M. S. SING TAILOR, CLEANING AND PRESSING. i Pnll Clnlnh I tJUH IIIIIOII li-T-Service Wet Wash 7 Snice. on of exactly fill your I' i rfMi r" 3 s for particular. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. ll H ihin Avenue Laundry Office Hot Art. llupeit. H.C. Mil)' rt tu TRI DAILY HIWBf Fxns mi Let Us upplv your spring WANTS in poultry Netting Fly Cloth Garbage Cant Garbage PalU Garden Hose Rates Hoet Spade Weeders Trowels Grass Shears Sickles Scythes Spading Forks Garden Seeds Kaien Hardware Co COS Third Ave. Tel. 3. Eat More Wheat w l llread, f :k. Paslne. baked Will FiveRoses Flour The World's Best .CITY COUNCIL ! TALKS GOATS Proposed Bylaw Was Cause of Much Discussion Among City Fathers Last Evening j I!mmiIoii nf 11 prnpoxcd gout' nyiuw, which Iiuh been hanging fir for several weeks, wa di- ('HHhc( ni length by the rily council last night. Many phases u eiliialiou which ha been brought about a a'rexull of certain neighborly grievance on Fifth A V'Mllle liind were brought up nnd many uggciion of more HI- let VnlllK Were offered. Kinally il wiih derided Unit Hip riiy Mtlicilnr should bring In h bylaw nclliiiK mil Hint go.it t jliall mil In- kiil wilhin 2.1 fori of any dwelling Iioii him Dial ii.. in.iimif Khali l- burned within llii' rily lliiill. The medi-j 'Mil Ii fa I Hi ofllccr l In In- re-' iiiri.. lo attend Ihe iii-iI inccl-j ihk of tin- council ul wlin-h tin m -Hon ik ileall witli. BENSON GETS REPUES TO HIS PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE ELEVATOR SITE MacKemle King Takes Special; Interest In Matter and Ex- j tends Thanks to Local I Man Mr. Kniif ieire (o-tlinnk you fur your i oiirlfy In cendlng him Were Guests of Honor The ollinal hoard of the Melh-odlxi Churrli wax in annual h'x-moii lal ni;hl. Heporli for Ihe year xhowed Hie nffalrx of the i liun li lo Ik in a more xaHfar- l.iry rondilion than I hey had been for year. The annual rongrega-loual meeting will lie held laler. Aftr the boanl nirellng lat niglil. the iiieniherx of Hie Ijuliex' Aid vver Ihe guexlx of Hie tmard ARE YOUR NERVES DEEPEST MNES "ALLON EDGE?" 7,000 FT. "Fruit-a-Hves" Brings Rest and Comfort Amazing Results from Intensified Fruit Juices In these strenuous days, there Is constant warfare waged against our nervous vitality. The man and woman who Is free of Krrvoutoeu and Sleeplessness; who it not more or leu troubled with In-digestion, Rheumatism, llcadarhci, Neuralgia, Weariness and Loss of Vitality, l'ain in the Hack and Con stipatlon, are very rare Indeed. This is why the Fruit Treatment, In the form of "Fruit-a-tltes" Is a blessing to nerTous, sleepless, un strung men and women. "Fruit s tires" is really the Intensified Juites of apples, oranges, figs and prunes and eonUioi all the medicinal powers of these fruit juicea and In a more active and concentrated form. Frolt a tlTes" will always relieve Kertousnets and Kleeplmncsi by cleansing the system of waste by rebuilding the nerve cells by means of pure, rich blood by regulating the stomach, liter, bowels and akin and by inrlgoratlng and re-ritaliiing the whole system. Try the fruit treatment for your nerves. Getaboxof "Fruitativc" today. Your druggist has them 2.". and Oc a)t., or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tiTes Limited, Ottawa, Out. ,al a parly which given lo !lnw Hie appreciation .if I lie ! Hoard for the excellent tcrvice I l.eiier of acknowledgement givi'ii by the ladle during putt have been received by u. K. Iten-jyear. I'll' evening was pent in ton of bavins received pholo.rinililion and gamex and Hip 'graph of Ih prnpoted elevator affuir proved lo Jx one of the -id- at Prince Rupert from Pre-'largc! and hmI uccetful of iiikt Mackenzie King. Ilrwi. F.rnel iU kind staged in the rily for l.aiHiinln. Sir Henry Tltornlon. jtnin lime. Refreshment were 1 1 ts . Charle Murphy. Hon. W. H.Uerved and many of those present Motherwell and II. C. . ,eH.'expreed tin hope that Mich The lellr from J'rrinir Kinf' I'V'-nii vsmild Im more fr'(iu'ntly lirnale secri'lary i follow: li"ld in fulure. "Thp Prime- .Mlnili-r ha ake. lo arkiiowle,Se reeeiiil of np CUCWrCD RPIfjr 'iur lellrr of 'the IU Hi inianl ni'looinB a plinlncrapli of lln- lirlir at I'rinee Iliirl lo up- pi.rl the rrireenlftlion whirh have rreiv1, urzins; lite TRANSFERRED FROM PORT SIMPSON SOON ji- iinsrlon of an rlevaloi ntwill be Located at Bella Bella "..ii (mmi. : -and Rev. William Allen Will Take His Place iiu iiui.1 inlerrKtinir plinlosraph.l frv. Iir. J. :. Spenrer of I'ort 'wIim'Ii lie will he pleated lo pa Simpson i a paxtenger gointt n l4i Hon. T. A. low. mlnllerof Trade and lUuiimerce. wiio,. on lu'lialf of Hie overniiiel ia born giving xperinl roiixideralion in ilo' iiiehiiin invnlvetl." F A M.l.HIUHHl, Private Sei relary. ANNUAL MEETINGOF METHODIST BOARD Itiroush n Ihe leather Oanleira dux afternoon Ixmnd for Van- vivr where he will ntlend Hie annual eonferenee of the Melh-iHlil Church which i to open n -May it. In the meantime the annual meeting of port Sjmpon i1ilril wllllake daee at Van-rouvpr on May I? ami the meet, ing of Indian worker on May 13. After many year of good xer-ii-A nl 1'orl .'iinintnn. it U an. HELD LAST EYEN1NGI"''' ' tncor i .. i. ilrntixferreit hix year o Bella . . uuhi.h Hella. Ilix place at I'nrt Klmpon Bm W"lch at -wmnm Followed by Party mm k of r I Ladles rft Aid a M Member j Ua1 f j,,,,. ir. pencr will reluru to I'ort ilmpon before going In take up .hi new post. Ilev. v. II. Pierre or I'ort singtiMi will be tailing on Thurt. da morning for the conference. Minitlert from die interior -will be lier next week on their way Mllllll. When you buy advertising you buy CinCUI.ATION. snd see that roil el It. If from ifie roaster to you! Sealed In the Nabob Vacuum tin, free from air action, neither time nor (Mance can affect Nabob Coffee. It reaches you as rich and full flavored as the day it was roamed. In XA. 1 lb. and 31b. Vacuum Packed I ins. Brazil Boasts One That Penetrate Earth Farthest; Soma Entered Below and Work d Upward TRANSVAAL ARE OEEP Oldest Mines In World Worked at Slnal 3,700 Years B.C. WWHIIINOTON, May rt. Mly Canadian Prxi. rwnl uludy by 4h Inlcrinr Depart. mrnl'H llureau of Minex of llio deplli of millet Ihroutilioiil I lie ,world IndiealeH Hull linn h:iw penelralod hut lillle. heow Hie mirfare of llif arlh. The pt niinei an lniynifiianl in riieanuremenl when ronkpared wjlh airplani' altitude rei-onl. tine of lln facln revealed by Hie Mlmly win thai man in nnnt of lii- mining operalion. even for preclmi inrlaN. in , jiiKl HrratohiiiK I In xtirfaee or koihk tind'T I In ekiri of old nuilhjr earlh. 1 r. Thomn TV Ilead, artinK nnsUlanl direclor of the Itiireau Mfnet, nay il it axiomatic that old mine are not yep- deep and deep mine an no( very old. The o1del fniniM in the world of which then, i any eeriain cord are the copper and tiirqiioip mine, of (he Sjnai l'eniiiulat which were workeil by Hie Hyypliaiix a rarly an 3700 Hi., hiil Hiee have never lren unk to what would now lie considered even moderns deplho. Tin! iver-lead mine. of Mounl l.aiiriiin. ill Oreere, are very old, Iml u Hie mineral oc cur along Hie conlaei iieiween aiproimaley lunizimtal linie- ntnnen and xlale, it i hardly poilie lo peak of Hie mines ax navinsr any orpin; ai an, ex rep! in the iciie that a tunnel ha depth beneath I he top of the mountain it pierce.. jTIip I'hoe- nii-iant probably began to work the lin mine of Spain and Com unit a e.irlv ax 1.101) IK' AI though tin mining In iVirnwall hat Uren rarried on continunutly uniil niiHtern timet the Isotroalli working, the. ieeex. were uol xiiuk further than ,3(I0 feet, ax I lie eotl of tin produced from tuch depth wa loo great t rom-jiele with that from xurface woikiugx in Malaysia. fhe varioux other old nnne in Kurope are not very deep. 'Hie ulilelma mine in Norway ha an inclined -haft 3,700 feet deep ahd i of particular interetl because it i Hie only deep mine north of the Arctic Circle. It wax opened In IH87. Oenerally xpeak- iup, the deepexl mine' of Kurope are coal mine. Coal mine xhaflx in Creat llrllain are ax much ax 3,500 feel deep, while many of Ihe coal mine thaft in llelgium and France are more than 3,000 feel deep and several haf! arc now being xiiuk which will go to it depth of 1,000 feci. Miit of the minex of Smith America might more accurately he called high rather than deep. l lio llradeu mine in Chile, one of Hie big copper mine opened in recent lime, i entered in the hot lorn and worked yji. The cop per mine at Cerro de tnco n I'rru (Marled n a silver mine in 1(130 are only about r I .1...... I I . .... .. I . II..... n I rt rtmiaininr Il ", nicirn or im. tiiomas v. Tiivcarn, Apiillnnt. otttd rebruuy iitb, tu. PROCLAMATION HYNfl OF VIMY CANADA fSIIOUOI-: THK FlPni, by the Orace of Cod, of the United Kingdom of Great lirilain and Ireland, and of Ihe Urillsh Dominionx beyond the Sean, Kt.N'O, Defender of the Faith, Ilmperor of India. , To all In whom these Presents shall come, or whom Ihe xame may in anywise concern. oniiCTi.vn: A 1'nOCLAMATION V.. L. NKWCOMItl-; Deputy Minister of Justice, Canada WIIi:itliS the protection and perpetuation of our forests are vljal for the continued industrial welfare and national strength of Canada and lo its individual health, comfort and prosperity; And Whereas il is shown by the statistics of the several forest authorities of the Dominion that Ihe forext resources have suffered Enormous losses through the occurrence of forest fires nd thai Ihe loss through such fires has far exceeded in amount the depletion in timber wealth thrntish legitimate cutting operations; And Whereas Our Dominion is recognized as the main source of supply of coniferous limber within Our I'mpire and it is essential lhal, if Canada is Jo retain and develop her potitlon a an exporter of forest products, the iiunece.tary lotses through forest fires must he curtailed: And Whereas in many cases forest fires have rextilled in disastrous loss of life, and nf valuable property other than timber wealth; And Whereas apart from direct loss through Ihe agency of fire, the vitality of the forest is thereby seriously impaired, thus rendering it unduly susceptible lo atlack by insect and fungus- pests; Anil Whereas forest fires disturb the equilibrium of stream How, lower Ihe water table, and frequently give rie to serious erosive effects; And Whereas the great majority of forest fires are entirely attributable to inexcusable nejsleet or ignorance, and are' therefore preventable, and the exercie of reasonable Prudence and proper carefulness on the part of re-spontihle individuals would reduce the timber lotes by fire in Canada to small proportions; And Whereas il is desirable that Ihe attention of the public be directed to the extent and underlying caues of the preventable loss of life and properly by fire and to the best and mot practicable means for its control and lhal n specific period of Ihe year be set apart and properly dexignaled for the dissemination of such information: Now Know Ye that We. by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, have Ihouehl fit lo appoint and do appoint the week commencing Sunday. Ihe Iwenly-seventh to mention Hieni. The Lily Deep has made plan to work to a depth of 7.000 feet. In Ihe Kolar gold Held or mma Hie Champion iwr Gold MJne, Ltd., ha a numlier of deep shaHs, two of I hem being 0,091 and 6.- 09 1 feet deep respectively. 'Hie milling operation in Ihix rectum are nvotlly at a depth of 1,000 feet or more. Australia ha many mine, and tome of them, are quite deep, Hie Victoria Consolidated, at ltendigo, being more than tt00 feet deep and Ihe New Chum Is more than . '"l,t(0 feet deep. At Kalgonrlie. '."'"I, ...!.. .11.. ll,n- n.a III wrtli'ljl .loiiiiii... ' H-l-l utii, IIMmpil ll.rj uii; n u.i . ,. 9 nftn , .,. .. II lin.l r.t II... !" ill lillinr- il.-... eievaiiou oi it ii-vi miuw mi ca level. There are some xmall mines In South America al even greater elevations Ihau thi. hul the only really deep mine in South Ameri ca 1 Ihe St. John del Hey mine regioif in Ihe new world, gold having been conlinuiuiy mined there for more than 200 years. Ihe gold mines of the Trans. aal take a second highest rank for depth. The Villnpe Deep workings extend li a depjh of 6,. 203 feel and (here are so many LAND ACT. , Nllc tf IdUntlOK to Applj I Lmm land. In Ciuul Laud null in. Iti-runllna ll-tilci or xk'rns. ami miiui aiM belli Hit lulanil, on Ihe nurrii brtnrh of lira Skerna Itlvir. ni.ar Organic l!alllH-rS. Take .Ni.llin that I, Tfioinsi William TtiarkiT, of I'rlnce Huin-rt. II ocriiratHm rut-ltierr, liilemls tu sily tor xriiilnti lu Irax tint ruDowlns dracrlliril land it lumniieiiclni at a puM planteil it the iiioat wiuiherly t"inl on Bay Island; tlienrs txr therly md nealerl.Y.i tliriK'o Krtilheilv ami raleHyt fnlluwlnr llMf slnuoaltlea o, tlie ahor line lu pulnl or romineiii-eiiient, and than 3.000 feel deep. The deepest, mine workings in Ihe United State are Ihote of the Calumet and llecla Consolidated, in Michigan. The copper ilcpoils are inclined, and the . I mi m I tv.irL I ii it ni-n Ti 000 feel llrazil which is the in l"M't:,PriaIIv ,(C,mv ,ho s,irflP0. Th, mine in Ihe world. lis working. . . ,:,., .,,, ie exlend o a deplh of .,(. feet Tamnruck N(l 5 5 :,n9 wl (Ioor,. vcrlicn ly Mwwn the ll.f "',,, Pi, JaPket vertical shaft is mam than. I his deplh I reachod , Oo0 f(1(l ( T)Pr nr(, spv by a series of connected shaH pra, ,nP,nP,, sharis lt, ,,. like a flight of stairs . Ihix is a u.M,.v. ... ,,. ,,, ft nnn gold mine which wa started in ., , ,,. .PP,lpnv ,MPV ... M3t, and ihe resxUm in which lln( M, ,mw, mPnllonP,, is situated I the oblexl mining The deepest workings of Ihe i mine of which the working are more than t.000 feet in depth that il would make too long a lit; Cnlumt'l and llecla represenl the nearest approach man has made lo the renler of Ihe earlh, since they are about 1,000 feel below tea level. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert II. K. Goulhnurne, Vancouver; J. W. Iluild. Toronto; William Vauderlip and V. II. Aiken, Tor race Mr. and Mrs. C. Nlcolson, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. II W. Morty, Port Ksslugton. Central George. Dasselt, fi.N.R.; 8, Robertson, KdiuAnton; P. G. Lud wig, Dorreen; R. I'llzsimmnits, Vancouver; M. Monsln, city. day of April and ending on Saturday, the third : day of May in this present year as "Save Ihe Forest Week," during which period the citizens of Our Dominion shall be entreated ear-netly lo consider the facts hereinbefore set out, lo give careful heed to information disseminated by the various forest protective agencies, and in particular to act upon the following suggestions: 1 That settlers and others engaged in the clearing of land should fully observe the fira laws of the Dominion and of the province, which laws have been enacted for Iheir protection, as well-as for the preservation of Our timber resources: 2 That at this lime of the year, when thous ands are looking forward to spending Iheir summer vacations in Ihe woods, all should lake cognizance of the fact lhal the camp-fire, which is. one ol Ihe most pleasant and valuable adjuncts to camp lire, may. If neglected, easily result in disaster; and that lo prevent repetition of such losses as have been annually sus. lained from this cause, all persons should familiarize themselves with the proper methods oT building, using and extinguishing such fires; 3 That loggers, saw-mill operators and olhers interested in, limber operations should see tlnat all equipment and appliance designed lo prevent the origin or spread of fires shall be overhauled and placed in a stale of thorough repair; that such persons should review with care Hie fire protection requirements of the legis-talion under which Ihey operate; and that they should see that all employees working under their direction are properly instructed as to the danger of fire. Of all which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are hereby required lo take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. In Testimony Whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and Ihe Creat Seal of Canada lo be hereunto affixed Witness Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Julian Hedwnrth George, Ilaron Hyng of Vimy, General on the Retired List and in the Reserve of Officers of Our Army. Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Honourable Order of the Hath, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Member of Our Royal Victorian Order. Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. At Our Gvernment House, in Our City of Ottawa, this twenty-eighth- riay-of February; in Ihe year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Twenty-four, and in the fourteenth year of Our Reign. Fly Command, THOMAS MULVKY, Under-Secretary of Stale. PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST PLAN Following is the complete plans for Ihe estay competition, announcement of which was made yesterday: 1 The subject of the essay is to be the proclamation designating the week April 37 lo May 3 as "Save the Forest Week, or any point relating to forest fire prevention, dealt, with in such proclamation. 2 The essay not lo exceed five hundred words in length. 3 The essay may be writlen either In Knglish or French. 4 The essay Is to be In the contestant's own handwriting, and lo be written on one side of the paper only. 5 The contest is restricted to children under sixteen years of age. 6 Each essay must be accom panied by a certificate of a school leacher or clergyman that Ihe contestant is under slxeen years of age. 1 Neither Ihe name nor any other mark of identification of the contestant shall appear on Hie essay, but each essay must be accompanied by a separate sheet on which is legibly written the contestant's name and ad dress in full, and school, if any. 8 No person shall be eligible to receive more than one prize, nor to enter more than one newspaper competition. 9 The competition will clost at twelve midnight1 on May 3, 102 i. Trta Prizes 10 The prizes for the coin petition are as follows: (I) Radio Set A. receiving outfit to consist of (I) Regenerative tuner wilh -detector' and Iwo stage audio frequency amplifier. (2) Complete set of tubes to work off dry battery. (3.i One pair telephones . and plug. ' t ) A and H Jialteries. (5) Complete antenna equipment. .(Cj Necessary wire for connecting up set, (2) .Twenty-five dollars In cash. (3) Ten dollars In cash. Honorable mention Five prizes of five dollars cash apiece. II The essay winning first prize shall be forwarded by the newspaper to Ihe Acting Director of the Dominion Forest Service. Department of the Interior, Ottawa, who will Judge it in competition with other first prize essays to bo received by him from similar contests all over Canada. ' Central Competition 12 The Aetlng Director of Forestry will award Ihe grand prize for the best essay received from all Canada. 13 The grand prize will also be a radio .set, as" follows: Receiving outfit to consist of (1) fine tuner, detector and amplifier unit comprising not less than two stages radio frequency amplification detector, and two stages audio frequency amplification. - (2) One .pair telephones and plug. (3) One loud-speaker. (4) Necessary A and H (3) (0) Complete antenna Necessary wire necting up set. for con-. 14 The contestant winning the grand prize must return his local first prize in good condition to the newspaper which awarded it. The newspaper will thereupon deliver to hiiir the grand prize. 15 ,'i'he local first prize so returned will be delivered by Ihe newspaper to the contestant winning the second prize in Ihe local competition. , 9