SPECIAL LIQUEUR A. H. M., 20 YEARS M"'"i i tit ....mm n f UIADIH A f T IBM I MET r r JmW I4CSM1L (- a U IUUUH IUUUH SJCif VIUlAMt IWMllMm. 14, DYMACDONi PCOTCH&tSM $4.75 Pr BotUt $5.25. Pk Bold. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. THROUGH SLEEPING The Canadian National Hail-way have made arrangement to operate 1uiii anil ntandard deeping emrm through from the , H'wifie kat to the ship' id i'"ifn- "f , )ionlr..l ami Halifa In Con- "" M ur.ry .il- - or. or Work Ael. Ifri rt,,,,,,, .V(.mHi.r and ee- i.) given '"Member. Full particular regard- " m'"' "I'MnlH lo j in, r-u.,, rrn-aliona. paport.. for III" IMnftr.; nrkH Oflsre. tfuiadian XatLr formation, at the; railway. Mm Tl.nl Ave.ue I'.mr.. Ilupert, mruiM Hri, lUou 200 tiiIht -'7. al 7.30 1 - iniiriiHl nrf cor-! io irofit. i J It MrMVItV i NOT'OL TkE KOTICK thai wlUUi thrlf 1J ' hnlrman or und tor mumriiv t.i cmmmvi raaa. " "4 frtjr ) fl in wMlb. T i K r. t' i VITKMIV i irjiMi.-. r,,,, rariMr Via i wan mw. F V FOS'U:n. ' mi) i.p.t. uw andnaMMitMd Mia- i, i , ., , . ,rral tUira. Ittr "Jtrt Ulf," "Col-l!'-ard r ljillmrnl.,aliiiir- rrariiuaal. "GoM (tv4,u -Tum i . , i jn .' Jirt--lar." "Klaf 0rf" tad 1 ' '9 "BrimM Ho K) mnalt. Ijrta MM i uan a ifc Eai MtVi of Tia Ana I - ll tilin U Miaia DtvtafcML CaMW 1 rlatMl pnAlBM rf M4 llati " -' - - - " , m m ;n mi 1 1 iin wn nmrnwr mmm or nan ... ' l rjtiit- ntf imi iutt for ta av .n ilui Ikr ' iraaHitiHliH) if pr fr.w ih OMnpaay - i" !. ia- iptmm MM wh lutar m Hi raaad 'i lolrtf-l. f ran .prif of n.mr..nd k IS Eatia' iijnM aiiK I io . iar mm i Eaaax? . AH, B.r... iat ttad "tat of f)rii4M-r. itfi.x imt.v sostao, t-ai rar tofta (MM VtaM I.M.. far CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicei Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MAFIY For Vancouver, Victoria, and 8eattlj ' Nov. 7, 21; Dec.. 5, 10 for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway Nov. 3, 17; Dec. 1, 15, 20 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. r BuUdale, 8wanon Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Age.icy for all Steamship Llr. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Cx'ntr of 4 8'reet and 3rd Avenue. P-lnce Ruc.rt. B.T- Musical Comtdy Given Last Night under Auspices of Elks Highly Commended Youth. Iiiaiiiy, rliylhiii, iiml art all ciiiiiliiiieil to inaki lait iiurlilV iireiwiilaiion uf "Tin (.iniiy Ikmi ' by liKtal lali'iil ii n h-r Irif lii fi Liiiii uf C II. I.fwi, ami miller lh Ml.-iltil'Prt of I he l''lk. an uiilatHiNlliiK 'ovcul in Iih'hI wiiialinr irfrrli'a. 'I'll ii-' ' i t ii tnirni fiw ii f I lie mark i i Im MiiiHtur ami many of ilir iiiurki of I In- irufiaaioiial. II VM-iil wilhoiil a hitch from Ik-khi-iiiiik to Pint hiuI it wan rurrii'il joul wijh that prri'lMion iicri-f.ai I in a lirmliii'liou of Mi ktml. I Vw enlfrtaiiiiui-nlK aial a xlronu-ly a Hit' mtiHirul roiuily ami th Meanly Shnii. a nivii lust mlil. wa an nii irinurtititi hihI from liHgiiiiiiiiK to (iiJ it wa plain lo( it raolurwl lbj auilinc. j Oiilxluiiilinic aftion? the rliar- ai'Ur) wan Ihul of ArbiiliJH llmlil, ! PADC Til CIIID'C Ctnr' ,W,"M' " "hop, or- jRlD 1U Olllr J olUb.lrayod with much akill an.!, elvniim by Art Haaxon. I'ux-j aibly lu onjf "All ii'pnil up ami .NowhPir In fo" wim lln lMMtrpi,'. tine or twin- it inf a if he wotibl Im rai-rii-i away by lhi meri-imeitl in can- j ed. but iiiohI of the time hi ad-! in If wan Hiileii.lid. If Mr. l'-aomi avr iIitkIc- lo jrivo up bankiiiK. be boulil I'aiily fiirtl a pifiliun waitirift him on the la.?i. Well Carried Out The Dart, of Vivian. Ir. lmlir prrrlary, wa earrb! out with ureal auavily by Mi A. IioiimIiI- kon, and I lie oiikh were well HUiipt. Uraeie Arkn)i a l.ola. the Spanih danrer inot eharminy. Her1 weel voire ami i manner eaplurel everyone. Mr.j I., ft. I.arin ha a trained voire' anil of ruurxe tier iusiiif wa on a litah plane. She twok the part of the nouvemr ilirl lo perfrr-tiorr. II ia imfoiW 4 ak of each one and yet all did I heir parU well. Min Jone a Anna HDttd. Minn Halagno and MotH morenry and lr. MrMillan a Natalie I'anafella. Mr- llnili-y, an a n I oil I cuxtomer, Mim SI. Cyr an runlo'lan of I be nhon and; Mr. Tong in a wina-ing part did eirellenl work. 1 or i lie mn in the eat othiM-i than tin- h-odin man. Will .Mil-, . liell wax an ideal ahiek iuier- j onalnii a SpaiiiHh dancer. IUIo Korlin a an attorney had a ditli-j roll tun not opertanilar part. ami i -uIhhkmI it well, lieorye Mit- ' i'hi-11 exrelleil a the Iriuiiipliant lover. Oharley Folxom made an ideal (rlran undorlNker. J Piniliw-MoK waf of roiSri' firi rale a-i the Corican iniikeopiT. and I-rank lhh, a rbairnian if the cifililor' rnininilleo: Alfrisl Plant h diielliot, Jack (ihh a I'balTiMir, and Alex Milrhill an at nnh all wiM'e iiulKlamling. The heuiily of the .whole per-j lorinai wax the. swinging lilt , I hat I'urrii'd everylhinK alonu.i The rhoni-i't wen well siiuk. the Sal unlay Arteriioon on Broadway." "When tin' llreililor.H ronie to llall" tiiiiI " "I'wkh in Seplein-Iwr"' a wi ll a the finale beinjr Great for a ()clail y,e GIN you Mill ask for ata in The 1'ihtiv rrrM i i mmm iin tii Stnciinrd of For Ovt'i" 100 Years. 1 II kil,,,'rliseui,nl the Cnlrol Board or by the fiuvern i8 ()l vvMM or .llnplaycd by I,.,unr mcH of British Columbia. TI1K DAILY NEW !nr Frvrt SANDY FIRST CLASS PRODUCTION Worth while finding WHISKY, ihouah mi m GOOD plentiful in 0 ds to'or kl W, bUIbl ll ml, ' (, uW km Until I jit H-" food ltii do but, ,m rid, lnM M lt4Xhlr I I plMi ol drllil h tfMl x sound i ''If rpt ii mat lew h H. d li'iW totem fd o.t "ttAJr Mm, 'tnd n IP particularly niorilorioux. Motir of Play The oiilMlnndiiii: motif of the play ronaisls in the ftlTorts of ereilitor!; to eollecl from Dr. Itiuld aivd tho etTorls of the beauty 'iloHnr to colle! (he money. in tloisien with which to pay hi debts U is replete with humorous situations and at limes becomes almost hilarious although not unduly so. There are choruses of oelety ladies, manicures, wives, sailor girls, businessmen, hairdressers, creditors and (iorsioan Johnnies, all picturesquely costumed and made up. The commendable feature was the sparsiyiess of .the . facial makeup compared wilh thai used in the moio nmaleiirisl productions. The value of the comedy last ninht depended more on th" art of the perfonners than on I he makeup. mere wero uireo aeis, one showuiir tbo Interior, of Iho beauty shop, one I lie Corsicau Inn and the third the seashore. Mr. Lewis the produeer, is to he highly., commended for his ex iii i ceiiem , worK. ne has given u number of Prince Hupert peoplo some excellent Iraininjr, helped to entertain n large number of pco pie and incidentally aided a good cause. The Klks were lucky ti et him. It is a pity lhal the play cannot be repealed asain after tonight a many will be un- j ter onions at 10 cents a bunch dressed farm poultry. Sprint aide to see it ami it is something are pleiutiul as are both red and j chickens sell generally al 23 that should not he missed. green cahhage and all the root! rents a pound, wilh the bst ! vegetables, all of which are sell- j grades r fowl al around the Advertise in the lially News ; ing at unchanged prices. I same price and turkeys at from I Then" was a good display- ofji.S to ;0 cents a pound. EGGS ARE YERY DEAR j IN NORTHERN ALBERTA! i KDMONTOX, Nov. 27. l.ggsj are very dear here just now.! Very few of the strictly fresh variety are offering and those. that come in sell at ninety to ninety-five rents h dozen, withi firsts ;r to 85 rent and a few! seconds brought 55 to 60 cents. lhitler is unchanged at 15 cents a pound for the majority of the offerings. i There is very little new on the market in the vegetable lines.: f.elery at to cents a pound. Brus--el sjirouts at ''S cents, and win-1 LAND 4UT. Quttn ChirloU Island Lind District. District oi rrinc nupari . Tike Viiice thai I, Ssimil Simpson, of ilM'rtt. B c . MTiiMllnn riMhrriiisn. In-1 Ir nil to spply fur r'rmissum to lie tt i i. iimwiii WKriim una: U'lnnitnciur i P"H pMmtrd ni-ar thr southeast corner of Mii'xfttl Ulauil. and tlionii- & i-liatna to low r mark: Uimhi flkwlnir low walpr utuk In a iKrlh'flrly ilirerllon a .ill" lann- of 08 i-halni (t mlk" ; tbfnf westerly 5 pMiih. Ihi'm-e snnittirrly at) rlialns II null" ti' t"st t ri.niinM-ini-nl ail ' 'nntalnlns; it. acres (more or Ims.. SAMl'KL SIMPSON. Applicant. relxr Xeay, Atcot. September, Ml, OUR Christmas lards this year nre the nicest we have ever had more rutor more variety more designs ami made up better than ever before. Prices range, from &e ea h for the ordinary ones to $1.50 each for Uio largo hautl-puiuled ones. Call in uuil make your elriice Uiay while the selection is best. ' ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists Third Ave. & Sixth St. Tho Rexall Store Phones 82 and 200 HA 4