I . Sweep Willi a broom then r a t Up a carpet swreprr. i ne ir lookJ pretty clean. . . i . -1 .. ii.,. biW use upon ii a iiiiiivrr fiction Sw(eper nml il will quickly fleiKonslralod fn i . i . f..i.iu iiur jiounnKeeHiiiK iiiieui- fiicp 'hat thorough clcan- ions nml gnnitaUiJn can be tcirii modern tily i-lbmi Su'ch a laftur savor. ii, .pi usTte"iflontrale one in lur limiw- -old as low as 1.75 per month. laien Hardware Co. The Handy Amly Store. In 3rd' Ave. Phone 3 Hardware, and Sporting Goods Agents for Kossard Front Lacing torsets and Brassieres iailuale Oossard Filter in Charge. ,S .Wallace Co! Ltd llrtf Ant. A Fulton Street. ANCE At the, Auditorium iiday Evening, Aug. 8th liasson's Orchestra. Refreshments served. intlemen $1.00; Ladles 50c Phono Block 440. F. Marren, Proprietor. targains Summer Dresses TOWERS" Pone 27. P.O. Box 327. lerling Furnace GOAL Dtllxrtd In Bulk. At S1 0.00 per ton. Thlj is 9 very superior furnice il. It rlvi't a 'Clean hot fire iml MUlrvly free from soot, cllnkern, 'k and dirt. Some of the laritett '"" plant In; trie city ar now i'iHs " wl,n 'entlr,lr Usfaitory ITERLINQ STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sack. At S12.E0 per ton. p re also Aents for the Famous PDYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. rmce Rupert Goal Go. fin Ofrii Haiti onlrl. Phon IS - T V y LAND ACT. I of Inttntlon to Apply to Li Land. i.uarioiio lo(t jaianii i.nnn nisiriri, Inir Iiwtfi,.. U. t..i...n it......!-. U.C. i GREEN CORN IS NOW ON MARKET market tin week is areen corn retailing at 2 for 15c. The quality is exlra choice. Cucumbers are now roming in more plentifully with prices averaging frnn ific to 25c according U size. Apricots are practically over for this year. 'Shipments have been ry pour, more lhan fifty n. I . nn- Miijijuiiii . . . "toCinoon Pure Hulk Lard '. 17 c Cheese " Ontario 'solids ... .. ..... 30c Stilton, lb. 35c Kraft 15c (Wisconsin Brick, lb. ... .i COo jSwiss Loaf i 75c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort ..... 90c 'Kilam, lb. 50o Eggs Alberta, Fresh Seconds . . . 30c Alberta, Fresh Firsts 10c I B.C. Fresh Pullet K.xtras ... 10c B.C. Fresh Firsts 45c B.C. Fresh F.xtras . . . . .... 50c. i . i v... t .i.i .n.. New Beets, 3 for New Carrots, 3 for ... .... New Wax Heans, 2 lbs New (Ween Peas, 2 lbs. ... , . Yakima Kutabagoes, 4 lbs, .. B.C. New Carrots, 4 lbs. . . B.C.. New Beets, 4 lbs. ... ... Bunch Turnips (straight) ., Cauliflower, head, 25c, 30c & Cabbage, H.C flrceniCorn, 2 beads 15c B.C. Head Lcltucc 10o Oarlic. imoorted, per lb. ... 50o Tomalocs, B.C. botliouse .. 35c4 Rhubarb, outdoor, lb Goi Parsley, per buncl jo flreen Onions, 2 bunches .... 5c Hndish, 3 bunches ... .... 10c CucunVbers, ea., 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c Fruit Oranges, Sunkist, doz 35c to 85c Lemons, Sunkist, doz. 30c lo 40c Bananas, 2 lbs..(pr Jc (Irapefruit, Calif., 3 for ... Comb Jloney i0c til,i'...nr" Tow '"'! GNUm". Island. tin(.n,ot.ria h'ikol t i.aspiicmes, IUSKCI Norir.E that i, OeorKe w. uow- -o laiinurlilKfl Street, Vancouver, ; oecupaiiun umnuraeiurer. IntcniU to ror permlxaliMi to learo Ilia rnllow-w'serlboj, ,iimdin Cnnimrnclnir at a planted tmar the root or Tow lllll. -iiib, thenre northerly to low water ' westerly foiiowInK low water . Hcn,ln,i thence southerly thren i. thence easterly 80 chain to point nmienceinent and containing 15 acres. or lean. - OKOnOK W. DOWMN0, I Applicant, F lMn. TIIITTrTU l..nl e. June , ln, erate Apples, Oravensleins, I Cooking. 3 lbs. for t . 10c. 25c ,25c . 5c 355 10c Extracted Honey, per lb jc Strawberries, 2 boxes for ... 2oc Cherries, lb , ... ... c Canteloupes, each . . 20c and 25c Watermelon, lb 12Vic Fresh Plums, per lb. .... 25c per basket ... ... ... $1.00 Freestone Peaches, per doz. . 10c Anricols. crate $1.85 I'ears, uoz. ... ... ... COc 15c $2 to $3 lbs. 25c or... , , , . -.-it Dried Fruits Dales, bulk. 3 lbs u Dates, Dromedary 30o llnl. -.Ins. bulk, ne.r lb 150 Itaisins. uackauo. Ib 20o Drained Cherries, lb. ... ..... 75o Spanish Clus'ter Raisins Lemon and Orange Peel . . jCllron Peel Almonds per cent arriving over-ripe and, While, per 100, unsaleable, HuKpberry shipments received from Terrace and interior points Ibis year have' niore. (ban trebled those of any former season in volume." Quality lias been, good bul demand only fair. II has bien practically a buyers market the past few weeks with sales being as low as $2 per crate for overripe stock and $3 per crate for Ao. 1 berries t lirazils and filberts Walnuts, California No Walnuts, Manehtirian Chestnuts, lb. ... . Peanuts , Around Alrnohds Almond Paste Sugar Yellow, per 100 .... . . . Flour Flour, 4'J'ji, No. l bread Pastry Flour, 49's WHITEBEARS 40c 40o ..55c Illack Cooking Figs 25c White Figs .. ... .. ....... 15c Little Demand For Good Rasp- ).nines 20c-25c berries Canned Goods Are Apples .. ... .. 25c Golnfl to be High raches.'Vc'eied 7. .V. 2Za he fcalure of Hm puoi.-iJ.io n. ,, . , . HIIUIB, III. ... ... ..... ZJU Nuts 25c . .. 25e 40o 25c 35c 20c 85c 75c $8.75 $2.10 $2.35 Fish Hed Salmon, fresh, lb. ..... 25c Halibut, lb. .. 15c to 25c jSmoked Kippers, lb 15c Kippered Salmon, lb 25c Smoked Illack Cod, lb 20c Finnan lladdies, lb 25c Salt Mackerel, lb. 25c SI raw berries are almost over f Eastern Sal Herring, 2 for .. 25c for 1921. When returns are 11 .Salt Codfish Fillets, lb 30c in if is doubtful if the growers Boneless Salt Cod bricks, lb. 25c will have averaged as well as in HnllaniJ Herrings, per keg $1.05 previous years. (This was due to' Meats the glut Uhich usually occurs fnr;FowI Xo. 1 lb 30c a period of two weeks when prices .Roasting Chickpn, lb. 10c and i5c drop lower than the cost of pro-,lam sliced, first grade .... S5c duction and everybody but tbe,,nrn' whole, first grade ... 35c consumer Is bit. The rainy 'Bacon, back, sliced 45c season this year also hurt sales. Bacon, side 35c to 45c Many crates arrived which had n Ayrshire Bacon, lb 35c be sacrificed on arrival for ber ries picke.l when, wet will not sland up 21 hours. Housewives who are not preserving Ibis year in the hope of gelling low priced canned goods K. C. O. . Vanderhoof , . ,. . . , Dairy No. 1, 2 lbs. for Lard Pure , veal, shoulder 130 Veal, loin . ... 35c Veal, leg 25c! Pork, shoulder . 25c Pork, loin .. 30c Pork, leg 30c are going to be disappoinled. II ,,eer' pot roast. 0c lo 5c is doubtful if the peach pack will Beef boilinS 8c to 10c be more, than 25 per cent of nnr-jneef' sleak 25c to 35c mal. Canned fruits are going to l!eef' roasl primd rib 25c be much hiuher this ven r I h n n Inst and a shortage may occur in some lines. The market.,-report this week records a decrease in the price of sugar -and the much heralded ad- vanco in flour. Butter' Wheat. No. 5 Alberta . . 45c Oats Brookfjeld ami Shamrock, 2 lbs. Hian . j. (wc Miorts RUitton, leg 35c Mutton, chops ,.v ;.. 35c Mutton, shoulder . ... k. 22c Lamb, leg . 45c Lamb, chops ... .... 45c Lamb, shoulder ... ... ... 28c Feed 100 lbs. $3.25 $2.65 $2.00 $2.10 Out in Beacon Hill Park today, so timid that ho climbed a tree at Ihe first sight' of a horse, is a little white bear that is worth ...iwu, ""v,hi, Weight New Potatoes, 8 lbs ... Walla Walla Onions, 4 lbs. 25c Walla Walla Onions, sack $1.75 FROM NORTH Specimen of Ursus Kermodei Secured from Princess Royal Island in gold says a Vic- tittn nnlinii llna n mnilnal nn iiKsiiiiMiiK ill lie. n'liow ami io iook at him it would hardly seem thai zoologists t lie world over . nA I have beeii looking for one of bis orjl-ind'or (wenly years and would or pay a small fortune for him ,r,J But the little bear is going to VSl EUIEY llWBi slay In British Columbia. There isn't the slightest chance of bis going away,. -regardless of the oilers that may be'. made for him, according to M., B. Jackson, chairman of the panic Conservation Hoard. Extremely Valuable "We know lfe Utile fellow is exlreniely valuable, but there isn't enough money to buy him, po far as the Game Hoard is con. eerned," Mr. .Jackson told The Colonist. We, will kVep him at Beacon Hill long enough for Mr. Kermode, curaiorjnrijhe museum. . .. io mane a inorougn onservaiion of the bears., habits ami after that we aren't .eeflain whern ho will go, but it' wotf't be outside this Province." ; Meanwhile the while bear . Urus Kermodei, isrfthe scientific name because Mr, Kermiide ilis- covered the siieciesis makinc the hesl of things in a strange world. Following 'the announce ment in yesterday's .Colonist that the only while bear ever in cap tivity was now at . Beacon Hill hundreds of people went out to visit him in Iheiiark. He is only a cub, about seven ' monlhs old. and because he had been a captive since his young days he is becoming accustomed to t lie sight of human lieings. He. seemed to enjoy performing' for the specta tors yeslerday and jumped about bis cage lo the delight of tbe children who watched his antics for hours. The bear djd not seem lo mind the presence of a mountain goat, either, but lie displayed a pronounced dislike for a stray horse Captured by Indians How (he bear was captured by Indians last spring on Princes Hoyal Island was . told to The Colonist last night' .by Max E. Lobbrunner, big game hunter, who lives at 1215 Dominion lload. I was cruising northern waters on the way ;lo Alaska when I heard '.about I he find," said Mr. L"ohbrunm?r." A couple of Indians had been bunting in tbe mountains of the island, go ing towards the sky-line about 1,500 feet above sea level. That Is where they came across the little bear with another cub and its mother. The two cubs climb uc Harley $3.00 ed a tree while the old one moved 3c Poultry Mash $3.55 oft". One of the Indians climbed '5ci 1 jup after them. One dropped off ( The passenger train, due from a limb, and joined the mother, Ihe hast at 4 o'clock this after-'but the other snarled and bit at Is renorled on limp. the Indian and was captured. When she heard her cub squealing for help Ihe mother returned, bul by that time Ihe Indians were on their way with their captive securely tied. The return to the village created a sensation. Kveryone was talking about the while bear, when I reached the island. I knew how rare while bears were, but the Indians had some idea of their value too, because they lmlked when I offered $00 for it. Finally I offered $75, saying I was in a hurry to start norlh again, bul they continued to haggle and 1 left them. When I went back lo the Queen Charlottes' nu the way south a halibut fisherman lold me the Indians had sold the. bear finally lb a while man fop ?G0," Afler IhaJ the provincial police became interested in the future of the priceless cub and brought him lo Victoria, This advertisement ia not published or displayed, jiy Ihe Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia: Yours truly, John Smith A LL the world despises an anonymous letter. We like a man to sign his name to what he writes. But did you ever think that unknown merchandise is anonymous? Nobody to vouch for it. No name signed. Notice the advertisements in this paper. There in bold print are the names of those who stake their reputations stake your good-will towards them on the truth of what they have written. The maker of advertised goods realizes that he might fool you once but never the second time. His success is dependent upon your continued confidence in what he says in the advertisements. Read the advertisements with confidence. They tell truths that you should know. The measure of satisfaction is larger in advertised products Not an Albino Urus Kermodei is of a lightj cream color and has brown eyes, j proving that be is not an albinoj pr "sport." Until his capture scientists declared that the while bears killed by an expeiMlion on Oribble Island to the north in 1901 were the only specimens in existence. Hut Mr. ' Lohbrunner doesn't believe that. "I know Ihe islands and their game well and have explored them for years and I know that there are - more while bears there," he said. "The white bear is not an albino. I know a.11 about albinos. They are freaks, just as you get a freak white chicken in a selling of black liens' eggs. I have seen albino wolves and albino otters, albino rabbits and minks and I've heard of albino racoons. All albinos have pink eyes and the while bear has brown ones," Origin of Bear Mr. Lohbrunner has a theory of the origin of the white bear, too. "People are. inclined to think of the polar bear when they see a While bear like Ibis one." ho said, "and scientists will say that there is io relationship between the two, claiming that there is a closer kinship between the white, bear and the black. There are plenty of blacks on Princess Hoyal Island, bul no grizzlies. The head may not bo like tbe polar bear's, but the paws of the white bear at Beacon are like fish in Ihe water and their- paws are wide. So aro the aws of the white bears at Beacon Hill. My idea is that many, many years ago some polar bears lost their way and headed soulh out of the Arctic regions, I believo that year? of inbreeding pro duced the white bear of Princess Hoyal and 'dribble Islands. Inbreeding has produced a cariboo on Queen Charlottes no bigger lhan a doer." fii ft rivn. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART . .. Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skldegate and nil ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGtvR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. t.eavs rrlnce ltupert i.bo run. ror PniNCE CEOnOE. EnMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, United States. AOENOY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcklt Offle, 528 Third AM, Frlnc Rupart. Phon ZSO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle-August 2, 6, 13, 16, 23, 27 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, 8wanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. . Full information J'rotri. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing's rrom, Prince nupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swansoi, Bay, and AUri Bay, Tutaday, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and 8wanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, WaWs Island, Sunday, 8 P.M. Por PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlvtr Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 823 2nd Anu. i, Barnalay, Agant. Prlnea Rupart, B.O.