BlueRibbon Tea Rich, strong, full-flavored tea is the most satisfactory to use, and BLUE RIBBON possesses these qualities to the fullest extent. You can undoubtedly make more cups of tea of equal strength with a pound of BLUE RIBBON than with any other tea. TRY IT EASTER A BOX Purdys Canly The Autocrat of the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE Tuiilhme Delight GIFT. , W.,,:i,(n H..x. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. iSole Agents: Prince Rupert Third Avenue. Phono "Uluur lntrol Moanl r llrilUU Suggests OF CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. EASTER Apparel Dresses-newest modes New Spring Suits Exclusive Coats Smart Skirts Blouses of Springtime Loveliness Exquisite New Millinery VENUS HOSIERY. IRIS BRASSIERES. "DEMERS 9 27. P.O. Box 327. l.y Hi" (.ovcrnnicnt of Coluinbiu. . . Local and Personal U.C. Undertaken!. 1'tione iO Haynert. Undertakers. Pbou 361. tf Cut I'lower, ll I'laul. Mr. McCarthy, flic I'lorist, Kmad block. . if Olof Hanson sailed Ibis morning by the Prince George for Victoria on a Iuniiicf trip. - - Another 500 Ions Nanaiino Wellington Lump Coal Juki ar rived. The hl yei. Albert A McCalfcry, I.I J. . If i The excavation work fur I he new Presblciiun Church building i complete ami the pouring of eeinenl will commence ooh. . Excellent music from The Geisha, and a very funny play. The Neighbors, will be heard at the Westholme Theatre Monday. .Ii'hlt l.oeker, Porl Clenienl. vvuk fined ijrjoo yesterday after-; noon by .Maui'lrule Mallory for operating a Mill. He wa pro-cruled hy I he Itoyal Canadian Mutinied Police. . On MiggeMiou of Superintend- 'ill II. g. Hum, the school board derided Ial ilia hi Id advertise for substitute teachers. .Mr.Ilurn reported Ihal Ihere wua a car- eily of relieving teacher In (he eily al the present lime. J. Ilerrmi ami I-'. G. Campbell. Vancouver movie ineii, who came lu Ihe eily to record ' the doings in connection wilh Ihe visit here of Ihe I'.S. rouiid-lhe-worhU tlyers. relumed oulh on Ihe Prinee Geiirge this morning. The Milire commission yester day afternoon gavrj A. Carlson Hie mler for Ihe tailoring of .'our officer' uniform al I Co rarh. Hid were alo received from Hryaul Co., ranging from 5.i to 7 1, anl from Sieve Kin? - ?36. 18 and 5. The school Loan I decided taat mghl lo oltlntn figure fur plumbing in the domestic science room, lo engage a man lu rleun ui the llonlen Street ami Seal love mIiooI grounds, lo oliluin figure for a new supply ofiler.fc in Mi.- malrieulalioii elas al Ihe high si-hool ami lo rail for len ders for the painting of the roof f Ihe Seal llnve school with coal ar anu f.-cosoie. n was aio leeiih'il lo dispose (if eerlain mi- ii -! building nialerials urli at paint, elr. in various schools ANNOUNCEMENTS Hit! Co Chanter. I.O.I). K. Amateur Thea'rit-aN, April II. - 4 Salvation Army I.adic' Home League Sale, 'edueday, April IG. Piv.hlrrlau (!.. I. T, O.uierl. April 10, Kiiiprc Thealre. If - Women of Moocliearl l.eion. Tea and Home (looking wale, Kmad lllock, April 'J. - yueen Mary Chapler I.O.h.K Hairodil Hall, Kaler Monday. If Coneerl for Anglican Church al Kinpio Thealre, April 28, ly Symphony Orcliolia. Tickets 50c. Cnlholie Church Spring Sale ami Social evening, Metropo!" Hall, April 2U. - Klkn' .MiuMiul Troupo. First sliow May I, llldley Home Hatanr. May I. THE DAILY NEWS. Hairdressing. Marcel Waving. Almomeal (Clasniic Pack). Mis A. Horvik. Hy appointment. Phone lied 51". tf W. A. Wallace of Ihe British Corporation, mnrine undervvrit-er re(uriieis lo Vancouver on the Prince, freorge tlii iimriiiii?. Mien A. Ilailey arrived oi(. laM nixhl'x I niiii fom Terrace and nailed thix inoiiilii.' on I lie Prince 'ieorfte enroul;i lo Soledad, California. Mr. Jack ; Macdonald arrived from Buckley IJay on Hie Prince John ycnlenlaV' and xailed tlii mornliiff on J lie Prince John for Vancouver I'jyjoin Mr. Macdonald who i chief -accounlanl for the Maxwell Timln'r Co. A leller from N. 0. SWeel of fering lo repair .Ihe fire walls of Ihe lloolh Memorial School was reeeived at lal uighl's council Hireling ' ami laid on I lie table until a report bit (he huildinz i recciveil from Architect Cox. I'he school board received of fieial notification from the scIhjoI board Iat niglil thai no liversiiiit nf ' Mellride Street would he allowed in order lo consolidate llie'fonr playgrounds al the, corner of Sixth Avenue. : i V. T. Springill and Oeorge It Shields of London. Knvlaml. re- luesfiilalives of limber interests in the Old Country, returned from ltuekley Hay on the Princi John yesterday ami saileil llii iiioruiiig on Ihe Prince Oeorge for Vancouver. The rchool hoard lat night divided lo call for lenders for two carloads: of coal, a special meeting lo be held in'il week lo open (hem. v. II. Kerry, Janitor nf lloolh-Memorial School, aknd fur lelkwa coal nui u was point ed out that Ihls is available only luring Ihe Wfitler. Leave if absi'liee wi Until I pay- was grunted bv Ihe school board last night lo j. II. Milchell who desires Ui go 10 Vancouver iu'i nioiilh lo alleml the wmvoeutloe I'M-- oi me l iiivexiij- ui m.vj. i ceive Ins degree. Hits is con dttioiuil on n ' saiisfaelory sub slilule being (Uflaincd. The school board decided las! night lo eliminate a bonus of lnn a year paid lo one of Ihe lady leachers for supervising girls' athletics. It was deemed Ihal all Hie leachers should share in Ihis work wilhoiit pay Chairman Parker made the sug- 2clion to tliis elfcect. Last mouth the ted light patrol yileni proposed by Ks-Mayor Harry Rochester, was laid over because Commissioner .Montgomery was absent. Al Ihe meeting of Ihe commission yesterday nlleruooii il was further deferred a mouth because I'.oiniuN-sioner Cameron was not present Mrs. Margaret Ilicliards was appointed assistant to Ihe juni-lor of Ihe lloolh Memorial school al it salary of 10 monthly by Ihe school board last night. Other applicants were Mrs. K. Olsen. Mrs. Olof I. in-lead, Mrs. .1. M. Captain and . Mrs. Agnes V. Woods. Klcclion was made by ballol. 'IVenly.two eases were dealt with in Ihe eily police court during the inoiilli of March and collections totalled S'.Mi; incliidiiie l."i.5U from Ihe provincial government for keep of prisoners according (o Chief Vickers' monlhly reoorl which wus ub- milled to tie- police comniissici yeslerilay aflernoon. Accounts and I lie iiiontlily payroll of 82X.7 1 were passed for payment. It was sugyesled Ihal other eily departments should Profitable Business The business of saving your own money is an exceedingly profitable one in which to engage. When patt of your salary is deposited regularly in the Union Bank of Canada, it gives you a feeling of independence ; you know your money is safe from fire and theft; and your deposit is earning interest all the time. $1.00 opens a Savings Account. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager mis Manufactured hy Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited participate in the cost of a new huiler in (he jail which supplies liol waler lo the whole City Hall. All Ihe Porl Clemenls litpior eaes have been adjourned until. Monday pending the arrival of a j iTowii prosecutor from the sou' It tomorrow evening. - Mrs. W. C. Orchard and daughter. Miss (Iladys Orchard, are sailing this afternoon by Hie Princess Mary on a two week,.' holiday trip to Vancouver. The city excavalion work is now gelling perilously near Ihe Prince llupert Club. Yesterday afternoon a blast broke a number of dishes in Ihe kitchen. Kuroule from Vancouver and way ports lo the .Vaas Hivcr. I.'nioii steamer Venture, Capl. A. Johnstone, arrived in port ' at 1 1. 10 this morning. ' II. C. W. I.ells. C.X.H. coloni-alioit ami development ageul. 'ifler spending several 'days in the city, returned by lasl uighl's f ruin In his lieadiiiarlers in Kd- nouloii. X. II. Walton. C.X.Il. assistant geneiul superintendent, is ex-peeled back from M oh I real about Ihe middle of next week. He has been awav about a mouth on special company business. Members of Ihe O.W.V.A. and all ex-service men are invited to attend the unveiling service of the .Memorial l.eclein at St. An drew's Church on ..Sunday, April CI. Meet al O.W.WA. rooms I0:.'HI a.m. Uniforms and decor ations if possible. 8S A smart new Ford delivery Van owned by Ihe Kleclrie Win dow ISakeries made an appearance on the streets yesterday. 'I'he design is artistically carried out in a light biscuil color with a colored reproduction or a boy-eating a slice of Kleclrie bread ami jam. The police commission yesterday endorsed the refusal of Chief Vickers lo recommend Ihe granting of a chatTeur's license lo (ieorge Walley who has Ivvo convictions against him. Commissioner Montgomery fell that Ihe commission jtlmiild have a sav in all such cases bul It was de cided Ihul it vas unnecessary lo lake action until a recommenda lion of Ihe chief had been overridden by the provincial author ities. You at not tCZEMA ln ciperlmrnt wnon you use lit. ctiau'a oint ment tor I(trm ni4 tttln Irrlta- uuna. it rrllerra at oneo anq im allT ht'all tho akin. HiunMa box Dr. Cbaao's CHiiUiient Ire II you nirnUon tti una cnilto.Kitinp (or)otate. oom, Kpr t cUlilealr or Kdonnn. Mtt & I'Bi't-1 To PAGE TIinEI. LLLHMLLHHLCriiCHsfl IMihYiMiiLi lO for 15 25 " 35 QM0KED FSff kJ AT ITS REST There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Ilules are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." llupert Uraud i- always delivered to the stores in clean new boxes clearly stamped "llupert Brand." 2 Wrap in cooking paper, cook In moderate: over fo'l' 20 to 30 minutes, remove paper and serve at once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. Al all Fish and .Meal Market, and Grocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Silllnrs From I'rlnce Rupert. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Octan Fall, and Swanion Bay, Tutidi,, S rM. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Aim Bay, and Swanton Bay, Saturday Noon. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walaa Isltnd. Sunday FJH. For FORT SIMPSON and Natl Rlyrr Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. ll 0t Amu. J. Barnly, Acant. Prince Huiirrt, B.C Mrs. A. II. Nichols sailed litis i morning on fhe Prince (ieorg'1 1 for Vancouver. j Ilisiiop K. M. Iluiio. was a pas-senger for Vancouver on lliel I'rinee (ieorge litis morning. I Silas Cahler, n well known figure in the local hospital for a number of years, left on lasl uighl's train for New York. He is to enter a sailor's home in (ho Hast. C.IMl. sleituier Princess Mary. Capl. Ormislon, arrived al I o'clock this aflernoon from Skag-way nml way ports and will sail for I lie south at 1.30. The ves sel is being delaiucd awaiting Hie I funeral service of the late T. W. llerne whoso body is lo go south accompanied by Mrs. Heme. The matter of the expenditure of I00 provided for in the year's estimates for library purposes was discussed by Ihe school board last night in connection with an offer from K. S. .Mils- tone to sell the board a "Self-Kducalor" set, costing Cl,50, for 950. 11 was decided to, leave the 4ue.stloir'in tho hands of the principals. Fifty dollars has already been spent. The board's estimate will be auguienled by if50 from the department of education. Principal Hrady sug gested .lliat'lhe Parenl-'reachers' ,$sociatloirit'nUght find good work -lo do in, connection with school llbariOJ.' ' . V V Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Kelgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Ofrice Hours, 9 to 8. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment. Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our slock of Garden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famous Edsnn Coal in any quantities Phone 58. Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We .buy, sclland exchange, all ktnd.vof tfe'vy n'nd secondhand goods. ' 839 Third Avenue. Phone 848i P.O. Box 92