PAOB BIX. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. The Magnificent Spectacular Production "A Son of the Sahara" A great descrl romance, beautiful, pulsating wilh life mid action, filmed in tin incomparable Sahara itself. The .-lory of an Arabian Sheik, who laler proved Uf be while, who kidnapped a while girl and Hie M'lpiel. Paris rnfes, real harem scenes, thrilling bailie in which Spahii cavalry. Senegalese and Arabian lroops lake pari. Oulad Xiiil naming girls 12.500 unlive Algerian Arabs tf.OOO camel, 2,500 hoie. (Srand M-enery ! fellings. Bert Lytell, Walter McGrail, Montague Love, Paul Panzer, Claire Windsor, Rosemary Theby and brilliant ca-4. Mutt and Jeff Comedy "Down In Dixie." Educational Scenic "Alligator Fishing." Admission 50c and 25c Fresh Strawberries Arriving Every Boat Today's price per basket 25c ARRIVING MONDAY Water Melons and Cantelopes Phone us for prices. We Pay Highest Market Prices for Live Chickens ! and Fowl Write Us For Prices. We can handle from 75 to 100 weekly. RupcrtlableSuiy Three Phones: lia,?n,2i2' Tlr. Mm:. Don't let Hie fly aviators volplane around your dining romn during die daytime anI make a hangar out of the lop of your head when night comes. They arc germ laden engines of destruction. If you want lo swat 'em gn to it we'll Bell you all the swaUers you waul. Hut it's lime to think of screens mid this hardware More. Screens 60c to $1.25 Screen Doors, black galvanized . . $3.50 to S6.00 Kaien Hardware Co. 'Hie Handy Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Goods 008 3rd Ave. Phorie 3 SUITS Fuslilunable Sleeveless Vests with wrap around Skirls. I'rice $15.00 SILK JACKETS AND SWEATERS. Sew styles, prices from $5.00. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. LAND ACT. Notlc of Ul.nllon t LtfttJ. Apof? to Lsaai In Skeena La ml District, Iterurdin III rlcl of Cuiil, tud situate on Campania slaml. Tale IVotlee Hill Clarence E. Balnter md Jauief Nc.Nulty, or I'rlnre Huie-n. B.C., occupation Insurance aienl and broker. Intend lo apply for pertnls.lon to lcae the folio tnr described larcH: Conunen clnr at pnt planted at the bead 01 a bay at ttie eat end or Campania Island and about one mile from the south end or the Inland; Uene follies I n the sinuosities or tlie Mwire line at hlrh staler One around the Island to the pure or ronimenrenvnt. and contalnlnr ,ion acres, more or less, a E. BAINTEB k J.MES MclTLTY. Asmr n, Applicant. Per W. E. WILLIAM A, Atent. Haled April tnd. I Ml. 1 WATCH N0TICI. . . (Dltarslan and Us.) TAKE NOTICE that llutue B. tlabliirton, whore address U Maelt. will atldy for I licence to take and use S.ono rations or saier out or an urmarura pma. ine wairr will be diverted from the pndat a point about J00 reel north or the rtnrth-ral rorner or block 0a H.L. 7. plan (It. Oueen Charlotte Islands, and will be used fol1" Industrial purpose upon the land de-srrlted a blork IS I'.L 7. plan SI6. Oueen 'Charlotte Islands. This notice was posted on the r round on the t vth day of Mar. ItJI. A copy of tills notice and an application pursuant tlierrtn and to the "Water Art. tH." will be filed In tlte office of 'the Water Recorder at Prlnre Rupert. Ob jections to i lie application may w rnea IN PROBATE. IN TKI SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I COLUMBIA. 1 1. It Mailer of the Administration Art and In the .Vjitrr of the Eslate or lloberl Wllks. Itereased. TAKE .NOTICE that bv order or Ills Honor F. Men. Younr. local iiidre. Supreme rV.lirf tuaHa flu aWth rtmt ..( Aa.ll 111 a 4 iviieu r rails i'ks ai .vasseit. n.i;.. itn ori oerore ine snin oy r June. mi. and all parties indebted to the estate are re quired to par the amount of their liHtelit-edness to the sld I'ranli Wllks forthwith. DATI.D this 5h dr of Mar. 1(21. II.I7. VBETII WIIAJ. rnvNK' wii k. Administrators, Masseii, B.C. Cash & Carry Seme of Our Regular Prices Creamery Hultcr prints, per lb 35c Ontario Cheese, per lb. 25c (Aiudian Kraft Cheese, per lb .. 40c .Strictly Fresh Kgjrs, per do 30c .Milk, per case, any kind $5.50 Hordeifs llaglc Hrand Milk .... 20c Jelly powders, per doz. 80o Matches, per carton ... 35c Campbell's Houps, per tin 15c l.ibby's Pork and Iteuus 15c Pure Jam, I lb, tin .... 75c Hulk Cocoa, per lb 15c Fresh lirouiid Coffee, :i lb. for ... $1.00 Little While Heaiis, 3 lbs, for 25c Jap like, 10 lbs. , 75c Corn Flakes, 3 fur 35o King Oscar Sardlnos, per I in 20c llacon; best, per lb 41c Laying Hens Ill-own and While Leghorns $1.50 each. Phone Blue 42S Orders or $5.00 Delivered. Farmers Market St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A lakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. AUDIT MADE CITY BOOKS Synopsis of Cash Transactions are Given to Date I The quarterly auditor's report on city financial affairs up to March 31 was fubmitlcd recently by George Horie. city auditor. II shows that the various depart ments roiuiii? under the super vision of u. J. Matlieson, rily treasurer, are being rare fully handled ami that (he hook are kepi up lo dat". Mr. Horie s synopsis of tin' treasurers rash transactions for the first three mouths of the year Is as follows: Receipts Hank balance, Jan I. I (.". I ly.o'J ,C.udi on haiul, Jan. I 7.CGI.P5 (iencral Account iV,5Ut.8J iKIectric ll I'eot r.'.iS t.l t Water lrpt 6.VMV.7I Phone llepl M.atO.'JS Total ?;c,j,v, Payments City Hall 5,7;8.57 Kn?: Adiiiiiiistrat'n 070.1(5 Fire lejil 3.075.0 l.irtht lept 8.705.10 Phone Dept 5.760.UH Public Works 11.551.57 Water Dept 1.180.27 Health llepl ' 2.J0t.70 Police llepl Schools Itock Crusher, Capital account InleiVsl and redemp tion It'-payui'l, Hank Loans Hospital dotialioiis Auditor Other payuielils . Hank balance. Mar. 31 Cash on hand, Mar. 31 burseiiii-nls. I.MGM.V3 15,310.01 7,151.1 1 85,21iy.8C 30.noii.oo I.30U.20 530.00 1,503.50 8 1. U 75.50 558.15 Total SS6,JV3o.(i'J I'he report goes on to (,'ivc 1 lie with the said Water Recorder or with the ""a" .lniaiU of tin U" n-i'i-mt ami " ilis-jCoiiipiroller " or Water Rlrhls. parliament uiuiainrs, Victoria, n.i:.. within nny days after the first .rtoeirsnce of Oils nnllce L! In a local newspaper. Tbe date or the first publication of this notice li May Itth, (til. H. B. BARIC,TnN. Applicant. HALIBUT AND SALMON Number of Boats Bring Over Hundred Thousand Pounds llalihiil landings maikeled at 'Idlers or adrnlnltrallMi llh lll anneieii Hie Fish Hxrhailge till morning oi uie esiaie or liooeri wins, aereaseii. i!.mi inn iiiii .,ii.U were milled lo the uiMlerslrneil, and all "''alleil IOJ.IOO hiiIis, lour jarlles lialnr claims araln.l ttie said es. i. Vmerican boats Iravillg CiO.OOO tale are hereby required to rorwinl Itie , ,. ... same, properlr. reiiried. la the under-1 poll lids and fight Canadians Ji- 100 pounds. Four Canadian sal mon boats sold- i),300 pounds of red salmon. Arrivals and sales were as follows : Daly, 33.000 lb"., al 13c and lie, l the Canadian Fish & ddd Storage Co. (iroth, 10,000 lbs. al 1.1.1c and Cc. to the Koolh Fisheries Cana dian Co. Iteliauce. 15.000 His., al l.'Ic iiud Cc. ami Kidsvold, 'J.ono lb- al 13.1V and (ic. to the lloyal Fish Co. I Canadian j Osiiml, l,:iou lbs., al 11.5c and (Ic; Mulrncag, H.000 bs ut 1 1.7c avd 7c: Fanny F.. 1,500 lbs,, al 1 1,5c and (ic, and W. and 1 1,- noo lbs., at 11.5c and Gc. to the tliu Fisheries. Tramp, 5.0(H) is at 1 1. tic and 7c; lleveille. 11.000 lbs., at tud .."(-, lo the Canadian Fish tV obi Sloruge Co, Caygeon, 5.500 lb., at 11,3c THE SUN Does Not Shine Every Day but wc have 7 bargains every day. Follow Die crowd lo Kconoiny Market for specials on dry fruits. Prunes, !i lbs. , . . Seedless llaisius, a While Figs. t lbs. Apricots, 'i lbs. , , Currants, 2 lbs. Peaches, 2 lbs.. i lbs. Apples, 2 lb. .4 Special prices on 25 box lols . 25o 25o 35o 35o 35c 35o 350 lb. All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. ECONOMY STOR Phone 84. 417 Fifth Ave. East. E TH1 DAILT UrtWB. FrMar. June G, 19M Optician and Optometrist After one month of careful conscientious eye testing, our patrons are advising their friends to come to us for glasses. This is conclude evidence that our glasses arc giving entire satisfaction. Mr. Ireland lias made t lie? eye a long and careful study, and has the know, ledge, skill and experience t'i fit any eye that glasses will help, and in case you do not need glasses, can give you valuable advice We are gelling the optical business by deserving it by giving superior optical service. "A stitch In time saves nine" lias no more filling application than in Ibc case of the eye. REMEMBER, YOU RUN NO RISK HERE. Satisfaction Is positively assured Max HeiJbroner Jeweller and Diamond Specialist Note Wc can duplicate lens or repair any frame. and 0c. to the lloyal Fish Co. Hippo, f.000 lbs., at 11.0c and Oc. to the Hootli adiau Co. Salmon Pauline. 50(1 red, at IS.5c. to the Itoyal Fish Co. W. and II., Ono reds, and Install, 800 reds, t. the lima- lian Fish & Co siorage Co., at 12.1c. Taplow. 7.10(1 lbs., at 15.8c, lo the Atlin Fisheries. SOLD ON EXCHANGE'ROCK DRILLING, WOOD CHOPPING AND TUG-OF-WART0,BE FEATURES The prize i-ii)ilililtcr of Fair Hoard met last uh--hl to set,' wir ENFORCED MARRIAGE Two Young Girls Hang Selves But Trees Broke In Other Cases and Ladles Alive I'AIHOKI.'. Formosa, June (5.- A suicide pact ainong four young girls Of one of the aboriginal Formnsaii Iribes In Hie iulcrior of this island, resulting in Hie dralh of two of the coveiiaiilers. has bi-ioiglit lo light an invasion of modern ideas even Into that fastness of savage life. The four girls, between 15 and IK years old, all hud had modern !eduealioii in schools established iby Hie Japanese. They had beard isomellilug alioiil the rigtil or Iwomeii to deride for Ihemselve in regard to marriage, an entirely juew idea in the community in which Ibey were reared. When jibe parents of one tried lo force jher into an unwelcome inariiiiKi.-, rlbc four agreed In die together. I'i'bey tried hanging. Two huc-Iceeijed, bill Hie Irees selcoled by ilhc others broke under their weight and Ihey lived. CURLER DROPPED DEAD THLIIO, N.K.. June (5. W. 8. Seinple, a . member of I lie nll-(anadiaii learn of curlers who visited Scotbiiid In 1021. dropped dead here. Alex. Mr Hue of Mcltae Hros. Is sailing tonight by tbe Princu (ieorge for Klewiirt on a business trip, He expects lo be back next Tuesday. W. 8. (Duke) Harris sails lo luoirow uiglil by (he sleamer 1'rince (ieoi-jje oif n brief busl iu-ss trjp to Vuncauver. FAILURE OF OLD METHODS Retiring Moderator of Presbyterian Assembly Says Former Institutions no Longer Avail OWF..N SOI XI). June 0.- ' tlnce again after well nigh 5,000 vcarsi there is a feeling (hut the existing order vvatelh old and is ! ready to perish uml thai eld in- Istitiitiniis no longer avail ami that without some spiritual rebirth human history must end m confusion." declares! Ilishl Itev. .iiiivu wuitmvi, t'.t'., inn iii iiMxIeratorr of the Presbyterian Ceueral Assembly iu his wile- dirliry address yesterday. (Uiu-I liming, lie said: "The things in which men most iruslcil have failed ami failed tn a world scale. Scientific psearrh, which hail eemrl to guarantee lo the race a progress milirokeu ami unlimited, as a matter of fact pot tin powrr of gmls into the hands of ijeiuons ami. having whelled Hie swonl for slaughter, now threatens the race with ederiiiitiuiioii. "(irtMt tilings had been Impetl fmm eiliicaliiMi, from international law ami the growth of world commerce. Hut when the crisis i-ame these restraining influences wore swept away iki cobwebs le fore the elemental passion, uf selfish greed, envy, jealousy nd hatred." The speaker declared that all were in agreement that to remedy this condition the springs of action must he touched and Fisheries Can- ,n "M,rui a"u reiiriu ijie oi men tnusi be renwwesl at its sources and some new passion of luve be rekindled. ! Prosperou advrtiing means -tirnU "nntinunu idvertlalriiT. LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ACT. I orncinj caocLSMSTiora or niTunfosa he;! PROVINCE Or BRITISH COLUMBIA , in ma rsnct nurini imwu mii'si "' ,,L" SOTli f is herrtr flren to Ine Hi,, ine oi-1-..s prices fur uir llio lite ro' rnrk K urillitu. Iritloiv !!,-(,, t the l.lect.,ral bi.irlct arr- wood -loippiiig ami liur-of-war '' ' 1 i"", r"",'1. 5l,,,?ViJ -., .. Writ ! me dlre-leil, ami lertn date Us events in coiliiectiou with the -.x-loib dar f nMiinandini ne i, :.i i . ... i .... . ! iiu iiiik the t"M'.uir question, hsinelr - iiioiiioii. .pi-eiai riuisiiieraiioii isj do reu approia of th aala at lo be given these events. The. members of the committee attending the meeting1 were Harry Daguell. chairman, Joe (ireer, Fred Scaildeii. (ieorge Kerr, Frank hilib, John Hulger ami I). Mcl. Hunter. The sports and attractions committee will mioii be busy preparing his program. PREFER SUICIDE TO By int ftass in ikssin prinii. without a bar und.r Oatsrnintat control ano1 r.aulatloiiT lo lie submitted arcnliuf to U to the. KKrt'irs qiialiried In Vule fur the rlerll', r a member of the lrlslatue Assembly for I lie HeUrsl IHslrlrt aforesnd: aiMl, l further, Itial III obedience In ts said Wni a ll shall Is i.sMiel al eirhl : 0'rl.Mk In Itie rurrlKxHi and stall lie rksed al seven u'ilik In the arirriessi no the, tDlh day of June. Itil. for taklnr and receOlnr the totes f tie sal4 l.lectora In each s,linr dlrlsbm or tlirt tlerloral lilstrlrt aforesaid al the reoeri pistes toliln; - Ranks Island roLLino diiiuii. Hiirklrr Har i:nnishea Inlet 'eir(rln llajrssrl Inverness iedway inn l.ockeM,rl Mssscii Oceanic ix ilia mliiml l-orl l.lciueiits fort l-rinso Humeri , Oueen r lis finite Ul) Itrfuae Day sanlll Skldrraln Tliiirlotl llaibuiir Tlell T..w mil Woden Hirer or ulnrli' all tierMitu are herebr re i quired lo lake notice and l tosrrn Kh-iii selves srnirdllisiy. ivr.s uixier my riann at rnncE HI I LHT. H.C., inn aevrnirrnth day or May. LO. II. MOHTIMFH. -sBaiPsfc. Ketiimliit orrirer LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEDISCITES ACT. PROCLAMATION OF RITURNINO OmCCR PROVINCI OF BniTISH COLUMBIA. In Ihs SKCENA electoral District. TO WIT I'l lil.lC SOTICK Is hereby risen lo Ihe electors ul I lie r.lrt t.ral IHslrlrt arorrsald that I have received Ills .Viaiesly'a Wrll to me il reeled, and bearinrr dale the loth Ujv or May, IVfl, ruiiiiiiaiidiiiir me lo tsue ine roilownir qiiesiion, namely. - Do you approve or tna aala or bssr by tha glass In lleansad prsmls.a without a bar undsf Oovsrnm.nt control and rsaulatlonT lo be siibiiillli'd arcoriliinr lo lav.' In the K lectors qiialiriril lo vote for I lie election of a member or the l-tlslatlve As.rmbly ror the Klerloral IHslrlrt aroresalds and, further, that In obedience lo I lie saul Wrll a poll shall be oiien at elrhl o'rloik in Ihe lorrnoon aim snail ie ciosen al seven o'rlork in Die afternoon mi tlie fnih ii.v of June, Itil, for isklnr ami rerelvlnrr Ihe votes or the sain Klcriors In each ivoll-luir division of Ilia Klrcloral District aforr-salil at the rrierlye nUces rollovAliuc POLLINQ DIVISIONS. Kttleilale l.lllle Canyon r.edarvale Mnrleelnwn Clatton RW llairltoti Coprier f:ny l-acifir liiitlile Mine! Port Esslniton Kveljn lleimt lili'lilamia liosswiHid llaiiall skeena crosslur llaiellon HihlthiTS klluanira South llsti-llmi kltliiial Surf I ii .-1 kllsiimkaliim Swansou Day Klsliloa Telkwa lrne Creek Terrarn Hsk Of whlrli all (mtsoiis ate hereby required to take notice ami to trovero tt-in-aelvea aeroi'dlnily, ..PW ,m'""f '"f ""''Hun, u.c. this Tuelillrth day of Mav. iosi ' " JAS, tlJIlMHUI.I.. I Cash and Carry Specials for Thursday, Fiiday, Saturday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (No Deliveries) (No Telephone Orders) Until Further Notice this Store will Open at 8.30 a.m. and Close at 5.30 p.m. dally. Malkin's Best or Nabob Coffee per lb., 50c I. uml 2 lb. of eilber line to a ctunic Tli tti sale in Men's llepl. Uus week end with tin r-trg j (trlicd. $19 j5 Men's Suits $19 .75 Here i Hie grcile-l alne in years tor men a i Pirn. Slaiidanl model- in Fine KiiKli'li Tweed"-, :r ind Serges. Size :i(I In 11. Hcr. value. ',,:.oo. a.-... .. hihI j:i..0(. Thiisp who cnnie Tliudu will urelv p. wonderful Ixirgniu from h roniplele ninge of -ijf., clolli. Sale price iloe not include Alteration -h , gf . which will be lra. Men's Fine Leather Belts l.ijii: HUik. tuey and llrown lteK. on. Special, 65c. Men's Otulng and Sport Shirts C.lors: W illie. Stripe and I'lintrce. Iteic. hi Special, 1.65. 5c Men's Htndkerchlafi I-'uip lnt law lilrlicil. Itrjt r i. Special, 2 for 25c. Men's Heavy Duck Khaki Pants ju.- :i; I., ii ul and Iviier- 11 Special $2.(5. Special I- LADIES' HOSE Sf per pair per pair Regular Value, 35c Pair. I.ii lie Men erueil oe. kuil fnini In iiru-, double printer well, and grneroiio length x U, U, III. tailor. Hltok. Ilrown. uv. Creuiii. i -n of sale: Yu Iniy one ir al regular price and fr' tseroml Miir lor .V. liny n many a you like. Inn ircrr-pair we rl .a 3r we miiM ell one mir at :i5r St. Charles Milk 10o per tin r, tin to earlt riiivtonier On kh!c hi I ry -t"od fit - Prtni'iit StCHARUs Ladles' Summer Vests, 55o Fancy l.are litsetiion. Sue) JO aird only. A New llrooiu Sweeps tllean 5 String Brooms Special, 50c. Limit - lo eurb ciiHtonier. $3 Ladles' and QlHi' Whlu Middles Naty u, won u.. ' r dar. made ' - -incite MliMy Twi Iiu U me. G t., H i Spicltl $195 liirl-" stirs. 0 I.- Ii v Special )2S Iwolie' mips, :i ' i Special $2.S Ladles' Summer Knit Bloomers, 45c. In lircmii Mitl '' ' only. Thin m a price In n uimmI ii' k Girls' Zlmmerknlt Bloomert Sc .'fj. 2H. JO. I: Hlaek uml While y II I ;rc Special, 2 for 75c. 100 Pairs 45 Men's Work Shoes $3 .45 Our new niuiuiKcr of Ihe Shoe DepL. Mr. (irt" him (Ieorge - I oul for Imi.iiics and price like Ihe ;i!'? lire surely KoitirT l" draw Ihe Irnde. The fit"- Inn' ' F ,r xhitiRhlereil i Men"). Work Shoe m Hlnck or Tim, nwW i Ihe Army Intl. wilh Milnl oak lutuinl Mile. Tin s,l' porluuily to buy Iwo mir for Ihe regular price of one N challenge niiyiiiie lo ilinile Ihe sliilemi'iil. (lei here r:r'! WHITE CANVA8 SHOES l.inlli')' While Canvn Ox. funis, or oun uml two slrap I'iiiivih. Low or lilsli heel'. Week End Special, S2.95. Boys' Dress 8hoes In llrowu or Illack Calf-k'ii. I.ltlle rifiifi.' Hires 8 to IOVj Special. $2.65 Youlli)' size.x, 11 lo 2. Special S2.9S lloyn' Hi.e, 2V4 to 5V4. Special $3.45 Child's and Misses' 8andala One Sirup I'aleul l.eatbcr. N'atural l.nst. Prices from $1.85 to $2.65. PICNIC HAMS 10 uiily. AseriiU'' v.rml'l 5 lb. or over at 85o ch. Stl only. Au'racc wriK1'1 fl lbi. or over, $1.00. A word to Hie wne-lure early ns we have " liimm to Mill till week IM" we sold al the lut falc xulu In Hie flioo le' 1,000 Tins Del MonU and Beans Individual fl"' Special for Week End, 4 for 25o. I.liull I.(H) '"' eaf customer. Universal Trading Co. Watch for Change of Advt. Saturday-