Friday, June 0, 1924. She knows what's good-this magic cereal that brings rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. It's all a crispy, crunchy, golden goodness of which you never tire. CORN FLAKES Own-ffh alwey CORN FLAKES 1. j Westholme Theatre, Sunday, June 8, 8 p.m. The New World Begun WHAT DOES THE I.B.S.A. TEACH ABOUT THE END OF THE WORLD? AM. u,,i have In!)) mail'' il'.-'HM age Hurnllna'K'ii i)i the teachings of I Ik I II S A.,li.,iiilnlliib:Jo Jit, fact Imi i lie i'n rlli wa nol de-alruycd in UMi. Thos,. who r piifinr uf I Ik Truih if i)ili YVurtl have ilcsirrd to ilc nmj obscure Hie teach- . wr the Scripture with re ,;,!in i I" till end "f MlC VV "lil Unil till- si-Minn up tff .j i-w kiugl'iin in ' lie ;i li WHAT DID THE LORD MEAN WHEN HE PRAYED "THV KINGDOM COME?" 1 1 far; Ibc. I,tiliir,. Till MAY AVOItl.H IIIH.IN lllllh'lir IHIVV lltltIK W l - r never alie." I' (.liff'inl ItullCr' f.r Mil I Ill" Slu'f (f llll(i Sltil'llfs K 'f ill ul Slff K I' ll) W i .Uiolim llii'iiri Hi f ''gisuB uSSH laaaaaaaBH aaaBBll BKFfl fSCiVVnMcJRBHBHHBHHft CLIFFORD ROBERTS, Lecture Staff, I BS. A. gillie gurke Summer Dresses 'I'll - Dresses are snmrlcr i It it ii ever this year. Latest Materials Latest Fashions Latest Colors. All intuleratt! In prioc. 3VJ From - $6.50 to $15 Colored Linen Homstltched Hkfs., 25c and 50c. "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 THI DAILT RIWB. " paqr mnei. MOTHER APPLIES FOR CUSTODY OF INFANT Local and Personal Application Made In County Court B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. This Morning by E. F. Jones on Behalf of Mrs. Jeanle Pierce On behalf of Mr. Jcanle Pierce, I'.. I'. Junes appl icil In Hie County Cull rl thU morn j UK uiuler the F.ijual (iuanliauship of Infants' Act, for sole custody by the mother of her two ami u half year ki infant. Tin case is to be lefeuded hy Ihe father, Thomas Pierre, who is represented by I,J W. I'aliii'UL toiid hearing is oet ror June 27. It is allcj-'ed thai the Hiili), after being placed in a holm here, wan removed to Ntinaimo. DANCER OF SHOW TROUP INJURED Paddy McCulloch Fell Through Window or Royal Hotel White Putting up Sign This Morning While pulling up a piisler in Hie ItnyaMlotcl this morning, I'ailily MVCuIlocli. dancing mem. her of a (ravelling how troupe which is in I Ik cily, slipped from a chair on which he was sland-iug vuul, pulling his left foot through a iloi.p wimlnw, an artery of his leg was picrcis!. The injured man bhtl profusely and t'.ily I'ulice ierpi'aiil A. II. IJailey and lr. J. A. West were called to the oceiie. The laller pave fiil Mid before .McCiilloeh was relinked to Hie hospilal when: Hie haltered jilas.s was ITiiiowd front the flesh. GAIN IN EDMONTON BUILDING PERMITS i I.iam. June (i. A jtaiu in alue or over '.' is lnwii Vy the liuildiiiif perinils issiieil by Ihe city in the fixe nionllis endiut? M'i' 31. over the lamounl UsihnI for the same period last year. Allhouxli the Imililinp of the ()erniiieiil elevator at (Wilder lxMile. Ihe h in u n I soiiH'what 'In arlual iiuinlier of perinils is prealer. C X II. sleauier l'i iuc lluperl I .i(il D. liniiaM. sailed for the uMi mi lime at II o'rloek last iiivhl. The vessel had a sood sued passenaer lisl Incliniinir in.'uiy lourisls from Ihe Masl and several local bookill'.'s. The season for touril Ira NT I may now be Isaid in have fairly commenced. ( SALT LAKES SERVICE i The Launch "23" will leave Svaniin's Float on Thursdays, Saluiilay and Sunday afternoons j every half hour from I p.m. uti- 41. l.lll, iiiiii tin iiiiii'i MCl'ft days al 2, I and 0.15 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave the Salt Lakes lloat sharp ul 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parlies specially arranged for Launches, 'rowboats ami canoes for sale and hire. I'rince lluperl lloal house. CARD OF THANKS The widow and children of Hie lale IMiilip Itoberls, of Mori F.s siiilon, and No Hie members of 'Ihe I'm I F.ssiikIoii Hand, of Iwliich he was president, wish lo .express their Kialeful thanks for assistance and xyuipalhy shown jlo I hem by members of the community. Mrs. Philip Huberts, i Dave SpaMlnc. , Y'ice President lvssini;lou Hand I 13.1 WAS CONSTIPATED FOR SEVERAL YEARS If Jim liavc mffernl rrom cutistlpa llm tut J'r, trlcit ill kinds ftt remeille w lihoul grlllng rellor. IT yon bavi lu-on lulijccl to l I hi miseries i.)irliled wltli ronillpiillon, wouliln't yuu conk1r It a tili'ln to tie ible to keep Hip bowrlt renilar and In i tixx) tn-altliy ronillllon nil prevrnl illicmc jciilin i tiKithnlj on your lycirin? Mlllmrn't l.iu-Uvrr I'lll are InJIralcit f..- I.I- oitn.... . (K..I- M.. ..1. jiini iiri ii.ii. .ui.l0. Illl II ll'.Uiai Irellmitir thi t-nrl riui nP punvltnntliui Mr. M. Ilrdlcan, Sudtuiry. Ont.. wrllfs: 'I liavu btTii truublrtl with nmstlpallon for nfVfral yeara. I beiran lo umj Mil-bum's t.ava-l.lvnr nil am find thetn in lip iun urn rcir.itiy I nave cvrr uiipii - . "' ' fur rpriilminr Out ml liver l i Hayners, Under taker. Pboue 301. If Pattullo's Committee Rooms EMPRESS THEATRE. If tiotf Yarn, 2 ball for 25c Saturday. All colors. YVallace's. - For (iiali(y ami preparation, !fi.t Hunter' Coal. Phone Green 022 or Blue 515. tf Pattullo's Committee Rooms- Empress Theatre Phone 135 Open from 2 to 10 p.m. dally, tf -- A syndicated news picture in Hie Kdiiioulou Ilulleliu and oilier papers shows halibut boats dis- Itannttx fish at Ihe docks here We sell I.aminalcd materials also Fir Y'cneer. Uousult us be fore tiuyiii? finishing for your house. Albert .Y McCaffcry. Md. tf I.. J. .North of Ihe U..V.II. tele graphs line stalf and Mrs. .North sailed last night by the I't'ince lluperl for Y'aiicouver on a vaca lion trip. - A vole was 'taken at the tun elienn yeslerday by the Ilolary elub on a motion lo elianpe the luncheon hour front one o'clock lo 12.15. The vole favored con linuatiou of Hie one o'clock hour James C. Mcllae of Mcltae Hros. sailed last nijjhl by the I'rince Hupert for Y'ancouver en route lo I.oiuliearli. California wheto he will spend some time in lie hope of his health bein benefitted. Yeslerday aferuoon al 2.30 Ihe fire ilcpaiimcul respomled lo a call from N. M. Mrl.ean's'boat liuililiup shed at lw Hay where debris around a boiler had hi eoine afire. T'lie blaie was ex tinguished before any damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Lock of Lucy Island lighthouse are sail ins tomorrow by- the I'rince Ileal rice for Y'icloria where I hey will visit for a while before pro ceedfnj? lo Plymouth, Knpland where I hey fnlend' lo juake their future residence. Wing Voujr, Cliinee. who will serve nine" months n okalla for havinfr ilrutrs in his possession, and Mike Codcski uf llazctlon, who lias been sentenced lo sij nionllis for selling I i uor to In dians, were laken oiilh last nijihl by 8erieanl .S. L. Warrior. II.U.M.I', Ladies t.oals ami buits al real reductions. Saturday Wal lace's. F.'W. Mart sailed last night by the I'rince lluperl for Y'au- roiiver. On June 13 Mr. Hart will attend the anniversary ccle-braliou of Ihe arrival of Ihe first (.I'.ll. train into Y'ancouver from Ihe cast. He js specially lu ll' re -led in Hie occasion for of finally he was the first paen get- lo alight from Hint train. He will return lo I'rince lluperl via Jasper. (iiughams, (iiMiil assortment, I yards fur, Saturday. Wal lace's. Al Ihe Ilolary I '.lull luncheon yesterday it was decided lo sup-porl the leipiesl oT the Amputation Club in their demands Tor Ihe making of pensions and Ihe present bonuses permanent. In Ihe course of discussion Alder man Then Collar! slated that I lot -Kin in healed her war maimed men and women 'heller, than Canada did. Ir. (Irani also spoke for the motion. Japanese Crepes, all colors, II yards for lM.00, Saturday, YVal-I ace's. ' s At the Hillary club luncheon yeslerday il was decided to hold n picnic al an early dale in which thej members and their wives and friends will go out in launches provided by Holarians and have, dinner l the beach. commit tee; was appoinled lo set a dale niake arrangements. Hie alwaya kppp them mm and rpp(mmpni1m""l"'-,' to Consist of Ueorge iiicni hiuhiy." , Bryant (convenor), (leorge Horle, Mllburn a .aa..lvrr rill arp '5r m p .MfCalTerv he V T k'ni. vial at all d.-alPra. or urnllPd direct cnl V ,. ,, Vi V.. receipt or price by Th T. Milbum Co.. ' '"'' liilln, and YV. H. LlinlU'd, Torgnto. Out. I Williams. , , ssbssms jfl VkJk. KKwtWPlKw Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada limited Hals of all descriptions af clearing prices, Saturday. YVal- lace's. Al the Ilolary luncheon yesler day an appeal was made on be half of the 'Swiuimiiig (Huh and as a result a number of llioo who hail nol already uone so bought membership badges. - I- V O -Inn. ..... It.. in.. I!....i-.r. U....II. .'II UIIIVI I ..v-'.-.l Caiil. Harry Xeddcn. from Van- couver ami way ports, is due inj pon on lime at j o cnx-h iiiis ai- lernoon. The train from Ihe Kast due al I o'clock is also re ported on lime. Alexander Slralchan. fisherman, was taken to New Wesl-ininsler asylum by. the cily poller last night. He was adjudged menially deranged by Dr. .1. P. Cade, municipal health, olllcer and lr. II. H. Treuiay'ne. - . The gasoline tug Wigwam, which weul ashore in Metlakalla Passage yesterday, wa Hoalell early this morning ami is now in Hie airy -dock for examination. The hull having been slightly damaged, some minor repairs will .ie necessary. - A second vaudeville Iroupe known as Ihe McCulloch's PaLs lias reached Ihe city in Ihe course of ii coastal lour., T'lie jmlfil, which eousisfs' of sonie twelve men and firls, islfavellUig on the gas boat Aielt. They will play in the cily next week. 4 - . Ir. Wilson Herald of Kelowua, eye. ear ami lliratal specialist. Is in Ihe cily enroule lo Anyox on a husiuc.- trip. He arrived from Hie Hast tm last night's train and will go north on the Cardcna Sunday tilghl. (In his. re I urn he expects to spend a few days fur ther here. Dr. Herald served overseas willi Ihe C.A.M.C. and won the Military Cross. - After discharging 200 Ions oT sleel for Ihe Terrace bridge ami loading 350 Ions of liuthic ore' Selby. California, C.tLM.M. coast I freighter Canadian Volunteer, Cap). John MeKernau, sailed at 3 o'clock this morning for Ocean Falls where she will complete with paper for California. The vessel moved lo No. 3 shed from the lumber wharf al 7 o'clock last evening". ANNOUNCEMENTS The Dew-Drop Inn Frolic. Klks' ilonie, Juno 14, fflfflfej bTiTiTPtHllVfS ut' CATARRH of tht BLADDER it. fwnAI 'EKhCtpwIeJMIDYi lO 25 for 150 " 35 it? ui? Mm To keep your prints, a Kodak Album Yott'll enjoy alt over again the week-end trip, the summer vacation and the fun you have just around the house, as well when your prints arc stored, safe, clean, and in order, in a Kodak album. Precious now, your Kodak album will be priceless later. At our Kodak counter you're sure to find an allium you vvill like. c have open and closed back styles-most of tlicm loose-leaf so atldtlio-al pages can be in-tertcd in a variety of attractive cover desiens.' A complete stock. Kodak sllbwnSy 20c. up 'J , Ormes Ltd. m rS HI - aH II I MIBfllliaiMKIIIlS Ihls advertisement is not published or displayirib "by Liipior Control Board o by the Government of British Columbia. ,V. 1 - the