Wednesday August 6, 1924. a S. Sr ArciouiMireoi lour Summer Milk Supply' A tfn f Klim llrnnd Powdered Whole Xlilk gives you pure fresh full cronm ,t,illf:4h moment you need it. Willi j,ii,In your cottiitJe, your oamp or yolir' oir you carry hh ever nvnilubio Boluti'f .tlioBUtnnicrmilkproblom. AH j-oiVnel ndd iswntor to obtain n ploijtifulHiipplyof richf tillcreammilk. nt. la Ju admlrsMy uitil lor infiiaUniul ru4 children ak your I it tar. CANADIAN MII.KFRODUCTS CA LIMII'KD Mantrrol Toronto Winnipeg I I 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Sold by Rupert Table Supply Co. aKeise Lou Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. JNuw open for service under management of Mrs. M. itn'VCn. Ideal place to spend jour summer holidays. Reasonable rales, Good home cooking. Comfortable rooms. Pishing, Hunting, Hulhing in Lakelse Lake nnd Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TAXI Mo! ors Operating Taxi and Launch Service between Terrace ami Lodge landing, assuring guests of quick, comfortable trip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of the. valley. J'or reservations and rates, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. Buy while Stock Lasts 2x4 ...... V. ........ .-; $17.00wper thousand 2" x 6 $17.00 per thousand 2x 8 . $17.00 per thousand Fence Pickets $1.00 per hundred Sidewalk Strips $100 per hundred Chimney Brick (hard brick) 5c each Lath, Shiplap, etc. Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Ltd Phone 361 August Clearance QrJ.!is ipsa S.ALE llFT7Tllifl!-5 jTB isEftnTI 1 FUMED OAK SUITE Consisting of 00-inch Huffet, Obluug, Ta.ble with elaborate tcelchor, niid Six Clinirs dorle in brown lenlher. - August Sale Price, $175 00 - 'TALIAN BROWN "GRAND MASTER" SUITE Jl' 'flOl'nl Oak. Comprises beautifully-designed Huffel, Oblong Tablf and Six Chairs in tealher. August Sale Price, $200.00 Barrie's Home Furnishings Phone 123. Local and Personal U.G. Undertakers. Hayners, UndfUkr 351. Phone 41 Phone tf . I 'riii cc Rupert Annual Exhibi tion, September U to 13. tf . Simpson's Shoe Sliop is open again. isliue repairing neatly done. Fifth Avenue and Mcllride. tf Mrs. A. V, Fisher of Ibe Savoy Hotel left on last night's train for Telkwa. Alex Connon of llazellon is booked to sail on the Prince George tomorrow evening. Union' freighter Cliilliwack, Capt. G. U. Smith, was in port overnight bound from Vancouver to the Naas river with a general! freight cargo. j I Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Alherleyj and Mrs. G. J. Atherley and child1 are sailing tomorrow 'night on the steamer l'riuce (ieorge for Vancouver. Entries for the Haby Show at Ibe Fair close September 5, but don't wait until then. Get your entry in now. Mrs. Whatman, sr., ? tlie Gardena last night toria on a holiday trip, return via Winnipeg. 182 ailed on for Vic-She will Miss E. V. M. HHebey is leaving tomorrow night' on a holiday trip to her former home in Prince' Edward Island. Alex Davie, formerly of this city and located at Anyox for the past few years, lias left for a months' trip lo lib old home in Scotland. . Xo more dirt, soot or ashes from coai. uonveri your siovo lo a giis range lty putting in an Oxo-gaM , burner . See displayed in H II. Hemming's window, or phone IJlack 120. 187 Indian Agent W. E. Gollison left this morning on the gasboat Uixic Rupert on a trip of inspec j lion lo ino bKeena lliver canner-tjics. He expects to return to the city tomorrow evening. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. (l.W.V.A. basket picnic to Iligby Island Sunday, August to. Ice cream, pop and candy for kids. IM. Hattalion in attendance. Hoals leave Fishery wharf, west of Prince Rupert boathouse from 9.30 a.m. 187 A kindergarten will be opened at St. Andrew's Japanese Mission, on September 9. Fully qualified director (Toronto Normal certificate) in charge. For lerms, apply mornings to 8 Summit Apartments. Phone Hlack ICG. 1183 ,loe Greer, president of the ! air Hoard; Hen Self, vice-presi dent, and R, E. Henson, manager of the carnival , oueen contest leave tonight for Anyox io make arrangements for Ibe egnlesl there and also for the bringing of football and baseball teams here from Ibe smeller town during Fall' Week. 4 - Mrs. Helen Nucicli of Alice Ann is in Ibe city today making ar-rangcint-nls for a trip to her for mer homo in the Old Country on which she will bo accompanied by her two daughters. Helen and Christina, who have been allend F. J. Horsey Vancouver; J. Armstrong, H. Denison and H. Wright. Anyox; W. Fairless, Slewarl; H. Quickslad, Victoria. 4 ft! Am 1 Healthy babies thrive on Eagle Brand and doctors recommend it in stubborn feeding cases. It is the natural food when because it is pure country milk with sugar added. Always uniform, digestible, nourishing. For Free Baly Bookt writ i Vfic l3enUv CaJimiUd PRESENTATION TO LIBRARIAN Miss Muriel Grant Recipient Handsome Gift on Retiring from Position APPRECIATION EXPRESSED of Book Club and Music Club Join With Library Board In Interesting Event Voicing the unexpressed senlU inents of the whole community representative ninmbers of the library board, the book club and the ladies music club last night gathered in Ibe public library at the close of the library board meeting and made a presentation lo Miss Muriel 'Grant on the oe casion of her giving up her posi lion in Prince Rupert as librar ian. Rev. G, 0. Hacker, chairman of the library board, on behalf of the three representative groups asKeu .miss iiram io accept a beautiful silver tea tray and a silver sandwich tray and these were handed to the recipient by Miss Macdonald and Mrs. J. Greer. Mr. Hacker spoke of the very elliciont work done by Miss Granf and also the geniality she bad put into her' work. He desired Everyone welcome. Hand of 102nd ,0 express the esteem in which members of the board and also members of the book club and music club held her. The small token was just to show in some tangible way" how they all felt. He hoped she would have a long, useful and happy life. Mrs. Kirkpatrick Uien presented Miss Grant with -'a lovely bouquet of Prince Rupert grown sweet peas. Book Club On behalf of the book club, Mrs. ltrady, president, spoke ol the help Miss Grant had given them. She had introduced them to many new friends in the book world. Ohe of these was James ltranch Cabell who in one of his hooks . told them of the' power of thought. How potent a power, she said, was a .library with an elliciont librarian at its head. Mrs. JL L. Mcintosh, president of the music chuisaid when she entered the library firsl Ibe atmosphere was too bright and beautiful to last. She wished to join with the others in praise of the work done by Miss Grant. H. F. Pullen spoke of the early efforts of the promotion nf Mm ing school here. 'She expects to ',ibrrtl"y which bad now. become leave Alice Arm about August 21. t- HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert an esiumisneu institution in the cjly. Miss Helen Stewart of Vic toria had given them" jm a a her valuable timo return here lo live she would make an excellent member of the library board. Mrs. Kirkpatrick told of. what a great pleasure it had been to know the librarian. Miss Grant made a feeling re ply in which she thanked the three organizations for the beautiful present and also for the appreciation they had expressed. She said she had enjoy' ed the work here very much and would always look back willi pleasant recollections to the two years sue nau speni in prince Rupert. New Librarian Miss Violet Mortimer, the new librarian, who takes up the work at the beginning of next week, said she realized what a dilllcult tiling it would be io follow Mis Grant in the position, but she would do her best and with the co-operation of the board she felt sure they would make the library a credit to the city. She spoke appreciatively of the work that had been done here. Compared with other places of about the same size in California they bad a good record. At the meeting of the board which preceded the presentation formal resolution of apprecia tion was ordered to be sent to Miss Grant 'by the secretary. This it was thought might be useful if at any time she should return to the profession she was leaving. ColTee, cake and sandwiches were served by the ladies at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickers and daughter, Miss Edna Vickers, are, sailing tomorrow evening by the-' steamer. I'rincji George .fwr Vancouver on a holiday trip. Mrs. E. H. Mortimer left for Kilwansa where she will be the guest of Captain and Mrs. Clivc. Mr. and Mrs, Sain Massey of Prince Rupert, Miss Massey of New York City are returning to the city on Hie.. Princess Alice this afternoon after a trip to Skagway. G.P.R. steamer Princess Alice, Gapt. Ormiston, southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, will be in port tills afternoon from 3.30 to 6 o'clock. No passengers will embark here, all space .having been sold in the north. MANY CASES TRIED AT PORT ESSINGTON Heavy ..Fines .are ..Imposed on Liquor Suppliers and Native Drunks also Penalized Cases were tried over the week-end at Port Essington by Justices of the Peace Dr. William Sagar and W. G. Taylor with the following.results; Alfred Heikkuri, white, supplying liquor to Indians, fined $50 and cost. Peter Angus, Indian of Hazel-ton, drunkenness, fined $15. Louisa Danes, Indian of Hazel-ton, drunkenness, fined $5. Jacob Morrison, Indian of Hazelton, drunkenness, fined $50. Martin Paulson, white, supplying liquor to Indians, fined $300 or six mouths imprisonment. Chan My, Chinese, supplying liquor to Indians, fined $200 or four months' Imprisonment. FISH VALUED AT $776,568 Cockeye Salmon For Month of July Worth Almost as Much as Halibut Fish valued at $770,508 was caught during the month of July week of in (ll0 priuco RUpcrt district, ac- in oiganizincr ...ii.. ; . , .. r. .. .. . II,.. nntl.t.nin-n .1... UM,1 l" 1UIU1.18 fcjMCH, I r.. ... irenimey ami .Mrs. 1 1 o I o 1 1 r " j" ' ' ieasi 0ut lncay today. Tll0 iargest ueich. Alice Ann; A. E. Hallock, 'e ' rendered was in llpm of this) wag gulmo1l caUKUl Prince George; E. Lewis, Anyox; Mi" "mt as Librarian. on lhe skeeua and Naas Rivers. H and N. Murchie, oU'u .prumwi sue would send Following Is the detaili w. Olson. Smith- """"i".' "u sue nau ers; J. Armstront', Victoria. Central F. Hanson, W. Forsberg and J. Winberg. Vancouver: E. I,. EMORRHOIDS Do not suffer another day with. Itching, ISleodlnc, or Trotrudlng Tiles or Hemorrhoids. No surgical operation requ'red. Dr, Chase's Ointment will relievo you at once and afford lasting; benrfU. 60s a box; all dealers, or hMmanson, Bates & Co Limited, Toronto. Sampl. box free. uone. so. .Mr. pinion said he wish, oil lo testify to the good service, given by the librarian by her per- sisieui and painstaking work in a quiet unobtrusive way. f Best She Had G. W. Wilkinson, who was also one of The active organizers of I lie library,, spoke appreciatively, He said Miss Slew-art had promised to send ihoni lhe best lihrariau ;she had ami be was sure .dir. had done this, James Hlack seconded what the. others had said ,atid ' suggested that i' Mja- -rani should ever Hlack cod, 411 cwts., valued at $5,322. Red cod, 10 cwts. valued at $10. Halibut, $32,153 cwts., valued at $315,138. Salmon, 01,525 cwts., valued at $125,792. THE CONSTANT ADVISErt " You arc 'constantly advising your friends ' lo lake more exer- ise," "Yes. I'm going to.let my friends try; it out first, and sec whether the-Idea is any good." Washington ' Star. 1' PAQ1 THRU. No. 1 A Autographic Kodak, Special Pictures 2V x 4 inches With Kodak Anastigmat lens .6.3 and Kodamatic Shutter This model represents the latest achievements in photographic refinement. The most exacting amateur finds in the No.lA Autographic; Kodak, Special, every aid to good pictures. . TJnusual photographic equipment such as the Kodak Anastigmat lens.6.3 and Kodamatic shutter with accurate automatic speeds ranging from 12 second to 1200 second is contained in. a case of exceptional beauty genuine sealskin leather covering and nickeled appointments. You ought to see this Kodak. You'll find one at our Kodak counter Ormes Limited THE, REXALL STORE Phones 2C0 and 82 Third Avenue Canadian Natipnal Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engjners, Machinists, Vollfrmaksrs, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 385. SHOE FASHIONS OF THE SMARTER KIND ONYX FAULTLESS FITTINC FOOTWEAR ONYX There is an appreciated touch of novelty and smartness in the much admired ONYX styles. Made in Patent Coll, Kid, Calf Skin and Calf Suedes and Batins. Priced at $7.50 to $11.50. Family Shoe Store mm Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. What's in a Name? When it's "Cascade,"" there's all the difference between just ordinary "beer" and the most wholesome, satisfying drink a thirsty man could wish for. "Cascade" is brewed', bottled and guaranteed by British Columbia's model brewery. Get the Name Right Get Satisfaction "Vh 73k t Beer without uPeer This advertisement is uot published or displuyed by the. Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ,