PAGE TWO 'THE DAILY The Daily News Tlia Uin in llin Mnnn i i i lie man in iiic niuuu i PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. I SAYS: Published Every Afternoon, Jiupert Daily News, II. P. P.ULLEN, except Sunday, the Prince Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Contract Rates Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. UAILV KDITIOM MONKMAN PASS LOOMS LARGE Members of Reconnalsance Party Says it is Important Factor In P.Q.E. and G,T.P, Looming; up as ttie possible solution of the Peace River transportation problem, and easily the most important- factor in; the rehabilitation of the I.G.K, the E,D. & B.C. and the fi.T.P. from Prince George to Prince Rupert, the recently discovered Monkman Pass has proved to be one of the mpst attractive grades in 4 he entire system of I lie Rockies, according to members of a Canadian National reconnaissance parly, which has just returned here after an absence of 43 days spent in conducting an examination, says a special despatch to the Vancouver Star. Equal to Yellowhead j E. Mr Hill, the engineer in charge, is reticent until his report lias gone to headquarters, hut' other members of the party are enthusiastic in declaring that a' grailc equally as attractive as the Yellowlied has been secured. With their pack horses the party successfully made their way through the new pass to within 45 minutes' walk of the Herrick River on the west side of the mountains. Although such deadfall had to he neRotialed and ttifijd retell through the pass was devoid of any vestige of' a trail, the party made good lime and found abundant feed for their horses. Free From Slides They found the pass is entirely free from sjpow slides, and the mileage from: Wembley, the new KD.&H.C. terminus to the Grand Trunk near Prince George, is even less than the ICO miles at first' calculated. It' is probable that Monkman Pass will prove the solution of the Peace River and P.G.I' pro blems so long sought by Premier pHyer, and it opens up new pos- simimes for tins seclion of Canada. Engineers with the party regard it as one of Uie most important railway discover ies since the Yellowhead Pass route was surveyed. WOMAN BURGLAR MONTREAL. Sent 23 woman liurnlar, presumably, is suspected of bavins cnnseit blaze in a! Notre Dame de Grace honie, her method beliiR to secure the- loot (jewels ami women's Clothing o'nly being taken) and men io lire tlie house to des troy all clues. Advertise in the Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. Managing Editor. 98 SB on Application. $W Tuesday. Sept. 23, 1(J2L MAZE OF FIGURES IN INDIAN CASE Wisdom of Solomon Required to Untangle Financial Problems Presented to Court SMITH ERS, Sept 23. Tlie wisdom of Solomon was necessary to untangle the many and varied problems represented by the maze ofsfigures figures that increased and decreased at. the wliiiu of the principals, and kept continually on the jump from the debit to the credit side of each and every ledper they could pro duce, when Willie Ting and John Sebastian ( Indians j, plaintiffs in a suit ! against Don Walters (Indian;, of Palling, B.C., bail their case heard before His Honor Judpi F. McH. Young, in County Court sittings, held here on Sept. 18. The pkiinliffs claimed $188 from Walters, the balance alleged due. on a tie contract', "while the defendant (Wallers) had a con tra claim for $300. After, several hours of delving into the hopeless mass of figures, anil hearing of evidence evi dence 1 lint contradicted itself every few minutes, the court ordered that the plaintiffs gel $90 and $15 costs on their claim. L. S. McGill appeared for the plaintiffs and II. L. Robinson for t he-defendant. FRANCOIS LAKE MAN GETS SIX MONTHS FOR SELLING LIQUOR THERE SMITHERS. Sept. 23. S. H. Hoskjus was in Burns Lake on Friday, as magistrate to try the case of J. McDougall, of Francois Lake, who was charged with selling liquor contrary to the Liquor Act, and sentenced to six months at bard labor in Okalla. L. S. McGill, of Smilhers, ap peared for the Crown, and M. Gonzales of prince Rupert acted for the accused. ' McDougall is appealing the sentence and pending bail arrangements is in custody at Bums Lake; BRITAIN BEST MARKET FOR UNITED STATES England was far and away lhe best customer of the United States for canned fish in the month of June. She bought over two million pounds for over three hundred thou.sand dollars. . The next best customer was Mexico which took 158,000 and Canada which took 108,000. Australia, also, part of the British Empire came fourth. British countries took most of the pack. "TRY A Nir TO.NICHT" GRANT'S Best Procurable" IS? (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BottlcJ and (..n.l.H ky Witi.m '" Sob Urn, led CUnfxidxIi n4 Balvtnir-ClmWt Dxtdltrtu, Dull. !-& -CW.fow. ScwUad. This advertisement is not published or displnyed by tho Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia, n YOU may possibly have heard of the young man who (old the girl she was the only one he had ever kissed and' by far the nic est: SEWING circles, afternoon bridges and pink teas are the I. A l I i IK - wmrJi . uinifiiiurs me newspapers have. . - ITS easy enough to he pleasant w nen . nothing at t all goes amiss But the man wdrth while Is lie who can smile As he writes such stuff as this - YOU can be pretty sure tlie brain has stopped growing when you see the head begin to swelL WHEN you are told to do a thing And want to put it off AH you "do is whisper dad1' "D'you want h game pf golf?" EVERY person slips a little but when you see the sort' of things some of the girls fall for, it makes you lose faitli in human nature. A LAUGH is an overgrown smile. " i . LOVE is like a cijjarellc. You be gin it without stooping Io1, think. You fondle it, play with it, inhale it and possibly it. will burn your Fingers. Thereire more cigar ettes IF you're told to do. a thing And want to do it well Get to work on it"flt once Do it in spite of anybody. CONSTANCE TALMADGE URGES DANCING FOR KEEPING IN CONDITION She Also Likes Golf, Fencing and Drives Her Own Car : Seen In "The Goldfish" Tomorrow Night "There's no means of keeping in trim like dancing. Tripping the light fantastic exercises every muscle in the body and teaches control of the body as nothing else can. I am constaniy learn ing new dances." Thus spoke Constance Tal- uiadge, star of "The Goldfish," coming here tomorrow evening. "I started out by. mastering the two step, waltz, one step and fox trot. Then I learned' the maxixe and tango; Then I learned the Camel Walk, the Chicago, the Collegian, the Sheik Tango, and nhntll ;i v:ir nrrn' T ilnvtbn.l mi 'own fox trot which I danced with Maurice- "I have now started in with national and folk dances, as well as those of bygone years. I learned the minuet and old English dances for The Dangerous Maid,' and a Chinese dance for 'East is West.' The number of national and folk dances appals me but I am making' a brave start, "In addition (n dancing,. I take a mild interest in golf,., a .keen interest in driving my own. car, and, best 'of, all, I. )ike to fence. For more1 than 'six months I have been taking daily fencing lessons from Fred Cavens, tlie Belgian swordsman." MANAGING DIRECTOR CEMENT CO. KILLED LONDON, Sept. 23. H. K. K. Handier, managing director of the British Columbia I'orlhim! Cement Company and his brother Montague were killed when their auto collided with a motor cycle. Bamberlon, British Columbia, where the big cement work's on Saanich Inlet is located, was named after H. K. K, Baniher. KEPT TWO SETS OF BOOKS TO EVADE TAX WAIISAW. Its suspicions having been aroused by the ab normally small Income return's in Polish Upper Silesln. the gov ernment sent a special mission to make investigations on tlie spot. II was disclosed that two in. dustrial firms bud carried' duplicate sets f books, one secret ami tlie other public. Some arrests have been nifule Jiut' the director or the two companies have escaped to Germany. reofcro of thcHoiiw c . If M - - TT m jr t nib masxqrs voiw Ten Years Ago ! in Ptince Rupert September 23, 1914. The Kiel canal is one of Germany's greatest safeguards. The largest of dreadnaujjbls car turn in it and watch two ieas, A local branch of ll o Cuniulian Patriotic Fun ij Association was formed last night with tlie following olllcers: , 1'resldcnt, S. M. Newton; vice-president, Mrs. J. II. McMullin; treasurer, C. T. lleward; secretary, Hev. iV. K. the tfollison; executive committee, T. D. I'atlullo, J, IL Thompson, Canon. (I, A. Hix, Judge I', Melt, ,Y4iung,. Ali-s. T. Baxter add Mrs. Ill L. Mcintosh. Tlie Acme Clothing House haslW beerv ihCOi-poraled aild hereafter 111 will lie knowinasvlhe Acme Ilnu to porters Ltd. Messrs. Slieinmaiiii he and (lullsteiii arn Hie sole iiii y ni iii it. u tv i r vl 4rJ If Jl 1 -i'l I' Victrola JACK TONER LOST HIS AUTOGRAPH DOOR Carried It Off With Him When He Left Rupert but Lost It In Vancouver Someone in Vancouver has the door of Jack Toner's cabin, according to reports from Seattle says the Vancouver Province. The cabin is at Seal Cove, near Prince Hupert. Toner entertained the American round-the-world dyers when they were at Prince Ituperl, and they all wrole their names in chalk on the door. To preserve signatures Jack varnished tliem. On April 10 he bade tliem faro. well, rowing them to their nlanes The only memento they left him was tho door. This he carefully removed, and" took to pieces. hen they were annroaehim? Seattle he decide, to take a trip Seattle to welcome them, and beaded for Seattle with his door. In the transfer from the' Grand Trunk to the Canadian Eveiy talking machine is not a VICT RO LA Wliy buy a sub- stitute you hope will do as well. Genuine VICTROLAS cost no more Look for the trade mark "HIS MASTER'S V0ICE Victor Talking Machine Company orCunada.Limlted ii. .11.. i.- ........ i... i..... 4 i rr f VH. gage was lost, with the priceless muster, returned from 8 "'rp door. He Is very anxious for IlielPortland, Ore. present possessor In return it to him. Toner is now in Seattle, but will leave shortly for his old! home In Kentuckyj returning Ihcnre to the north. WOMEN LEND MONEY HIGH INTEREST RATE , LONDON, Sept. 23, Out of 'i ,380 nioney-lenders on Mersey-side over r.onn are women who concentrate on the poor ami uneducated, slates the Industrjnl Ileform Commilleo of tho Women Citizens' Association. These: women charge inlerest of 133 per cent, or a penny in Hip BtilllirifT vniLli Tim I .... . 1. 1. l " ' llli 11111117 begins when a woman borrows a second' loan to pay off the first. 'One married woman has had six loans in five years. Kacli time lio' renewed for a larger amount, and tier present debt is 110, for which she has received only 30 in cash. 2M. COATS SUITS DRESSES HATS 'DEMERS Phone 27 p. O. Box 327