID LAID UP AT ISLANDS TOHONTO, May 0. P I re- After encountering very severe purled that the double liability weal her on the Queen Charlotte of the Home Hank shareholders Island which caused her to be I lii-iiif: palil In hi Hie lliiuila(or s ouk-e at Hie rale of 950.000 a lay. CIVIC RECEPTION TO CANADIAN SOCCER TEAM GIVEN IN AUSTRALIA SYPNKY, Australia. May C. The Lord Mayor lemlercd a civic reception lo the Canadian soccer team. Ilcplying lo a toast to the visitors, Maunder Adam. said he was confident tint team would not disappoint the public. slormbound Tor several days, the llccale Slrails Towiujr Co.N tug I.orne. Capl. I.i'vvis, arrived in porl al 7 o'clock Ibis morning. Charles P. Anderson of the Kelly l.n;xxiiiK Co. arrived from Cum. shewn Inlet on tlie vessel. The t.orue is taking on a new wireless operator here Allan I). Baillie who arrived last week from Port Hammond. TORONTO REGISTRAR DIES TOHONTO, May 0. James Waller Currie, regisirar of Toronto died this uiurning, aged 07. TO HELL AND BACK! WHO ARE THERE? C. W. CUTFORTH (of the Lecture Staff International Bible Students' Association) Empress Theatre, Thursday, May 8, 8p.m. Seats Free. ' No collection. Strxt Slt SOT The Latest In Restauranta. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Boxes for Parly Use. "Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. f VINDICATES OLIVER GOVERNMENT SWIMMING FACILITIES WERE WSCUSSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL LAST NKUT Commission Completely Vindicates Oliver Government of Charges Laid by Leaders of Provincial Party YlCTOlllA. May . The Oliver government wa completely ated ut I hi rerenl P.O.F.. Itailwny investigation on every gf or dbnnely, extnivaguuee or incomielciicy .in tlie huiid-i1 at r ahvjy affair. This wu (lie verdict of Mr.. Justice Oal-j " Itotal tniliiiiouer, who investigated the Provincial allegation HKuiii-l the government. The finding!) were' public today. I f (ml iiotliiiig in any dcrcleelion of duty or disregard of interest- or extravagance or incompetence in carrying: WHITE DREW $1500 FEE HOME BANK Revolution Shown on Mlr.uUs of Directors Just Before Doors Closed out lliU work by the (norm- limit," Hie Itujal mmiioti re- port decuirr.l. "In conduct in.' a work of Id! iniunllude," he aid, r-frrrlng lo the construction of Hip I'.li.i:.. "it would lie u-lonUh- Hug if error or mistakes were not made and perhap I might say more thorough methods ut .miiii iftluii luicrlil IimIP BISSELL REPORTS CAN DO NO MORE SEARCH OF PACIFIC Two Swimming Proposals were Before City Council and were Discussed: Delegation Present A ilelexaliou from the Prince Hiipcrl Swimming Club con-iling of K. (1 (iibbon.s and J. W. Scotl appeared before the city council last night ukiug for financial assistance in connection with the making of permanent improvement at Hall Lake. There was also a letter on Hie subject from A. A. Mdiwen, secretary of the club. The letter explained that the provincial government' bad offered to give $750 providing a similar amount was rahed locally.' Any improvements should be started al once. In view of the facf thai the lake would eventually become city property. M 1 pll 1 lsTPF .he club deemed 'it proper that JUJi, jlimWlL the cily should asii in the pro- jcci. td a ut Tim rc Mr. Scolt aked that the couii-l I riHIll I I TIIVl cil give half of $750, (he club to; raise the balance itself. Mr.j (Jibhon pointed out thai the wssioound Passonger Will Ar- work lo be underlaken would bo rlve al o ciock This Sum- of a pernianenl nature. . rncl and Eastbound to Aid. Colhirl asked that the flo uui al a u clock matter be referred lo Ihc finance! committee for report and it was! T''e times of arrival and de- io ordered. manure oi uanauian national Pool In City pa.enger train. westbound and Kaler in the eveninir. Aid. p,.rrv!caslbound will be advanced on reported to Ihe council that the Ma 18 a WPl?k from next Sunday cilv. engineer had Riven an cs-i acconltng lo a new time card lunate of l-'00 on a swimming 11,81 " ncmg prepared, pool for childifu lo be put in Tl,e eastbound passenger train near the n-scrvotr oncropolisi,IM'ave,hp.rGratv5ock In-Hill. ea'1 r G-U aHtal Pe,3en., anJ The pool fizunsl on would he 20 hy 50 feet and 3 lhc lra,n 'f0, ,e wj" feel 0 incf.e.Nin lieishl. It would ,r've at.. ',c'Vck ,n"1"? 4-?.0' wilh w, "e ,, e iicauie tor me he of concrete reinforced summer. The days will I remain as lcel will, intake and outlet al there InconV- being valve. There would also be Iwo no small dressing rooms. Aid. Perry,1"';, ,ra,n ,,n j''W a'" ' expressed the opinion that inoneyl""' """" V" for this should be Ihc first to be' " v ,ra'" gouts out will mean that irovided I tourists arrivuijr on the boats' Aid. (.ollail I. ., referred r i lo the fi- r: 1 ... . , j i .... . will not have as ons to spend uanc al side of the ueslion : . and . i , , , .. ... ' .. ' . a . ,, .. ,, . : , . , ,here hut it will allow Iheiu to felt the mailer should ffo before . , , ., , , ., r ., ,. ... .. . lake belter advantage of tho'E he finance comnnltrc. He and1,.. , . n .... . a ,. ... . . Skeeita Hiver scenery. Ihe set- he mayor were of he opuuon ,, a of U)f arrlvals thai a smaller pool than the one haf an (,np wil Rjve vi,ilors propoe. might be made. ial lil(U.h ,0 er befofe cm .Md. Macdonald slated that He 2 bark, t,,e s(eamer,. size proposed was none loo large.) n V klii.iit.l in, sliiiin..! till proxide it. j Aid. Perry expressed his belief Ihat .the money itiihl ic provided out of the Hoard of Works eslioiales. This was in answer to a ipicslioii by Mayor New I on. - Aid. McMordie Tell (hat lhc pool inighl be more economically huill than outlined. ' Ihe mailer was finally referred hack to Ihe Hoard of Works for further report. BALDWIN OBJECTS TO LOWERING OF DUTIES Gives Notice of an Amendment to the Budnet Bill of Labor Government I.ONOON, May C Former Pre mier llalilwin gave notice or million in Ihe House of Commons yesterday that it is inexpedient in the uiidl of the present dis tress to I remove the McKenna duties as proposed hy Chancellor Snowdon in Hie Labor Oovern incnl's budget. CABINET MET BUT DID NOT SET ELECTION DATE VICTOHIA, May (1. Members of the Oliver Hovcrninent were in conference yesterday for an hour and a half. After the meeting Premier Oliver announced that nulhiug bad been done In regard to the lialc of anticipated general election. J. Shensgrecn Is returning to Vancouver on mo unrucna uus afternoon. BOBBED HAIR BANDIT JAILED She and Husband Sentenced to From Ten to Twenty Years NKW YOHK. May 0. - Mrs. Celia Cooney, the bobbed hair-bandit, and her husband and partner in crime. F.dward Cooney, were today sentenced to serve from ten to twenty years each in prison. canadWyoImteer DUE HERE TOMORROW C.G.M.M. Vessel Will Discharge Steel For Terrace Bridge at Lumber Wharf C.O.M.M. steamer Canadian Volunteer. Capl. John McKeruan, i expected here early tomorrow morning wilh 475 tuns of steel for Ihe Terrace bridge. The cargo will he discharged at thn lumber ussVciibty wharf and the vessel will likely be in port for a couple of days before clearing' for Ocean Falls lo load, pulp and paper for California. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League W'ushinglou 3, Boston 8. Philadelphia 5, New York 10. St. Louis 3, Cleveland p. Detroit 8, .Chicago .5 National League New York 7. Philadelphia 8. Boston 1, Brooklyn I !. Chicago t, Cincinnati 3.