Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rate of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Rates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship . Agency. Prince Rupert, B.O. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr.E..S.TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 te i. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Per Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading - Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. - M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Heady to Wear S18.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 774. P.O. Box 958 ,T EDSON GOAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson Goal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick .delivery. Prince Ruperl'Feed Go LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.0. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning "Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde Street. BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE LEAGUE BASEBALL 5-3. . St. Louis-Pittsburg, rain. American Leaque SI. Louis I, Chicago i. Cleveland 3-1, Detroit 7-20. A . SUMMER SPORTS AT not particularly agreeable for the playing of the many outdoor games indulged in hereabouts, I lie schedules have been practically completed. The baseball season closed with the Elks win ners of both medals and cup, em blematic of the 1924 championship. Football -has yet a couple of hard games to go, with the possibility of a lie or two thrown in for good measure, and will create some interest for a little while at Ijfast. , The year l'J24 has been the best football year Anyox ever experienced, the (earns were always fielded at full slrength and were all ready to go when the referee's whistle blew on the sched uled day, and the fans witnessed as high an average of football as they would see' anywhere on t(ie British Columbia coast, the Beach team, by defeating the Mine in the cup tie game got into tho final for the trophy with the Smelter. This game wasjiardly fought and through an oversight on somebody's part bad to be re played, Thursday of this week being the date set for a, decision; The basis of the protest entered by1 the Beach was that the odd goal was scored several minutes after lhe time set for the half time whistle, actually ten minutes overtime having been played. A meeting of the- football executive allowed the protest under the ircumstances. The game between the Mine and the Smelter for the mpdals resulted in a draw, neither learn having any advantage in the play, each team scoring a goal. WEATHER SPOILED GAMES ANYOX, Sept. C The weather spoiled the baseball play-off for the Granby Contpany silverware. It was to have been a three oul of five series between the Elks learn, winners of the league, and lhe Smeller team, runners up Two. games were played, the Elks winning both. After two atlonrpts to give the "Brother Bills" a run for the silver, the Smelter man ager decided to forfeit, the 192 i baseball honors. ' s r i i PAGE FOUR THE DAILT NEW? Miiur.iay. S.m.l-i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuj i v SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY National League Chicago 1, Cincinnati 3, . Brooklyn , Boston 0. New York G-15, Philadelphia, ANYOX COMPLETED Elks Win Medals and Cup For Baseball; Replay Yet In Football ANYOX, SepL " E. -r Although the weather has been of a brand HERE AND EVERYWHERE Sport Chat BOXING, Empresb Theatre, Thursday, Sept. II, 9.15 p.m. Joe .Manilla of Ketchikan v.. Brick Skinner of Prince 'Rupert. -214 r The sport program for Fair Week lfas been finally fixed. Tbtjre will be visiting baseball teams from Anyox and Ketchikati and a football learn .from Anyox. TJie schedule of games has already been announced. Ben Self, chairman .of the Fair Hoard's sport committee, has wired loathe various towns. asking Tor lists of line-ups.. These will be publish ed on arrival! ' . Ketchikan has been invited to bring a lug-af-war team to pull With the local cily team. It i.s not anticipated that there will be any dillicrily in finding a good re presentative of Alaskans among the large party of excursionists who are coming from Ketchikan. Another feature has been added Jo the week's program in the form of a championship fish box nailing contest. Twenty-five dollars in prizes will be olTered. The contest will take place fn the Exhibition Hall on Wednesday or Ihursday night. A large number of entries are. expected from among the local fish pack ers. Whether or not Keicliikan will be entitled to compete for the Exhibition Board's cup significant of Northern B.C. baseball championship remains to be determined. The trophy is now held by Anyox and Ihere will be it least competition, for it be tween Prince Rupert and Anyox. Trap shooting teams have been invited from Ketchikan, Anyox and Ocean Falls but it has not yet1 been definitely ascertained how many, if any, are coming. In 'the meantime, members of the Prince Rupert Gun Club are preparing for them. All lhe local boxers Skinner, Eraser, Stewart, (iurvich, Warren and Boulter who will engage in the tournament Jo be staged next week, are working out nightly in the 102nd. Regiment Hall. Any persons interested are invited to attend and see lhe. boys in action, Joe Manilla of Ketchikan, who will meet Brick Skinner in the main event next week, will arrive in the ciJy on the Princess Alice this afternoon, lie will work out in (he Elks Home, lhe hours to be announced later. , Advertise in. the Dally News. FOOTBALL TENNIS SWIMMING PORT SIMPSON aw l j ATHLETES WIN Came Homo from Klncollth With Cups Representing Baseball and Football Champlon-4 . ship The V.P.K.A. of Port Simpson returned home this week from Kineolilh, Nnas River, with two silver cups which Ihey won on Labor Day as a result of their athletic prowess defeating fireen. ville and Gitlakdamiks baseball and football teams respectively in final championship matches. The cups-had been put up by the Senior Society of Kineolilh last year. The (Trcenville. baseball stars received a setback in their cham pionship aspirations by a score of 7 lo 2 at the hands of the following Fori Simpson team: Charlie Greenup; Robert San-key, c; Willie Kelly, ss.; Joshua McKay, lb.; Wilfrid Booth, 2b.; James Lawson, . 3b.; Edward Bryant, rf.; Willi- Johnson, cf.; Robert Cooper, Jf Port Simpson also lived up to its reputation at football defeating the heavier but less aclive (iitlakdamiks learn by a score of 3 to I. In the. evening the Senior Society of Kineolilh entertained the visiting teams in their ball where the prizes were given out. Then there was a dancp, splendid music being furnished by the Society orchestra. MARRIED LADIES AT ANYOX BEAT SINGLE ANYOX, Sept. C The second game of the Married and Single ladies' baseball teams on Labor Day furnished lhe biggesl inter est of the season to a large crowd who galhered al lhe ball park to see the battle. The-play ers kejd lhe fans on llieir toes all the wny," treating them to all kinds" of snappy plays. Hitting was the bUr feature of the game, Mesdames Dwyer, Ferguson ami Wenerslrom bping the mighty swatters for lhe Married girls, while the Misses Calderone and Keith slugged 'em hard for the Single girls. This-game did not quite finish, and while the score, al the lirm- lhe game stopped on account of darkness in the sixth inning, was fourteen all, lhe cold-blooded rules of baseball awards (he gamp to lhe leant having lhe most runs nl the end of the fifth, the Married ladies being ahead in this British Consols r20 For 25b iberlhi fn hr Dailv News, or ws Cigarettes per smoke O jjtz either size package r Daily OFFICE FOR RENT with modern living quarters. Weslenhavet Bros. tf FOR RENT. Two large apartments down town near Post Otllce. Apply Stork's Hardware. If FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rates and homo com-forts. If FOR RENT Four room, modern, healed apartments. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Ofllcc, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If AUCTION SALES. Goods Bought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 136 and Red 442. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone .(Call George, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acrrss from Emnress Hotel Keep It Quiet I Yom ar is as old as it sounds GOODYEAR TIRES ' for Fords from $8.750 $17.00 Renalrlng, Vulcanising', Gas and OH Modern Wrecking Equipment KAIEN GARAGE Our Vork Speaks for Itself. CALLIES BEAT SONS ENGLAND Stuart Shield Football Game Last Night Resulted In Score of 3 to 1 The Callics won last night's Sluart Shield football game from the Sons of England by a score of 3 lo 1. lhe former turned out News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrartlMirant Tak4n for Less than BOc WANTED FOR SALE WANTED. Boy, age 15, wants! FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. work. Prefers to learn trade1 but willing to work P.O. Box 10. lu store. 209 WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone C52. WANTED. Smneone with a little cash lo open up business. Father! If you have a girl who would make a saleslady for the front store, see S. E. Sticknay, Candymakcr, 523, Third Avenue. FOR RENT FURNISHED Room with bath for rent. 212 Ninth Avenue East. 212 FOR RENT. Four rooms and hath. Phone lied 119. If (FOR SALE. Old papers by. the bundle. Daily News office, tf FOR SALE Wilton rug, springs. cooking, utensils and dishes Apply No. 2, McMordie Apts before 2 p.m. 210 FOR SALE. Furnitur Solid Solid oa oak room flat dining room suite, brass bed, china cabinet, oak dresser. Apply after C p.m. No. 2, Levin Apis. 210 ROOMINO HOUSE for Sale; cen tral location; steam heat: cheap rent; rooms always full; Owner. Write P x 202 Daily News. tf FOR SALE AND RENT. Six rooms, modem, $12.00 per month. Household furniture complete for sale nl a bargain. Apply 210 Ninth Ave. West. Parkview Apt. 210 FOR SALE. Sixteen room room ing house and store; all fnr-nished. Full sized bas-menl with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building vis right In front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue, tf FOR SALE Ford Runnbout De livery; in good running order; $200.00 cash. Also several other good buys in used cars. S. E, Parker, Ltd. " tf FOR SALE Two used Ford en gines; suitable for, conversion for marine use. $50.00 each. S. E. Parker, Lid. FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and in good condition; $250.00 cash. S. E. Parker, Ltd. FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Boats and Engines. Northern Exchange. If FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Buy, Sell and Exchange New and Secondhand Ooods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 lo 12; 2 lo 5; 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Phone Blue 85. the full eleven men while, lhe. Sons only had nine. Thirty min ute halves were played and the game finished in lhe dnrk. The Cnllies m,adetwo scores in the first half and lhe last in the second. The score for lhe wns made shortly before the final whislle. Tom Jones refereed, A. Clap- nerlon. and J. ?. Kelly were linesmen arid lhe learns look the field as follows: Sons of England O. Shenlbn; D. Howe: P. Cameron. George Kelsey and Bales; Miinro, Dickers, Tinker anil Harlness. Callies D. Smith; Cochrane nnd II. Hamilton; J. Sims, J, Harris and S. Currlc; Eldor, J Andrews, M. Andrews, W. Hamilton and R, Woods. 'The Sluart Shield slnndipg to dale follows: W. R.ofG 4 Callies .. ..2 O. W. V. A. ..1 S. of E 0 D. 0 1 I 0 L. Pis. 0 i 8 2 G 1 3 4 0 FOR SALE IIOATS of everv datariplinn u able for work and plfu All In firsl class cr.riditu.n Apply " N. M. MflA.Ci,w fia, ' 211 MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays 'and Frt. days, closes at 3.45 p.m From the East- Mondays, Thursdays and Sit. urdays, 4 p.m. To Vancouver-Mondays, mail closes at 10 P.M. Tuesdays, Mall closes at 4 P.1 Thursdays iq pj Saturdays Saturdays C.P.R. Sept. J, 0 ar.d 16, From Vancouver-Sundays Mondays Wednesdays Fridays Fridays C.P.R. Sept. I am) L To Anyox, Alice Arm-: Wednesday Sundays From Anyox, Alice Arm- From Port Slnipion Tuesdays Saturdays To Alaska Points Sept. I nnd 1? From Alaska Points Sept. 3. C and I fit To Massett, Port Buckley Bay Monday mail c!oe From Massett, Port Buckley Bay Ur..ln...lo It! (ill ill I P. Simpson-Thursdays - From Naat River Polnte- z ''aturdays -rr BOX COLLECTION nraiiam A Allln Avf. 1st Ave. Eighth St Gth Ave, A Fulton St. 8th Avo. 4 Thompson st.' 1 1th Ave. A Sherbrooke Ave 1 Hit Avo. AConrail Sloth Ave, it llnys Gove Ave nth Ave. & Hays Cove Circle 8 h Ave. & Cotton St, 5lh Avo. A McBrideSl. Pro. Gov. Bhlgs. Pro'v. Gov. Wharf G.T.P. Wharf 2nd 9nd Ave. Ave. i & 2nd znu m t Al 10 P.M. P. I 3 P.1 1 .3 P.l All 3 PJU .9 P..V. 1 P.M. Tuesdays .Px. Thursdays . .P. To Stewart and Premier- Sundays .1 PJL Fridays M From Stewart and Premier- Saturdays .... Tuesdays .. -To Port Simpson-Sundays - 1 Thursdays ... 10 JUL Clements, To Skldegate, Q. C. wi South Island Points Wednesdays, P.m, Pram Skldaaate. O. C, South Island Points- ClemenU, mail cIosm Saturdays, mail due . . Maam Naas Rlvaf POlntS! ' To JUL it M. S.I5 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.0 i.5 150 2.55 3.00 3.5 3.10 3.15 3.20 It 0 0 1.35 .! 8.1 0 855 9.10 0 9,!5 , 3rd Avo. & Fulton SI. J- 9ii it Lie "A. A. Easson (lie 'local branch o ' M e ,gi Bank, leaves on Ih" ffiJ train for Telkwa. vtaf" J tj be' relieving mnnagor ticxt month. .