PAQE SIX. FISHERMEN Attention! Wc now have the Canadian Made REVERSIBLE for cither hand; Cotton Glove With duz. I I.laslic Wrist, per .... $3.25 Rupert Table Supply Three Phones: 210, 211, 212 THIS IS THE TIWE When you feel IIVc having Good Dessert Specials fur this week only: pears, 2Vj lb. tins 3 for $1.00 Peaches, 2 'a lb. tins 3 for $1.00 Loganberries 2 lb. tins 3 for $1.00 Blackberries, 2 lb. tins 4 for $1.00 Pears, 2 lb. tins 4 for $1.00 Jam, -i lb. tins . . .... 90c Oranges ., ..4 dx. $1.00 Lemons . . . . 4 dor. $1.00 ECONOMY STORE Phone 84. 417-5th Ave. East. SUMMER Underwear SPECIAL. SALE OF KNITTED UNDERWEAR All this week. .New Slock. New Prices. Vest 50c Combinations $1.00 Knickers $1.00 VENUS HOSIERY. IRIS BRASSIERE3. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Sterling Furnace GOAL 0llvrd In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Thl I a very auperlor furnace coal. It rlvei i clean hot fire and I entirely free from soot, clinker, lack and dirt. Some of the lamM liealliiu plant In the city are now usiiiv It with entirely allrctory rexull. STERLING STOVE COAL, liellvered In Sack. At $12.50 per ton. We are alto At-enl for the Famoul LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Of fleet Holal Cantral. Pnona IS Three Days Special on all Coats BEN T'S Third Avenue. Opp. Bank of Montreal. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6t. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Ccal, Band and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. m TIMBER SALE XS696. Sealed Tender wlir be rwlffd by the .Mlulter of Land, al Victoria, not later ttua nooa on the 1tn day of May, l. fur the purchase of Lleeneo X S. to rut u.ovo lineal feel or Cedar Pole and rninr. on pari or imi auout jsj mile .NX or Perno button,' Iltufe i, Coal una umnci. Two it i year IU be allowed for re moval of timber. rurtber particular or the Chief Victoria. H.C or U.trlct foreater. prlnee rtunert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 0C0. Sealed Tender will be received br the Mlutsler of Land, at Victoria, not later iban ituun on the find day of May, 114. for Hie purchase of Ureiire X OG, to cul t.'iO.bOQ feel of Hemlock, Cedar, spruce aud Balaam, and 11,000 lineal fret or CeUr Pole, and IHiuy. on part of Lot IJO. near Atiiebury, Oi.IL, llangr S, Coast Land District. lour ( jean will be allowed fur re utoval of Urubrr. lurlher tartiroUr of the Chief Fore ler. Victoria. B.C- or District Former; prince Uupcrt. W .'.. TIMBER SALE XS145. Sealed Tender will be received by tw liUlrlct Forester, not liter than iwun un the ljtn day or Nay. ivz. for tne purchase of Licence X614. Mhrr Creek. ,u.rth ,.r Prince Itutvert. lu rut 41.. ioov faun, of Spruce. Hemlock and Dal- Uam Sauloff. Two (S year will be allowed for removal of timber. lurlher particular of the Chief l"ore-ter, Victoria, or the . DWrlcl FurcMer, pelnee llueerl, HC. TIMBER SALE X6107. There will be offered for al at fublte Auction, at iwon uu the find day of May, in the orflee of toe superrl-ior l snillber. B.C- the Licence X6IU7. t cut tot ,000 lineal fret or Cedar Pole aud Pil-lnr. on id area altualed near skeena Crulnr. on the line or the Canadian .National Hallway. CaUr Laud Dulrirt. Two !" year will be auowed for removal of timber. Further particular 01 ih unci imt. ter, victoria. B.C.. or Uiitrlct lorester. Prince Hupert. B.;. TIMBER SALE X61S7. sealed Tender will be received by the UittrUt I'oreMrr, wit later than iioou ou the oth day of May. itfl. for the pur chase of Licence Xlil, near Ulliault lllver, rx-id or Alice Ann. ussiar. w cut f .bin. of spruce. Hemlock, Balaiu and Cottonwood saw lor. ' Two ' year will oe auowea lor re moval of timber. Further particular or tne i-uiei tore- ter. Victoria. B.C or ui.trict loresier, rillee IIIHM-rl, H.c. TIMBER SALE X5S53. sealed Tender will be received by tlie plttrirt Foretrr, not later than noon on the 8tn day or May. tin. ior ine yur-riii i.r I iienre x ssss. near kemano Bay, iHirlh tide or uaraner unai. i.n. i. cut JtJ.ooO fJJu. or BaUam, Henilick, -t.nire. I j-ilir and I ir sawior. Two ( i year will be allowed for re moval or limner. . . Further (art cular or ine cnier rore ter, Victoria, or the District Forester, ITHiee Bnperl. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 595S. tealed Tender will be received by the lilitiirt ForcMer not later than noon "'lout . i aa.w ... 1 1 .- t , .r Ik. .ill.. I TIMBER SALE X 5622. Sealed Tender will lie rcrrlved by tlie lili.trli-t ForrMer. ihiI laler than ihmhi imi the nth day or .May, 191, for the pnrcha-e of Licence X if VI. north side iiiih!j l.lafid, C.n. 5, lo nil r.o.uni iiiH-ai reel or (Xlar pole and pllllir. .... .. i -. - . . ..ill I. 1 1. . I t ..r r .. Nolle of InUntlon U Apply Land. In Skeena Land liKtricl. IlecordliK hi trlct of Colli, and kltuate on BOBBED SALARIES FOLLOW BOBBING OF HAIR OF TEACHERS Pennsylvania City Takes Drastic Action to Stop Craze Which They Think Subversive of Propriety NKWCASTI.K., Pa., May G. (Hy (lanadiun Press) Despite the nation wide asilatirm in favor of tlie abbreviation of woman's glory, the school board of New castle, pillars of I hi lips ut Kiev were, has registered stron? disapproval of iiobbed hair. Such is the feelin? among the mem bers of the Hoard, who consider the uc of shears on back hair as subversive to propriety, that lliry have taken the extraordinary measure of bobliins thu salaries, of thoe female teachers w'hoi have had their hair cropped off; short. The dictum has gronc' forth that only tlio teachersj who still adhere to the psyche knot or pompadour or other means of carryi"? their hair with them, are to have their salaries increased by one hundred dollars this year. The Hoard lias not jet decided as yei whether Ihosewith three feel of hair shall be given a bonus. Simultaneously wilh this an nouncement of Hip Hoanl come the word from eeral Pennsylvania hospilnls that nurses wilh bobbed hair are looked on with disfavor by patients. Patients are said to consider bobbed hair indicative of frivolily, joviality, Snod health and insouciance. The hospitals will not permit nurses in Irainin; to have their hair bobbed excepl in eases where said nurses are victims of typhoid or carlel fever. EDMONTON MERCHANTS WANT TO KEEP OPEN Object to Half Holiday During Summer Monthts but Would Give Clerks Time Off A re'iuesl from retail merehanl of the city thai stores be allowed to remain open tint il C.nn p.m. for six days of Hit week through the summer was made In ine u.J ui J, - i.. iii..,i.e i t .. i..t if chase of Licence X between un .Major Diuirmupj liy u u-ieuiiuii Cto and (I. kltimil Hirer. CJt. . il...., i. ,.,-i i Ui.i '.l ftitii or les) or 1 1" 1 "vii.n..i.-. spruce. Hemlork, Balam aud Cedar Sw- slead of the half day closing for Two I, years will be allowed for re-1 four of the summer monllis the llioval or timber. IninreliimU ,ifr.r In iirranirn In lei Further particular or me cnier tore- - "- ter, victoria, or the oistrici lore.ier, lim-rnbers of their staffs liavc the rnnee inieri, '.. half holiday but so distributed throughout the week as lo permit the stores to ho kent onen. Sealed Tender will be rerelvrd by Inel .... . .. , . . . , . ., .Mlm.ier of ljnd. at Victoria, not later I ne iiusiiess men eoiiieiiu uiai than u.K.n on I be 15 th day of Mj jr. 1 1 1. rUif conditions generally havo for tlie purchae of Llceure X !, U cul . , ..,. I.7IS.U0U feet of BaUam. Heuifcirk, Spruce nol revived sufllcienlly to war-and Cedar, on an area. .Ituated on the .-i(- f,.,. i,..lf uniiiu i-a,i" v .v.,...- . .. wet lie or jauie iiana, lunire 3, Coaat M.trlrt. 0rlne ilnririL' Hie WM week k Vet lilllnillL'li 'iiioiwii Three I ) year will be allowed for re- iiHival of limber. . . 1 1 hey wen opposed to closing Ihcy Yorrlter.ldid nol object to the clerks hav. prince nurri, B.C. iiiir a free lialf ilav bv so arrang TIMBER SALE X 5897. ing shifts in order lo keep the " ' ' ' olle I lierebv mven that Ibe reserve "i ir. . .... I..:.,.. -r.....i I-1 i. 'iriiu.r ti,.iittiae fir iiia fl.oi.r rire. I ' ...... ......... i... vi,i,.,i. ,., ,iu. iii.ii-it Tlinlier Licence .No. HilV aud 32380 are Prince Ituncrl. B.C. LAND ACT. U Laai CANCELLATION OF RESCRVC. O. It. .NADF..1. Deputy Vliilater Jif Land. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. TAkF. MlTICF. THAT: 1 i riu. '... ... Hi. r..M....ilidi ..r 11 Campania I,.,, J . . 'Pi,,r- hhim.ii iii'pi,c1 to counlrucl l.n.lim. I. navemeiit rirterii reel wide. C. f.. name or Apmicani. Per W. F.. WILLIAMS, A rent. riatcd April ?nd. tvtl. HONEY PURE In Glass Jars, per lb. 25c Try Ibis and be convinced that we have tlie best goods at t lie Lowest Prices. Farmers Tea lleg. price per lb. 05c. l'acli person buying meal al our store Wednesday and Thursday can have one lb. of the above tea al 50c. Our Highest rStade Hams on Sale at 34o per lb. . BUY A WHOLE HAM. FARMERS' MARKET. Phone Blue 428. eouiiiiiir Taae Atiiiee inai tiiarence e.. naiiueri... - ... u Mln and Janie Mr.Niiltv. of Prince lluoert. B.CIi... ..i...... . ... .1... . .i.,.n, . 1 iH-rtipatlon liiuraiice airent and broker. In- rroi or ,P,J inritrt riHiimmed of broken leiKJ 10 appiy ior itiiiimioii "c Mone and aml. on that portion or mil the follow Inr deerlld land: Cnmen-U VW1U(. tumM.,iut, rnnn a imliit al tlie . IIIH m "n-l in-i... u - ... ' bay at the rat end or campania iiann a iikiui .one innc in.111 ine wmii rnu 01 ine , . Uier.ectlon of FulKiti Street ami I. land! Ilieiice following tlie tinuotltie or Mb Avfe j ti,Wice alour dill Avenue mc ".re niic . ,M,i,,. Wrive reel went or the centre tlw l.iand to tii P"ce or rommenrenieni. , ,w -,IltPr,m(lll, , jiruride Street and and cntalulnr Mine jere. more or lh Avenue. aecordln lo the rrade BAI.NTF.n k JAMF.S Me.NL'LTY, howu on the plan and profile filed In tne orrire or me i.iir runnier, a a w-n improvement, and intend In ieclally the root iiiu the laud abiitllnir directly on tlie work etiepl such portion of tlie rout a I Incurred at Street In- leriertloti and at SiIhhiI rroiierly. , The endmalfd com or the work H to.VHl.00. or which ll.44T.HK I to be paid by the Corioralioii, and the ettlmated annual noerlal rale tier root froiilane li l.jr.fClt. The terll c.inefii to be paid In 10 annual Inntatuieut. 3. I'erMin uetirinr 10 pcimnn again! undertaking the work miint do o on or lie fore the Slid day or June, ivil. t t., Clly Clerk. I Hied llil. r'l'i dy .if April, I0?l, (IN THE SUPREME COURT OF COLUMBIA. II the Matter Of the Diinpanici Act and BRITISH tttl, In tlie Matter of an Application by the Alee Ann Lallone M uni Coninany Limited (.Von Prrwmal Liability), in be rettnred. In I he Herlster Under Section in or the Mid Acl. TAkF. MiTlCF. tint an application will be made to the Prcldlinr Judre In Chain-tier at the Court House'. Prince Hupert, n.c, on Friday, me stn day or May, a d. I8i, at the hour of 10. in o'clock III the forenoon or, n noon thereafter a the mo lion may be heard on liehatr of tlie above mentioned Company for an order lhal the Id Company be retored to tlie Heavier of Joint Stock Companlei under Section !! of the nald Act. AMI TAKF. NOTICF. tim I In utXKirt of the aald anpllratlon will lie read the Pellllon of the Company lued herein and the Affidavit or Fdward II. Mot timer worn on the ITlh day of April, Itti, and Illien. DATFP at Prince lluperl, B.C., Hit 17th luay ui April, ivyi. WILLIAM O. Fl'LTO.-V rrlnce llGpert, n.rj Sulicllor fur petllluuer. lmm I llll At III a aBv aa A. al I SKille OPfllilAN Glasses scientifically and accurately fitted by A. K. Ireland, a graduate optician, who has had 25 years' experience and can handle the most difficult cases. 7 years with W. W. Munn & Co.. Toronto, one of the largest optical houses in Canada. You run no risk here as Mr. Ireland will be here permanently to check up any work. We absoluately guarantee satisfaction in ever)" case. Any lens duplicated any lens repaired. Extra special prices for the first 2 weeks. Evening appointments. day. max Heilbroner i Jeweller and Diamond Specialist stores open the full tune earn I.asl year slores closed for one day in the week at I- oelwk but at the recent session "f the legis lature a charter ainendmeiil. weed to hy labor ofllrials was pul through selling tlie lioliday closing hour nl 1.0(1 o viork. NEW WHEAT ALREADY ABOYE GROUND ALBERTA Increased Acreaqe This Year and Moisture Generally Sufficient KliMONTON. May 0. - Advent of warm spriits weather has. ha-tcned urlivily upon the land1 in Alberla, and operations arej general. Seeding of wheal in the southern disricls of the pro-; vince is about 50 per cent com- J pleted, wilh CO and 70 per rent done in some localities, while in the central ami northern districts seeding is well under way. In a few places in .southern Alberla the new wheal is reported already t above I he ground. Some seeding of oats lias alro been done m I lie south, says the second fortnight- ly report by the provincial department of. agriculture. Moisture conditions for the most part are favorable, but in' southeastern localities the soilj is ery dry and more moisture isi needed for satisfactory gerriiina-j lion. I his condilion does mil exisl, howeter, oer a ery wide- pread area. Slight rains haej fallen during the as week in the Medicine Hat urea, and heavier rains Inwards l.ethbridge anil along the foothill areas. No fresh precipilalion in 'the central and northern areas has Hieen recorded since last report. Indications aro that there will be a slightly increased acreage in wheal Ibis season, mosl districts reporting to this elTeef, while one of two districts in Hie north re. port reduced 'areas. Tlie fael that very lillle fall ploughing was done lasl fall makes any large increase in wheal acreage impossiHe. Ileporls from southern dis tricls indicate lhal there will be a large increase in acreage in fodder crops, particularly corn and sweet clover, l.elhbriilae dis- Iricl reporting 'n probable 100 per cent Increase in these crops this season. NO RIGHT TO OFFER RIDE TO STRANGERS Lli.MONTON, May 5. Two young men of (lie city have found out thai il is nol advisable lo ask young ladies wilh whom llicy are not aeipiiiinled (o go for an nulo ride when they see lliem on Ibe street. A few evenings ago Wal ler Allen and Arthur Mailiti were driving along Hie slreet in n molor car when lliey saw Iwo young ladies on the sioewaiK nearby. They pulled Ibe car lo Hie curb and olTered n llll (ml the young ladies resented I he invita tion. Jusl ahout the same time egl. Walson of the city police was coming along, and noticing Hie incident made some Inquiries. The girls said thai they did not know I lie boys and apparently ru- sen led their action. Tlie police olilcer continued liis Inquiries and Ibe result was that Allen and Martin were sum moned to police court on a charge of "obslruclinir nedestrians." In court Allen uilmllted his guilt and Martin's case was set down for u laler dale as bo was prevented Tuesday, May (J, Cash and Carry for Wednesday and Thursday LADIES' DEPT. 36 Only, Ladles' Waists Iteg. tallies e0."0 l Nnle - V pul these oil sale wo weeks ago III and we are now reducing I to' price in order to rleaii up Ibis special. See this special in "or window. A Snap at $2.95. 50 Sacks Ogllvie's Wheat Granules Similar to Oram of Wheat, in 6 lb. sacks. Special 25c Limit 2 sack to each customer. 500 Lbs. Clue Ribbon Tea Special, per lb. 60c I, unit 5 Hi. t eneli ciis-luliier. 36 Only, Ladles' White Petticoats Trimmed wilh strong Turelmn Iire and Insertion. Compare this special wilh any out of town competition ami gel here early on Wednesday morning. While they last, 95c. Specials This advl. changes again Thursday. from being pp sent lu-caiise or; illness. Sentence in Hie former case was also deferred. QUICK, OR I SCREAM Girl Promenade Bandit uels Cash From Lad to Save Scene In Public Place CIIICAUO, May The "Promenade llandil" has made her appearance. Harold llropliy. IV. clerk at the Commonwealth Kdlson Company, was sauntering along Michigan lloiilevard in Ibe afternoon promenade of fashionables, when ilcious, handsomely attired girl walked up lo him and said: (live me your money. Quick, or I'll scream. Ilewildereil, Itrophy, automali- cnlly drew a dollar from his pocket. All of your money, snapped the Airl. "He uick or I'll scream and there's a cop right al the corner." Hrophy emptied bis pockets of ij'.'J.'.Mi. The girl handed back Ilic 2(1 renin, gave him a sweet smile and vanished in (he crowd. llropliy laler explained lo the police: "If I had refused and she had screamed and charged me wilh insulting her, how Much chance would I have had in court against a pretty girl?" Prosperous advertising means regular continuous advertising. SHOE DEPT. 150 Pairs Women's Whits Canvas Pumps Leather sub-s and covered lllllllaiy heels. The season for this line is now arming ami we do met know of any line we could place on sale which wmilil make a belter appeal to Ibe thrifty buyer. All sues 2H to 7. Meg. 2.J0. Special $1.55. 100 Only, 3l'l's Picnic Hams Averajje wdvlil i II. each. We sell llieiii as they runte ami Hot hy weight at 95c each. Never ill Hie past seven years ha this price lc-"n duplicated. 75 Pairs Children's Chocolate Ankle Strap Pumps With pillow insoles. OikmI-year well am medium henxy solu. Sli 7 lo lo. Ileg. 0 Willi. Special $2.75. for Wednesday and Thursday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (NO DELIVERIES). (NO TELEPHONE ORDERS) Until Further Notice this Store will Open at 8.30 a.m. and Close at 5410 p. m. deally. Store Problems of the Local Dealer READ THIS On Friday last local lady purchased from our store a black raincoat for $12.00. She selected this garment rrom our stock In daylight, had It fitted perfectly, and wore It home through the rain that fell that evening. On Saturday night the returned the garment for refund. She admitted that the coat was all right, that there were no flaws In It, but she had changed her mind on Saturday and decided the did not want a rain, coat. We refused to take back the coat either for exchange or refund, as It had been worn. The answer we got wasthat she could have worn II for a week had the bought It from a mail order house and then return IL Therefore, she would not trade with us again. Were we Justified In refusing to take the coat back? MEN'S and BOYS' DEPT. 24 Only, Suits Boys' Slin field's Combination Underwear Medium wiMjilii Stej I u M ll.- r Special $1.95. Limit lo mi ll . 1,000 Lbs. Fine Hard Cook. Inrj Onions Special, 6 lbs. 25c. Limit I . His I r4 lottier. 'SO Sacks Ogllvie's Whole Wheat or Graham Flour In 0 Ih el!..' i-j , Ei Ira Special, 40c each Limit i sajeks ,i - -each ciistofite' . Boys' Jerseys Hhk; Pure Woi . I tloptrs and I '.omit Stripe with llnMov ders and I'olo i:i.),tj S ?-' to 31. Itetr S. l. Special $1 .85. Men's Outing Shirts With Sport unit i lUillur. dors 1'iing- t ' While Sues IIS 1 Iteg. Special $1.85 The Universal Trading Co. This Store closet at 5.30 p.m. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 anci 9 TOMMIX In "Ladies to Board" A rip-siiorliiiK cimicdy-ilrniiiii wilh n punch u scene. Imagine a rough-ruling cowpuneier s Ihe o"lrr or mi old ladies' home. You won't he bored if you rt "Ladies lo llounl." 'Tony," Ihe wonder horse, give" '"h of reasons why he is called Hint. Gertrude Olmsted niul sfrong e;l. Lovely girls-. CHRISTIE COMEDY t "FOOL PROOF." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admission 35o and 10c. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS Have Arrived. In hard wearing materials nl modonilo. prices. EXJRA BLOOMERS OPTIONAL. STEVE KING Phone Qreen 86.