PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. The George Melford Production "The Dawn of a To-morrow" A love-melodrama adapted from Frances Hodgson, Burnett's novel, filnnd amidst the lights o' London fast-moving, thrilling, heart-appealing and above all, optimistic. Here's a tale of a preWy waif who made her own rules and worked wonders. The story of a ragamuffin of the filunis and her adventure in happiness with England's greatest man. The settings include Loudon society drawing rooms, the slum. London on a foggy night, the Lime-house river front and behind the scenes in British politics. Superb rast. ltivmoud Griffith, Jacqueline Logan, Roland Hultumley. Ciuy Oliver, Alma Bennett and others. COMEDY CARTOON "FELIX STRIKES IT RICH." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c. Walk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY Spanish Onions, Hi, straight 10c Concord Grapes, per basket 75o Buy your Concords now, season nearly over. Tokay or Malaga (Jrapcs, lb. 20c Fresh Tomatoes, basket 50c Up Uiver Cahbatfe, lit. . . 5c Terrace Turnips, 0 lbs. 25c Kzg Plant, 2 lbs 35c Canleloupes, 15c, 20c & 25c Cocoanuts, each 25c New Strained Honey, pint jars 75c New Strained Honey, 5 Hi. tins $1.25 Isle of I'ine flrape Fruit, eacti ... 20c fireen Tomatoes, 0 lbs. 25c fireen Peppers, lb. 25c Pickling Onions, lb. 15c Casaba Melons .lb. . 8c RupertTableSupply Three Phones. ato,lii,2i2 . j TIMBER SALE X 6370. Tin re wl" be orfirrd rr sale at Public Auction, at iioon on Hie tti day of September, lllil, In the orrire of the District Forester, Smlther, ll.C, the Licence X 6370, t cut 20,000 Jackpine tics on an area adjoining- tbe north boundary of Lot C70i, situated approximately 4 V4 miles north and eat of Oecker Lake Station, lunge 5. Coast District. Two (?) year wtit be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In person n.ay submit a sealed tender to bo opened at the hour or auction and treated as one bid." Kuriher particular of the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince initert. B.C. I b ill "Savage" Electric Washers 'Hoover" Suction Cleaners "Monarch" Malleable Hi Ranges "Hotpolnt" Electrical Goods "Valspar" Varnish and Enamal8 "Martln-Senour'' 100 Paint "Sanola'' Bathroom Ware "Kyanlze" Floor Enamel III "Sunoco" Motor Oils lil nnirmrr' ill an ii 11 ii 1 ONE YOUNG WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot about the proper care of tier wardrobe is Dainty Dorothy. She knows bow to make serviceable frocks out of last season's dresses and believes thai the science of dry cleaning is the friendliest service that ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONE 8 Vfetfj BOX392 P Rl N C t-r R.U PE RT WALK OVER TO OUR STORE AND Save Money Take advantage of reduced prices now! Rogers' Syrup, 20 lb. tins S1.G5 10 lb. tins 85c 5 lb. tins 45c No 1 Hutter, lb, 40c 14 lb. boxes $5.50 H.C. Kggs, 3 dozen for $1,10 Potatoes, per sack .. $2.03 Fancy Dry Onions, 5 ibs. 25c Carrots. 0 lbs 25c Yellow Turnips, I lbs. 25c ECONOMY 5 E 417 Firth Avenue East. Phone 84. THE RINK Now Open for SKATING With Hand iu attendance Tuesday Eve., Sept. 23. L. F. Marrcn, Proi "ilor. Phone Ulack 449. Sterling Furnace COAL Dtllvarad In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton.. ThU It a very superior furnace coal. It arlves a clean hot fire and Is entirely free from oot, clinkers, alack anil dirt. Some or the lament heating plant In the city trn now tislwr It with entirely sillsrailory resiiltii. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sack. At $12.50 per ton. We are aUo iAg.-nl for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COAL8. Prince Rupert Goal Go. Main Office. Haul Canfal. Pho IB j Wire You seem worried, dear. Did anything go wrong at the bank today? Hank Manager Yes, the cash-lier. Judge. Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist I HERE IS A GOOD ONE 3 DAYS ONLY. To each person purchasing Meat at Farmers Market We will sell Broken Walnuts, per lb. 25c Loganberry Jain, pure, pet-tin 65c Loganberry-It aspberry Jam, pure 65c Itice, best Japanese, 10 lbs. 75c Cream Olive Soap, per doz. 90c Special, I strjng brooms. each 50c Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.00 Rolled Oats, tubes, each 25c llaisins, in bulk, jjer lb. 10c Malkin's Host Coffee, l's 60c Jumble Pack Apples, box $2.25 Sliceil Pineapple in tins. each 2Cc Orders or S3.00 delivered. Phone Bluo 428. FURTHER GRADING IS PROVIDED FOR! City Council Brings in Bylaws For Atlin Avenue, Eighth Avenue East and Mc-Bride Street , The city council last night advanced through their preliminary readings local improvement initiative bylaws providing Tor the grading to a width oT 15 feet wilh mattress of timber and crown of crushed rock anil sand of llin Avenue from the inter section with Second Avenue to Seventeenth Street, Klghth Ave. Kasl rrom McBride Street to the intersection with Kighth Avenue and MeHride Street rrom Seventh Avenue to Ninth Avenue. Advertise in the Daily 'News. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, September 53 OGDEN S LIVERPOOL MORE THAN HALF OF HALIBUT OF COAST 1 Awnrn at riipfrt The Pacifio halibut fleet, aug-j mented by many new vessels ana equipped with modern engines, last month gave, an interesting idemostralion of its producing capacity under favorable conditions, says the Pacific Fisher-jmen. Arrivals at the principal Pacific ports for August were among the largest, if not the largest, for any month on record, amounting to nearly six million pound. l)y far lite heaviest arrivals wcrnnf Prince Hupcrl, where landings for the calendar month were 3.812.500 lbs, set-ling a new record for that port, and a number of fares wero diverted to Ketchikan for freezing. At the latter port also the ar rivals were exceptionally large, amounting to nearly a million pounds. Seattle arrivals were nothing extraordinary, fares by fishing vessels being nearly 1)0,000 lbs. less than in July, while arrivals of boxed ffsh rrom Alaska were nearly double .those or July, though much less than for May or June. The total or No. 1 fish wsR noticeably less than . for three months previous, while chickens showed a slight decrease compared with July. The number of fares was a little larger, wilh a corresponding de-Tease in tbe average. FISH BY-PRODUCTS PLANT AT SIDNEY Brackman-Ker Milling Company Controls Outfit Just Starting Operations on Vancouver Island The new fisli by-products plant at Sidney. IU'., owned by a subsidiary or the Hrackman-Ker Milling Company or Victoria, was delivered about a month ago, says llie Pacific- Fisherman. The installation lias been under way since then, and tliCyOulfil was expected to start operation early this monthS The unit is one of the new vacuum type made by the California Press Manufacturing Company, and described in Paci fic Fisherman Tor March. The most interesting feature of the process is that, by using a sleam-jackeled vacuum, cooker, the valuable materials formerly carried ofr in the press-liquor are saved and included, in the rish meal. In view or this innovation, which is a marked departure rrom the processes formerly used on this coast, the performance or the installation will be watched with great interest. The plant Is located in the building formerly occupied by the Sidney Canning Company at Sidney, Vancouver Island. It was reported some lime ago that the provincial authorities bad rc-fused permission Tor the plant to operate, but this is denied by Dr. II. K. Young, provincial health officer, who states that it conforms in every way with the government regulations. Fred Stork, M.P. addressed the Women's Canadian Club last Sat urday afternoon Jelling of his recent trip to the Wembley Exhibition. The address was very interesting and was highly nn- precialed by the large gathering of women. The meeting was held in the Iloston Hall and Mrs. G. A. F.gjzert presided. w BALANCE UNSPENT SECTION 1 BYLAW STREET GRADING Respecting a letter recently received by the city from M. L. Atdous. owner of property at Park Avenue and KIeenth Street, asking that grading be continued on the street leading to his property, the city council last night received the following report from the city treasurer on bylaw t'J (srclon 1 grading): Amount expended June 1 U I (' .... . .?C2l,8JiUlt Loss on bond sale .. 92,500.00 Interest I.28V.35 t $72i,188.3(? Debentures sold 740,000.00 Italance unexpended . 18,3I1.G( The nuiyor suggested that the report be referred to the hoard of works for report as to whether or not' (he unexpended balance should be spent. This was done. ISLAND ROAD Aid. Casey Inquired at Last Night's Council as to What Government Intended Doing Aid. Casey had some inquiries to make at last night's council regarding negotiations between Ihe city council and the provincial government in connection wilh the road to Calloway Rapids The hoard' of works had decided to send a Idler to the government inquiring about the policy it intended following. He had no' beard or a reply being received. Mayor Newton replied thai a reply had been received slating Dial some definite information would be forthcoming shortly ami the city -would then be com-muuicatcd with again. The mat ter hail been left in the hands of the board of works. J. W. Hamilton, for several years teller in the local branch or the Royal HanTi, leaves on Thursday night oil his annual vacation and will not return to Prince Rupert. While in the south he will he given a transfer to some branch in the southern interior. Mr. Zimmerman arriv ed yesterday from Vancouver to lake Mr. Hamilton's, place. EXPLANATION WAGE SCALE Superintendent of Utilities Justifies Payment of 57'20 Per Hour to Laborers In Department F.rnest Love, superintendent of utilities, submitted a report to the city council last night justifying the payment of 57!c per hour instead of 50c to laborers iu the utilities department. Inquiry on the matter had been made by Aid. Collar! at a recent council mcelihg. Mr. Love's report was as follows: "With reference to the complaint at a recent council meet ing that laborers In the utilities department are being paid at the rale or 57 He per hour instead or 50c, I attach hereto the motion id Aid. Collar! that passed the council on May 11, 11)23, setting the scale or wages for labor. You will note it distinctly covers 2 fo Cash & Carry Specials It Economical. The Coupon wKIck it crrie... redeemable for useful Crce Brand 8jced article. .. are a further economy. , j,, appe fw 3 Golden West Soap, made by ,,... Ro.xal ruwo Soap Co. B' ,K' Rollcd 0al. 7 k 5 bar package 20o satKs 50c CHILDREN'S REEFER COATS In Navy Mine Irish Serge. Sizes 20 to 28. Special, each $4,95 SCYCO OIL CLOTHING. Wet Weather fiarments for all. Colors Mark and Olive Hoys' Coals. Sizes 20 to Hi, eacli Men's Coals. Sizes ; to 10, each ... . jggj TWEED SUITINGS, 42" wide. In Stripes, Checks, Fancy Plaids iiihI Plain Shades Si-., yrd 95c Universal BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire Smith Block. labor on pole lines at 57 Vic per hour and rock drilling anil blast-ing a! the same rale. Very few holes are dug in this city without some drilling and blasting. Therefore. I consider thin motion .ny authority for paying labor 7 Vtc per bjtur." The Resolution The resolution referred to was as follows: "Moved by Aid. Collarl, seconded by Aid. Perry, that regularly employed men on waterworks department, street repairs, sewers and pole linos be paid at the rale of 5744o per hour, time and a half, for overtime; work on Saturday afternoons to he permitted but no! to be considered as overtime; rock drilling ami blasting when not done by contract to be at 57Wo per hour wilh overtime as hceinbefore staled; common labor 50o per hour." Aid. Perry said thai the intention of the 1923 motion had been to pay common labor 50c per hour. He believed that this 2X)f '25 15 1J This Week Only Canned Tomatoes, 2's. ' ;j for ... Trading Co. Phoni 575. should be followed u a '0 au:l discrimination. That m what public works tab'Tt ts en ni. Any helper, be fetf ilii ,:lil i9 considered as r.inrin)i) lal)-;r Aid. Mar-donald took 'lie . that the 50c rate was mrar fm transient labor Tins fra n; permnurpt and imuhed Mid' if an ddigglng post Imles yM was not in the category t na-mon labor. Aid. is-niilh rell the rr:u spoke for ilseir. Itork ili iW were not considered a "'mi-laborers and were rtihlM '' more money. Report Adopted Aid. Casey, speaking nerielice lie had had ! H ,r'" of work, felt that it ilttf( certain class of skill were not many men imi'l'11 he rell il was not it;"jl to award the 5Hic ral was in accord with "if V"WJ 01 applied by the siipenntwl' utllilles and moved Hial tb port be adopted. The mot' was carried. VANCOUVER VETERINARY KILLED ELDERLY MA WITH HIS AUTOMOBIti '3. " ' VANCOrVIIlt, Sept Maker, an elderly tnn ?p Manitoba here on a vh"" ' (i daughter, was struck by an driven by Dr. II. n. rajr. I nary surgeon, and died Wm A juries received yesterday charge or inanslaiigliU'r ' . against firay and bail wa l $1,000. Advertise in the Daily ! 1 mn ACT. , ai In Oiieen charlotte W'', n,trl, fh rierorlW District "" of Pr np' ",, 1IJ.' Heroriuna- ,,.11 ora '". and n. ro.iale.near fOnale near To "''L nur W, W, DJf TAKE JMOTICE Ihat I. "'prf yann B.C., ocrupallon n'anufjr urtr, f app y ror P""""";" ' rniiimenr"" , wit In dearrlhed lnt: Vj. of To.iS poxt flanlen; near lljj V, J east iW. hen nyrtWiy-w marki i'fnr westerly foiw hl!rf wj mark 0rhalnsi thence Sain ehalnat thenre easterly ,nlnr aerw of commencement ana i more or leas. npftnQE V. PAVE MITTBl. .U Pate. JM .