rnr mm TH SEW? I niir. DRY BRINGING UP FATHER By George Mcjfais, xio wire ia oet?v Birch Wood tHat " J SMf TQLD to TeLL fOu to FOR SMALL HEATERS, r MCVMfi an, rvf.MoTe IQc Per Sack r k"L 7 I I j .if HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, E, 0. orrice Hours, 5 te ft. Phone 888. Open Evening! Only Far Special Appointment, St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Roving. nr i: ii fuw- I I . ; Ii I! JsEfe' ) The best advice over 11 1 given 1o a man or a Li I woman i: "Have your money." Handy Andy j?ues a step farther ill than this and lells you how to save your cash. ill He ills you to buy your hardware and hi home helps of us. He know that our goods are of standard manufacture and that ii you'll he satisfied with our serv ice. This week only McClary's Gray Enamel Potato Pots Reg. $2.00 For $1.00 Kaien Hardware Co. Mi Sterling Furnace GOAL Dslliarsd In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton, This U i very superior furnire coal. It gives a rpD hot fire tnl Is entirely free fmni soot, clinkers, Hark ami dirt. Some or the larreai twallng plants In tot city are now ulh It with entirely aatlafailory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks. At $12.60 per ton. We are also Agents for tbe Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. M'n Of fid . M 4 Central. !. It (.AND ACT. Collar Land District. nrrnrdinr district of prince HupcH. and Bttualo In Allln l.akf, about nne lialf nilln due Wfl "I Alllii Towniltf. TAKE PiflTlt'.E that Paul I. F.KtrtX. tt A tlin. In the I'Kivline or llrltlili Coluin-Ma, orrutiaiion Jrweller, Intrndr. to apnljf f'ir ptrnilssi'm lo piirotuse Hie followina ftfrlhiH lanflft r.cinnienrlur at I post granted at the South ruiliit nr the mll Island known as Rprfind Island In Atlln Lake, altuatnd a slxivf, thcni'f northwest snd on around this Island follow Ina the shore line to the Place nr commencement, and containing two acres, more or less, Brpl. Ird, l4. fAtlL LOUI9 E00EBT. L HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert I. H. Leijth. I Hudd. V J. Mitchell. William McKibbin and X. Nelson, Vai' jouver. J. M. Kii'.-Icy. Victoria. Central J. It. JoiniKon, and Mr. and Mrs. Krl Vanrouver. . . -. IAL.BE.fTT DAVIDSON VISITS CITY' ' ... ..c ! (Mill, Colte Plant and Smeller. Four leBi will make ui the ln-Alhert Davidson, formerly T..T , raJlal-Hover. Mitif, lilpb P. general agent here and n(wkfbo(l Mti Cjnkt, pa, Th a.istanl general freight jrentj Ladj. ulr W,H emlttt. fml .or an. i..i.f. Mwnrs' ,eamHIUrtirtU la-l yW' arrued from the otilh of! theclMlinp(on;, Mne pjonj,, am, Pruire ltuper, yesterday afler- (,h seMnll, . j noon. He in .making (lie round J irijt to Slewnil ami Auyox Jo.iay: j and will loi. off her-' lomorrow' The two St. I.oui duh are in morniniL' lo proreed wiulh on theja ela by themselves in one ri--eveninjr I rain by way of Jaoperj ieel al leal as far a. his league Park. He is aerompanied on the t.asehall is eoneerned. They are lri liy his son. ;'lie nlv two eluhs of I he Ameri- I QkUtockat 1 B W&SicP te purchased in the' H K fjrfcrf nrarest grocery at po- H BH vX&Yj pular prices. mCHEESE -AND WAYS TO rW-M W SERVE IT. lf$sm A This is the title of a beautifully Vb-y W illustrated booklet containing VY fl at nearly a hundred tested recipe. H H (or templing Cheese dishes. Ilis M n free. Send Coupon. dy U m Kraft-MacLarca Chrne tt. LimitiJ 35tt WY 9j B MONTBtAL H Hja-a.4 W""' Mif m Mrin 'M ilii TOCTqujfprnn ntmmtfngM a'- Sport Chat ii Kverythiug is in readiness for' the opening of the liaskeltiall all A ii vox tomorrow nighi in the Iteat-h (SynmaviuMi. There will he' three leagues al tttt smeller town Ihi winter, namely, Senior. In-1 IliVAA iMinn Inol.lL ...ill t . a 1 1... ' assH sssssss ssssssslasH TRADE Bsssssssassssssl I 1 aM Hj REGISTERED J u a fine thing to have When the workers acJ indus tries of the counlry arc kept stMrlnV h..i- it mpan. kHr times for everybody. KEEP THE OTHER FELLOWS BUSY and help yourself by buying British Columbia Products ! -an and National l.cuicues dial: have not won a pennant in whal is generally termed modern lia-'all history Thai period Ii rf. unlet from I0AA when the meriean League entered ' lno '.mpeiiiinn wilh the National. I he WashinKlon .Vmeriran Lt! jue team was al a nafrlens on. until its viiMorjr IWa year. V aiinounied in thin column . M outlay, tfe haitelbafl ararnen !'0.tHiii-d from that nigh I will i.rl m jilayed atalil ,th eoji of the -a-on. Toiitttcraw-, tcbU the rav. uiilai-ly sihedyleit miles will he i l i-if. it : Senior lague, Colt -. s.ni- f lAnada; Intermediate ( a::iie.;itK vn. IUiRim(i Junior lvalue. Tiny Tim vt. Colt. Third plaee in Ifce siandinv ( i r i e in the halanee between lire 'iwo teams, (iroilo and HL An-rli-.-w. - leaiim will meet in tbe ond division billiard league ioi,iKi,t a follow: W. J. Nelson (Orolloj va. J. A. i Mian SI. AlllfS'W'l.; . ..-. ure Illy tln vs. J. Itrown. i .1. Itee.iey v4M. Andrew. U II. .I.iniian vs. . M. Mac- U'ai-lilan. S. Su-a . S. 1 1. Miiedonald. CHRISTENING TOOK i PLACEON TUESDAY ! Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. j Busswood Is Named Walter FrederlcK Party Following Ceremony ! .Manv fiii'lids mel al Ihe home .f Mrs. c Whatman, nr., lle-aelt '(lace, .in Tuesday evening lo v. i''ie- 'I hristeuilig of Wal- 'r l-'i-edenrk MiihswoihI, infant smi' nr Mr. and'Mrs. tuswoMl, jlnxliy Island. .i;chdeaeon ti. A. (Hit i flii'ialed ind the Kodparents .loim ItummWfl of Clevno , 'and. ohm. uncle of Ihe rliihl, and Mrs. Whaltnart. The hahy ; rei'i-ivt'd many daiuly gifts and, after the ceremony. Ihe evening wits enjuyahly spent at card-. Mr. and Mrs. Ilusswoo'l and family will leave here nexl lues 1 day nigh I on the sleanier Car- dena for Point Orey lo which station Mr. Ilusswood has been transferred in the radio-lele- K rapine aeryice. ft J r - a Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CEfXTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Tnlton for Lea than SOc WANTBC liK I'luinfuntc and lleallnjf, I'hoiie Hlue 518. tr ANTKIi. -Vntinpe lauty. of itimnI 'Wre. rmuir.-l for Mi.e lo house ennvassinit, in Prim RiiHrl and dislrirt. llemilar leaftaui Mrupalinn and irood money. Applicant pH write in fiml inntanre to Hot 217. I'aily Xewn i'e. rOR RENT TO RKXT.- Three rooifMil uile, and rooms. Federal block. Steam heated. tMvId M. Hay A Co tr FOK RKNT. Four HvthR room one aiiam for botine;., or olare. ground floor; i&.0): AlfMJ Clapp flaf. Vetenhaver Itron. KOH HR.VT Four room, mwlern, ttloil apartment. pply Smith A Mallett. Ltd. It FOR SALE KOH SAI.K. llahy rarnaite. Jl Fifth Avenue West. I'hone Blue? 291. 30 FOR SAI.K. Xew two tahe radio net, value l for fV&.nn. Would eon wilier eielMnge for a atandnnl typewriter In pmh repair. I'hone flreen A 13. 79 MALE HELP WANTED 300.00 a month to distribute everyday household neeessily in rural and small town districts. No money needed. Million dollar firm behind It. Write for particulars and stale territory desired. II. I.. JOHNSON. 579 Melermott Ave.. Winnipeg. FOOD MADE HIM MISERABLE Victoria man could not enjoy hl meals and was weak and rundown for lack of nourishment. Tells how Dreco put him on his feet. "For several iiionlhs my system was in a hadly run-down eondilion." says W. NiroleL of '.Ml Itlanchanl Street, Victoria, It.C. "I conlinually had a tired feelinn and no eneray lo do toy work. I snlTered from indiiteslion and slnmneh irouhle and my food would ferment and form a sra I hat made me miserable. My whole sysleui was in bal shape and I eotitdn't gel anything lo ntitld It up. "foe day I saw ih Ihe papers whal Dreco was doing for oilier and srol a bollle right away. I have now taken two bottles all lold and feel like a different man. That fireil feeling has jrone en lirely and I am no longer troubled with indigestion. I Kindly re. 'commend frei?o lo anyone suf ferinK is I did." Dreco I Nature's own remedy from complaints that origlnftle In faulty digestion. II soolhCs Die stomach and induces its normal functions beside nidinsr the liver, kidneys and bowels lo Perform Mieir work. Dreeo is purely herbal and contains no luprciirf, potash or habit forming drug. Dreco Is being specially Intro duced In Prince Ruoert by W. J. McCutcheon. It Is also sold In Smlthers by J. Mason Adams, and by a good druggist everywhere. Advertise In the Dally News BOARD AND ROOM j. HOARD and Room at (he Inlander' centrally located, one half! block from Fost Ofllce. 83u Second Aven. I'hone 137. tf SINQINQ MHS. JACK Hl.VrOJV. pupil of Madame Saunders. Ottawa; I'rof. Phillips, T ton; and Prof. Walkls, London. Kng . will give singing instruction by appointment. Phone Utven 421. between I? and 2 p.m. KAIEN GARAGE Agent for McLaughlin, Oldsmoblle, Maxwell and Crysler Cars; Reo and G. M. 0. Trucks WHY SQUEAL 7 Stop when you want to stop without Ulllnq the world about Itl Let us do your brake lining GOODYEAR TYRES $8.00 to $13.00 For Fords Modern Wrecking Equipment Service Day and Night Phone 52. " " "'" CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EY0LF30N Oraddale of Ihe National Collee of Chiropractic. Chicago, Smith Block Room 15.' Hours: 111 lo 12: i lo 5; 7 lo 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Pbone Hlue 85. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay 'you to consult us when you desire to sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PltlNGK IltJPKHT KX-GHA.VOK, Auctioneers. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Bur. Sell and Ki- ichafige New and SeromJaftrnJ floods. QUO. PAPADOPULI9, 839 Tblfd Ave. Phone M TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George. Paul or dust' Prompt Service nnd Comfort Day or Nk'.t Stand: 30SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Elock, Across from Kmnress Hole! trC-Ttt T tt tf PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ! Thursday, November 27 High ..... 1:10 a.m. 2l.n ft 13:30 p.m. 23.8 " Low 7:35 a.m. B.C " 2015 p.m. n.5 " Friday, November 28 II Kll 2:3.1 .1 rn 91 . I ri ' - v i a lt:2l p.m. 23.7 " I.nw 8:23 ii.im. 5.0 " 21:00 p.m. fi.7 " Saturday, NoVember 29 "fffh 3:21 a.m. 20.7 ft 15:05 p.m. 22.0 " 'fw 0:12 a.m. 0.5 " 21:10 p.m. j.3 " Sunday, November 30 4111 :ll a.m. 20.2 ft 15:53 p.m. 21.(1 " '"w 10:03 a.m. 7.3 22:35 p.m. 2.5 Monday, December 1 '"S" 5:0H a.m. 1 9.5 l5 48 p.m. itn.O ',nw If 58 n.m. HI 23 28 p.m. 3.U -I MAIL SCHEDULE For the East - t'.l ls,: nrdays, H ., , rrorn th East i Tueiln.. . days, at 4 i To Vancouver Tueatfays-- Mail clusi-. q n Saturdays n Friday. i T..P.R. N..wi.,i.. Frcm Vancouver Sundays p i Wednesday-Thnredays : P H. Snvetni .f To Anyox, Alice Arm, lun antf Premier edne.lii J Sunday " I J Frcm Anyoa. Alice Arm, Sum: and Premier : Tuevlays ft Fnda r Te Port Simpson and Nm Rlnr Pomte ' i From Port Slmoson Saturdays 11 Ta Alaska PolnU- Noeini. r .1 m. i From Alaska PoTn'ta November 7 uQ I lo Qten Charlortt 'Utand Poli .Nn ember Jl' , i Jl y From Queen Chaflptts U'vi Points ?Coeinber "7. C1X COLLECTION Pi fn .am Jl Allln A" 2 U IIS Ul Ave. A KiKhtfl t"J Iff Uh A. A Kultoil 3f 2.11 Itl th Ave. A Thump: n at f J3 M llth Ave. A Sherlif' . lu Av.. ilhtAW..VnonradS' ill l Cth Ava. 4 Hays J, ve Ar ,V Ml " nth Ave. A Hays Ci Circle . 2 ',9 I ih Ave. A Col ton St "5$ lil 5th Ave. A M. Hu t v "C.j t.H Pro. ttov. HhUs ;. a. 5 Prov. lov. Wharf 34 It) O.T.P. Wharf 3 IS " 2nd Ava. A. 2nd St .trsl Ava. A Ful on SI 3iJ f 3rt Avi. A 61b St " NOTipE Adverllsers are remised that copy for llsemenls should bt la tM Dally News offlce bttof 4 p.m. today to e nur f aavrl Inn crmut' tsi w- - sue. GERMAN COINAGE If'- IIRIIMN', No -T'" enpfennl." u l'' ?4" r 7 , .f ' hy Ihe rienienl.;nis ' ' 'durlna (he ran -IH' -M' (. infltlfoii period ift Illsnlion Will soob'f'M ti.e pt: rue vm. tV ruent has lias jus' a"""";- ,.t- Issuance of :)0.0fin.n worth of pfcnti u lo have the pre Br " yfh'irhsprennlg ' name