STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and BucMey Bay, every Monday, K.oo p.m.- - -For Skldegate and -ah ports south every AVcdnesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I.fim PTlnre nujwrt Mil) r.m. for I'MNOE UEonuE. EDMo.XTOM, Wl.V mPEO, 111 poloti Eastern Canada, United Statei. AQENCV ALL. OCEAN iTtA.HI LINES. Ollr Tklet Offlc. 62 Third Ate, rrlnce Rup.rt. Fhene 20. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert H. B. Tlrkner. Porihiml. iin Harry Benson. A. Thorhum mid Sliefskey, C.X.H.; A. Brown, Victoria. FOR COLIC. AND CRAMPS PAINS IN -THE STOMACH THERE! NOTHING TO EQUAL U hti bren In ma for the mrt 80 ' j.. i ,.. ELKS. A Lodge meeting, Wed. nesday evening, 8.30 o'clock, Sep. :24. This Is Important. 225 SM'ir ?'rv. UiSEES WONDERFUL court, II, W. Tayjor, A. 0. Knight and V B. Shakespeare. Vancouver; C. B, Hose, Seattle; Miss Dorothy K. Kiild, Biiniahy; C. II. Sawlc, New Mnxrllon; It. Mar-Dougall and J. F. Walton. Cairn-'ose; V. Aspinall, Winnipeg: Mrs. T. Hall, Salvus Hast; I. B. Hopkinson, cily; J. Quin, Kel - C 11 tan -TCentral A'onn.r Ar-JCMi'ver, Snn Fran- risen- !,!.. ,r,i.ii. .... i v . . v . i,i.-i m;t:ii mill .1 . Hanson. Or-Pitii l'i.ll. M, art. I Mrs. J W Tilililld Mm. to 1t.iv FUTURE FOR CITY E. A. Blow Says He Knew Vancouver When it Was a Struggling Little Town and Veritable Mudhole "It is not jnany years ago that Vancouver was in much the same posilion as Prince Hupert." said K. A.? Blow of the publicity department of the Canadian National Hallways, who is leaving ifor the Fas! today en route bark to his headquarters at Winnipeg. Mr. Blow' is editor of the HMitilicalion gotten out by tin department and is in close touch Tim u.- i: i J he cily solicitor - i has beeji in-' ... . . ,. . . Willi i mv-1) ni ini wrii'K. n iihk MPMnln.l I... 41. II- - : . ' v'l . . ' ;iJM"' I"111 SUppi- . ... ...... .,., ,.. II, f .a .i. t. jr.ll ill II Ollii trill-' 1.I1AI 1ILJ1IIIII.I I. II llflllllfl W I II' I .li.........! I... I....!.. i'"M"-. TTIn 11111111.-1.-11 IIV .llflKi-. ... 1 , I. ,-. . . .. nr. mow says wnen ne Knew Mctlynionf in I he ooliee . ., ., ,, I'our Mast week. '." : .. . i jiiHreun iiii! must iiiiiuiiufu iiitti , 'fconld he imagined. lie points : to liie manner in which it has de- eloped into a Tine cily and says , the same will occur here. PROMINENT VICTORIA RESIDENTS PASS AWAY VICTOJIIA, Sept. 23. Within the past twenty-four hours two men prominent in their several j liiyael menls and well known as '..ill in the cily have pass-led away. A. II. Buxton, a pro-, on ! barrister, member of the ' inm of I'ooley, Buxton and jl'noley. aged 50, and a resident of Victoria for 30 years, was a part-Iner ir II. H. I'ooley, leader of the liinsei viitive if'ioun in the Legis- litM' "'''J0" il.P,M"ntry,id' re" j Samuel Serf, K7 years of age,; prompt!, rr MVeu III Mils eoj iui ii- )vau, lur imUput Dr. Fowler'" MlllVllig eoiue IH-rn IIUIIMK nic ("iu wfa Toil' t.b tin U Tliin'f niixirf- !.iiv. .1 IIiii eilv was lilllo . - " " .&v. ... -. I -- , - .... ... ""at With inn. nai .11 lintfiPll I ... . . . . 1 1 .... I . . . . ,,f Innlu fettfrir . I 'i k ' .... Pntun t lfnh,nCa. ".u is with (he llu.lson nay waited; Toronto. Ont. i:oni,l;.!i in Mipreino eonmwiiid. Mr. and Mrs. J. V, Tjbbells of Surf Inlet returned from Van couver on t lie Prince George yesterday afternoon. W. Sl'isher, provincial collee tor, sailed last night on the Prince George for Ocean Falls on departmental business. The formal bylaw exempting crown lands from lax sale was finally considered and adopted at last night s council meeting City Police Sergeant A. U I Bailey relumed on the Prince George yesterday afternoon after having escorted prisoners to Okalla. Dr. A. 11. Bayne arrived from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday afternoon and proceed ed to Masselt on the Prince Johr last night. Mrs. W. B. Morgan, Bays Cov Circle, who has been visiting her son in Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince George yesh'r day afternoon. ' W. J. Larkworlhy. the Hazel- ton merchant, returned on the Prince George yesterday afternoon oil route to the interior after a business trip south, ' ' ' A . Fi'atiV- SfKffc" relufft!, from Vancouver' on thrf- Prince (Jeorg'-yesterday afternoon. Mrs. .Moore and family are- still visiting oi (he south. ' Capt,.. II. ,1.. Ilohersoii was in town yesterday afternoon on I he Prince George enroute to Swan-son Bay where he will join the lumber ship Golden Gate and pilot her south. II. M. C. S. Thiepval is out of Yarrows, Victoria, where she was given an extensive overhaul, af ter her voyage to the Arctic in convoy of the British round-the-world Might. DA.NCK in Boston Ball, Thursday, September 25 by' Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.K. Admis sion $1.00. Dancing 9 p.m. sharp. Proceeds for Ridley Home Fund. Mrs Goldenberg of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived pi the city on Ihe Prince George yesterday after noon and will spend several weeks"; here visiting with her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Lipsin, (raliatii Avenue. Provincial Constable G. P. Logan; who has been stationed during the summer on the Nhs Hiver, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. He will go to (lie Cariboo district for the winter. for the provincial department of lands, arrived in the city Satur day night from Ihe Stuart Lake district where he has been en- for members of Canadian Club only. Limited number of seats. To avoid disappointment, procure your membership ticket early from Bank of Montreal or Geo, Hill. Luncheon tickets on sale al Ornics Drug Store later. H EMOKRHDIDS Do not Buffer another day yriw Itching, UleeJlng, or Trotrudlng Plla nr llemorrholils. No surgical operation required. Dr. Cliaee Ointment will relieve you at onco and afford lasting benefit. 60o a box all dealers, or Kdmanaon, Itatog & Co l.lmilwl. Toronto. Kamrla box free ' A tender from Mcllac Bros, of li2il for printing city lax rolls 22C was accepted hy the city council last night on recommendation of I he finance committee. This lender was thaIbwest. Accounts Upl "'September 20, totalling $13,171.21 including those of the police commission and school board were passed, for payment at last night's city council meeting. Mrs. J. A. Billion and her sis ler, Mrs. May Holland Cox of Ottawa, well known writer, sailed last night on the Prince George for Victoria. Mrs. Cox spent about a month in the city. Will and Fred Kergin, sons of Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergiu of this cily, left on last night's train for Toronto where they will resume their . piejlical studies at n.. it..: ; t l -V , ' i wie jniverjsH)yioiuiuu. The gasboabiMelra, which hasl been engaged 4noedetior survey in local wafe,f Sethis year, has finished her worlvaor the season and the parly i'uipiuent is on local wharves ' awtntlng shipment south. i w i'he report fnunVUie firechief, submit ted at "TftsL niglit's city council, showed 'vhcre were six fire alarms traiTITg the month of August resultlfigSSdrn no damage. Expenditure Of Uljc department had been 11087.50 including $1077 in salarMi A report . ftiopj," the Board of Works recomtfyftyling that a four-fool siduwffluplu t lie length of about iOO'-'jfet he built on Sighlh Avenue between Alfred md Baron streots under local nipmvi'inenl vyas, 'Adopted at last night's council- "'meeting. Aid. Casey explained jhal the sid"wal' was required for" new residences that hud heen huilt. TlierL. wa no preiTiietil involvd in build ng ht the. I liiichen 1 Try a small portion H M of Gillett's Pure Flake Lye in the rliaJiu-nlpr w1iin H cleaning greasy pots H flu and pans. It will ijfl save ycu much hard H m MADE 1M CANADA H iiy jiy i minis imi; a a i iKunicahon set ting the due 818, tlie cily i night not to in Ihe Union of Canadian Muni eipalities. Aid. Casey "felt that membership in I lie Union of in: k i.i.i It. A I'isher, Held agronomist. Municipalities ' covered remiire menls along the line and moved Ihat Ihe communication be filed. This was seconded by;Ald, Clapp and carried. The communication gage.i uui ing me summer aim gave" notice that I lie, headquart sailed on. the Prince Georgo last.0rs of tho Canadian Union had' night for Victoria. his headquarters in Don't forget luncheon for Hon. King on Octoebr 13, been moved from Montreal to OI tawa. miay. September 2t3. 19?l. i TIIE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREE aod it fit to mild, to digestible that you Ctn'terVe it in tcoret of tempting nourishing dithet good (or little folks. Pr, urulce, twUed food p ciftlUt ty that food cheett snr Kivon to baby of tr and blf. KraflCkect contain tlio vitaminvt that produr hraJth Mi growth,' Send m (re. r.ciD. book. 'k'-'-'j SBBKaUHBBMHaVBl YOU, WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert B Selected Skeena rand" ocueye For picnics, '-noose "Hurtert Brand" Salmon. A, few tins in the pantry are always handy. Sjlock a supply on your' Octal that's a good idea. 1 SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. j Local and Personal j Hayncrs, Undertakers, Phone 351 B.C. Undertakers. Phono 1. Towing and freighting. Tug Towena, 50'h.p.. Capt. M. Clifton. Phone Blue 400. Night phone 23. tf Mrs. Field, Art Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 Second Ave. Phone 23. tf . - ... Sir Thomas Hobiuson sailed last ii if lit on the Prince George for Vancouver. Capt. L. 11. Linday,. examiner of master and mates, returned to Vancouver on the Prince George last night. - ... Mrs Whatman, sr. arrived hack in town on Sunday evening after spending twu months holiday in Winnipeg and southern cities. P. W. Anderson, road superin tendent, i leaving on this afternoon's train for Terrace and Kit-wanga on departmental business. 4 Miss Helen Handal, R.N'., in- speclor of hospital training schools, will sail tonight on, the Cardena for the south calling at Bella Bella enroute to Vancouver. New Government Loan 20 year Bonds, kVt per cent, pricci $97.00. Your 1921 Victory Bonds accepted at par in payment. Ap- olv at once. T. McClymont. If Miss Dorothy Kidd of Burnaby, who will join the King Edward High School leaching staff, ar rived in the city from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Haslet! who have been in the cily for the past week visiting their daughter, Miss Ted HazIelL will sail Thurs day night for Vancouver. They have moved from Anyox and may locale at Britannia, Charlie" Hyan of Port Simpson charged with (he theft of a gai- ngine, appeared before Judge Young in the County Court yesterday afternoon and elected sneedv trial. The case is ad journed to allow accused to ob tain counsel. Dr. J. A. Bancroft of McGill University, who has been con nected with the Granhy Co. stall during ( lie past summer in consulting capacity, arrived in the cily from Anyox on t lie com pany boat Azurite yesterday and sailed last night on the Prince fieorge for Vancouver enroute to Montreal. NOT COMING WEST OTTAWA, Sept. 23. Hon rtliur Meighen will not come west this year. His visit to t lie Peace Hiver country has been cancelled. OF INTEREST HERE Announcement is made in Van i-ouver of the engagement Miss Daphne Brougham, dang h ler of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Brougham, to Jocelyn Arthur Hobday The wedding will lake place on October 21 in SI. Paul's Church, Vancouver. Mr. Hobday is well known in Prince Hupert as representative of the Vancouver Breweries, BOAT ARRIVALS C.N.H. sleainer Prince George, ('.apt. Harry Nedden, arrived from Ihe soiilh on' time at 3 o'clock yeslerday afternoon bringing the following passengers: ' C. Sanslruin, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Anderson, K. Ola (Baysport), C. E. Kendall, It. J. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tibbetts, J. M. Skorey i Calgary), Joe Harvey, V. I. Christian, Sergeant A. II. Bailey. D. McKenzie, Torn Yee, Mrs. J. W. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. W. Worlhington. Miss J. M. Bell, Mrs. W. B. Morgan, W. J. Larkworlhy (Hazellorij, Miss E. Van Allen, Mrs. A. A. Killough, J. A. But timer, Frank Moore, J. V. Banna, C. 11. Ward. U. L. Mc Kay. Miss G. Wilson, E. L. Zel ternian. A. G. Anderson (Port Clements), C. B. Hose, Dr. A. II Bayne (Masselt). Mrs. W. T. Stewart, Mrs. A. T. Little, Mr this city at and Mrs. J .11. Macey, Miss N. unci! derided last Davidson, Miss G.Davidson, Mrs. lake membership : N. A Oliver. Mrs. Gnldenherir and son, Mrs. V. C. Graham and hild, T. Wheeler and Miss D 1 TsB Win .wl V Mm 'vVJi'imisar il liiswlr tut la TaVOw:ll te tttm CATARRH ci( the BLADDER Sih. !DCoafl Eich Caoiute beiri nome fownnof counierfrlU NEW DOMINION LOAN The new issue of Dominion Loan Bonds lias been ovorMiliscribeil mid tjie books closed . You may still make appliralion for participation 'in this issue and such appli-raliiins will he tuvcpled subject to coiifirnialioii al market lriee. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE S. K. Campbell, Manager. Prince Rupert Branch. Constipation OFFfffAM is the arch-enemy vl Jril IV V PILLS Conquer the enemy of constipation and you rout a whole army of physical foes, including indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, sleeplessness and nervous dyspepsia. Beecham'a PUb have been a world-wide favorite laxative for over 80 years. They go straight to the causo of many ills and remove It. They ct promptly, pleasanOy end surely. "Purely vegetable, harmless, non-habit-forminp. These time- tested pills strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and Sold Everywhere ii Canada, Relieve Constipation.' THE QUIET 12 dm PRICE $155 Speaks onl- in a whisper but is being heard around the world. Unexcelled for good work, and lots of it and that's important in it-self. Furthermore, its, hushed and whispering voice brings welcome relief from office clatter, and creates belter and more efficient working conditions for everybody. You are invited to call and see its many remarkable advantages. THEREMINGT0N PORTABLE The Heminglon Portable, too standard keyboard light and compact, $85.00. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOGK And SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. BURN Nanaimo Wellington Coal . Out lump coal is double screened. Every lump is a chunk of heat. TRY OUR NUT COAL FOR YOUR KITCHEN RANGE, Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from Prince Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanion Bay, and Alert Bay, Tuaiday, 0 P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walei leland, Sunday, 8 P.M. for PORT SIMPSON and Naai River Cannerlei, Friday A.M. 623 2nd Aftnue. J. Barnaley, Agent. Prince Rupert, B.O. Aid. Clapp in a ui red al last night's council meeting as to what had happened Ihe building bylaw which was to have come up for revision. The city solicitor said that he was awaiting descriptions being subinilled by the cily engineer. I Ollieers of the sleainer Prince i George, arriving hern yeslerday. i reported having passed l'lyiug loillcer 'Hull in machine Bit in IChristie Bass jusl'south of Quem Charlotte Niund on Sunday af-lernoon. Hull reached Vancouver Ihat night.