19 13 pXqe four Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and . Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange Make your reservations for that Christmas visit lo the Ohl Land early. For Tickets, Hates and Information, see us. 'f Oliver Typewriters. Gary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. Cv Ofrice Hours, 8UI. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Fmr Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready to Wear ... $18.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, H.C. Phone 774. P.O. Box 958 EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Kdson Coal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Go LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Delivery, VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. MoBrlde Street. THE DA ILT NEWS i , . 'ilSi, BRINGING UP FATHERS By George McMarni, Stop MOaisc Thax J BftOOSHT i I WEtX-HE. 1 I I J wci I II I IN I whajt evo. too oo HORiO PiD THE CUET OUCOX-OOfV-r uCHT WILL. E tJiviNC, AvHY r-UNlVTE .NOW' . ' I juvt cot called ev.R. BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE OF THE 3. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Chicago I, Brooklyn 2. American League Washington 8, Chicago 3. lioston I, Detroit 9. Cleveland I, New York 10. Philadelphia 19. SI. Louis 7. SIX MILLION BETATRACES tmojunt This Year In British Columbia Has Been Much Greater Than Last VICTORIA, Sept. 23. TIip noncy bet on British Columbia ace tracks during the season vhich ended Saturday totalled i(T,397,565, according lo figures n possession -of the department if finance. Last year 'be season's bets mounted to t,G55,718 WHIST DRIVE Pythian Sisters Were Hostesses at Affair in Boston Hall Last Evening The Pythian Sisters were hos- ;sses al an enjoyable whist rive in the Boston Hall last ight. There were ten tables nd prize winners were: Ladies' first, Mrs. A. Jvarson; ladies' onsolation, Mrs. F. W. Hart; men s Tirst, Walter shaw; men's consolation, W. G. Oakley. Ray Love was in charge and the com- nitlee consisted of, Mrs. A. Ivar- on, Mrs. I). McCulloch, and Irs. T. J. Shenton. Refreshments were served. SPORTS GIRL WEARS HER HAIR UNBOBBED LONDON, Sept. 23. The Daily .Mirror Sports Girl, awarded n first prize of 500. wears her lair 'unbobbed.' A triumph for ong hair, says "A Doctor,!' writ ing in the periodical. He believes hat men giow bald because they cut their hair, and sounds warning lo feminme. readers iiotber male correspondent: sighs over the "NVwest cult" ong hair. "This means that no only has all the money being pent shortening it been wasted but wives have lo look for month iiKc remain ; rumps unable to afford a hairdresser. Wigs? A long suffering husband can only ask pathetically: "Wha s the. price of Wigs?" Major R. M. Taylor, dislric engineer for the provincial de partment of public works, left on last night's train for Burns Lake. 5 . '"'' CrMt Bnuin rithw mtrved- , I Sport Chat After the most successful sea- sou in tint history of the club in which interest was maintained from the time of t lie opening of the handicaps until the closing, the Prince George Tennis Club trophy contests were completed 1 I i last week. i no uup prr.sriiie.i uyr4P!J of recent tests at the I .Messrs. Huglies & Drake for the ladies' competition was won by Miss Ruth Hornshy and the cup lonated by I. B. Baird for the mens competition was won by Harry Goodwin. The Prince George Curling Club s moving its rink to a sire ecu red at the rear of the city ball. The chief object of moving the. rink is lo secure a longer imrling season. For the itrescnt the curlers will content themselves with two sheets o ice but the new location will make it possible k have two additional sheets. An entertainment will be pul on shortly by th club to raise funds. As? a young man, Hon, Hal", Me- Givem, the nw minister without portfolio in the federal cabinet, nade a name for himself as an ithletic captaining t lit all-Can- da cricket team for five years and playing Rugby with the 01- awa 15. He was a member of the Canadian Olympic team in 1908 For several years he was presi dent of the Otla Cricket Club. Thft. display of boxing given in Assembly Hall, Hazellnn, last Saturday evening was productive of some good bouts of the four- round variety, and, if showing more of action than science; greatly entertained a good crowd In the head-line, event, a six- rnund affair, Peter Spooner, of New Hazelton, was given the lecision over Clarence Allen, of Prince- Rupert. A. A. Connon re fereed.- Oniineca Herald. WOULD PUT OPIUM SMOKERS ON RATIONS -SINGAPORlv flbe use of pre oared opium in Malay has di minisbed in recent years, and its eventual elimination depends on individual control, says the re port of a committee appointed to enquire into Hie matter. It is stated thai registration of smok ors should be given an exhaustive trial leading up to a rationing system, me committee expresses gratification "in finding that the disease is not so desperate as lo demand desperate remedies," ami ikiiis mar precipitate sup pression affords no solution and would introduce complications in 1 he ultimnferadication of the habit. British Consols 120 or 25b SPORT NEWS DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE v$ Cigarettes per smoke xj in either size padcago FOOTBALL DENNIS SWIMMING SHOOTING AIRPLANES INTO THE AIR WITH EXPLOSIVES ON SHIF WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. The motive force of explosives may surplant that of compressed cir in catapulting airplanes from Hie decks of naval vessels as a An- ucoslia, D.C., air station. In the new catapult, a pistol shot ignites a powder charge which literally "blows" the car riage on which the plane rests to the rail at the rale of CO miles an hour, the car. is slonned ibrupfly by hydraulic bumpers. but the plane continues on its way. Space occupied by air com pressors is saved in the improv ed type -and loss of time, former ly devoted to recharging the tanks for each flight,, is averted. HALIBUT PRICES ARE HIGH TODAY Seven Boats Sold Catches Total ling 109,000 Pounds at Fish Exchange This Morning Halibut arriya;Coht1nuing to be scarce, prices paid at the Fish Exchange this morning were high. Americans got well over 18c ami 9c, while Canadians avcr- iged 17c and 8c. Seven boats marketed 100,000 lbs., three Americans having 80,000 lbs. and four Canadians, 29,000 lhs. American Foremost, 10,000 lbs., at 18.6c and 9c, In the Royal Fish Co., and Pacific Fisheries. Rainier, 2.1,000 lbs., at 18.7c and 9c, to the Hootb Fisheries Canadian Co. Wireless, 17,000 lbs., al 18.7c and 9c, to the Allirr Fisheries. Canadian Sea Maid, 15,000 lbs, at 15.6c and 7c; Edward - I.ipsett, 4,000 lbs., at 17c and 8c; and Cape Spencer,) 7,000 lbs.,- al 10.9c and 8c, to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. . ' M. ,M. Christopher,. 3v000 lbs., ftt7c ahii8rt,ilhe.iitljn! Fislf- rrius. NAVAL CHANGES Changes have been made at the Esquimau naval base include the promotion of Capt. Heech from H. M. C. S. Thiepval lo command or II.M.C.S. Patrician. Lieut. Prcssy, second in command of the Thiepval, is slated lo come ashore to the post of chief exe. cutive at, (be Esquimau station tiotii these olllcers were on Hip Thiepval when she convoyed the nn'tish round-the-world flyer. David Gay was a passenger for Vancouver on .the Prince George last night. fl2 70 7 ! I x 111 l III I 1 .. III I I I I I Daily News Classified Ads. ;a CENTS PER WORD IN WANTED WOMAN wants housework by day or month. l'hoii( 5.I7. 225 SWISS Girl wants work as general servant. Phone I3'J. 22 i GKNF.RAIi SF.RVANT Wauled. Mrs. O. Itesner, 303 Fourth Avenue East. tf WANTED: Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange. Auctioneers. Phone C52. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED stenographer and book-keeper wants work.Nov-embpr 1. Write ltox 200 Daily News. tf J FOR RENT FOR RENT. Three large housekeeping rooms, furnished 'complete. - 218 Second Avenue. 227 FOR RENT. 'Furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Hltio 217 or 18. 1 10 Sixth Avenue East. ' ' If OFFICE FOR RENT with modern living quarters. Westenhavet Hros. tf I' OR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts, tf FOR RENT Four room, modern. heated apart monls. Apply Smith & Mallctt, Ltd.y tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room al tho Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Ofllcc, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If AUCTION SALES. Goods nought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery, Third Ave. I'hones Black 136 and Red 442, TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) .Prompt. Service and Comfort Day or Nisht Stand: BOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Acrrss from Emnress Hotel. BOAT REPAIRS FISHERMEN. The close season will soon bo here. You can get your boats overhauled by con tract or day work, at a moderate price. We build anything up In 200 tons. Marine ways. Call or writo Eriksen Hros:, boat builders, North Vancouver, U.C, If OFFICERS REBEKAH LODGE AT TERRACE Nlrs. M Mills Elected Noble Grand of Mountain View Rebekah Lodge No. 47 TERRACE. Seot. 23. The re cenlly organized Rebekah Lodge here elected the following offi cers: N.O.Mrs. M. Mills. V.G-Mrs. M. G. Fowler. U.S. II. S. Creelman. F.S. Mrs. L. McLaren. Treas. A. O. Fowler. War. Mrs. L. H. Kenney Con. Miss M. A. Dobb. R.S.N.O.-MVS L. King. L.S.N.G.-Mrs. M. H. Egglc sliaw, ?23 ADVANCE. No Advertisement FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. CHICKENS for Sale. Phone Illack ttV3 225 FOR' SALE. Piano and granui phone. Snap for cash. Phono! Hlue 317 after 0 p.m. 226 FOR' SALE. Rooming houset furnished. Apply 929 Ambrose Avenue. tf FOR SALE. Old papers by the bundle. Dally News nftlce. tf ROOMING HOUSE for Sale; central location; steam beat: cheap rent; rooms always full; Owner. Write P x 202 Daily News, If FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Hoats and Engines. Northern Exchange If FOR SALE MOUSES ft" rooms and bath, two lots, fine harbor view, $3,000.00. . 5 rooms and bath, close in $2100.00. , . ., . 5 rooms aiil iath, good garden, $2200.00'. ' ' 3 rooms, high ground, $750.00. Terms arranged for all. McCaffery A Gibbons, Ltd. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy, Hell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 440, CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 5: 7 lo 8. Saturday nflernoons and Sundays by appointment. Pi'ione Hlue 85. Positively the 1e.U that Money can buyl GOODYEAR TIRES FOR FORDS -48.50 to $18.00 RIDE ON AIR Fit Your Ford With BALLOON TIRES and eliminate the rattles. MODERN WRECKINO EQUIP. MENT x Service D'y and Nighl KAIEN GARAGE PIANOS TUNED. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RE. PAIRED AND ADJUSTED J. B. MacKAY Phone Green 451. P.O. Hox 125 R.S;V.G. Mrs. E. M. Creelman L.S.V.G. MJss L O. Greig. I.G.Mrs. M. D. Kenney. O.G. G. J. S. Anderson. Chap. .Mrs. A. K. Parsons. D.D.P. S. F. Mills. Cuslohier Hut. If you nro sell ing these watches under cost price where does you profit come In? Assistant1' We make- our profit n'lll nf tni kii Ipl n nr Hi,,,, I mt.lA.i jOpinion, ' tm: Taken for Lea tharToOc MAIL SCHEDULE For the East ' Mondays, Wednesdaysland Pri. days, closes at 3.15 p.W From the East Mondays, Thursdays and Sat. urdays, 4 p.m. To Vancouver Mondays, mail closes al 10P.V. luesuays, Mail ctosat 4 P,M, Thursdays in to ?X pv Saturdays W Saturdays 10 P.M. C.P.R. Sept. 3, 6 and I From Vancouver- Sundays ...P. V. Mondays ,. ... 3 P,M. Wednesdays 3 P.M. Fridays a.M, t'Hday ,w3 P.M. C.p.R. Sept. 1 and I? To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays' r. .9 P.M, Sundays .... 7 P.M, From Anyox, Alice Arm- Tuesdays P.M. Thursdays P.M To Stewart and Premier 'fcftnilays - -.1 P.M. Fridays A P.M. From Stewart and rrnhr Saturdays ' PM, Tuesdays P.M. To Port Simpson-Sundays -7 P.M. Thursdays 10 P.M- From Port Simpson- Tuesdays 4. P.M. Saturdays A.M, To Alaska Points Sept. I and 12 From Alaska Polntl-r Sept. 3, C and i(f ' To Massett, Port cumenw, Buckley Bay-Monday mail do. $.30 P.M. From Mascett, Port Ciemenu. Buckley Bay Wednesday mad,diie A.M. To Skldeaate, Q. C cuy South Island Points-Wednesdays, inaU.xlaws W? p.m. . ' tell. anf From Skldegate, Q. c. South Istand Points-Saturdays, mail ( hMt- To Naas River Points " Simpson Thursdays X 10 B From Naas Wver Points- r. . BOX COLLECTION P.M, P.M. ! Grniiam & Atlln Af. 2 l 1st Ave. A Eightb St 8.25 Olh Ave. &, Fulton hi. 8lh Avo. AThompsnrt' 2.30 8.30 st llth Ave. &Sherbrookfi 8.35 Ave 8.10 1 1 hi Ave. A Conrad SI. 2 10 nth Ave, A. Mays cove 8.15 o (5 Ave. fith Ave. & Hays Cove 20 8.50 Circle r- 8.55 8th Aye. A Cotton St. ?.'55 9.00 3.00 nth Avo.A McItridftSl. 9.5 3.5 Pro. Gdv. Hldgs 9.10 Prov. Gov. Wharf .... 3.10 9.15 3. IS G.T.P. Wharf . -3:20 9.!0 .,.i a "nii st.T.r. Ill ITl ,. 9.25 3rd Ave. it Fulton St. x n-.l .. t. All. St 3.28 ..III nvci i NOTICE remind Advertisers are ed thai copy ftr - tisements shout. ; Dnilv News omce ' . ... Annre iii- 4 i) ,m. tnuay . . c . . ...nur Ji IS serl ion in ioniii" - tf sue. I Advertise in Iho Daily