ieday, September 23; i 9 25 . Vacuum Bottles ! Keep Contents Hot op Cold, Use it to put Baby's Food h, at nights. Splendid Value, 75c. ' EMULSIFIED COCOANUT OIL SHMMPOO A sliomiJdffUhnt gives tlie linir tone and vigor and easlly cleanses the scalp. Hegular price 50c. Special, 25o. ORMES LIMITED THE REXALL STORE. Phones 82 and 200 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle September 3, 6,- Q, M For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway September 1, 12, 22 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butt-dale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocetvv Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-" couver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines.' Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th S reet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert B.i. At Your Grocer's nrrTDir ddeaty at wa . m m m m M wm mm I THE LUILY NEWS PAGE FIVE' IH0N.O..PAOT.0' I L. - J The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The. Autocrat of the Sandy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome' Delight In a IlcaiiUful. lioxi t f Sole Agents , . PRINCE RUPERT GIGARiSTORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Phone 109: Dr. F. P. HelgerWn ilocki KENNY DENTIST 'T' Office Ilourtt 'J a.m.. to 0 . ' " Open Eveiiiiigs ' by. 'Special App6iiittnnU ----- 'J-'- - i i PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday. September. 23 High li)!t)2 a;ui. 15.ft ft,. ?t:53 p.iri. 171 ' 1'OW .... 3:19 a.m. . 7.0 " ,I5j38 p.m. 0.2 ' Wednesdayt September 2 High , 10:53 a.mi 10.8 ft. 23:10 p.m. 17.8 " I-ow ...... 4:22 a.m. 7.Q-'V 10:10 p.m. 9.2 " Mrs. W, A. fiohecn and cllild- ' nave arrived back rroin u ''"xlliy holiday, sncnl in Vancoii- and' Hellinghanu Wash; NEW HAZELTON 'Mio Ladles' Aid: of tlie 'New la.o(trtt' Chmwli .lin been' ro- 'Biudzcd wil,,(ho following nf-icts: President, Mrs. C. H. "" , vira- nresiiieni, m r paw,,.. i .. i ...... .... 'rs, 'riiunitii.i Fre.t flrifiln Inter leinnorarilv '0d his iote jeaiup oil' the kepna rtlver below Skeciia Crosrffnif. lVxtJ'reo'pe later in he seHoirVilli-!j-synallw crew. ' i . i . t, , -. ,. gins and china, .i.nwc'r wa; held last weeV WfyVvMi'iovI,ailie.V. ib. ..tit - ii:.....; 'i-iini fiimis noMuiai .u.M!ui.j.. if' " y . . ' . i, i . n im WlllCII' Was III rilHIJi." Ul Mat-Kay, Mrs. Cox and Mrsj An-dtu-son, was very successful, A dance was given Friday night as, a farewell' to Miss Me-; Giill, who leaving-Hie hospital this week, and'L. Hi Wriuch; who also lhives tills- week' tit resume Ids studies at Torontbi L- Oswald Morven or (lillakdanv-jks and Miss Mabel; Sophia NVIU ifznie' Of Kilwangn were, married i.kI wni.k liv llev. T. I). I'roefor. Tin? Ladies' Aid of the Union Church at' llazeltou lias elected iifllecrs as follows: President, Mrs...MnoKiiv: fllsst . vice-presl- dent, Mi's. Ptiuml; second vice.' jiresidint, Mrs. llofrtm:. secreiary; Mr,". liNinl';. IreuHurer,. Mrs.', jodem AdYcrtise In the Dally News. UPHOLDS POSITION IN LETTER TO PRESS Urges (gainst' Misinformation! and- Misrepresentation In Connection With Capl-lano- Hands Piir- following letter was pub- lislicd' in1 Hip Vancouver press ifrvmi Prince IHipert's member: ' Hi'pnrls in the press indicate Hie mayor uf Vancouver proposes In ask me for an ev-lldanirtlou tit thf sale or six limits in the Capilano' watershed jo private interests since Hie re-pere of 1005. The items have appeared in I he prpss in this connection are based Mpnn a; communication; acroiilinp to itlie' nress renorts' senl In- Hip ! 'Property Owners' Association, (Vancouver. The information sent lo l lie Properly-Owners Associa . u . ii inn, Vancouver, uuiicaleii very clearly Just1 bow and when t lie timber limits referred o were (alienated, and Hie information jwns available before the-publica tion or tlipsp renorls. I cannot' come (b any otlier conclusion than that these re ports are deliberately published for Hie purpose of creatine an impression in Hie public mind Jllat this department) during the rpfdmp' of life present adm,1nis- .traton, has disposed of timber limits within the Capilano water shed since the placing of the re Jserve of 1905. Let me say that Hie limits re ferred lo as having been alien ated since the reserve of 1905 with one exception, were staked during the lime that limlier was open Tor slaking in tins province diiring the Mcltride-Ilowser ad ministration. The only limber that' has bpen disposed or since the pi-psent administration took office are two small fractions of isolated timlier adjacent to the operations of the Capilano Log ging Company, which it was de sirable should be logged in vipw of Hip operations now going on in the walprshed. Onp of these strips contained some four am Ihree-ouarler million fppt and the; other some two hundred and (seventy thousand. In both these instances it would have (been .simply foolish lo leave these isolated stands situate as they were. Has the Authority In view of the fact, however, that the right to dispose of any timber within tlie Capilano reserve has been called in question, it may just as well be clearly understood' that there is not the slightest question of the authority to dispose of the timber in the watershed if it should Ijp so 'determined. It is aliout time that the good sertse of those in authority in Vancouver should prevail, rather tHaii misinformation and misrepresentation should continue to bp circulated. The protection of tlie Capilano watershed is of first imiKtrthnre and the only way thai it can be protected is through I lie collaboration and co-operation of the provincial government, tlie city of Vancouver and' the logging company now operating there. V I- earnestly hope that the nlayor of Vancouver will accept my suggestion and' appoint three experts who, with three experts appointed by this department, can thoroughly review the whole stbatlon in order that the most experl opinion may bo available for- final determination of policy. . There i no doubt that a. larger measure of control must be ex ercisrd over the operations the logging company if its highest purposes and there is eplully. no doubt that this object can only be attained thrnjigli mutual understanding and cooperation. The people of Vail-, Couver would do well' to lake the good intentions" or the government,, and tliis department or government al their Tare value. The government is just as anxious to protect (lie interests of Vancouver ins the Capilano watershed as is Vancouver city itself, and' it has, at thesanie time, the duly of protecting the interests of all the other municipalities adjacent', as well as Hie interest or the province at' large. Will! Not be Bluffed It may Jusl as- well be under stood clearly and definitely now that I, personally, have no inten-MotPor being blurred, browbeaten, bulldozed nor calunvinated into submission In the dictation or a Tew interested-persons who know little or the real situation but who, for purposes or their own, I , Good Counsel I t jO ,'T ' I, SSl J illl! I liiii III 111 ! II L I L I 1 I I I J t I 1 . I I to' common sense business to collaborate and' co-oy(ale willl Hie otovernment. rather" lhan in- i- . .. dulgfng. in .long-jlLstaiie sniping whfch accomplishes nothing and rrighlens nobody. 1 I), pattullo, Minister pf Lands. SMITHERS Mr. and Mrs. Dr. O. Hanson. Dominion geologist, left' (Own on Thursday morning last' for Ottawa; They will1 visit friend in Saskatoon and Winnipeg en route. At the recent meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Hulkley Valley District Hospital; arrange.. men Is were made lb hold a whist' drive in the Catholic Club Hall on September 20. jVnother - successful annual dance under the auspices of Mys tic-JKvel Lodge. Xo. lib;. Order or Hebckahs, was held' in the town hall on Friday last. The crowd was not as large as on fprmer occasions. At midnight super was served, and upheld the fame of itlie Hebckahs Tor their culinary' abilities. After1 'supper, Hie (Jray Orchestra kept' the crowd in'rollicking good' humor by its "repeals'Mo the numerous encores. The following applicants for naturaliation 'appeared before His Honor,. Judge F. McB. Young, at the siltjng of the County Court, holden in Smilhers on ofj September 18:. Leon Helmon!., the Ilazeltnn; James Dyer, Waldott; watershed' is .to- be protected' to: Jasper Newton F.lliott, Evelyn'; llhrry (Sunderson, Smilhers; Wll Ham D. Lukens, Palling: Lee Martin Newgard. Nadinn' River, Colleyinounl; John Orr,. Burns Lake; Onlonio Sarlori, Hatclton; Wayinan llalel Wehlon, Francois Lake; in all cases naturalization was granted. James K. Kirby, mining recorder, is away on vacation. Ho wilt visit rriends in Vancouver, Victoria and Bellingliam,' Wash., reluming in a couple of weeks, Judgo F. McB; Young and M'. Gonzales of PrneoMlupert; were the guests K, Klrhy on a gam,, hunting expedition on Sal-unlay. Both gentlemen proved themselves as, capable of hand ling a' gun as theyViU'Untangling knotty legal' problems). returning lo town with bags Just "within the law." 1 red Oileshaw mada a trip to Burns Lake on Friday, He was on business in connection with the new-school being erect- ed; there, and' now in final stages of completion. Chief Service of' Provincial Friday, lie was accompanied by I 11. Hkird, inspector of Muuici palilies for B.C. Harry Moore, arrested by Con stable Thits of the Smithers ile-Jbing PRINCE GEORGE The city council is lo submit a bylaw to the property owners on September 29, authorizing the expenditure of $2,000 to provide increased school, accommodation The provincial government is to start work at once on a $30,-000 bridge across the Eraser Hiver at McBride H. G. Perry, M.L.A. announced last week. The bridge it is expected will ultimately be tho link in a highway. system from Edmonton to the coast. David' Edwards McKim; who was adjudged a hundred per cent baby at the recent Westminster Fair, was born fn Prince George Bis parents are Mr. and MKs Waller McKim who only recently moved away from Here; '- Hi G. Perry, M.L.A. admits that be is in the running for the ap poinlment of speaker in the leg islature. George Porter is erecting two-storey store and rooming building at the corner of Domin ion Street and First Avenue. It will cost in tlie neighborhood of $!0,000i The local Board! of Trade Is to call a mass meeting of citizens for Ibe purpose or lUTanging Tor the attendance of at least one representative from the district at Hie conference between the beads of tho Canadian National and Canadian Paciric Hall, ways and the representatives or tlio federal, Alberta and B. G. governmenlH on the- Peace' River railway question. Tho provincial government is also to be asked to have II. O. Perry, M.L.A. attend Hie conference. - Jessp F.lhipr firay, one of the pioneer residents of Prince (Jeorge: died' at his home here police, motored to; Hunts Lake on, last week, aged-01. He is sur vived' by-a widow and two sons, Jesse and Elmer. (acumen I Provincial police, on a possible and, with a reasonable charge of disorderly conduct, ap-.. spell of good' weather, there pcared before Magistrate. Hos-Jiins on Saturday and was fined $15 and costs. Moore, who comes from Shames, B.C., landed in town recently. Win. Aspinall, assistant general! chairman of the United Brotherhood or Mainlenanco-of-i Way employees, Willi head-quarters at Winnipeg, reached town on Saturday morning to be present at a' special meeting called liy the local lodge on that day. iMainlenance-of-Way from Pacific west to Kndako east attended in full force. Work on the highway between Prince George and Quesncl is advanced as rapidly as should he a good roadway between tlie two points before winter sets in. Mrs. A. P. Anderson and children have returned . lo Prince (ieorge after an extended niotor trip through the Pacific Coast sates as far as -California. Mrs j George Abbott leB for Mbnlreal last wepk accompanied by her son, Harold,, who will enter Mcflill University lo lake, a employees (course in electrical engineering. Mr$. Abbott wll visit with relatives in New -.Hampshire before returning to the city. W. L; Hornsby. and daughter. rtuth, left last week for Vancouver, where Miss Hornsby will commence her studies' in Hie diversity of B.C. m TIMBER SALE X 6489. Thei-A will br offprert for Sale at r-ubllc Auction, at mum nn tli ttih dav of Octo ber, ti, In the office of Hie Forel naiifrer ii; uunia uikc, n.i,,, me unriivc X 0489, to cut U, 800 tics, on an area situated on the sou III Mmre of FrancoH Lake, at Llppinroll uay, ivmte i, t-oasi msirici. Two () years will be allowed for re nHlYtll of tlinber. "Provided that anr one unable to at tend the auction In person may submit a scaled tender! t be opened at the hour or . auction and treaieu as one liq." Further particulars of the ciuet Fores ter,, victoria; B.C.. or District Forester, I'Mure lluport. B.C. m TIMBER SALE X 6425. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later man noon on ine inn uay oi septemuer Mil, for the iHirrhase of Licence X 01S5 to cut 117,000 lineal reel oT Coles and rilllitr on Lots IMii and 1833, situated about 314 wiles and on other side of Skeena Itlver from llenio Station, Rangw a, t:oasi i.ana District. Two S) years will be allowed tor re moral of' timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fores ter. Victoria, B.C., or Dlstrlci Forester, i-rinca itupen. n.u. N O T I O E. Notice- Is hereby given' that application will be made In tl' l.iirljlatlvf Assembly of the' rnivlnce of llHUMi Columbia at the next Session' thereof, for an Art inaklni- provision ror tne vesttnr or, general pit' M-riy oi ine rresDyienau t.nurcu in (.an ada, the Methodist Church and the Con rreRatlmial Churches of, Canada: In the Lulled Church of Canada: for the holding, use and administration of the nrooertv of conrregatlnnr entering" the union- nr the slJ. rhiiri-hes to form the United Church Canada and' for the holding of the proerty or rongregation voting imiI rimcur therein: for the trusts relating general and congregational properly; and generally for the carrying ot the said umou into errertt Dated at Victoria. British Columbia this 0th day of September. A. It; 10fl. CI.K.MIIIU'K STIIAITII, His I.angley Street. Victoria. B.C. 0a bbir of the applicants. 7-23 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Colu mbia. appeal lo Hie natural seU-inler- est or Hie people of Vancouver who, in' general, know nothing or Hie situation but who'very natur ally are rearriil and- nprvdus in a matter so important' as their water supply. It is about time- that' those in authority in Vancouver' got down Sam Cocker has returned' to Vanderhoof from. Edmonlon where one of his infant daughters died. Qlorious f(air In 90 Days or A Money Back Women who wish Jm to stimulate the growthof theirhair . should use Van Ess' Liquid Scalp Massage. A glorious Dead oi strong vigorous hair sarehr ma ROSSI 37 follows its consistentuse, and consistent is easy because' Van Ims oomes fitted with a patent rubber applicator that feeds the medicament directly to the roots of the hair, elim-faitins musty muwfinir with the finrtn. And th flexible nlpplei of th applicator bring healthy circulation cf blood to feed the haar root. Bay your Van Eaa on StMsy treaxuat plan. Money back if It fails. McCutcheon's Sole Distributors w Second Ave. and Six.h St. beauty For the straight figure A lightly boned corset with the top two inches above the waist line in front. It has a medium high back and curved clastic section under the bust. Medium length skirt with elastic sections in front and rear. Four hooks and eyes and three sets hose supporters. Made of pink figured batiste. Sizes 22 to 34. H. S. Wallace, Co., Limited. LAND ACT. Caaslar Land District. nccordlng district of Prince nupert, and situate In Atlln Lake, about one half mile duo west of Atlln Townslte, TAKF. NOTICF. that Paul L. Kggert. or Atlln, In the Province of British Columbia, occupation Jeweller , Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described land: Comiitcnrlnr at a post planted at tin south point or the small Island known an Second' Island In Atlln Lake, situated -above; thence northwest and on around thl Island r olio wii g the shore line to tl' place- nr ronmienciMiient; and containing two acres, more or less, Sept. 3rd, It'll. PAUL LOUIS E00EP.T. m 4